Fresh Wife in Your Arms: Mo Shao, Be Gentle

Chapter 799: She knows the times very well!


Therefore, when Mo Li'an mentioned that, Ruan Zhengling's face was terribly dark, and he drank the last sip of milk, and said: "I'm full, I'll see if Xi Chun is up, please use it slowly."

Slipped one.

Mo Li'an looked at Xing Qiaofeng again.

Without waiting for him to speak, Xing Qiaofeng said, "I don't care about Sinan. If you have any comments, tell your Aunt Nan."

Saying, also slipped away.

Yan Jinkuan sat aside and looked quite satisfied.

Hmph, tell them to tease his baby girl, this is all right, before the old father speaks, the future son-in-law has already stepped up to protect his wife!

Bai Qingyu looked funny and said, "A'an, if you do this, Yuqiao and Sinan will hate you to death."

For the sake of my daughter-in-law, sue me behind!

But Mo Li'an said with peace of mind: "Isn't what I said is the truth?"

Yan Jinkuan praised: "Yes, yes, what you said is the truth. If Yuqiao troubles you, I will help you fix him!"

"Thank you, uncle." Melian smiled gently.

This is the most harmonious Weng-in-law series.

When Mo Li'an and Yan Shuhuan’s breakfast were delivered, he put the millet porridge in front of Yan Shuhuan, and divided his own poached egg with her.

His words and deeds all revealed his pampering with Yan Shuhuan.

Yan Jinkuan was more satisfied.

Bai Qingyu is very envious and hateful!

Why is Mo Beiyan's son so far behind Mo Beiyan

However, this is not the time to be jealous. It is a good thing that the eldest son’s marriage is settled, but the daughter’s affairs are still awful!

Bai Qingyu had almost eaten, and he glanced at Mo Li'an and said, "You are solely responsible for the incident about the Xiao family, and you take Huanhuan to handle it. Concubine, don’t let her come forward. ."

"Well, I know." Mo Li'an replied.

Yan Shuhuan: "..."

So, this means that Concubine Mo Li will be forbidden!

Poor concubine, I can't help you!

The speculation with Concubine Mo Li was still turning in her mind last night. She wanted to ask, but she felt that it would be better to ask Mo Li'an in private. It is not easy for her elders to ask. After all, for Concubine Mo Li, that was something unspoken.

"In a few days, when things are done, your dad and I will take the concubine abroad to play for a period of time." Bai Qingyu said again.

Yan Shuhuan: "..."

Is this a ban on footing or not, but also forced to dismantle

When she heard this, she couldn't help it, and said, "Aunt Qing Yu, what if the concubine is unwilling?"

The Mo family have always respected their children's choices. If Concubine Mo Li is unwilling, what will they do

Perhaps this is the first time to forcefully oppose the choice made by her daughter!

Upon hearing this, Mo Li'an looked at her disapprovingly and asked, "Are you trying to help Liu Xuanhe speak?"

"I'm not helping Liu Xuanhe to speak." Yan Shuhuan replied: "I don't know what Liu Xuanhe is, I don't understand! But I know the concubine! I think it is more important for her to be happy. What hate or resentment, concubine Don't care at all?"

These words silenced Bai Qingyu.

Yan Jinkuan frowned and said, "Huanhuan, you and your concubine have a good relationship, we all know. But there are some things you can't look at like this, you can't be emotional."

"I'm not a sentimental thing, right? I'm very sensible, OK!" Yan Shuhuan felt that she still had to fight for Concubine Mo Li, and said: "If there is something wrong with Liu Xuanhe, you don't need to stop it, Concubine herself You know what choice you should make. The more you oppose it, have you never thought that the concubine will bounce back?"

She just said that if Concubine Mo Li was determined to be with Liu Xuanhe, would she elope with Liu Xuanhe

It's going to rain, the mother wants to marry, and Concubine Mo Li must really give up, so what can the Mo family do

Although she speaks from a different perspective from others, she has to say that there is a certain truth.

Yan Jinkuan and Bai Qingyu looked at each other, then looked at Mo Li'an again.

Mo Li'an knew that this meant kicking the ball to him, and said: "Everyone knows this matter in their hearts, and they understand what you mean, and they will consider it. You should eat well first and be on the road later, I will tell you. "

"Oh." Yan Shuhuan felt that the atmosphere was not right, and it was not suitable to continue, so she could only accept it.

After breakfast, Yan Shuhuan went out with Mo Li'an.

The car stopped in front of the main building and the two got on.

Yan Shuhuan intends to send a message to Concubine Mo Li, and open WeChat to type: Concubine, your eldest brother and I have gone to Xiao's house.

Unexpectedly, when I sent it, I couldn't send it out!

"Why there is no signal?" Yan Shuhuan frowned and looked at the man sitting beside her.

