Fresh Wife in Your Arms: Mo Shao, Be Gentle

Chapter 781: It's really not sincere, you can tell at a glance


"Don't fool your eldest brother." Mo Li'an pierced her intentions coolly, and said: "It can make you tempted, just like a stone blossoms."

With that said, he was a little annoyed.

What is so good about Liu Xuanhe, how can he suddenly become stubborn

Then, what was even more annoying was that he was obviously an old fox, why was he brought into the ditch by the little fox like Concubine Mo Li

After all, feelings are wrong, and feelings are wrong!

"Okay, let's not say so much. I hope you will take it to heart." Mo Li'an forcibly reversed the topic.

Concubine Mo Li didn't say much, but said: "I have a sense of measure and won't let myself be hurt, brother, don't worry."

After thinking about it, one more sentence was added: "I will return to the Imperial Capital in two days and make an appointment with Sister Huan for you. Take the opportunity yourself!"

Why do you want her to help

It's not that Mo Li'an couldn't make an appointment. He went to Yan Shuhuan, and Yan Shuhuan didn't dare not miss him. After all, this person had been so oppressive to her since she was a child.

However, she was afraid of him, which was not what he wanted.

And if Concubine Mo Li made an appointment with Concubine Mo Li, Yan Shuhuan would be more comfortable and would give Concubine Mo Li more face.

Mo Li'an frowned, feeling that the little fox was making a deal with him!

"Do you want to use Huanhuan to make me close one eye to you?" Mo Li'an was not very willing.

Concubine Mo Li chuckled: "Whatever you want, you are willing, and if you don't, I won't force it. Anyway... I don't have to help you."

She is really tough about what she wants to do, no matter whether it is Mo Li'an or Mo Liqin, she can't hold her back.

As for Mo Beiyan and Bai Qingyu, it was easier to deal with them than the two older brothers.

Mo Li'an sighed: "Okay, let this matter aside for the time being. I'll look at it directly, and you should come back to the imperial capital as soon as possible."

Coming back to the imperial capital, Liu Xuanhe is also under his nose. He must control the overall situation and can't let Liu Xuanhe take the initiative!

Mo Li'an felt that he was planted today!

He grew up so old that he was subdued by three women.

The first one is of course his own mother Bai Qingyu, the second is the baby sister Mo Li, and the third is only Yan Shuhuan.

I don't know why that woman is so afraid of him, so that he has been guarding for so many years, without any achievements!

"Yeah. Good!" Concubine Mo Li said with a smile: "Big Brother, good night, rest early!"

Mo Li'an was angry and funny: "You girl!"

With a light spit, he said softly, "Good night!"

After hanging up the phone, Concubine Mo Li breathed a sigh of relief.

Every time she had a serious conversation about something with her eldest brother, she always wanted to bring up the spirit.

Unless she doesn't care what she can give up at will, she will retreat if she retreats.

But if the elder brother doesn't want her to do something, and she insists on it, then she has to work very hard to cope with it.

right now…

Is it a small win

"Sister Huan, Sister Huan, fortunately I have you as my shield!"

Concubine Mo Li thought for a while and sent a WeChat voice to Yan Shuhuan: "Sister Huan, I will be back to the Imperial Capital in about two days, so let's have a meal together?"


Voice message: "Okay, tell me the time when I got on the plane, I'll pick you up!"

The reply quickly made Concubine Mo Li a little surprised.

Of course, the workaholic Yan Shuhuan didn't sleep at this time. She happened to be holding a mobile phone, otherwise she wouldn't even be able to read it at this time.

Concubine Mo Li smiled and replied: "OK, I'll tell you. I'm going to take a shower, so please do your business."

Sure enough, Yan Shuhuan was very busy, replying with a "good" word, there was no more text.

Concubine Mo Li smiled mysteriously and said, "When the time comes, I will give you a surprise!"

Concubine Mo Li took a shower and found three missed calls.

I thought it would be Yan Shuhuan who thought of calling him something later, but when he picked it up, he discovered that it was Liu Xuanhe.

