Fresh Wife in Your Arms: Mo Shao, Be Gentle

Chapter 775: I would bet on this one


As a sister-controlled psychology, Lin Qu does not have a sister, so naturally he has no feelings.

However, he put himself on Mo Liqin for a while, but he could understand it.

This is indeed the truth, not to mention anything else, just say that you have a baby coveted by others, can this feeling be good

He understood, so he nodded and said: "Liu Xuanhe is okay, I have also contacted Liu Zhongjin, he is a sensible person."

"We all know these, but the tests that should be there are all indispensable." Mo Liqin's face was stinky: "The concubine is a very simple girl, don't think she can do anything, but her mind is pure, very pure. Easily deceived."

Lin Qu: "..."

Concubine Mo Li's simple heart

He, no, recognize, same!

A twenty-year-old girl, who is as knowledgeable as Concubine Mo Li, is definitely rare.

However, it was probably because Concubine Mo Li's heart was too clear and she saw everything clearly, so the Mo family did not want her to be polluted, right

Especially, this time Fang Wanli's trouble was not caused by Liu Xuanhe

"According to that, if there is no Liu Xuanhe, what are you going to do?" Lin Qu asked.

Mo Liqin was startled, and said: "I didn't think about it. We never thought about this kind of problem. Concubine she likes, as long as it's not bad, as long as she doesn't bully her, and as long as she lives happily, we can actually do it. Accept. Of course—"

He grinned and said: "There is a prerequisite, that is, you must be at least twenty-five to get married!"

Thinking of this, Concubine Mo Li would not object. Mo Liqin showed a malicious smile on his face and said, "Even if Liu Xuanhe passes the test, there will still be five years to wait!"

Lin Qu: "..."

His whole person is not good!

Let alone whether he wants to pursue Mo Liqin, he is actually still uncertain.

However, if Mo Liqin also liked him a little, he would definitely not let go of this excellent opportunity. He will definitely hold this kid in his hands!

So here comes the problem!

Mo Liqin is only 21 years old this year, isn't it...

He and Liu Xuan Hyuk are in the same fate

The big brother's mentality suddenly raised a thought that shouldn't be there: I want to help Liu Xuanhe!

Of course, it's just a matter of thinking about it. This thing really can't be done. After Mo Liqin has done it with him, it is completely finished!

Brothers have nothing to do!

Let's say that Liu Xuanhe used himself as a bait and was trapped in the Xincheng Hotel by the unknown woman, and that woman notified Fang Wanli.

However, when the people behind Wanli issued a danger alert, the woman was a little panicked.

Because Lin Qu joined, the battle was over in a very short time, so there was only news that the mission failed. I don’t know the specifics, and it’s not clear that everyone was caught by Lin Qu’s people. Up.

Therefore, the woman on Liu Xuanhe naturally had a different plan besides contacting her accomplices.

Liu Xuan silently looked in his eyes, and suddenly said, "Miss Shen, how about a deal?"

While waiting for the news, the woman was idle and bored. Liu Xuanhe also wanted to spy on the situation, so the two had some conversations.

Don't know if she was too confident, the woman told him that she was called Shen Yue.

"What deal are you talking about?" Shen Yue looked at Liu Xuanhe.

She must find a way out for herself!

Although Liu Xuanhe was tied to the police, he was very calm and didn't panic at all. He said coldly, "Most of your companions are sure to lose. They will fall into the hands of the Mo family. Since you took this Shanzi, naturally, I checked the disciples of the Mo family. I should know how they will end up. Do you want to end up with them, or do you want to make a deal with me? Let me go, and then I let you go too?"

He seldom talks such a long paragraph, which is also a matter of urgency.

Shen Yue was silent for a while, thinking about this possibility.

But she also needs to determine the current situation: "How do you know that they will definitely be arrested?"

"If you don't believe me, you can turn on my phone." Liu Xuanhe said.

His mobile phone originally had a tracker, and Mo Nanyang naturally knew he was here.

What's more, I didn't change the place in the original appointment.

