Fresh Wife in Your Arms: Mo Shao, Be Gentle

Chapter 811: He can't say


Bai Qingyu looked at him: "But she obviously refuses to leave now!"

Mo Li'an said, "I'll ask her."

Everyone is silent.

At this time, the door of the study was suddenly opened, and a voice came out: "Go to South America, I'll go!"

Everyone turned their heads: "Concubine?"

Concubine Mo Li just nodded and said, "I'll do some preparations."

Turned around and left.

The whole person exudes a cold breath!

Everyone looked at each other: "..."

On the private jet of the Mo family.

Bai Qingyu said that he was very sad: the only good thing is that the boss is going to get engaged. The second child... seems to be in love with a man! The third child is broken in love.

Moreover, Concubine Mo Li's broken love was caused by them alone!

Now, she is sitting on their private jet, but there is no communication with her parents during the whole process. She is always alone either operating the tablet or staring at the mobile phone, not knowing what she is doing.

At this time, while eating, Concubine Mo Li also looked at her mobile phone.

Obviously the signal was blocked on the plane, so what else is she good-looking

Mo Beiyan was not calm anymore, and whispered to Bai Qingyu: "Go and talk to her."

Bai Qingyu is in a bad mood, and his tone of voice is naturally not good: "She looks like she's not close to a stranger, does she seem to be willing to open up to me?"

Mo Beiyan who was bitten by his wife: "..."

Although Bai Qingyu said that verbally, but her daughter had something in her heart and her mood was so depressed, Bai Qingyu was naturally concerned.

Bite the scalp, but also to care and love!

"Concubine, can I come in?" Bai Qingyu carried the salty and juice that Concubine Mo Li liked to eat.

I specifically inquired about the ingredients that make people feel better, and Bai Qingyu personally cooks them.

In this regard, Mo Beiyan is still very jealous, complaining that Bai Qingyu has been reluctant to cook for himself for a long time.

Of course, if you want to coax your own man well, it shouldn't be too simple for Bai Qingyu. Bai Qingyu still thinks that the affairs of Concubine Mo Li should be dealt with first, and then come back to comfort her husband.

Concubine Mo Li opened the door, and at a glance it was Bai Qingyu's food.

Because Bai Qingyu's food tastes good, but it really doesn't look good!

"Come in." Concubine Mo Li let Bai Qingyu into the room.

The room on the plane was very small, and the room where Concubine Mo Li slept was only a small bed, that is, the bathroom was shared outside.

Of course, the room between Bai Qingyu and Mo Beiyan was similar in configuration to Fei Mo Li except for the larger bed.

Bai Qingyu put the tray on the small table and looked at it. Seeing that Concubine Mo Li's desk was filled with empty staves, he couldn't help being curious: "Don't you usually write songs with software?"

Concubine Mo Li replied, "Well, after looking at the tablet on the plane for a long time, my eyes are sore and my head is still dizzy, so I prepared an empty book and planned to write."

She has always had this problem, the car, ship, and plane are the same, and she can't keep reading for a long time.

"Was it all right?" Bai Qingyu picked up a sheet of music with notes on it, but didn't understand it.

Concubine Mo Li replied: "Anything that goes well or not, anyway, this kind of thing is also a waste of time."

If Yan Shuhuan were there, she would know that she was not going well, but Bai Qingyu was not well-versed, so naturally she couldn't see that her style had changed.

I wrote a lot of sweet songs before, even if I was shut down by my parents at home and cut off contact with the outside world, I could still write sweet songs like "Chocolate Cage".

But now...

She is broken in love!

This is a brand new feeling, the inspiration is like a fountain, but all written are some sad notes.

Concubine Mo Li has a talent for composing, but the reason why she has been writing sweet songs, or lyric songs, has never written a sad song, that is because she has no idea about the sentimental emotions. .

She always thinks that her five senses are incomplete!

And now, after this broken love, she finally made up for the kind of sadness that her feelings had been missing all the time!

