Fresh Wife in Your Arms: Mo Shao, Be Gentle

Chapter 818: It makes sense to work hard for him


"Miss, that's my duty. Mr. has already given me a lot." Ah Xin declined.

Gong Bei, who was taking care of A Xin, smiled and said, "Miss, this is preparing a wedding room for you, so that you can propose to Xiaohe of your family when you go back, and marry your daughter-in-law sooner!"

A Xin was taken aback.

Concubine Mo Li smiled and said, "Gong Bei is right."

Asked again: "Gong Bei, do you envy it?"

To say that Gong Bei is also effective at protecting him, he has also received a lot of rewards from Mo Beiyan and Baiqing, but he did not get as much as Axin's almost lost his life.

"What do I envy?" Gong Bei shrugged, "I'm not hungry when I eat alone."

"In the future, if you have a wife, I will also give you a wedding room." Concubine Mo Li made a promise: "After all, you two were here this time, so I escaped."

Gong Beidao: "What the eldest said is that you are very witty and know how to drag time. Otherwise, according to the methods of me and Axin, it is very likely that both will lose out. Even if it is safe in the end, you want to be like this. The lowest casualties are absolutely impossible."

Several people said something about the rescue operation. Concubine Mo Li was an erudite and knew a lot about on-the-spot reactions, so she had something to say to the two bodyguards.

While talking and laughing, suddenly a hurried figure came in outside the door.

Panting like a cow: "Concubine!"

The three of them looked back and saw Liu Xuanhe standing with the door frame supported. He almost couldn't stand on his breath, and sweat was all on his forehead!

Behind him, he chased Xiao Muran and Peng Shaohua.

The three people outside, and the three in the ward looked at each other, the expressions on everyone's faces were surprised!

That very good-looking man is always serious, but where is the calmness of the day

It was crumpled like sauerkraut pulled out of the water, the stubble on the chin didn't have time to tidy up, and the clothes were a bit messy!

Liu Xuanhe stared at Concubine Mo Li, looked at her from top to bottom, and asked hesitantly: "Concubine, are you... okay?"

Full of uncertainty!

Concubine Mo Li wore a thin pink down jacket, which made her look more fresh and tender. Because there is heating in the ward, her down jacket opened the zipper, revealing the light blue plus velvet base inside.

He looks good and his face is ruddy, it doesn't look like something is wrong!

"What can I do?"

She also got a knot in her mind for a while, and she didn't understand what the trouble was Liu Xuanhe!

Peng Shaohua finally gasped, widened his eyes, and asked: "You were not shot, your life is at stake, and you are still in the emergency room, unconscious!"

Xiao Muran gasped and said, "Yes! Originally, Brother Liu knew that you were in a gunfight here, but I received the news that Yun Ran had also been shot twice, and that Brother Liu had also been shot. I'm worried that you are terribly worried!"

"Brother Liu ran all the way from the parking lot here, because the hospital was too crowded and the elevator was blocked to death. He didn't even wait for the elevator. He ran the stairs directly, and his legs were weak!" Peng Shaohua helped him. Legs.

In fact, he didn't know if Liu Xuanhe's legs were weak, he was tired and paralyzed anyway!

As soon as she finished speaking, Liu Xuanhe rushed over, hugged her, and repeatedly asked: "Are you really okay? Is there nothing wrong?"

Concubine Mo Li replied: "It's okay! A Xin blocked my gun, otherwise I will be the one lying here!"

Liu Xuanhe was still unsure. He looked at Ah Xin who was lying sick and dumbfounded, then looked suspiciously at Gong Bei who was sitting aside, and asked, "Is she really okay?"

"No." Both bodyguards shook their heads in unison.

Of course, the expressions on their faces are also confused.

who am I? Where am i? What happened

Only then did Liu Xuanhe realize the problem!

"Who said I was shot?"

Concubine Mo Li blinked, as if she wanted to understand!

"Who else! Of course it's your parents!" Peng Shaohua wailed, feeling that he was going to die!

Dare to love, they were all deceived by Mo Beiyan and Bai Qingyu!

