Fresh Wife in Your Arms: Mo Shao, Be Gentle

Chapter 777: please believe me


New Town Hotel.

Liu Xuanhe had already turned on the shower, and the cold water was poured from his head. It had been poured for an entire hour.

The sound of running water kept rushing in his ears, which could make him much more awake, but it made him unable to hear the sound of the mobile phone.

Outside Shen Yue lost his mind and made a lot of noises, but he still got in through the crack of the door:

"Ah... I can't stand it..."


Foul language is unbearable.

The shutters were shining through, facing the bed, and did not completely obscure the view of the room.

From the position of Liu Xuanhe, you can see the appearance of the big fucking Shen Yue, which is unsightly.

He can only turn his back without looking.

However, there is the torment of not seeing.

Shen Yue could also see some conditions in the bathroom through the looming blinds. She stared at the blinds, and the soft and stray voice kept coming in.

Liu Xuanhe: "..."

I really want to poke my eyes and cut off my ears!

Especially, under the strong medicinal effect, it is even more suffering.

There was a strong desire in his heart, and he felt angry in his nose at this time.

The cold water can't stop.

In summer, the effect of cold water is not very strong, because the water is not cold enough.

Fortunately, Liu Xuanhe had been drinking a lot of tap water before and urinated several times, so the medicinal properties in his body should be a little weaker than that of Shen Yue, and he could still maintain his sanity.

Shen Yue didn't have much reason anymore.

After being hilarious for a while, I came and knocked on the door: "Please open the door! I look good, don't you really want to?"

Liu Xuanhe gritted his teeth, tried to block Shen Yue's voice, and focused his attention on Concubine Mo Li.


It's more terrible!

Concubine Mo Li is beautiful, with a top-notch figure, well-proportioned, slender, and a pair of big long legs. She is a man dreaming of being with her...

The more he thought about it, the crazier he became, no matter how strong Liu Xuanhe was, he couldn't help it.

Five hours, for the average person, it takes a while to play.

But for people who live like years every second, it seems like a long life!

However, anyhow it finally passed.

Shen Yue was already sticky and tired, and Liu Xuanhe felt that he was going to collapse too. After controlling the medicine, he was groggy and didn't know what he had done.

He didn't remember how he got here, or how many times he did it before he finally didn't feel the urge in his body.

However, anyhow it was over.

He turned off the shower and took his cell phone.

The first time I saw the missed call from Concubine Mo Li, as well as the message she sent.

The finger touched the reply box, hesitated for a second, and then backed away.

I found the contact field and pressed the number of the assistant who followed me to Jiangcheng: "Bring me a set of clothes."

Thinking that there is still Shen Yue outside, he said, "Also, find a set of women's clothing."

The assistant was at a loss: "Women's clothing? Is it Miss Mo's size?"

"No." Liu Xuanhe frowned and said: "I don't know what size, you can figure it out!"

Then, he gave an address and hung up the phone.

assistant Manager:"… "

It’s understandable for a steel straight man not to see the size of a woman, but who will explain to him, why would Liu Da Shao be with a woman and give him clothes

Could it be...

The assistant with too much brain supplement immediately covered his eyes: "I seem to know something terrible!"

Then, he was shocked again: "Where is Miss Mo? Young Master, you are doing death!"

When the assistant brought the clothes over, the people guarding outside had already dispersed.

Liu Xuanhe tidied up and handed Shen Yue to the assistant for handling: "You are optimistic about her."

"Young Master, you are..." The assistant was still immersed in the plot of brain replenishment, unable to extricate himself: "You have always been clean and self-conscious, haven't Miss Chai Mo chasing well? How come..."

"Shut up!" Liu Xuanhe cursed irritably: "If you don't know, don't talk too much!"

assistant Manager:"… "

Silently shut his mouth.

Indeed, talking around with such a character will not live long.

Turning his head, but seeing Liu Xuanhe had already stepped out of the room, the assistant quickly asked: "Then this lady...what else should I pay attention to?"

"Take her back to the hotel, and don't let her run away."

As Liu Xuanhe said, he felt that this was not enough.

After all, if Mo Liqin really wanted to calculate him, he was indeed locked up in the same room with Shen Yue, and both were given hallucinogenic drugs. If he said nothing by himself, he would not be convinced.

Shen Yue is a witness, it is better for him to take it with him personally, so that Mo Liqin will not take Shen Yue away and plant him with nothing, saying that he can do anything!

"Wait, you let her put on her clothes, I'll wait for her downstairs."

Leaving these words aside, Liu Xuanhe left.

When the elevator came down to the first floor, he walked out of the hotel and went to the parking lot to find the car he was driving over.

After getting in the car, he unscrewed the water bottle and took a sip before he took out his mobile phone to call Concubine Mo Li.

