Fresh Wife in Your Arms: Mo Shao, Be Gentle

Chapter 773: Thrilling


Although Mo Liqin was injured and hurt, as a man who often fights, he can bear all the pain.

Lin Qu was so anxiously scolded, he was not angry, only said: "I hid and protected my face. I hurt my arm for a few days at most, and the scar on my face became ugly. What can I do? Those girls who like me will cry to death!"

Lin Qu has opened the alcohol bottle and used a cotton swab dipped in alcohol to clean his wounds. He was afraid that broken glass slag might be left in his flesh, so he was carefully searching with tweezers.

Hearing his words, he moved for a while and raised his head.

After meeting Lin Qu's eyes, Mo Liqin realized that Lin Qu's eyes were clouded with clouds, and they were quite stormy!

Lin Qu was also fierce and scolded him just now, but he was not as fierce as he is now!

"You're so fucking like this, still thinking about picking up girls?" Lin Qu can't wait to poke the tweezers in his face!

Mo Liqin: "..."

No wonder it was so angry, it turned out that that sentence broke Lin Qu's nerves!

Thinking of why Lin Qu was angry because of him saying such things, Mo Liqin was a little embarrassed, touched his nose subconsciously, and said: "What is your anger, haven't you ever had a girl? Just your physique, I guess even I've been chopped a few times, and I'm still alive.

It is natural for men to speak in a yellow accent when talking between men.

What he said is also something that men who use this way love to listen. The few men on the side all smiled ambiguously, and some even said, "The boss is extremely brave, of course!"

However, Lin Qu was not pleased at all, but rather seriously said: "I haven't had a girl before!"

Mo Liqin was taken aback.

The group of subordinates were also stunned, and then someone stood up and said: "Yes, our boss is very clean and self-contained. It is simply a clear stream on the road!"

Qingliu has a woolen thread, Lin Qu has never had a girl, that's because he is the same since he is gender-conscious!

He doesn't like women, he likes men!

Have never had a girl, but have had a little white face!

How witty is Mo Liqin, he soon thought of this, he couldn't help being a little surprised: "You... were born the same?"

Lin Qu was short of breath before saying that he broke this. Under Mo Liqin's eyes, he was a little embarrassed. He lowered his head and pretended to clean up Mo Liqin's wound seriously, and said dullly, "What's the matter?"

Mo Liqin: "..."

He pursed his lips, the feeling in his heart was very subtle, and he curled his lips and said, "Nothing."

Not much

I am just joking!

How could it not feel at all!

What is the name of that sentence: I treat you as a brother, and you fucking want to sleep with me!

Doesn't this fit the relationship between him and Lin Qu

Last time in the hospital, he was very weak after gastric lavage, so when there was no one else in the ward, he kept his eyes closed and rested. When Lin Qu came in, he wanted to open his eyes and say something.

Who knows, Lin Qu came up and grabbed his hand.

He was stunned.

Lin Qu grabbed his hand very hard and nervous, as if he was afraid that something important would be stolen. Until now, Mo Liqin seemed to be able to feel it, in the silent ward, he seemed to be able to hear Lin Qu's heartbeat!

Mo Liqin didn't dare to open his eyes, but continued to pretend to sleep.

I don't know, this guy didn't say anything, but gave him a kiss on his forehead!

At that time, Mo Liqin felt that the world was all mysterious!

It was also because of this that he noticed Lin Qu's different thoughts towards him, and his heart was beeping like a dog, which made it difficult for him to accept it for a while.

It was not this that confuses him more, but when faced with a man who wanted to sleep with him, he didn't repel that much, and didn't have the idea of cutting off contact with Lin Qu at all.

Therefore, he has always pretended this matter in his heart these days, and he usually doesn't see it much. Sometimes when the right opportunity is met, this matter will come out and swallow him.

What now…

Lin Qu said that he had never had a girl before, and that was to admit that he was the same.

What's next

Mo Liqin thought to himself, do you want to stay away from Lin Qu in the future

Lin Qu is the same, he is not! Lin Qu wants to sleep, so he soaks him, he should respond!

He is a big man, he doesn't want to be fucked!

I thought a lot in my heart, because Lin Qu stopped talking but concentrated on cleaning his wounds. In this short period of time, the wounds were also cleaned up one by one.

"Let's endure a little pain." Lin Qu exclaimed and took the medicine over and put it on him.

Mo Liqin curled his lips and smiled, and said: "Washing the wound hurts enough, what is the application of medicine?"

You know, alcohol is irritating, and it is so sour that it can stimulate the wound while disinfecting it!

"Yes." Lin Qu said nothing.

He carefully applied medicine to every small wound of Mo Liqin, and then put gauze on.

After processing, he beckoned to his little brother: "Clean up the car."

Then, he said to Mo Liqin, "Go to the car and wait for me for a while."

"Oh." Mo Liqin didn't ask what he was going to do. What else could he do besides cleaning up this group of people

The big guy is the big guy.

Mo Liqin didn't ask much, but Lin Qu's men respectfully invited the most noble Bentley among the three cars they drove.