"I think you haven't been in a high mood these days." Bai Qingyu came to be a confidant mother, so naturally he must hurry up and get into the topic.

Concubine Mo Li did not shy away, saying: "Well, as everyone knows, I'm broken in love!"

Bai Qing said: "..."


Fortunately, Concubine Mo Li also noticed her uncomfortableness. She smiled for the first time in a few days and said: "Mom, you think too much. I just adapt to a new emotion recently and need time to digest it. "

Bai Qingyu still felt a little guilty: "Anyway, it was caused by parents."

"I said I didn't blame you, but I didn't blame you." Concubine Mo Li had been immersed in her emotions a few days ago, so she didn't notice the reaction of her family and didn't know that everyone was worried about her.

Even, they are all wondering whether what they are doing is right.

That day, Mo Li'an came to her and chatted with her.

Concubine Mo Li only realized that her abnormal emotions made everyone worried, but she also felt that her parents' actions did a little bit dissatisfaction with her, so she clearly saw the care of her parents, and deliberately left them to make them anxious.

Bai Qingyu sighed and said: "But you are like this..."

"Isn't this a normal manifestation of a broken relationship?" Concubine Mo Li asked.

She pursed her lips and said, "I have never felt this way before. Although it is uncomfortable, it is also fresh. Now I am curious to what extent this emotion will interfere with me."

"You... really like Liu Xuanhe so much?" Bai Qingyu asked.

Concubine Mo Li curled her lips and said, "Perhaps it is true, I don't know why, anyway..."

When she saw Liu Xuanhe's words-we broke up, she was very worried.

Later, knowing that Liu Xuanhe had blacklisted her mobile phone number and deleted her WeChat friends, she was completely sad!

This was an emotion that Concubine Mo Li had never had before. It was fresh. Although it was uncomfortable, she did not reject this new and unfamiliar feeling.

However, thinking of a relationship that died so easily was probably the biggest frustration in her life!

"Concubine, parents have reasons to do this." Bai Qingyu sighed and said: "There are some things that always have to be faced. Liu Xuanhe can't face it, so he is not qualified to follow. You are together. There are some things that parents don’t want to tell you, and it’s for your own good."

"I know."

Concubine Mo Li said.

Knowing that you know, but whether you can agree is another matter.

Although she doesn't blame her parents for doing this, she doesn't understand it.

Just for her loved ones, she will not resent her for what they did out of the starting point of loving her.

Didn’t cause any serious consequences

She and Liu Xuanhe parted, it was Liu Xuanhe who brought it up! He can't stand the test.

She could follow the clues to guess what happened to her back then, and she could also conclude that that person was Liu Xuanhe, who almost ruined her life.

However, instead of resenting Liu Xuanhe, she was still able to accept this fact.

Moreover, she was a victim, but she didn't have any bad impressions of Liu Xuanhe because of this.

On the contrary, it was Liu Xuanhe himself, unable to pass his own level.

That being the case, there is nothing to say.


Bai Qingyu wanted to say something, but Concubine Mo Li smiled at her and said, "Mom, you don't need to say anything, I understand."


Bai Qingyu sighed, looked at Concubine Mo Li's appearance, shook his head and said: "Sometimes I think it is a good thing for children to be sensible. It saves me worry and effort. But again, I feel that this makes me very unfulfilled. "

"Do you want a sense of accomplishment? Then when you become a grandmother, do your best! Big brother is busy, and Sister Huan doesn't seem like a caring person." Concubine Mo Li doesn't want the mother to continue to focus on herself. , And simply shifted the topic.

Put it on Mo Li'an and Yan Shuhuan, it must be better.

She can also catch her breath.

She really can’t empathize with the emotion that I don’t care about, but the whole world cares for me!

As expected, Bai Qingyu was distracted by her, and smiled, and said, "What you said is that Huanhuan herself needs someone to take care of herself. But the two of them... If you have children, there is probably still a long way to go!"

"It won't be too long." Concubine Mo Li said very confidently.