Shen Yue believed and doubted.

Liu Xuanhe said again: "You may have been treated as an abandoned child. Think about it, even if I came here alone, don't I have a back hand? The Mo family knows that I am here, won't you find it? Is it here? They didn't let you move me. What does it mean? Do you really think..."

He turned his head to meet Shen Yue's eyes, and asked quietly, "Am I the hostage in your hand?"

"As long as I want to, you are a hostage!" Shen Yue felt a little flustered, but she was still composure.

She won't be persuaded so easily, this group of partners has worked together for ten years, and there has never been a betrayal!

It's a pity that she didn't think about the Mo family, their opponent this time!

Liu Xuanhe didn't speak any more.

Now that he has said so much, Shen Yue cannot be allowed to agree, and those who should be suspicious are also suspicious, and the thoughts that should have arisen, he does not need to say more than half a word.

Sure enough, even though he stopped talking, Shen Yue's brain hadn't stopped thinking.

She thought about what he said, and the more she thought about it, the more she realized what he said was reasonable.

Finally, Shen Yue took Liu Xuanhe's phone and turned it on.

The phone is protected by a password, but the text messages sent can be viewed directly. The latest one is: Fang Wanli has been captured.

It was sent by Concubine Mo Li!

Others in the Mo family may not care about Liu Xuanhe's life or death, but Concubine Mo Li still remembers.

"How about it, is it a message from Concubine Mo Li?" Liu Xuanhe also knew it well, it could only be Concubine Mo Li.

Shen Yue calmly said, "I think this Fang Wanli is a very cautious person!"

"Fang Wanli is indeed a very cautious person, but do you know how much money she took away from the Liu family after she betrayed me? It's only five or six million." Liu Xuanhe said, "So many of you started at the same time. Or the Mo family, the risk is naturally great, presumably the price is not low?"

He didn't guess wrong, and Shen Yue's expression became even more ugly: "The transaction amount is 30 million, and the deposit is 5 million! She has no money, so she dare to ask us to do it!"

Liu Xuanhe didn't speak any more.

After all, this group of people probably did some cases and they did it beautifully, so they were too self-reliant and thought that they would have a chance of winning against the Mohist school.

This time, I hit the iron plate.

Shen Yue couldn't calm down, walking around anxiously.

She is indeed thinking, how likely is it that Liu Xuanhe will let her go

"How can I believe that you will let me go? What if you turn around and bite me back after you leave?" Shen Yue paused quickly and looked at Liu Xuanhe.

Liu Xuan said calmly: "You can only believe it."

"I have another choice!" Shen Yue's Meiyan face was sullen: "Take you as a hostage, ask for money, supplies, and leave the country!"

Liu Xuanhe said: "You can try."

Shen Yue was silent.

Can you try

He is so calm and calm, does he have other arrangements

"Believe me, my Liu family is not easy to bully, you can still bet that I can talk and count, if you move me... you have only a dead end." Liu Xuan said flatly.

As the heir of the Liu family, this self-confidence is still there.

Shen Yue was moved by him.

Indeed, she can only take a gamble at the moment.

There was no response from all the signals sent, and Fang Wanli and the others had been arrested!

However, before betting on this one, she still needs someone to check if it is really like what Liu Xuanhe said!

Therefore, she made several calls with a calm face.

People who can eat this bowl of rice will not have only one way. Of course, Shen Yue also has his own contacts.

After a few phone calls, her face turned pale.

Unexpectedly, this group of them has been together for ten years and has not failed several times. This time it is so easy to be defeated

Shen Yue asked: "I am willing to bet on this one, but can you guarantee that if you let me go, will the Mo family let me go too?"

Liu Xuanhe raised his eyebrows.

Oh, still have a brain.

He said lightly: "I can't guarantee the Mo family, but I can give you a sum of money and give you a ticket. Of course, if the Mo family is stuck and you can't leave the country, my Liu family has a private plane."

This is also a promise.

At this time, Shen Yue had no other way but to believe in him.