He had drunk too much water before and didn't eat lunch. After torturing for five hours, his voice was a little hoarse, and there was no place in the whole person that was comfortable.

But he must bring his spirits up.

Concubine Mo Li quickly answered, "What are you doing to finish, it takes so long?"

I know that Mo Liqin must have done something to Liu Xuanhe, but if Liu Xuanhe doesn't say anything, she can't take the initiative to confess her brother, right

For now, she had such a sense of recognition for Liu Xuanhe, but after all, she couldn't beat Mo Liqin.

Liu Xuanhe replied: "I encountered a situation and it took some time to solve it."

"Oh." Concubine Mo Li asked again: "I saw the message you sent before, so you are over now, are you coming over for dinner?"

"Well, I'll go over immediately." Liu Xuanhe felt that Concubine Mo Li's voice was a bit wrong.

What's wrong

In fact, it's not very obvious, it can only be noticed if you experience it very carefully.

Her attitude towards him seemed a little colder.


Did Mo Liqin tell her what happened here

Seriously, there is no video to prove that he is innocent. Two men and women who have been given hallucinogenic drugs are locked in a room. Nothing happened, ghost letter

Let alone a man and a woman, two men are probably going to get together, right

Concubine Mo Li naturally didn't know what he was thinking, and said, "Oh, then come on."

The voice became even colder.

Liu Xuanhe asked hurriedly: "A Hua is on your side?"

"Yeah." Concubine Mo Li replied, but did not speak.

Liu Xuanhe didn't know what she meant, and just asked, "Is there nothing wrong with your brother?"

With Mo Liqin's underwhelming personality, it is impossible to calculate him so thoroughly, it is impossible to be unsatisfied. Concubine Mo Li is not a very nervous person, hasn't he found anything

Concubine Mo Li suddenly smiled and said, "Is there something wrong with me? Or is there something tricky between you and him? I don't let me know if you hide it from me?"

Liu Xuanhe felt a little bit in his heart.

Her laugh is very unnatural, there is definitely a reason!

He thought for a while, and said desperately: "It does exist, but Mo Liqin won't let me tell you, understand."

Concubine Mo Li dumbly said: "..."

She understands

Why do you think she can understand

However, after thinking about it carefully, she could indeed understand, what could Mo Liqin use to threaten Liu Xuanhe

You can only start with the matter of Liu Xuanhe chasing her now!

She thought for a while, and said: "It's up to you to say or not, and I'll decide what you do. Come here first. If you have anything, you can talk to someone before you meet. You can also confront my brother."

"I confronted him, that was looking for abuse." Liu Xuanhe said in an angry manner.

Concubine Mo Li raised her eyebrows when she thought that there was still another Linqu, and said, "I think you'd better not target my brother's good in the future. I probably won't care about your private fights, but someone will allow you Not you."

"What do you mean?" Liu Xuanhe was blank.

Concubine Mo Li smiled and said, "Lin Qu is at my house."

Liu Xuanhe was surprised: "Lin Qu? Is it the Lin Qu that I know?"

"Oh, someone who is devoted to research can still know Brother Qu?" Concubine Mo Li's words affirmed his words.

Liu Xuanhe: "..."

Why can't those who do research know that there is someone like Lin Qu? How can he be the heir of the Liu family

However, he didn't put the topic here, but said: "In a moment, I will take someone over. There are some things that I need to say to you."

"Who?" Concubine Mo Li asked.

Liu Xuanhe's face was deep: "Shen Yue, that's the woman who tricked me into the Xincheng Hotel."

"Oh." Concubine Mo Li replied: "Okay, I'll wait."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Xuanhe realized that he seemed a bit awkward to talk.

He didn't speak to the point at all, and he didn't even figure out the attitude of Concubine Mo Li.

However, what is certain is that Concubine Mo Li must have guessed something, so her attitude is a little bad.


He took Shen Yue over, would she believe what Shen Yue said to him

What should I do if I am beaten by Mo Liqin again

He must think of a perfect way to stop Mo Liqin from talking nonsense and make Concubine Mo Li believe him.

It is naturally impossible to make a medical appraisal, because whether it is him or Shen Yue, although they have not had sex, they have all relieved themselves, and the medical appraisal is very vague.

To be honest, don't talk about Concubine Mo Li, even I feel that I can't make sense in theory.

Is it all dependent on character

At this time, the assistant brought Shen Yue down.

Shen Yue looked very tired, compared to a man with good physical fitness like Liu Xuanhe, Shen Yue was tired after five hours of tossing.

"Sir, let me drive?" the assistant said diligently.

Liu Xuanhe nodded, got out of the car and went to the co-pilot.

"Young Master Liu is how afraid of me?" Shen Yue said with a solemn expression.

Liu Xuanhe didn't speak.

Shen Yue said again: "Needless to say, I also know what I should do. You asked me to explain to Concubine Mo Li, right?"

