Fresh Wife in Your Arms: Mo Shao, Be Gentle

Chapter 814: Miss, don't come out!


She was asleep, but Liu Xuanhe stared at the phone in a daze.

The time difference is about 10-13 hours. This is Liu Xuanhe inferred based on the time difference between South America and Asia, because I don’t know the exact location of Concubine Mo Li!

Therefore, it should be late on her side, and she should be asleep, because she is afraid that she will not have a good rest.

Therefore, after hearing her say good night, Liu Xuanhe just sent one sentence: Good night, my concubine!

After that, no more messages were sent.

However, he took the phone and watched the conversation tonight twice from start to finish.

"It's all I'm talking about, and she answered very simply. Then what's her mood?"

Liu Xuanhe was a little uncertain about Concubine Mo Li's attitude, saying that she hadn't forgiven her fault yet, but she didn't refuse to talk to herself.

But if she doesn't mind

How could you not mind it!

What's more, they only talked about the misunderstanding of this breakup, and they haven't mentioned anything about 10 years ago yet!

Thinking of this, Liu Xuanhe sighed again.

That incident will be a hurdle that he will never get through in his life!

Regardless of whether he mentioned it to Concubine Mo Li in the future, all he had to do was to be good to her, to be good to her hard, and to be good to her twice!

However, after thinking about it carefully, thinking of what Yan Shuhuan said, Concubine Mo Li has actually guessed what happened back then, and basically concluded that he was the one who ruined her and violently abused her. Then he should be confessed and lenient What

For the time being, I can't talk about this matter, but it's about waiting for them to get together.

When Concubine Mo Li comes back from abroad and can face-to-face, how can he explain it

It’s better to say a lot of things face-to-face. You can discover her emotions and expressions in time, and if there is something wrong, you can react in time.

Moreover, if she is very emotional, he can also take measures, not let go, begging, whatever is good, anyway, will not let her leave!

After thinking about this, Liu Xuanhe's heart was relieved a lot with this conversation.

He opened the album and found some pictures of Concubine Mo Li that had been saved before.

She doesn't like taking pictures, so there are not many photos, just a few. He looked at it over and over, stretched out his fingers to touch the beauty face on the screen, and the corners of his lips slightly curled up.

After watching for about ten minutes, Liu Xuanhe exited the album, opened the address book to find Peng Shaohua's number, and dialed it.

"Ahua, check Xiao Yunran for me. That's the thing I told you before. Did she keep staring at me some time ago? When I went to the Sera Angel Bar that day, did she go there too and moved my phone! "

Peng Shaohua asked in surprise: "How did you suspect her?"

This logical reasoning is also possible!

Unexpectedly, Liu Xuanhe laughed, and said with some pride: "It was the concubine who reminded me!"

Peng Shaohua: "!!!"

He asked in surprise: "Fuck, you and the concubine are reconciled?"

Liu Xuanhe pursed his lips and said, "Not yet, but she doesn't refuse to contact me. She is abroad now, and I will talk about it when she comes back."

Peng Shaohua: "..."

Unexpectedly, the peaks will turn around!

"In that case, if Concubine Mo Li can forgive you, it proves that she is really a good girl." He murmured.

If you don't take Joe, and don't seize the opportunity to do things, it goes without saying that such a girl is definitely worth taking.

She was born in the Mo family, and she will never be bad as the mistress of the Liu family in the future. Maybe it is another Madam Mo, Bai Qingyu, who controls the Mo family in a subdued manner.

If that happens, those floating minds of the Liu family will soon be cleaned up, and spring is coming!

"It's good for her, how about you?" Liu Xuanhe was a little proud, and said: "When this matter is over, I will propose a marriage. Even if I can't get married soon, I will get engaged first."

Peng Shaohua felt that such progress was too slow: "I said you should hurry up, and you should directly set your goal on marriage!"

Liu Xuanhe said, "I haven't forgotten that Mrs. Mo will not allow her concubine to marry until she is twenty-five years old. At the time, Mrs. Mo received the certificate at the age of twenty, and the wedding was only held after the age of twenty-five. It's hard to want to go over it!"

Peng Shaohua: "..."

He was stunned for a long time, and asked, "Do you really want to obey?"

"Otherwise?" Liu Xuanhe asked rhetorically.

Peng Shaohua thought for a while, and felt that he was unreasonably worried: "I think we are thinking a little bit early! Let's solve the immediate matter! Besides, the Mo family can agree, you still have a long way to go! brothers!"

Liu Xuanhe: "..."


He was so dizzy!

Now Concubine Mo Li hadn't forgiven him, she thought about getting married!

However, it is always good to have goals. No matter how long the road ahead, no matter how many tribulations, he must achieve this goal!

Breakfast at the table the next day.

Bai Qingyu found that Concubine Mo Li fell asleep, and her mood was obviously different from yesterday.