The driver drove the car, and both Mo Li'an and Yan Shuhuan were in the back seat.

Seeing her asking himself, he replied: "It's blocked."


Yan Shuhuan was shocked: "You really intend to use the attitude of house arrest to treat your concubine! Have you ever thought that this will hurt her?"

Mo Li'an corrected the wording in her words: "It's not under house arrest. This kind of time won't be very long."

Yan Shuhuan stared, and wanted to say something, but he squeezed his hand and said: "Be calm and not irritable, listen to me."

"Okay, you say, I will listen!" Yan Shuhuan sullenly, very upset!

Mo Li'an said, "Don't you think that Liu Xuanhe and the concubine have feelings? It's better to put it to the test."

Yan Shuhuan: "..."


Mo Li'an nodded and said, "Many things can't stand the test at all. Once you get serious, things that didn't appear on the surface will come out. Whether Liu Xuanhe is sincere or fake to the concubine will also be revealed. ."

What he omitted to say is: Don't test human nature, because most people can't stand the test. When something really happens, the choices made by humans are often beyond his own imagination!

Choosing to use such a method against Concubine Mo Li mainly wanted to see Liu Xuanhe's attitude.

It's good to be able to create contradictions from within to dismantle them, but it won't work. They will consider other plans.

If Liu Xuanhe is really that good, then for the sake of Concubine Mo Li's happiness, it is not impossible for the Mo family to swallow their anger and accept Liu Xuanhe.

Yan Shuhuan naturally did not expect to go to such a deep level, she only felt that the test was necessary!

Then, the question turned back: "I still want to know what happened, and did Liu Xuanhe do anything to his concubine that made everyone so opposed to them being together?"

Hearing this, Mo Li'an didn't say a word, just looking ahead.

Yan Shuhuan became anxious: "Mo Li'an, did that happen 10 years ago?"

"10 years ago?" Mo Li'an's eyes flashed. What did she know

Or, what did Concubine Mo Li guess

Just guessing is okay, I'm afraid...

Yan Shuhuan pursed her lips, stared at him squintingly, and asked: "The things you all know are things that my concubine and I don't know, right?"

"You think too much." After guessing a lot in his heart, Mo Li'an didn't show up at all on his face, and was very calm.

Yan Shuhuan was a little discouraged.

Concubine Mo Li was right, she and Mo Li'an would lose every minute of the match!

She stopped spying at all, and said: "Then what it means now is, must we separate them?"

"Not to separate them." Mo Li'an said: "To protect the concubine."

Yan Shuhuan curled her lips: "In order to protect her, shouldn't she consider issues from her standpoint? She is already twenty years old, not a child! She has the ability to distinguish right from wrong, and she knows what she wants better than I do. What can she accept and what can't be accepted!"

Upon hearing this, Mo Li'an was silent.

Although he could not agree with Yan Shuhuan's suggestion, he could not deny her statement.

What she said is reasonable, but the current situation cannot be explained by reason. Many things cannot be considered from the theoretical side alone!

"So, is it a test for the concubine or Liu Xuanhe?" Yan Shuhuan asked again.

Cut off their contact and banned Concubine Mo Li's foot.

Is it a test of Liu Xuanhe and Concubine Mo Li

They may think that Concubine Mo Li doesn't love Liu Xuanhe so much that he can't lose it, so if something really happened, it should be easy to cut it off, right


Yan Shuhuan couldn't understand how much Concubine Mo Li loves Liu Xuanhe. Probably only Concubine Mo Li knew about it.

"Both." Mo Li'an replied, "If you compromise because of this, it proves that Liu Xuanhe is not important to the concubine, and it doesn't matter if she is separated. And if she insists and Liu Xuanhe gives up, then Liu Xuanhe will give up. He is naturally not worthy of her liking. She knows how to choose and what she should do."

Yan Shuhuan felt that she had nothing to say.

They were all arranged, and naturally they wouldn't be able to change anything because of her in a few words.

So, she just said: "That won't also ban me, right?"

Can't help but follow her words, maybe she will help Liu Xuanhe spread the word.

Mo Li'an looked at her with a faint smile, and said, "You are with me these days."


Yan Shuhuan's eyes widened, her eyes filled with shock: "What did you say?"

Did she get it wrong

Mo Li'an kindly explained: "Before the concubine's matter is resolved, you will be with me."

"I'm very busy!" Yan Shuhuan said directly.

She is not an excuse. She has always been very busy. What's more, the songs that were originally prepared have been plagiarized. Now that there are new songs, she has to run around in a very short time!

The new album must be made beautifully, and the goal is to slaughter the charts!

"I know you are very busy. When you are busy, I will send an assistant to call you." Mo Li'an said, "Don't meet your concubine these days, let her calm down."

Yan Shuhuan: "..."

She doesn't like this arrangement!