Liu Xuanhe seldom walks in the social circle, and the outside world does not know much about him. However, according to the information Fang Wanli gave, Liu Xuanhe should be very important to promises, so Shen Yue decided to gamble.

"Okay, you write me a note."

Shen Yue found paper and pen, asked Liu Xuanhe to write the letter of commitment by himself, and asked Liu Xuanhe to press his finger prints.

Although Liu Xuanhe thought it was a bit stupid to do this, he still went smoothly.

"You go." Shen Yue is a very simple person.

Although she did things like kidnapping, extortion, sex and temptation, she was also a person who did what she said.

Seeing this too, Liu Xuanhe was determined to let her go.


Neither of them expected that when they just opened the door of the guest room, they were blocked!

"Go in!"

Someone rushed in, and before Liu Xuanhe and Shen Yue had any reaction, they held them down.

The man moved extremely fast, and after holding down Liu Xuanhe, he directly pinched his jaw and swept a pill in his mouth.

The person holding Shen Yue on the other side followed suit.

After confirming that the medicine was swallowed by them, these people quickly withdrew, closed the door, and came and went quickly!

"What's the situation?" Shen Yue is skilled, but just now she was subdued without the ability to react, which made her feel incredible!

Liu Xuanhe is also capable, and is only more powerful than Shen Yue, he can react for a while, struggle for a while.

But he was completely held down without being able to break free.

"Meet a master." He frowned, thinking about the purpose of these people.

What Shen Yue thought was: "What do they give us to eat?"

Liu Xuanhe had an ominous premonition in his heart, but he didn't say it.

He stood up again, trying to open the door, but couldn't unscrew it.

Two or three times, you can't unscrew it!

"We are locked here!" Shen Yue came over and asked, "Who are they?"

"Are you sure it's not from your side?" Liu Xuanhe frowned tightly, turned and looked at the window again.

This building is not a high-rise building, it is only six stories high. The so-called room 1088, surely does not start from 1, but from 5.

At the height of the sixth floor, Liu Xuanhe felt that it was not impossible that he had to find a way to go down.

Shen Yue also walked to see that she often did such things, so she planned to climb down the window.

Especially, she also brought tools.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Liu Xuanhe's cell phone rang suddenly.

Liu Xuanhe took out his cell phone and took a look. When he saw that the caller ID turned out to be Mo Liqin, he couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and opened the answer.

Mo Liqin's voice came from the other end of the phone, as always, "The effect of the medicine will rise soon. I hope I will come in five hours and see you still in that room. If you are not here, you The matter with the concubine is completely out of play."

"What do you want to do!" Liu Xuanhe is a biological researcher, and he probably knows the ingredients after taking that medicine.

That is a hallucinogenic drug!

Mo Liqin wanted to dig a hole for him and set a trap for him!

Mo Liqin sneered and said: "It is not difficult to think of what I want to do based on your IQ. The rules of the game are very simple, as long as you can pass this level, turn back and pursue your concubine, as long as you don't bully her, I will never stop. you."

Liu Xuanhe: "..."

It really is Mo Liqin's robber style!

He only asked: "Does the concubine know about this?"

He thought to himself, if Concubine Mo Li also has a copy, then he...

Maybe you will be disappointed with her, right

On the other end of the phone, Mo Liqin smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't tell the concubine about this. After all... you know!"

Liu Xuanhe: "..."

He doesn't understand!

However, it seems to understand a bit.

Mo Liqin had the face to use this kind of trick, but he didn't have the face to tell Concubine Mo Li, right

"I've told you the rules of the game. Also, the woman who is in the same room with you, you better not let her go. If she goes and I catch her, I can't guarantee what I will do to her. You... what will happen if you fail the trial, you know it in your own mind. That's all, if it goes well, you can come to my house for dinner!"

After speaking, Mo Liqin hung up the phone.

"Mo Liqin!" Liu Xuanhe endured and endured, and finally couldn't hold back, he was so angry that he smashed the phone to the ground!