Bai Qingyu looked at her, smiled at the corners of her lips, and said, "What do you say?"

Concubine Mo Li smiled and said: "Mom, you know why, and you have to tell me!"

Just kidding, Mo Li'an has endured for so long and finally tasted the sweetness. Can he let Yan Shuhuan go so easily

In order to get married, Mo Li'an ate Yan Shuhuan. With Mo Li'an's character, this is definitely not a slapstick.

He is a man with strong self-control, and the men of the Mo family have been professionally resisted by the temptation of sex. How could it be possible to wipe the gun so easily

There is only one reason, everything is his calculation!

As a result, the result of this calculation was engagement, and failed to get married.


In order to get married, Concubine Mo Li had no doubt that Mo Li'an would definitely continue to calculate so that Yan Shuhuan had to nod her head to agree to the marriage as soon as possible.

Even Concubine Mo Li thought of an idea: make Yan Shuhuan pregnant!

Of course Bai Qingyu thought so too, and his son knew it for himself.

She smiled and said, "In that case, my time as a grandmother is coming soon."

Then he sighed: "Time flies so fast. Recently I often think of when I was a teenager, just now..."

Just changed her body and came to this world. People she knows don’t know herself anymore, and she has been reduced from a first-class international supermodel to a super fat man!

"When my mother was a teenager, she was a super fat man, and then she became a model of inspiration!" Concubine Mo Li smiled.

Regarding that paragraph, let alone the Mo family, people all over the world know it!

After all, it was also a good story at the beginning.

Bai Qingyu smiled, and said: "As for me, your dad booked it too early, so I hope my daughter can have a broader vision and see more good men."

"Mom, don't be picky. You are lucky. You didn't meet a few scumbags, you just met true love!"

Concubine Mo Li expressed envy: "I heard that the relationship between young couples is always better."

In response, Bai Qingyu snorted: "I'm a girl, your father was not a young boy at the time! He is already an old man!"

You know, Mo Beiyan is 8 years older than Bai Qingyu!

Concubine Mo Li sneered: "I can't let my dad hear this."

"What do you hear? He is also a bad old man now, and I'm still middle-aged!" Bai Qingyu rolled his eyes gracefully.

A handful of age, still as charming as a girl.

Concubine Mo Li was quite envious.

After all, it must be because he has been pampered for decades, and only by being pampered can he maintain such caution.

If it is a person who has been through the vicissitudes of life, it is absolutely impossible to retain such an innocent side.

"Mom, you're done, my dad heard it!"

The light at the door shook, and Concubine Mo Li saw Mo Beiyan standing at the door.

Although Mo Beiyan is sixty years old, he is the one who always said.

Probably in order to always maintain his best side in front of Bai Qingyu, Mo Beiyan has never stopped exercising. Not only is he in good shape, but also in good shape.

Except for the inevitable aging and relaxation of muscles, Mo Beiyan looked less than 50 years old compared to an ordinary sixty-year-old man.

What settles down over time is called temperament.

In the eyes of Concubine Mo Li, Mo Beiyan was still like a male god!

Not to mention Bai Qingyu!

"What about me?" Mo Beiyan glanced at Concubine Mo Li at first, but almost didn't look at Concubine Mo Li from behind. All his eyes were on Bai Qingyu.

That is his biggest concern in this life!

Concubine Mo Li has grown from a snack to eating her parents’ dog food, and she is also used to it.

She pushed Bai Qingyu and said, "Mom, you accompany my dad, otherwise he will be jealous again!"

It doesn't matter if you eat your son's vinegar, because the son is the opposite sex of the mother! But the daughter's vinegar must be eaten, and only Mo Beiyan can do it if she comes to chat with her daughter in less than fifteen minutes and finds his wife!

Bai Qingyu stood up with a smile but a smile, and said, "I said something bad about you, what's the matter? You're a bad old man, don't let people say it!"

"Is it a bad old man, don't you have any points in your heart?" Mo Beiyan was also not angry, but his eyes darkened.

Bai Qing said: "..."