"So, keep me under surveillance, for fear that I will stand on Liu Xuanhe's side as a spy?" She curled her mouth, all dissatisfied.

Mo Li'an replied: "It's not monitoring, but cultivating feelings. I spend the time I can take to cultivate relationships with you, so that I can get to the stage of marriage soon. As for I can't spare time, I will send an assistant. By your side, so that we can contact our relationship at any time."

Yan Shuhuan: "..."

I listen to you!

She shook her head and looked out the car window: "I don't want it!"

Mo Li'an didn't persuade, reaching out and squeezing her hand, very quiet.

Yan Shuhuan was so annoyed that he wanted to shake his hand away, but he held it very tightly.

"Mo Li'an, you let me go!"

"Don't let go!"

"You are really annoying, why should I go to my head and didn't refute what you said last night?"

"That's because you know the current affairs."

In a word, poke the core!

Yan Shuhuan was silent.

Yes, she knows the times very well!

Since childhood, she knew very well that she could not resist the family members, so as long as the family decided things, she didn't bother to oppose it. At most, express your dissatisfaction. When you find that you can't fight, you just accept it. '


In order to make up for it, she chose a job that was completely irrelevant to her family. In her field of work, she did her best to live according to her own wishes.

Stronger than ever.

With this extremely strong contrast, she can also switch back and forth freely, without any sense of violation!

"Okay, let them solve the concubine's affairs by themselves. I believe that there will be a number of days in the dark. If they can carry it by themselves, no one will oppose them in the future."

Seeing that she was really unhappy, Mo Li'an coaxed.

He is very good at this point. The advantage of people with high EQ is that they are reflected in such a small place. They are extremely concerned about the feelings of the woman and can be called perfect lovers.

Yan Shuhuan glanced at him silently, did not speak, but did not puff up.

The car drove slowly and came to the Xiao family mansion.

Mo Li'an had already made an appointment with the Patriarch of the Xiao family yesterday, so when he arrived at this time, he was able to travel unimpeded.

"Young Master Mo, you are here!" The Patriarch of the Xiao Family is called Xiao Liming. He is also a capable person, otherwise he can't sustain the Xiao Family's status in the imperial capital.

And Xiao Muran is the least powerful and the least prominent among his sons.

Because this matter was Xiao Muran running, Xiao Muran was naturally at home too, and said hello: "Young Master Mo."

Mo Li'an nodded calmly and pursed the corners of his lips, not as gentle as usual in social situations.

He pulled Yan Shuhuan over and said, "This is my fiancee, Yan Shuhuan."

"It turns out to be the future Mrs. Mo, Miss Yan, hello!" Xiao Liming immediately nodded slightly to Yan Shuhuan.

The head of the family can't lower his identity too much to show respect to the juniors, so he is also very good.

And he didn't know that Yan Shuhuan was the party involved in the plagiarism, but Xiao Muran knew it, and said hello to Yan Shuhuan: "It turns out that it is Miss Yan. I'm really sorry about the matter this time. We will give an explanation. "

A group of people went into the living room to sit down and serve tea.

Mo Li’s security process was very cold, and Yan Shuhuan secretly praised: This B pretend, I’ll give 666!

If they don't speak, the Xiao family, as the host, can't help but speak.

Xiao Liming said: "Mu Ran told me about this. I am not very clear about the specifics. But it should be checked and fair, and everything should be explained clearly."

As a business leader, he speaks very smoothly.

The meaning is also very clear. Check the matter clearly, and we will admit where our Xiao family apologizes. However, there can be no place for wronging our Xiao family. If you should apologize, you must do it!

In this way, it would not appear that the Xiao family was one level shorter than the Mo family.

Mo Li'an glanced at Yan Shuhuan and motioned for her to speak.

Regardless of Yan Shuhuan's counseling at home like quail, she is a famous firecracker outside, especially in the music production circle. Everyone who knows her knows that Yan Shuhuan is talented, but there is a fatal problem, that is one thing. Just blow it up!

She came here with full preparations, opened the file bag she was carrying, and while taking things, she said: "Although the place where this happened is mainly in my studio and my partner. But after all, the Xiao family He is also a person with a face and a face. After so many days, it is impossible to find out nothing. Xiao Shao, don't you think?"

Xiao Muran personally handled this matter, naturally it was almost checked, and replied: "Yes."

He explained to his father: "Dad, Miss Yan and Miss Mo, as the victims of time, proposed to us that the main theme of Yun Ran's debut song "Beautiful as Honey" came from Yan Shuhuan's studio, and the title of the song was "Maple Sugar". The original songwriter was Concubine Mo Li, and the entire song was produced in Yan Shuhuan's studio."