She rolled her eyes, thinking about Liu Xuanhe's purpose of calling her, but did not rush to answer the call, but turned on WeChat.

Sure enough, if she didn't answer the phone, he would send her WeChat.


I went back to the hotel, took a shower, and lay down.

Shen Yue sent away.

You won't go to bed so early, will you

Concubine Mo Li squeezed the phone, thought for a while, and replied with a message: ready to sleep.

What about Shen Yue, she doesn't really care too much.

As for what happened today, does she believe Liu Xuanhe

Don't say you believe it 100%, there are also 95%.

Even if Liu Xuanhe didn't take that kind of poisonous oath, she wouldn't be very suspicious, not to mention that he later swore the poisonous oath, that trust would be almost 100%.

Given the personality of a person like Liu Xuanhe, he disdains lying.

Concubine Mo Li didn't know why she understood it this way. Anyway, she thought that if Liu Xuanhe really did something with Shen Yue, he would probably admit it.

As for how to save the progress of this matter, that is another question he needs to think about.

Thinking of this, Concubine Mo Li couldn't help but curl her lips and smile, muttering to herself: "If the whole world opposes it, I'd like to see, what can you do to conquer the whole world!"

As soon as I finished speaking, the cell phone called.

She looked down, and it was Liu Xuanhe as expected.

Concubine Mo Li opened up to answer the call when she walked to the bedside with her mobile phone.

"Concubine." Liu Xuanhe's voice sounded a little low, as if he was lying down.

Concubine Mo Li glanced at the time. It was already more than ten o'clock in the evening, and normal people should also lie in bed at this time.

She leaned on the soft bag beside the bed and lazily responded, "Hmm. Something?"

"It's okay." Liu Xuanhe's voice came from the other end, deep, hoarse and sexy: "I just want to talk to you."

Concubine Mo Li: "..."

Don't look at the straight guy in steel, although his EQ is low, he doesn't know how to slap, he is really slapped!

She thought for a while and said, "My eldest brother called me just now."

"Oh. What did you say?"

Liu Xuanhe's words seemed to be asked easily, but Concubine Mo Li could still hear him, he was a little nervous!

Because of what

Concubine Mo Li can also imagine it!

It's not because of Mo Li'an's reputation in the business circle, Mo Li'an is more unfathomable than Mo Liqin who likes to speak with his fists!

"It's nothing, he just told me to stay away from you, otherwise he will be very angry." Concubine Mo Li whispered, her tone full of regret: "I said Liu Xuanhe, did you destroy the entire galaxy in your previous life, so Can it cause the unanimous rejection of my whole family?"

Liu Xuanhe: "..."

After two seconds of silence, he said helplessly: "Concubine, what about you? Do you reject me?"

Concubine Mo Li paused, and said frankly: "It was a bit at the beginning, after all, you really don't like it very much."

"So, no more now?" Liu Xuanhe heard the unfinished part from her words.

Concubine Mo Li smiled, and if she didn't pick him up, she just said: "If there is nothing wrong, go to bed early. You have been tossing badly today, you should be tired."

Liu Xuanhe didn't continue to ask the previous topic, and replied: "I want to sleep, but I'm tired, but I can't sleep."

"Why can't you sleep?" Concubine Mo Li asked.

Liu Xuanhe said: "I miss you."

Concubine Mo Li: "..."

Did he deliberately learn the routine to tease her, or did he speak the truth unconsciously

But I heard Liu Xuanhe add another sentence, saying: "Even though I had a hard time today, I was very tired, but... After this, I realized that I was a little bit..."

"What's the matter?" Concubine Mo Li was a little curious, wondering what he thought of after today's events.

Liu Xuanhe laughed and asked, "Do you really want to know?"

Intuition told Concubine Mo Li that it was definitely not a good answer, but she was still quite cooperative and said: "Well, I want to. Just say it if you want to, and you don't want to force it."

She also has curiosity, but she also knows that curiosity kills cats, and generally she doesn't ask questions.

Who knows, when Liu Xuanhe really told her, she regretted that she was curious about her death!