She asked casually: "Concubine, what was the good thing last night?"

Concubine Mo Li doesn't like Mexican food very much, and she eats a little absent-mindedly.

Hearing this, after taking a look at Bai Qingyu, he took another look at Mo Beiyan, and said, "I thought that Mom only had Dad in her eyes. You two traveled around the world, and you even brought me such a light bulb. It's annoying. You can still care about me so much?"

Bai Qing said: "..."

Mo Beiyan was very calm, and said, "Yes, your light bulb is really an eye-catcher."

Concubine Mo Li had a sword in her heart!

She nodded and said, "Okay, then I won't disturb you, you go and play, I will go shopping by myself."

Mo Beiyan didn't have any comments.

However, Bai Qingyu thought there was something weird. She squinted at Concubine Mo Li for a while, and asked: "Aren't you trying to hide from us and return home secretly?"

Hearing that, Concubine Mo Li almost spit out the food in her mouth!

She was speechless: "Mom, do you think it's interesting for me to take a long-distance flight back by myself? Besides, isn't it very hard?"

Bai Qingyu still didn't believe her very much and said tentatively: "Your father and I made a plan last night. We expect to travel around South America for about three months before we go back."

"..." Concubine Mo Li knew, this was to warn her not to sneak away!

She was a little surprised: "You only made the plan last night? I thought it was planned long ago?"

Bai Qing said nothing.

Mo Beiyan did not speak naturally.

In fact, they did plan a long time ago, but because Concubine Mo Li closed her door for three days and did not see anyone, they were really scared. So now when Concubine Mo Li is involved in making some decisions, they always It was more cautious, for fear of annoying Concubine Mo Li.

Concubine Mo Li certainly didn’t know what her parents thought, and she didn’t think too much. She didn’t want to eat until she was half full, and said, “I don’t want to be an electric light bulb. Don’t worry, you two. When you come to South America, you have to have fun and see the exotic atmosphere before you go back!"

"Okay." Bai Qing said no more.

Anyway, Concubine Mo Li's passport is in her hand. How can Bai Qingyu go back without a passport

I can't secretly contact Liu Xuan Hyuk to pick it up, right

Even if Liu Xuanhe sent a plane over, Concubine Mo Li could not leave without a passport!

Thinking about it this way, Bai Qingyu felt relieved and pretended to ask casually: "Now that your mobile phone is unblocked, there is no domestic news?"

"What news?" Concubine Mo Li asked back.

She was very calm, so calm that Bai Qingyu felt like she was screaming.

Bai Qing said nothing, and found a topic: "I called your eldest brother last night. What your eldest brother means is that the fortune-teller has already found a good day, and the day-selection class has also been done. Three months later, the engagement ceremony will be held."

"So, dear mother, your son, my eldest brother, your goddaughter, and my sister are engaged. Are we sure we don't go back and prepare for them?"

Concubine Mo Li thought, three months!

She doesn't really matter.

It's just that Mo Li'an is very busy at work, and it's not good to leave all the matters of the engagement to the Yan family to worry about

"Your eldest brother said, we don't need to worry about these things, he will arrange them." Bai Qingyu was so calm that he didn't think there was anything wrong with not organizing the engagement ceremony as a future mother-in-law.

She also added: "After all, there are some romantic things that should be handled by your elder brother, not your parents. The person who wants to live with Huanhuan for a lifetime is not me."

Concubine Mo Li: "..."

For this reason, she gave one hundred points!

"All right, when you say you go back, you will go back whenever you want."

She wiped her mouth and said, "I'm going out and shopping."

Concubine Moli is not familiar with Mexico, but it is better to pay more attention to safety when abroad, so she doesn't mind if the bodyguards follow her.

The bodyguards that came out were all selected, and those who could speak multiple languages. Concubine Mo Li also saved that he did not have any problems with the language.

It is winter here, but winter in Mexico is not too cold. Concubine Mo Li didn't care whether she was bloated, she wore a light pink down jacket, stepped on snow boots, and wore a hat and scarf.

Wandering outside, the phone suddenly vibrated twice.

Take a look at it, it's WeChat.

Two from Liu Xuanhe:

Concubine, what are you doing

Miss you.

Concubine Mo Li: "..."

At this point, it should be more than ten in the evening in China, right

Concubine Mo Li thought for a while, and she said, "Shopping."

Liu Xuanhe responded in seconds: "Walking in the mall?"

Concubine Mo Li replied: "No, press the road outside."

"Where are you alone?" Liu Xuanhe's tone was full of worry: "Mexico is not as peaceful as the country. Try not to go out alone."

Concubine Mo Li hadn't thought about how to respond, and didn't think about what to say to him. As a result, he sent over again: "It's okay if you go shopping in the mall, just buy something."