She walked towards him and hurriedly pulled the embarrassing thing away.

Concubine Mo Li could still hear Bai Qingyu's complaint: "You should pay attention to someone who is going to be sixty years old. Can you not be so naive! In front of your daughter, you want to point your face?"

"It's about the dignity of a man, it's more important than having a face!" Mo Beiyan spoke plausibly.

Concubine Mo Li couldn't hear what she said later, and the door was closed.

She sat in a daze, thinking, this is love!

What is true love

After spending a long time together, in each other's hearts, each other's shortcomings have been integrated into the love life, even if it is a small complaint, it is full of sweetness.

Judging from the mutual anxiousness between Mo Beiyan and Bai Qingyu, this is also an expression of their deep love for each other.

Flirting, but so.

Concubine Mo Li thought of herself and Liu Xuanhe again, is this kind of love

She doesn't understand.

Everyone’s emotional world is different. Concubine Mo Li also knows that she can’t compare her parents’ love with her own, but she thinks: In fact, how many moments has she ever loved Liu Xuanhe? of

It's just that she didn't understand and didn't convey to the other party!

However, in the snacks he made for himself, in every note she wrote down because of his feelings, there are these feelings!

And this relationship is over before it can bear fruit!

Thinking of this, Concubine Mo Li was a little bit slumped. When she fell down, she silently read his name: "Liu Xuanhe, what are you doing?"

Liu Xuanhe just learned that Concubine Mo Li had left the imperial capital!

He was drunk that day, and he had a slight alcoholism.

After Peng Shaohua sent him back to the research institute, he was sent to the laboratory for experimentation, and the person under his hand treated him.

The sadness in his heart was hard to contain. After Liu Xuanhe woke up, his whole body was dumb.

"I said you are enough, isn't it just a woman!" Peng Shaohua persuaded.

Liu Xuanhe did not answer, nor did he look at Peng Shaohua, his eyes fixed on a certain place, but he did not have a focus.

Peng Shaohua again said: "Or, tell me the key points of the matter, and I will help you analyze it? What is the so-called fan of the authorities!"

Liu Xuanhe still did not speak.

After being quiet for a long time, he suddenly turned his head and asked: "A Hua, if you have a woman you like, but you have done unforgivable things to her, what will happen to you?"

Peng Shaohua: "..."

The whole person is stiff!

Do you want to ask such a difficult question as soon as you come up? There is no way to super-class!

Don't you know that he has never really liked any woman when he grows up? !

However, strictly speaking, it seems wrong.

"The woman I like..." He recalled the past, and said, "No, I can't say that it is the woman I like, but the girl!"

Liu Xuanhe: "..."

So, exploded out the secret love that Peng Shaohua never declared

I saw a look of nostalgia on Peng Shaohua's face and said, "Speaking of it, it was a long, long time ago. That is to say, I like it, I haven't been close, I haven't got it, so it feels dim, and it feels good. But... If you have done something unforgivable to her..."

He thought about it for a while, shook his head and said, "Unimaginable."

Liu Xuanhe: "..."

He had contempt in his eyes: "I know that you, a single dog who has never really talked about relationships, ask for nothing!"

Peng Shaohua was not convinced: "What single dog, as long as I want to get out of the single, I can do it every minute, OK!"

"Well, you have a lot of real husband and wife, but you haven't found one that can make you like and crazy for her! This is also a failure." Liu Xuanhe stabbed again.

No way, he is broken in love!

He is in a bad mood, why can Peng Shaohua scream in front of him

You still have a crush on your own youth

Of course, the broken-hearted man didn't think about it, it was all he asked!

Peng Shaohua felt that his heart was overwhelming: "I said Brother Liu, I kindly brought you back from the bar in the middle of the night and stayed with you until now. Fifteen hours have passed. That's how you treated me?"

In response, Liu Xuanhe said: "Thanks."

There is nothing more than that.

Peng Shaohua: "..."

Okay, don't care about those who are broken in love!