Over there, Liu Xuanhe chuckled lightly for a while, and said: "Concubine, you should know that I am a very boring person."

"Oh." Concubine Mo Li didn't feel anything yet.

Liu Xuanhe said again: "I grew up with only goals. When I was young, my family gave me goals, and I worked hard in that direction. Later, I became interested in studying biotechnology. After that, all my goals were to complete experiments and research. Related to what you want."

He spoke slowly, and Concubine Mo Li listened quietly without interrupting him.

He only heard him say: "I don't know what is fun, and naturally I don't understand what sex is needed between men and women when they are in love."

"This has always been the case for more than 20 years. I never felt that something was wrong before. Even Ahua, Kaizi, and Mouran all said the same about me, and they still go their own way."

"But after getting to know you, I slowly realized that I might really be a boring person."

In fact, his mentality is completely understandable.

Because before, he didn't need to have fun.

His job attributes, whether it is the Liu family's family business or his own research career, don't need something like interest to support it.

However, when he likes a girl and wants to fall in love, taste becomes extremely important.

At this time, he began to reflect on whether he was too boring.

Concubine Mo Li understood what he meant, and when she heard this, she inserted: "It's okay. According to my mother, you are probably... better than my father at the beginning."

After all, listening to Bai Qingyu's statement, Mo Beiyan used to like direct power suppression, and seized his side first.

That is simply the overlord.

Liu Xuanhe is not bad. He first realizes that he likes it, and then uses the normal process to pursue it step by step.


Liu Xuanhe couldn't help it, smiled, and said, "The relationship between your parents... If you are a powerless little girl, then I really can't say whether I can be better than your father."

There is no need to suppress the power, that is because the power cannot be suppressed!

The Mo family is a power, he only dared to forcibly take Concubine Mo Li back home after eating the courage of the bear heart and leopard!

Thinking of this, Concubine Mo Li can't help but smile, "Speaking of which, you do have a domineering gene in your bones."

Didn't he still show a very domineering attitude before

It's just something wrong—

Well, it's not something wrong, it's something very serious!

When she got angry, she ruined his N experiments and lost more than one billion yuan. This kind of thing is so rich that the Liu family can be an enemy of the country, don't you want to do it again

"Yeah. However, people always want to improve." Liu Xuanhe naturally thought of the pleasant memory, and felt that he was so stupid at that time.

He said again: "Concubine, I hope you can give me some time so that I can show it to you?"

Concubine Mo Li laughed and said: "Okay, give you time, you can behave well."

In fact, she had already made a decision in her heart when she could say this.

Of course, I don't want to tell him that kind of decision. If it is too easy to get, I usually don't cherish it. Even if she likes it, for her, the feelings for Liu Xuanhe are only like liking, not to the level of love, not to the point where she will spare no effort for him.

As for fighting against the family...

That can't be said to be right, she just has a lot of thoughts about her own affairs, and she doesn't want to be interfered too much in her emotional life by her family.

"Tomorrow you will accompany your sister to play, have you figured out where to go?" After receiving a satisfactory answer, Liu Xuanhe's heart was settled.

He was also very clever not to explain more about Shen Yue's affairs, because Concubine Mo Li was originally very smart. Since she is still willing to contact him, it means that she is willing to believe him.

It's not so much wrong to say more, but to cover it up, it's better to be calm.

Concubine Mo Li replied: "Not for the time being. I don't need to think about this kind of thing. Tomorrow Ranran will make a choice by herself."

"Yeah." Liu Xuanhe replied and asked, "Take me?"

Concubine Mo Li blinked and agreed, "Okay."

Liu Xuanhe was originally worried about the unpleasantness of the day. She would not be willing to take him. Who knew that she had agreed so readily, which made him a little unexpected.

Besides, I feel my heart beating very fast.

She said to give him a chance to perform, but she really gave it!

He had never felt this way before. If she was right in front of him, he wished he could hug her immediately and kiss her fiercely.

Of course, just thinking about it in his head, if he really dares to do this kind of thing, he might get a slap in return.

This girl is a wild little fox!