"This guy!"

She thought it was funny. She was about to tell him that she took a bodyguard to go out, but she saw him send it: "Concubine, I transferred five million to you. You can buy what you like. Don't hang around outside and go to the mall Go shopping, eh?"

Concubine Mo Li: "..."

What kind of local tyrants are doing!

She was speechless for a long time.

As a result, the guy sent it again: "Don't be too little, I know you are not bad, but what I give you is different from your own."

Concubine Mo Li finally picked a gap, stopped typing and sent it over: What is my relationship with you, using your money

When the message was sent, she received a text message from the bank on her mobile phone, telling her that there was an extra 5 million in her account!

Damn it!

Concubine Mo Li grew up so big, it was the first time she was smashed with money!

She had never been short of money, especially after her elder brother took charge of the group, he would always pay her one million for pocket expenses every month. Although the second brother Mo Liqin did not earn more money than Mo Li'an, he always paid money to her account from time to time.

In fact, she doesn't spend much.

She couldn't finish spending what she earned, and they wanted to give it back, but she didn't say to pay it back.

However, this is the first time!

A man who is not a family member gave her money and asked her to buy what she liked? !

So, this is what it feels like to fall in love

Or is it that those women who worship gold enjoy this kind of taste

There is a feeling of flattery, and also feeling loved

By the way, she is not bad for money, and Liu Xuanhe also knows that she is not bad for money, so this feeling is much purer.

Liu Xuanhe quickly replied. What she sent was the text, and he edited the text and sent it back: It’s meaningless, no matter where you position me, your position in my heart will not change.

Concubine Mo Li asked: What is my position in your heart

Liu Xuanhe replied simply: Girlfriend!

Before she could reply, she added another sentence: future wife.

Concubine Mo Li: "!!!"

Her heart jumped heavily!

I have to say that this kind of heartbeat is quite unfamiliar, so is it moving

She couldn't help being curious, and asked: "If I fall in love with other men and get married with other men, will my position in your heart still remain the same?"

It's the voice, it's the tone of temptation.

Liu Xuanhe also replied in voice: "I won't let you have the opportunity to marry someone else!"

Very firm, the tone that can't be doubted!

Concubine Mo Li asked: "Where are you confident?"

Let alone whether she agrees or disagrees, it is her parents' hurdle, he hasn't passed yet!

Liu Xuanhe sent a smiling face and replied with a line: This time, as long as your father doesn't kill me, I will die!

Concubine Mo Li: "..."

OK, you bull!

Her heart was filled with speechlessness, but the smile on her lips never disappeared.

In love!

Even if you are deep in the cold winter, you still feel as warm as spring, and the leaves are clearly declining, but the flowers are blooming!

This is the feeling of being in love!

Concubine Mo Li really turned her way and said to the bodyguard: "Let's go, go to the most prosperous commercial building, I'll go shopping."

"Miss, please get in the car."

After getting in the car, Concubine Mo Li replied to Liu Xuanhe: It's getting late, go to sleep. I am going to play.

After that, she stuffed her phone into her bag, and she didn't care if Liu Xuanhe responded.

The luxury car was speeding, looking at the strange street scene backwards outside the window, her mood was also flying.

When she arrived at the commercial building, Concubine Mo Li began to scan the goods.

According to everyone's preferences and characteristics, I brought gifts to everyone in the family, including the Mo Family in Jiangcheng and people close to her, such as Grandma Tai, such as Mo Nanyang, such as Mo Xuanran, and so on.

The other people’s gifts were chosen, and finally, it was Liu Xuanhe’s turn.

She hesitated.

What to buy for him

Concubine Mo Li, who never knew what gifts to buy, really started to worry.

She has never had the experience of buying gifts for her boyfriend, this is the first time!

That's right, boyfriend.

In fact, she said she didn't forgive, but she recognized Liu Xuanhe's statement in her heart. She is now his girlfriend. In his heart, they didn't break up at all.

And in her heart, so.

It's just that he still owes a truth. As long as he finds it out clearly and proves that he didn't send him the words of the breakup, it means that they haven't broken up yet!

Concubine Mo Li walked up and down, and finally asked the bodyguard who was following behind to carry something, "Axin, have you talked about the subject?"

This year, Ah Xin is in his early thirties. He has been working in the Mo family for eleven or two years. It was Mo Beiyan who arranged to follow Bai Qing, so Concubine Mo Li is very familiar with him, and she usually talks about it. words.

"Well, I have a girlfriend." The man in his thirties smiled shyly when he talked about his girlfriend.

Concubine Mo Li chuckled and asked, "Then would you like to bring a present for your girlfriend?"

A Xin was taken aback, and said, "Miss, it's my working time now. When I take a shift, I will buy it again."