This is Lin Qu's car on Jiangcheng. When Mo Liqin received Lin Qu at the intersection of Xincheng, he got off this Bentley.

Sitting in a comfortable car seat, Mo Liqin leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes.

"It hurts so much!"

A scream came from outside the car: "Ah—"

Killing pigs.

Mo Liqin opened his eyes and looked outside, and saw Lin Qu personally, passing the men who had been subdued to the ground one by one, and beat them fiercely!

Almost without asking the reason, he didn't hear Lin Qu say a word, raising his fist and smashing it.

Mo Liqin curled his mouth, his face was inexhaustible, and he silently uttered: "It hurts so much!"

It hurts to look at it!

Probably because of what happened just now, Lin Qu was really annoyed, and this group of people became cannon fodder.

There is no doubt that he is a cruel person, but after being in charge, he will never do things for dignity and not do things himself.

But now, he beats so fiercely, what is that not to anger

Hmm... It can't be said that it was anger. After all, it was this group of people who chased them, and it was this group of people who injured Mo Liqin.

Thinking about it this way, Mo Liqin's mind is even more subtle.

"This guy… "

How much does Lin Qu like him

Mo Liqin was thinking about this question.

Before I could figure it out, the car door was suddenly opened.

"It's over?" Mo Liqin asked, raising an eyebrow.

Because of the blood loss, he was a little tired and his face was not very good.

After Lin Qu got into the car, he stretched out his hand and touched his forehead, and tested whether he had a fever. Then he said, "It's over, take people back to the Mo Family?"

"Yeah." Mo Liqin said wearily: "Take it back and let Nanyang take care of it."

The Mohist’s division of labor is very interesting. Generally speaking, their heads don’t participate much in bloody matters.

Every generation will cultivate a leader who can control underground forces, such as Menanyang.

Therefore, this kind of private matters will be handled by Mo Nanyang, and the master's family will pass it through. The people who do it are people from Mo Nanyang.

Lin Qu looked at the people under his hands and arrested everyone. Seeing that Fang Wanli was fine, he felt uncomfortable again.

"and many more!"

Withdrawing his feet to get into the car, Lin Qu walked towards Fang Wanli.

"Brother Qu." The younger brother asked: "Do you want to teach this stinky lady?"

Lin Qu's cold eyes glanced at Fang Wanli, and Fang Wanli's body trembled subconsciously.

This man's eyes are too sharp, as if there is substance, and one glance at you can cut a hole in you!

Why didn't the Mo family recognize such a powerful character in the news she had

But the others, when they heard the younger brothers yelling "Brother Qu", their faces suddenly turned dark, and they all looked hopeless.

They actually confronted Brother Qu and fell into the hands of Brother Qu, and Brother Qu personally taught them a meal!


Fang Wanli didn't know Lin Qu, but it didn't hinder the resounding of the name "Qu Brother".

The circle of the underground forces in the imperial capital, because she has dealt with some things over the years, and the means she needs to use are not very fair, so it is inevitable that she will come into contact with people from some dark forces.

I have often heard of the title "Qu Ge"!

"Are you the boss of Lin Qulin?" Fang Wanli couldn't help being frightened: "How could Concubine Mo Li know you?"

No one on the road knows Lin Qu's name, this man is a fierce name, and just meets him on a narrow road will be frightened, let alone confront him!

Lin Qu did not answer Fang Wanli's question. In his eyes, Fang Wanli was not qualified enough.

He beckoned to his subordinates, and said, "Just give her the new thing that arrived last month."

The younger brother immediately responded: "Yes!"

He opened Fang Wanli's mouth and stuffed her with a medicine.

Fang Wanli didn't want to swallow, but that little brother was obviously an experienced one. He gently squeezed her throat to force her to open her mouth and swallowed the medicine unconsciously.

She coughed desperately, trying to vomit, but she couldn't.

"What are you giving me!" Fang Wanli was a little mad, fearing like an evil spirit, entangled her tightly!

Lin Qu glanced at her coldly and said, "I won't hit you, someone will hit you later."

Turn around and go back to Bentley.

The little brother opened the door and Lin Qu got into the car.

Turning his head, he saw Mo Liqin leaning on the back of the chair with his eyes closed, as if he was asleep.

"Boss, give you water." The younger brother handed over a basin.

His car is always carrying water. He has made so many dirty things just now, and he has touched blood. The clothes need to be changed, and his hands naturally need to be washed.

After washing his hands, Lin Qu took the clothes handed over by the younger brother, took off the old suit directly in the car and replaced it with a clean one.

Then, he washed his face again.

Not long afterwards, the whole person was glamorous again, as if he had never experienced any fighting, not to mention such a thrilling gunfight.

After cleaning himself, Lin Qu's gaze fell on Mo Liqin.

He wanted to help Mo Liqin wash, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

Mo Liqin looked tired, and it wouldn't be good if Mo Liqin wakes up.

However, he stretched out his hands towards Mo Liqin and gently broke Mo Liqin's head against the window glass and placed it on his shoulder, making Mo Liqin lean more comfortably.

After that, he whispered: "Drive."