She sighed and said, "I'm responsible for explaining. Believe it or not is her business, you can't forget what you promised me before."

"No." Liu Xuanhe was actually a little tired and lacking in energy.

If you can do it seriously when you are excited, you may be energetic afterwards. The problem is, he has been contending with desire for so long, where can he have any spirit

"Now, drive to the old house of the Mo family?" The assistant was sitting in the driver's seat, always feeling that the atmosphere was not right.

Of course, the content of his brain supplement before, the truth has been obtained from Shen Yue just now, the fact is not what he thought.

So now...

It feels like a big deal!

"Open." Liu Xuanhe was in a bad mood, but he didn't want to anger his assistant.

He looked outside the car, after thinking and thinking, he decided to talk to Concubine Mo Li.

So I took out my phone and sent her WeChat: Your brother wouldn't let me say what I just said, but after thinking about it, I should confess to you.

Concubine Mo Li quickly replied: What's the matter

Liu Xuanhe took a deep breath and typed: Let me first talk about what happened in these five hours. You are so smart, I believe you must have a conclusion in your heart.

He used the simplest language to type out one by one what happened after leaving the old house of the Mo family:

After I arrived at the Xincheng Hotel, I asked Shen Yue to tie me up.

According to the original plan, when it ends with your brother, your uncle will send someone to take Shen Yue, and I will be fine.

Midway, I reached an agreement with Shen Yue, she let me go, and I kept her safe afterwards.

After confirming that Fang Wanli was caught, I plan to come and look for you. Someone rushed in to subdue Shen Yue and me, and gave me and her hallucinogens.

I shut myself in the bathroom until the effect of the medicine passed.

This is how things are, I am innocent, please believe me.

After posting so many in a row, Concubine Mo Li didn't get a reply, and Liu Xuan waited nervously for her response.

In fact, put yourself in the place and think about it, if you change him to be Concubine Mo Li, you may not be able to believe it!

At this time, Concubine Mo Li was still in her room.

She didn't take a nap because she was so upset that she couldn't sleep.

After finally waiting for Liu Xuanhe to call, he refused to tell the truth when she knocked on her side.

Although she agreed that Mo Liqin couldn't say it, but he didn't tell the truth, how could she believe him

She didn't care whether he kept his promise to Mo Liqin, she gave him the opportunity and waited for him to explain.

As a result, this person did not explain!

She was even more annoyed, and she also made a cross in her heart, and decided to let it go.

Who knows, at this moment Liu Xuanhe suddenly sent so many messages over, without telling her that Mo Liqin was not in the line, only calmly telling what happened.

In the end, the words "please believe me" came into my eyes, and Concubine Mo Li's irritability all afternoon finally disappeared.

She curled her lips and smiled slightly.

Believe him


What kind of person Liu Xuanhe is? Maybe she didn't get the whole picture, and she also knew the general idea.

This guy, if he did something, he wouldn't deny it.

He said that he hadn't done it before, so he definitely didn't. He said that he is innocent, that is, he is innocent.

As for theoretically two men and women who were given strong drugs were kept in the same room for five hours, but nothing happened. Concubine Mo Li did not discuss why.

Hallucinogenic drugs are psychedelic, but they are not love drugs. As a scientist in biomedicine research, how could Liu Xuanhe not know the ingredients of those medicines, and how could he not know the least bit of countermeasures

There was only one question. She thought about it and sent a message: There is a ready-made antidote, why don't you use it

When this question was asked, Liu Xuanhe felt a little angry, and replied: Shouldn't you know why!

Concubine Mo Li: I don't know.

Liu Xuanhe was silent for a moment, and sent: I am also a normal person, no matter how resistant to drugs, I will be tortured. She doesn't attract me, you are all in my head.

Concubine Mo Li's face burst into red when she saw this.

This guy has been serious for such a long time, and he hasn't revealed the lecherous side of a man's nature at all.

Unexpectedly, it's just not exposed, it doesn't mean there is no!

She quit WeChat and threw her phone aside, determined to ignore him!

Stinking rogue!

When Liu Xuanhe and Shen Yue arrived, it was one hour and twenty minutes later.

At this time, it was already 6 o'clock in the evening, it was dinner time, but when Liu Xuanhe came in, no one thought about going to eat.

As soon as he came in, Mo Liqin sneered: "Oh, what a patience! Bring other women to my Mo family?"

Liu Xuanhe was also not polite with him: "Isn't this the result of you?"

"So, you are... Bringing this beauty to show off to my concubine?" Mo Liqin looked interested.

Lin Qu looked at him and shook his head helplessly.

Peng Shaohua hurriedly stepped forward and asked concerned: "Brother Liu, are you okay?"

"What can he do to enjoy all the blessings!" Mo Liqin said with a smile, very proud.