"Then see you tomorrow. It might be tiring to play with the children. Go to bed early."

Take it as soon as you see it.

Concubine Mo Li responded, "See you tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, I remembered that he originally wanted to remind him to face Mo Li'an after returning to the imperial capital, but he forgot.

But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter whether it is said or not.

Concubine Mo Li has experience playing with Mo Xuan.

The little girl likes nothing, just going to the playground for a day is enough.

The strong commander has no weak soldiers, the tiger father has no dogs, and the daughter of Mo Nanyang is naturally not a counselor. All kinds of stimulating projects are full of fun.

Ryu Xuan Hyuk...

Alighted from the pirate ship, the handsome face was blue and white, and she immediately sat on a chair in the rest area.

"I want to go the last time!" Mo Xuan Ran pouted, and acted like a baby at Concubine Mo Li: "Sister Concubine, you accompany me up again!"

Concubine Mo Li glanced at Liu Xuanhe.

Liu Xuanhe bit the bullet, even if he feels uncomfortable, he intends to keep up.

Chasing a daughter-in-law, how can I do without paying a little

Concubine Mo Li could naturally see his state, and did not force him to say: "I will accompany her to go again. After playing this for a long time, it is almost noon, and the child should be hungry. Go to the restaurant and order a meal. , We will just be able to eat it when we come down in a while."

I really can't say that Liu Xuan is weak. He should have never played in amusement parks before. He was able to support it at first. With his strong physical fitness, he just flew in the sky for a long time.

But after three hours, he was really choking.

Concubine Mo Li was okay, after all, he volunteered to accompany Mo Xuanran on several projects, but Concubine Mo Li did not go.

"That's fine, I'll go order. What does Xiao Ranran want to eat?" Liu Xuanhe looked at Mo Xuanran.

Mo Xuanran blinked and started ordering food, and then went to line up excitedly, not seeing Liu Xuanhe at all.

Liu Xuanhe handed the water bottle to Concubine Mo Li and said, "Then I will go first. You two will drink some water before you go up. It's too hot."

The combination of handsome men and beautiful women is always eye-catching, especially, this huge-looking man is so considerate to the girl, and a few girls next to him look over and whisper.

"It's so handsome, if he didn't have a girlfriend, I would go up and ask for a phone call!"

"If you have a girlfriend, you can also ask for a phone call. Anyway, if you are not married, you can find it.

"Cut, don't insult yourself. At first glance, it's a man with a boyfriend's textbook. This kind of man must have a crush on his girlfriend and won't move."


Boyfriend textbook

Concubine Mo Li raised her eyebrows, looked up at Liu Xuanhe, and asked, "Did you hear what they said about you?"

"What?" Liu Xuanhe was memorizing the menu with all his heart, and staring at Concubine Mo Li and drinking water, and asked her to apply another layer of sunscreen spray, where to pay attention to what others said.

Besides, besides Concubine Mo Li to take good care of, there is also a little girl.

After answering Concubine Mo Li, he waved to Mo Xuanran: "Little Ranran, come over and drink some water."

Mo Xuanran waved her hand: "I drank it just now, no!"

Concubine Mo Li said: "They said... Your performance is a boyfriend textbook. I'm curious, would you really go online and find a textbook to learn?"

"..." Liu Xuanhe was taken aback, and then there was an unnatural flash in his black eyes. After recognizing his eyes and not looking at Concubine Mo Li, he said, "I still need to read the textbook for this kind of thing?"

"Don't need it?" Concubine Mo Li stared at him and asked.

I have to say that Liu Xuanhe like this is still very cute. How could such a big man be ashamed of being seen through

Liu Xuanhe sullen his face and said: "You go there quickly, I think it's almost time to turn."

Concubine Mo Li didn't make it difficult for him: "Okay, go to the restaurant and take everything there."

She knew in her heart that there was no need to embarrass people.

Liu Xuanhe breathed a sigh of relief, watching her walk towards Mo Xuanran, waiting for the two girls, one big and one small, to get on the pirate ship again before picking up the things they had brought and walking towards the restaurant.