Yan Shuhuan threw out the files one by one and said: "After comparing, judging from the time of file retention, it is indeed the manuscript of the song "Maple Sugar" by Yan Shuhuan's studio in the front. Because every concubine wrote every The song will be copyrighted on the Music House website after its embryonic form! Facts have proved that your Xiao Yunran team has plagiarized our intellectual property rights! The plagiarism level is as high as 79.5%!"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Liming frowned and said, "If this matter is true, it should also be a problem with the Yunran Brokerage Company. Why did you come to the Xiao family?"


Mo Li, who had been silent all the time, gave a quick sneer.

Hearing this laughter, Xiao Liming believed that he was an old world, nothing more. Xiao Muran's scalp is about to explode!

This Mo Li'an is simply a nightmare for the younger generation of the entire imperial capital celebrity circle!

He usually smiles slightly, which makes people shudder, not to mention that he comes with a bright gun at this time

According to his introduction, Yan Shuhuan is his fiancee!

Concubine Mo Li and Yan Shuhuan, as the original team of "Maple Sugar", were plagiarized from the song. One of them is Mo Li'an's younger sister, and the other is his fiancee. How could Mo Li'an not go crazy

He took the initiative to ease the atmosphere: "Young Master Mo, the original process should be negotiated with Yun Ran's agency through Yan Shuhuan's studio..."

No, Mo Li'an did not intend to give him face: "Yes, it is true in theory. If it is just a general infringement case, it should be the case. However, the people involved in this case are my sister and fiancee, if I am Mo Li'an If you don't stand up and express your stance, can the entire imperial capital think that people from the Mo family can deceive me at will?"

The lukewarm tone and the lukewarm voice made the atmosphere in the living room instantly stiff.

The pressure is so great that ordinary people can't bear it, and it's difficult to breathe.

After all, Xiao Liming is a big boss, and said: "Young Master Mo's remarks are too much. Since what we are saying is reasonable, it is natural to follow the formal process!"

Mo Li smiled swiftly and said, "Oh, if the Xiao family's attitude is to go through the formal process, I will accompany myself."

He looked relaxed, like a tiger walking out for a walk full of food.

Xiao Muran frowned and said, "Young Master Mo..."

"Young Master Xiao, obviously this is not your home court, so please watch from the sidelines, eh?" Mo Li'an still didn't give Xiao Muran a chance to speak.

Xiao Muran: "..."

Yan Shuhuan was too happy!

Mo Li'an has always suppressed people very strongly. Yan Shuhuan, who has had a distinct feeling since childhood, has long been dissatisfied. At this time, seeing others also feel this way, naturally, she has a lot of balance in her heart!

She laughed and said, "I said Mr. Xiao, are you sure you want to go through the formal process and never regret it?"

Xiao Liming had a meal.

He looked at Xiao Muran.

The position of the Xiao family is there, and most people rarely dare to provoke it. Let alone whether Xiao Yunran really plagiarized other people's songs, even if it was true, this kind of thing would be easy to solve.

And if it weren't true, the majesty of the Xiao family would naturally not be provocative.

Therefore, at this glance, it is natural to confirm with Xiao Muran.

Xiao Muran groaned and nodded at Xiao Liming.

Yesterday he and Xiao Liming reported the incident and made it clear that Xiao Yunran's plagiarism was confirmed. He didn't expect Xiao Liming to not listen to it, and even listened to Xiao Yunran's denial, and Xiao Yunran swears to the heavens.

Therefore, Xiao Liming probably thought there was a turning point in this matter

But seeing Mo Li'an beckoning behind him, two men in suits and leather shoes who looked like business elites walked up, one holding a laptop in hand and opening it, saying: "According to Article XX of the XXXXXXX Intellectual Property Protection Law, Article XX stipulates..."

A series of arguments.

Xiao Liming's expression was hard to look for an instant: "So, is this going to court?"

Mo Li'an faintly smiled.

This man is very young, twenty-five or sixty, but he has a calm aura that no one else has in thirty-five or sixty.

He wore a simple but extremely delicate handmade suit, and every line looked extremely charming.

Such a man is as dazzling as gold wherever he is placed.

He said lightly: "Patriarch Xiao, in fact, from the perspective of our Mo family, he has always disliked going to court. We always like to solve things by ourselves. But if you have to do this, we are not unaccompanied. "

Xiao Liming's face suddenly became more ugly.

After all, the meaning of Mo Li'an's words is too obvious, but the Mo family are like hob meat, all of them are very difficult to entangle. It will only be worse if it is solved in the way of the Mo family!

So, in the case of court, do they have any chance of winning

"Young Master Mo, the matter has not been finalized yet, is it too early to say that?" Xiao Liming still wanted to fight for it.

After all, the face of the Xiao family is very important!

By the way, what Mo Li'an caught was the word face: "If the Xiao family takes the initiative to cooperate, then each other's faces will look good, as long as the parties involved in the incident stand up and apologize. But if the Xiao family adopts a taboo attitude , If we send us to resolve this matter with a brokerage company..."