After Peng Shaohua and Xiao Muran dedicate themselves to each other, everyone finally knows the process of the whole thing!


Liu Xuanhe, who was still in the imperial capital, woke up early in the morning and found that the pictures of gifts posted by Concubine Mo Li's circle of friends had bullet holes on them, and he was worried.

Calling Concubine Mo Li and not contacting her, made her even more worried.

As a result, I learned about the things here from Xiao Muran, learned that Xiao Yunran was involved, and was shot, and he was lying in the hospital for rescue!

However, the Mo family blocked the news to death, so they inquired into the news and didn't know if there was something wrong with Concubine Mo Li.

The less they can find out the news, the more they suspect that Concubine Mo Li may have been shot too!

Liu Xuanhe was not at ease at first, and ordered to prepare the plane to come over and see for himself, Xiao Muran and Peng Shaohua also followed.

Fly from the country to this side, from the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere, and across the entire Pacific Ocean. The flight time is so long!

During the entire flight, Liu Xuanhe was always worried, not thinking about eating or drinking, and suffering with a face.

Both Xiao Muran and Peng Shaohua were infected. Although they had rested themselves, they were not affected much.

The long flight was finally over. They got off the plane and got on the car. Because they didn't know which hospital, Xiao Muran got the hotel, so they went straight to the hotel.

In the hotel, he was led to the presidential suite where Mo Beiyan and Bai Qingyu lived.

"Where is the concubine!"

Let alone how embarrassed Liu Xuanhe is, his clothes are messy, and his suits are full of folds. I only wore white shirts in China. When I came over, I didn't prepare any clothes, only a suit.

It's winter here!

Because they were in a hurry, none of these three men thought about it, so none of them brought winter clothes!

Therefore, freezing into a dog is the next best thing.

The key is that Liu Xuanhe's beard was not shaved, and his hair was messy—it was blown by the cold wind because of running!


After rushing in, he couldn't take care of any courtesy, so he opened his mouth and asked "Where is the concubine"!

When it comes to this, Xiao Muran and Peng Shaohua have a hard word on their faces, and they want to say to the outside: I don't know this person, I think I have never had this brother!

Mo Beiyan and Bai Qingyu are even more interesting!

The two men sat on the sofa with sad and sad faces.

Bai Qingyu even more, holding Mo Beiyan, regardless of the presence of juniors, "crying" in Mo Beiyan's arms.

Liu Xuanhe's heart sank instantly!

The hearts of Peng Shaohua and Xiao Muran also sank!

Naturally, Liu Xuanhe was worried about what happened to Concubine Mo Li, while Peng Shaohua and Xiao Muran were worried that something happened to Concubine Mo Li and Liu Xuanhe could not bear it!

"Where's the concubine!" Liu Xuanhe was anxious and asked loudly.

Mo Beiyan was not angry either, and Bai Qing said, "I can't cry."

Liu Xuanhe wanted to rush over and grab Mo Beiyan by the collar. Peng Shaohua quickly grabbed him with his eyesight and hands, and gathered the strength of the two of Xiao Muran and Liu Xuanhe.

As a result, Mo Beiyan glanced at them lightly and spit out: "Two shots were directed at the concubine. He is now in the hospital."

"Which hospital!" Liu Xuanhe seemed to be mad, his eyes flushed!

Originally, he hadn't closed his eyes for such a long time on the plane, so both eyes were covered with red blood. At this time, his eyes were splitting, which made people feel unbearable to see it!

As a result, Mo Beiyan told them the address of the hospital and the ward number.

The three of them came by car at once!

Hearing this, Concubine Mo Li's lips twitched, and said: "My dad didn't lie, he did shoot me two shots, but Ah Xin blocked me. I was indeed in the hospital."

"But, Mrs. Mo lied. It is Mrs. Mo who said you are unconscious and still being rescued!" Peng Shaohua murmured, "You don't know, the closer Mrs. Mo's sadness is, the more heartbroken it looks, it makes our hearts twitch Get up. Let alone Brother Liu!"