At this time, the voices of the girls next to him came to his ears.

"Really handsome!"

"Don't look at it, you are not yours no matter how handsome. Didn't you see that your girlfriend is so beautiful?"

"Speaking of which, isn't that little girl their daughter?"

"How is it possible? Looking so young, that little girl is at least 10 years old, right?"


Regarding these discussions, Liu Xuanhe didn't take it to heart. As long as he didn't come in front of him to annoy him, he would ignore what others said behind his back.

But thinking of the "textbook" that Concubine Mo Li just said, he thinned his lips.

That's right, he did a lot of dating details last night and read a lot of articles such as "How to be a good boyfriend and take care of female tickets"!

With his strong memory ability, he basically memorized those important points thoroughly, and he did it very smoothly.

It's just that this kind of thing is not easy to admit to Concubine Mo Li!

After Mo Xuanran and Concubine Mo Li got on the pirate ship, the project was down within a few minutes.

It was very hot, and both of them were exposed to sweat.

"After a while, change your clothes." Concubine Mo Li handed the sweat towel to Mo Xuanran: "Let's go, go eat."

Mo Xuanran wiped her sweat and walked towards the restaurant with Concubine Mo Li.

The sun was too big, Concubine Mo Li took Mo Xuanran and walked on the boulevard.

This playground is also very suitable for summer. Although it is very hot in terms of the project, whether it is a waiting area or a rest area, it is all tree-lined or indoor. The sun is only a few minutes, and the heat is also the few minutes.

"Sister Concubine." Mo Xuanran took a sip of water and asked as she walked: "That Brother Liu is chasing you, right?"

Concubine Mo Li was taken aback, looked down at the quirky little girl, smiled and asked, "So what?"

I didn't ask how the child knew whether to chase it or not. After all, children nowadays are precocious, so there is no need to ask.

Maybe, this kid already has a puppy love among his classmates.

"It's not much. I think he is pretty good. He really likes you." Mo Xuanran said seriously, just like a person who has had countless emotional experiences.

Concubine Mo Li thought it was funny, she nodded the little girl's forehead, and said, "Do you know what a real like is and what a fake like?"

Having said that, she actually knew it in her heart.

She could tell if she was sincere or not.

After all, since her kindergarten, there have been countless boys running after her. When she was a child, she naturally didn't talk about falling in love, but it is a fact that boys like beautiful little girls.

It's also too much to see, and I have learned the ability to see through the other side's true or false intentions.

Liu Xuanhe is really serious about her. Academicians like him are meticulous in the requirements of experiments. With his personality, he will not be serious.

"I just feel it." Mo Xuanran walked backwards and said with a grin.

Concubine Mo Li came to be interested and asked: "You don't mean to say that he is willing to do a lot for me, and he even doesn't like to play these projects, so he should stay with you and love the house and Wu?"

I thought that the little girl's vision was like this. Who knew that Mo Xuanran actually shook her head and said, "No, it's not because of this."

"Oh?" Concubine Mo Li asked angrily: "What's the reason for that?"

Mo Xuanran said: "If you just do those things, most men will do this as long as they want to marry you and sharpen their heads."

You know, what does Concubine Mo Li represent

Represents beauty, wealth and wisdom!

If you can marry Concubine Mo Li, you don't have to worry for the rest of your life, and you'll have a lot of face in spite of everything!

So, what's so strange about those men who want to pursue her and are willing to do these things

Concubine Mo Li smiled and looked at the little girl, fearing that she would run into a pedestrian, so she pulled her to prevent her from walking backwards, and asked: "You can talk about it."

"He looks at your eyes!" Mo Xuanran stopped selling her off, and said directly: "I found out. Every time Brother Liu looks at you, his eyes seem to glow! It seems that in his eyes, it is perfect. of!"

Concubine Mo Li curled her lips and said, "What does it mean that I am perfect in his eyes? Isn't I perfect in the first place?"

"..." Mo Xuanran rolled her eyes: "I hate it, you know what I mean, but you still deliberately interrupted!"