However, after enduring and enduring, I still feel unbearable.

Damn, it's great to be broken in love!

When he was angry, Liu Xuanhe asked suddenly: "Who told you to bring me back from the bar?"

"Who else? Your second brother-in-law who has no chance!" Peng Shaohua directly stabbed back with a knife.

However, this pain is nothing to Liu Xuanhe. He doesn't mind at all, frowning, and said, "Mo Liqin is so kind?"

Whenever I see Mo Liqin, he will blow up his hair. If he is drunk and died outside, Mo Liqin should be happy. Since then, no one will provoke his sister, right? "It's unlucky to say that you are afraid of you dying in Concubine Mo Li's bar." Peng Shaohua said, sternly: "But then, you are enough! After drinking so much high-level wine alone, you are really not afraid of death?"

"I drink well." Liu Xuanhe was confident.

Peng Shaohua contemptuously said: "Yes, the amount of alcohol is very good, and I am not drunk after drinking another bottle! But you...Do you know what alcoholism means!"

Liu Xuanhe: "..."

He closed his mouth silently.

A good amount of alcohol is one thing, and alcoholism is another.

There is no way to refute this.

Peng Shaohua said again: "When I went to pick you up, I seemed to see a familiar person."

He mentioned it casually, and didn't take it seriously.

Liu Xuanhe also asked casually: "Who?"

If Peng Shaohua can talk about people who are familiar, that means they both know him.

Peng Shaohua replied: "Xiao Yunran. Since the last incident, I have heard from Lao Xiao that she was abandoned by the Xiao family. It is estimated that life will be difficult..."

Originally, he just talked like gossip, but before he finished speaking, Liu Xuanhe suddenly sat up and asked, "You mean Xiao Yunran?"

"Ah," Peng Shaohua looked surprised: "What's the matter?"

"The concubine's bar was opened, and Xiao Yunran went to her bar. Could it be a coincidence?" Liu Xuanhe immediately hit the core of the problem.

Peng Shaohua's expression changed: "Are you trying to say that Xiao Yunran wanted to do something to make the operation of the concubine's bar go wrong?"

Liu Xuanhe didn't answer, but he undoubtedly thought so.

"I'll ask someone to check immediately, did Xiao Yunran really do something?" Peng Shaohua said, and took out his mobile phone to make a call.

Liu Xuanhe frowned and sat in place, thinking about what Xiao Yunran might do.

Of course, in fact, they all thought too much and wronged Xiao Yunran.

Xiao Yunran really wanted to retaliate against Concubine Mo Li, but that would only take place under conditions, and she couldn't do it herself, lest her life would be lost.

What's more, that day, people with Lin Qu stared at every move in the bar in all directions, and she had no chance to start!

After Peng Shaohua came back from the phone, he went back and was busy.

Alcoholism has been cured. Apart from a little bit of weakness, there are not many sequelae. Liu Xuanhe's problem is that the dark wounds that Mo Beiyan had hit before have not healed yet, and there is another alcoholism.

Therefore, he lay down for two more days in a state of illness.

In the past two days, he was thinking hard, his mind was not working all the time, thinking about things related to Concubine Mo Li.

He took the cell phone and put his fingertips on Concubine Mo Li's contact number countless times, but he couldn't press it anyway.

Once, he didn't know whether Concubine Mo Li's cell phone had a signal, and whether he could find her.

Second, he didn't know how to face Concubine Mo Li!

Even if she doesn't know that, he can't be regarded as ignorant!

As long as he sees her face, no, as long as he thinks of her, his heart can't stop the pain!

It was a kind of self-flagellation, a crazy feeling of wishing to kill oneself and make amends.

However, he must be suppressed.

Liu Chongjin was right: You must pass this level yourself.

When I opened WeChat, I still stayed at the last message he sent: I'm sorry, I have done wrong things before and can't face myself like this.

Liu Xuanhe kept holding on to his mind, wanted to send her a lot of words, wanted to clarify the truth to her, and confessed to her.

He can't say!