To be able to bring Shen Yue to the door, she felt that things were probably not as smooth as she thought, otherwise where would Liu Xuanhe's face come from!

However, knowing this fact does not prevent him from making fun of Liu Xuanhe!

Liu Xuanhe ignored him, but looked in the direction of the spiral staircase and shouted: "Concubine."

Concubine Mo Li also received his message, saying that he had arrived before coming down.

After he explained it to her, she didn't feel irritable anymore. She took a short nap. Not long after she woke up, she changed into a house coat after washing, and she was full of energy.

"Are you here?" Concubine Mo Li walked to the large living room and greeted: "Sit down."

He looked at Shen Yue, who was somewhat cautious, and said, "Miss Shen, please sit down."

Shen Yue is not someone who has never seen the world, but she has never seen such a big world. Especially, it is the first time that she has come to such a place to be a guest.

"Miss Mo, hello." Shen Yue nodded against Concubine Mo Li.

Facing Lin Qu's godlike existence, she didn't dare to take a second look, and even the weird Mo Liqin didn't dare to say hello.

Only Concubine Mo Li, with a very friendly look on her face, is more reassuring.

After Ng everyone sat down, the sitting position was very interesting.

As an outsider, Peng Shaohua occupies a single sofa alone.

Shen Yue knew that his identity was embarrassing, so he also found a sofa to sit down alone.

Liu Xuanhe was naturally sitting next to Concubine Mo Li, even if he stared at Mo Liqin's murderous gaze, he was not afraid, and he had no idea of changing positions at all.

After all, Concubine Mo Li should believe him, otherwise she wouldn't have such a good attitude!

As long as there is Concubine Mo Li's approval, Mo Liqin won't be long.

Concubine Mo Li came from behind. She didn't sit down beside Mo Liqin, and Mo Liqin couldn't change positions, so she still sat in the same place, Lin Qu was sitting not far beside him.

As a result, he and Lin Qu occupy a couch.

Liu Xuanhe and Concubine Mo Li occupy a couch.

Concubine Mo Li put her arms around her chest, looked at everyone, and asked, "What is going on, I want to hear."

Mo Liqin sneered: "Isn't it supposed to be asking Liu Xuanhe, what is going on with a woman coming to our Mo family as a guest?"

"Brother." Concubine Mo Li yelled faintly, and said: "What will you do, I don't even have to guess, I can think of it with my toes, okay?"

The tone was a little helpless.

Mo Liqin: "..."

He lowered his face unhappily: "What? Are you going to get off your brother's stage in front of so many outsiders?"

Concubine Mo Li was also speechless.

Liu Xuanhe couldn't see that he was forcing Concubine Mo Li in this way, so he couldn't hold back his words: "Mo Liqin, don't think you are the concubine's brother, you can oppress her!"

Mo Liqin: "..."


Where does it come from

Lin Qu couldn't help but dye his eyebrows with a smile, which neutralized his original hostility.

Mo Liqin looked at him fiercely and seemed to say: Don't you help me

Lin Qu shrugged, his eyes filled with pets, and said, "Didn't you tell me how precious my sister is? Now people are clamoring to come to your house, and you still don't behave?"

"..." Mo Liqin felt that it was absolutely unwise to find a conversation with Lin Qu.

Therefore, he can only fight single-handedly.

He cleared his throat and said, "I don't know what happened, it's none of my business!"

Concubine Mo Li asked: "Oh? What's the matter with the medicine? Liu Xuanhe can't eat it himself, right?"

"How do I know?" Mo Liqin insisted that it had nothing to do with him.

This silly bitch with his eyes open! Liu Xuanhe almost broke his teeth!

But, is there any way that he can't go up and just punch it

Mo Liqin naturally saw his daring to speak his anger, glanced at Shen Yue, and said: "How do I know, it's not a play you wrote and directed, you want to trick our concubine. ?"

After watching for so long, Shen Yue also knew what was going on.

She has always relied on betraying her beauty to perform her tasks, so she has the patience to observe her words and colors.

She also knew very well that at present, only Liu Xuanhe was her life-saving talisman, and she and Liu Xuanhe were on the same boat.

And here, the person who is in charge and has the ultimate right to speak is not someone else, but Concubine Mo Li.

Therefore, she looked directly at Concubine Mo Li and said, "Miss Mo, I once again apologize for accepting Fang Wanli's request and attempting to persecute you. Of course..."

Seeing Mo Liqin raised her eyebrows, she paused and said, "I also know that there is no point in apology. I can only restore the facts as much as I can."

Concubine Mo Li nodded: "Say."

Shen Yue continued: "I think you should also have the information of our team. I am not the boss, but only one of them. Last month, our boss received Fang Wanli's 5 million cash and said it was OK. After it is completed, the remaining 25 million will be paid."