The Mo family's salary is very good, of course, the people who can work with Mo Beiyan and his wife are also very good. However, it is still a bit difficult to buy things in the place where Concubine Mo Li consumes.

After all, it only took an hour for Concubine Mo Li to scan these things just now, and it cost more than two million!

"You pick one, go back and tell your girlfriend that I sent her off." Concubine Mo Li smiled.

A Xin found out that Missy's mood is much better!

He calmly said: "I don't need it, my girlfriend is not the kind of person who likes romance very much, she is very practical, it is better to buy her two catties of crayfish to send roses!"

"Oh?" Concubine Mo Li became interested: "What does your girlfriend do?"

When Ah Xin talked about his object, the smile on his face became softer, without the cold bodyguard, and replied: "She is a middle school teacher who teaches chemistry!"

Concubine Mo Li: "!!!"

She opened her eyes wide, expressing her surprise!

Can’t help being curious: "How did you meet?"

"Last time my wife asked me to go to school to send something to Miss Ran Ran." A Xin replied.

Concubine Mo Li: "..."

She came to the conclusion: "So, is it Ran Ran's chemistry teacher?"

A Xin nodded: "Yes, it is indeed Miss Ran Ran's teacher. When Miss Ran Ran met me, she complained to me more than once, saying that Xiao He was serious and staid, and I don't know what I like her!"

When he said this, the corners of Ah Xin's mouth were smiling. It was obvious that this was a manifestation of a man's love for a woman!

Concubine Mo Li couldn't help wondering—what kind of expression would Liu Xuanhe look like when he thought of her

She thought for a while and asked: "Since you have a relationship experience, why don't you give me a reference, if I want to give a gift to my boyfriend, what should I give?"

The gifts of normal men are nothing more than those things, and there are not many choices.

In essence, not much.

Buying clothes for him all the way, it's not necessary to say that it's too intimate. Liu Xuanhe wears very low-key advanced customization.

It's the same if you buy some accessories.

She was stumped when she tried not to make a new cut.

A Xin was a little surprised: "Did Missy contacted Young Master Liu just now?"

Anyone with eyes can tell that Concubine Mo Li is in a particularly good mood today!

The girl who is broken in love is in a good mood? There is only one reason, and that is not to lose love!

If Madam knew about this, 80% would be unhappy!

Concubine Mo Li blinked and said, "Since you can see it, I'm not afraid to tell you. It is indeed contact with Liu Xuanhe."

Ah Xin didn't say anything else, but said: "I don't know how Young Master Liu thinks, but if it is Xiaohe, no matter what she gives me, I will be very happy. Even if she doesn't give anything, I There will be no upset."

"Oh, do you plan to get married?" Concubine Mo Li was a little surprised.

This didn't mean to persuade her not to be with Liu Xuanhe

Are you sure this guy is a Bai Qingyu person

Ah Sing replied: "Yes, we have forgotten the day. There is no suitable one for this year. We will get next spring. Anyway, postpone it a little bit, and I will make more preparations."

"Remember to tell me then, I have to give you wedding gifts!" Concubine Mo Li nodded and smiled.

A Xin also laughed, "Thank you, Miss first, then."

Properly advance and retreat, worthy of the person next to Bai Qingyu!

The two were strolling around, and Concubine Mo Li finally decided to buy a pair of rings!

Well, who said that the ring must be bought by a man

It’s okay for a woman to give a man a ring, isn’t it more chic!

Therefore, Concubine Mo Li chose a pair of rings with very simple lines. She didn't know the size of Liu Xuanhe, so she estimated that she asked for a number, and then asked for two chains to make the rings into a necklace.

"The eldest lady is really caring." Seeing her attentively, A Xin said a lot of praise.

Concubine Mo Li smiled at him and said, "My parents know that, will they be angry?"

In this regard, A Xin did not speak.

It’s not easy to be a bodyguard to interrupt the host’s affairs.

After making the payment, Concubine Mo Li put away the two boxes and said, "Let's go back."

Just walked to the door of the jewelry store, and suddenly a gun shot!


"Miss, get down!"

A Xin's exclamation was heard in the ear, and a figure rushed towards Concubine Mo Li, pulled her to the side corner, and then fell down and pressed her under her body to protect her!

Rao is the calm personality of Concubine Mo Li. After all, living in a peaceful and prosperous country, she has never experienced such a scene of going out and being attacked. She also panicked for a moment, but she quickly calmed down.

It was Axin who protected her under her body. This is an extremely protective posture to ensure that stray bullets will never hit her!

However, this means that Ah Sing will be very dangerous!

At this time, another bodyguard, Gong Bei, also came over. Together with Ah Xin, the two guarded Concubine Mo Li.

"Miss, don't come out!"

After instructing Concubine Mo Li, Gong Bei asked again: "Are you okay?"

It was Ah Xin.

A Xin's breath was a little nervous: "It's okay."