170.Chapter 170

Shen Yue was taken aback by him and asked, "What the hell is going on? So, this is the second Young Master Mo who is calculating us?"

Liu Xuanhe said with a cold face, "I can't go, neither can you. It must survive five hours before Mo Liqin will let us out."

Shen Yue asked incomprehensibly: "What do you mean?"

"You're in this line of business, and you just got a pill of what kind of medicine, it doesn't feel like at all?" Liu Xuanhe stepped aside, and didn't mean to continue talking to Shen Yue.

He has to figure out how to solve the matter in front of him.

The hotel room is very ordinary, only one room plus a bathroom, the room is not spacious, only more than 20 square meters.

And the setting of the bathroom is also very interesting, it is the blinds of the transparent glass.

There is no balcony, only a large bed.

In this kind of environment, once the effects of the drug are on, there is no way to avoid it!

After his reminder, of course Shen Yue realized it too!

"You mean, it's hallucinogenic!" She took a breath: "I didn't expect me to be given hallucinogenic drugs after walking this way for so many years!"

Who is Shen Yue

She has always used beauty to catch her target.

Although she doesn't necessarily have a relationship with men casually, but her private life is very rich and wonderful, and she has countless men, and she is a master in this aspect.

Hallucinogenic drugs will make them lose their minds, and then they can't help but what happens!

She glanced at Liu Xuanhe, and said: "Just like Liu Dashao, even if I don't need to be fed, I probably can't control it, so why bother?"

Liu Xuanhe was kept here for so long and she stared at him for so long, how could she not be moved at all

She has seen a lot of men, but there is really no such thing as Liu Xuanhe!

He looks good or second, mainly because of his temperament, which is not something ordinary people can have.

The aura cultivated by a big family is not comparable to ordinary people.

In particular, Liu Xuanhe still has a scholarly temperament in him, which can add points to him.

In the face of such a superbly beautiful man, if it were not for the identity of the other party, he would not be able to touch it, Shen Yue would have already rushed over.


"What should I do now?" she asked.

Liu Xuanhe still looked around.

Shen Yue sighed and said, "Am I being involved in you?"

Liu Xuanhe pursed his lips and said, "If you didn't get me here, this wouldn't happen."

Shen Yue: "..."

Well, she shot herself in the foot!

Now it's alright, the mission failed, but still have to experience this

"I can say okay first." She sat on the edge of the bed and said grimly: "I can't resist beauty. If you do something first, I can't stand it, and I will take the initiative to sink. So, I want The key to not derailing lies with you."

She is not stupid, she is very clear that Liu Xuanhe is not the one she can touch. For the sake of her life, she has to ask for an amulet for herself.

Mo Liqin would use this kind of detrimental trick, so naturally he deliberately embarrassed Liu Xuanhe and prevented him from pursuing his sister. As long as Liu Xuanhe slept with other women, it was absolutely impossible to become the son-in-law of the Mo family.

Now, Shen Yue could only admit that he was unlucky.

Liu Xuanhe did not speak.

He put his gaze on the closet, walked over and pulled away.

The closet is quite large and can even accommodate two people in it.

"Are you going to hide in?" Shen Yue asked.

Without waiting for him to answer, she said again: "Or, let me hide in. Then you block the closet door to prevent me from coming out, otherwise I will be free outside and there is no guarantee that I will not do anything."

Liu Xuanhe: "..."

He has never been so angry!

However, he knew he could not lose his mind.

"The effect of the drug is to melt through the digestive juice of the esophagus, but the water can dilute the drug, and even excrete the drug through the urinary system."

Only then did Shen Yue remember that this is a scientist engaged in biological research!

"So, what we have to do now is drink more water?"

After thinking about this, Shen Yue immediately went to get the kettle: "I will boil some water."

I feel too slow again: "No, I call the front desk to send a box of mineral water!"

Just do it, she went to call.

Liu Xuanhe shook his head helplessly: "Do you think Mo Liqin will allow it?"

Shen Yue: "..."

She sighed: "I'll go to boil the water."