Xiao Muran nodded and expressed his approval: "Mrs. Mo, what a great drama! Why is she only a model and not an actress? What a pity, Oscar owes her a golden figure!"

Concubine Mo Li: "..."

After being speechless for a while, he said: "Because... She is too tall, not many actors can play with her? Actresses can play with her on tiptoes, and some even have to step on a stool!"

Everyone: "..."

Only Liu Xuanhe's attention was completely distracted from these things. After seeing Concubine Mo Li, he asked for the fifteenth time: "Are you really not injured? Nothing at all?"

Peng Shaohua: "..."

Xiao Muran: "..."

Two bodyguards: "..."

Concubine Mo Li reluctantly answered the fifteenth time: "No!"

Liu Xuanhe still looked at her suspiciously, touched her hand, and touched her face again, as if she suspected that her face was powdered!

"How on earth do you want to believe it?" Concubine Mo Li became even more helpless.

So many people said she was okay, and it was confirmed that Mo Beiyan and Bai Qingyu put Liu Xuanhe together. Why didn't Liu Xuanhe believe it

Of course, Mo Beiyan and Bai Qingyu would do this, and Concubine Mo Li could also fully understand.

After all, they didn't want her to be with Liu Xuanhe, but after she showed her determination, they also understood that they could not change, so they had no choice but to "test" Liu Xuanhe!

It is estimated that in the coming days, Liu Xuanhe will often be stunned, right

Liu Xuanhe stared at her, his face sullen and did not speak.

Peng Shaohua didn't hold back his mouth, and said: "I guess I have to be naked for inspection. I can believe it if I am sure that there are no wounds?"

After speaking, everyone was silent for a while.

Peng Shaohua himself was embarrassed.

The conscience of heaven and earth, when he said this, he really didn't have any wrong thoughts, he just said it smoothly!

They all looked at him like that, making him feel like he was unforgivable!

Concubine Mo Li is also a big embarrassment, after all, she is the one who was asked to "be naked for inspection"!

Liu Xuanhe didn't answer Peng Shaohua's words. He glanced at Concubine Mo Li. He actually agreed with Peng Shaohua's words. He felt that he had to find a chance to really "check and check" if he would go back later, otherwise he really couldn't rest assured.

After all, Concubine Mo Li is the kind of person who can handle it very well. She may not have suffered a gunshot wound, which does not mean that she has no other injuries!

She is too calm!

He only asked: "But, are you scared?"

Concubine Mo Li was startled.

She did not deny this question.

He blinked and looked at him, and said, "Well, I was scared."

Peng Shaohua: "..."

Anyway, make a look of being scared. Hey!

You are so calm, it is hard for us to believe!

Xiao Muran: "..."

Can't tell at all!

However, Liu Xuanhe believed it, and was so distressed. One big hand squeezed Concubine Mo Li's small hand, and the other hand held her waist, making it tighter.

"Sorry, I only learned afterwards. At this time, I should be by your side. Even if I can't at that time, I will..."

Peng Shaohua: "..."

Xiao Muran: "..."

Two bodyguards: "..."

The faces of the four men unanimously wrote: Show affection, will you die if you find a place where no one is

"Ahem!" Peng Shaohua cleared his throat: "Since the concubine is all right, do you two find a place to talk?"

Otherwise, they will be dead!

After all, Liu Xuanhe, a man like an iron tree, is still blooming. It's incredible!

Liu Xuanhe was quite in favor of this, and quickly took Concubine Mo Li's hand and asked: "Concubine, shall we leave the hospital first?"

"Oh." Concubine Mo Li had no comment.

In fact, she also wants to find a place where no one is, and talk to him.

After experiencing the danger of wiping the scalp, even if she is late for comfort, she needs it!

Peng Shaohua waved his hand quickly and said, "Lao Xiao has to deal with Xiao Yunran's side, so we still have to stay in the hospital. You two should go quickly. The sour smell of love is about to choke us!"

Concubine Mo Li: "..."

No matter what Liu Xuanhe said, he took Concubine Mo Li and left.

When I walked out the door, he asked gently: "Can you walk? Or, I will walk with you in my arms?"

Peng Shaohua: "..."

Xiao Muran: "..."

Two bodyguards: "..."

Can you walk if you don't have a shit

Besides, things have passed for two days. If you still can’t walk, then maybe you will have to lie on your stomach and cry, right

Peng Shaohua looked disillusioned: "I think Brother Liu looks like a different person!"

Xiao Muran nodded: "It's just a change of mind, it's a love mind!"

Ah Xin said, "How do I feel that Miss Liu looks like a special little bird in front of Young Master Liu?"

Gong Bei said: "It's because Young Master Liu is tall enough, otherwise it would be difficult for ordinary people to let the young lady and the little bird stand alone."

After all, Mo Beiyan is 1.9 meters away and Bai Qingyu is 1.78 meters away. With the genes there, how could their daughters be small and exquisite!

Concubine Mo Li has a genetic mutation. Her height is not 1.75 meters, but it is also 1.72 meters!

Liu Xuanhe pulled Concubine Mo Li and left the hospital, but he was a little at a loss when he walked out the door, and didn't know where to go!

Naturally, she couldn't go back to the hotel where Concubine Mo Li was staying. She lived with her parents. Wouldn't she be blocked by Mo Beiyan and Bai Qingyu when she went

Even if it doesn't stop, it will definitely get in the way.

He looked down at Concubine Mo Li, who had been silent, and asked, "Where are we going?"

"Where do you want to go?" Concubine Mo Li tilted her head to look at him, and asked back.

Liu Xuanhe's voice was soft, holding her hand and still refused to let go, and said: "You say it, I listen to you."

Concubine Mo Li couldn't help but smile and asked: "Everything will listen to me?"

Liu Xuanhe also replied straightforwardly: "Okay, everything is up to you."

"Can't tell, you still have a mediocre side?" Concubine Mo Li said jokingly.

Holding her hand, it was confirmed that she was okay. Liu Xuanhe's mood settled a little bit, but the fear in this way was not completely calmed down.

He squeezed her hand and said, "Whatever you say is fine."

Concubine Mo Li found out that his mood hadn't improved yet, even if she deliberately teased and joked, she couldn't ease his nervousness.

She sighed helplessly and said: "You haven't booked a hotel yet? Find a hotel to live in and clean up. I'll buy you some clothes."

"No!" Liu Xuanhe opened his mouth to reject her plan, hugged her, and said: "You don't need to buy any clothes, let Ahua buy it for me. You... Stay with me for a while."

His heartbeat was still very fast, and it was shocking to be frightened by Mo Beiyan and Bai Qingyu.

Turning around and thinking, this person was originally a man who was overwhelmed by Tarzan, but he was so scared that he was undoubtedly caring about her.

Concubine Mo Li pursed her lips and said, "Okay, let's go. Get in the car quickly, aren't you cold?"

Seeing that she was worried about herself, Liu Xuanhe felt a lot of warmth in her heart, and finally curled her lips and said, "Fortunately, I am not cold."

Instead, he pulled up the zipper of the down jacket for her.

The winter here is not too cold, but it is not cold at all.

He said so, just didn't want her to worry about it.

Concubine Mo Li didn't say anything and pulled him into the car, and told the driver: "Go back to the hotel."

Mo Beiyan and Bai Qingyu were there, and she would not be allowed to move in to live with Liu Xuanhe, so they could only let Liu Xuanhe stay in the hotel they were staying in.

"You too, I will probably go back in these two days, and you still have to run this time."

Hearing her slight accusations, Liu Xuanhe just held her hand tightly and said: "I'm worried. I won't answer your call, I thought... something might be wrong. After all, if your phone is In your parents' place, they will definitely not pick it up."

Concubine Mo Li: "..."

She was speechless.

Suddenly I felt that it made sense to work hard for him!

"You are wrong. If the phone is with my dad, he should pick it up. However, he should scold you." Concubine Mo Li's lips raised slightly as he resisted the wetness in his eyes.

Liu Xuanhe seemed to be able to see that she was smiling reluctantly. He reached out and touched the corner of her mouth, and said, "Laugh when you are happy, and you have no expression when you are unhappy, and cry when you are sad. In front of me, you don't need to be aggressive."

The tone was very light, but Concubine Mo Li had a particularly stable feeling!

Laugh when you are happy, cry when you are sad.

This is not the first time someone has told her this, but she has been disguised in this way for so many years, but her family can see her bravery, but she hasn't talked about it again.

And this man, he is not a romantic person, nor can he say those sultry love words, but he has a sincere heart!

Her smile widened, her head tilted slightly and leaned on his shoulder, and said: "I don't force it. I was not happy for a second, but now I am happy again."

Seeing her like this, Liu Xuanhe couldn't say anything, but the big palm that grabbed her hand never let go.

When the two arrived at the hotel, Liu Xuanhe opened another suite.

When getting on the elevator, ask: "How long is it estimated to stay?"

Concubine Mo Li replied: "It may take up to two days, and A Xin can be discharged from the hospital at that time."

"I have to thank him very much." Liu Xuanhe put his arms around her shoulders, thinking about what he wanted to give to A Xin as a gift.

Blocking guns for the host family, such a thing is not something ordinary people can do!

Concubine Mo Li smiled and said: "My dad has already expressed it, and I plan to wait for him to get married and give him a wedding room."

"That was given by you, not mine." Liu Xuanhe's thoughts were pure.

Mo Beiyan thanked these bodyguards for saving his daughter, and Concubine Mo Li thanked Ah Xin for saving herself, but he...

His girlfriend was rescued, so what can I do if I don’t mean it

"Well, whatever you want." Concubine Mo Li quietly added in her heart: Anyway, you have a lot of money!

When the room arrived, Liu Xuanhe opened the door with his room key.

The two went in, and the Concubine Mo Li in front turned on the light.

Before he could stand still, the man behind him hurriedly squeezed in, shut the door, and then—

The overwhelming kiss just invades!

Liu Xuanhe kissed fiercely, his heartbeat was very excited!

Concubine Mo Li felt as if she had been bitten by some beast. She couldn't resist his strength and couldn't help making a scream.

After finally pushing open a little gap, she gasped and said, "You hurt me!"

Originally, this guy is not good at kissing, no, he has no kissing skills at all!

Such a technique is still so urgent, why not hurt her

"Have you hurt?" Liu Xuanhe wanted to continue. After all, how could such a kiss be enough

They were forced to separate for so long as soon as they determined the relationship. There was a misunderstanding in the middle. He also went through the unbearable and painful struggle of knowing the truth many years ago. Now, he thought he had gone through life and death!

A kiss is light!

However, after hearing her say that it hurts, he still resisted his desire and checked her red lips with concern.

"No injury." Concubine Mo Li curled her lips: "Probably it's your stubble pain!"

She is squeamish, very different from the usual Concubine Mo Li!

To Liu Xuanhe's surprise, it turns out that Concubine Mo Li also has such a little girl's side

There was indeed no wound on her lips. Liu Xuanhe breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his head and pecked lightly, and said, "I'll go wash and shave first."

"Go! I'll have someone buy you clothes. They should be delivered soon." Concubine Mo Li pushed him into the bathroom in the suite before she walked out of the small living room and hung up the bag.

After taking out the phone, I felt that I should report to Bai Qingyu, lest her parents worry about her not coming back later.

Originally wanted to call, but the thought of Liu Xuanhe came, her parents would not be happy, and she did not want to face Bai Qingyu’s interrogation, so she chose to send a WeChat voice: "Mom, I will stay outside for a while. Come back later."

Unexpectedly, Bai Qing said in seconds: "You must come back before ten o'clock in the evening, otherwise you will be at your own risk!"

Concubine Mo Li: "..."

It's still in the afternoon, ten o'clock in the evening... Well, she and Liu Xuanhe can still talk together, have dinner, and go out for a walk together.

My mother is still very kind!