Fresh Wife in Your Arms: Mo Shao, Be Gentle

Chapter 823: Lu Nianzhen is outside


M Country S City, the first snow since the beginning of winter has been falling.

When Lu Nianzhen and his friend Zeng Xuangang walked into a quaintly decorated Chinese restaurant, their cell phone rang.

"Don't come back this year for the New Year?" Lu Nianzhen pressed to answer, and Mo Beiyan's voice came out, his usual coldness.

Lu Nianzhen took a corner seat and yelled "Uncle" before he said, "Recently, a new subject has been opened in the laboratory, and I really can't go away."

Mo Beiyan responded lukewarm, and hung up the phone without asking too much.

Lu Nianzhen has long been accustomed to this way of getting along, and it's hard to talk about loss, but he couldn't help sighing when he put away the phone.

This is the seventh year since he came to S City. In fact, he didn't want to get together with his relatives, talking and laughing, sitting around for a reunion dinner. It's just that this newly opened topic is related to his next job title evaluation. After some weighing, he still chose to focus on work.

At the time he called, Zeng Xuan had already ordered the meal, and was about to hand over the menu to the waiter, when he heard a sudden rant from the neighboring table.

"You don't admit that I ate bugs in your dishes, go and find your manager for me!" The man who was speaking was a middle-aged man with a big waist and a big golden chain around his neck, showing his outbreak all the time. Household temperament.

The girl standing in front of him looked at most in her early twenties. Although she was wearing uniform overalls, she couldn't hide her slim figure. Her undressed face looked childish, but she was full of neither humble nor overbearing.

That is the composure that rarely appears on a girl of this age. Lu Nianzhen couldn't help but glanced at her more, and by the way, wrote down the name on the badge: Ning Yuqi.

"Sir, you said that there are bugs in our dishes, but you don't agree with me when I proposed to adjust the monitoring and restore scene, is it a guilty conscience?" Ning Yuqi had a calm face and analyzed it with reason.

When the man heard these words, he snorted: "What kind of monitoring? Have you never heard that the customer is God? God said that if there are bugs in the food, there are bugs. You don't need to adjust the monitoring!"

Ning Yuqi smiled, the smile looked polite and polite to others, but Lu Nianzhen read a touch of sarcasm from it.

"Sorry sir, I am an atheist, and I don't believe in ghosts and gods." Ning Yuqi pointed to the surveillance location as she said, "I only believe in everything it takes."

Seeing that the man couldn't ask for a bargain, he started to slap again: "Don't talk nonsense, just come to your manager!"

Ning Yuqi replied businessly: "Our manager is very busy. I can solve this little thing as a waiter."

As soon as the man heard this, he became irritated, and he muttered uncleanly, raising his hand to greet Ning Yuqi's face.

Ning Yuqi's eyes widened in disbelief, and she forgot to react. She didn't expect that the vulgar man in front of her would be so ignoble that she would hit someone if he didn't agree with him.

However, the man's hand was half-stretched and was abruptly cut in the air. The man yelled and turned his head to meet a pair of calm eyes.

"Sir, in broad daylight, beating and scolding a girl who has no power to hold a chicken in public is not like a man would do." Lu Nianzhen said quietly, although there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, his eyes were extremely cold.

The man was startled for no apparent reason. For some reason, a layer of cold sweat appeared behind his back, but at this time, how could he be willing to show weakness, his neck blushed and replied: "Where did you come out again? Lao Tzu’s personal affairs, you fucking go away!"

Lu Nianzhen's subordinates forcefully clamped the man's wrist tightly, pretending to be unsure, and asked, "Go away? Then I wonder if you can show me how to go away?"

More and more spectators had gathered around, and Zeng Xuan, who had been silent until now, couldn't help but pull the corner of La Lu Nianzhen's clothes to signal him not to be nosy.

In his impression, Lu Nianzhen has always been a deserted temper, and he has never seen him so enthusiastic about anything, let alone a little waiter who is so friendly.

Lu Nianzhen turned a blind eye to his reminder, and was about to say something else when the manager was finally late.

The manager took out the walkie-talkie and said a short sentence, and the monitoring screen suddenly appeared on the screen in the middle of the restaurant.

The person in the picture wears a peaked cap and a big golden chain, and it is the man who wants to make things difficult for Ning Yuqi!

I saw that he was sneakily taking out the bug that had been hidden in his pocket beforehand, and putting it into the dish without being noticed. He thought that this process was flawless, but he didn't want to be recorded by surveillance cameras.

In the face of the facts, the man couldn't argue, he could only cry in tears and admit that it was self-directed and acted, and he wanted to eat the king's meal.

The manager didn't eat his suit, and directly took out his mobile phone to call the police. After a while, someone came and took the man away, and the spectators also dispersed.

Seeing that the matter had been resolved, Lu Nianzhen sat back in his position again, but as soon as he sat down, he saw Ning Yuqi walking towards him.

Do you want to thank yourself? Lu Nianzhen thought to himself that he had never cared about this, but at the moment he felt a little joy in his heart.

Just when he was in a trance, Ning Yuqi said: "Sir, thank you for helping me just now."

Ning Yuqi lowered her head, with an inconspicuous redness on her cheeks, as if she was a little shy and helpless.

Lu Nianzhen smiled and said, "You're welcome, it's just a matter of effort."

Ning Yuqi's head dropped lower. She thought for a while, and felt that the verbal gratitude was not sincere, so she said: "Sir, why don't you leave me a mobile phone number? Please wait until I have time. Eat as a thank you."

Upon hearing this, Zeng Xuan, who was sitting by the side, couldn't help but roll his eyes, and said in his heart: Little girl, your way of according to each other is too old-fashioned. If this can be used to set Lu Nianzhen's mobile phone number, my name is written backwards.

Unexpectedly, when he just finished thinking about this, he heard Lu Nianzhen smile and report a series of numbers, and asked intimately: "Remember

Zeng Xuan opened his mouth slightly in surprise, and looked at Lu Nianzhen as if he had seen a ghost, not even knowing when the chopsticks in his hand fell on the ground.

Ning Yuqi carefully wrote down the number and said several "thank you" again, until she heard someone calling her name, and then ran towards the back kitchen.

"Aren't you?" As soon as Ning Yuqi left, Zeng Xuan raised his eyebrows at Lu Nianzhen and asked maliciously, "Is that right?"

Lu Nianzhen didn't say a word, but he didn't deny it either. He just flew at him with a stab at him, beckoning him to shut up and eat quietly.

Is this like it? Lu Nianzhen picked up the chopsticks absent-mindedly and put the dishes into his mouth, thinking dullly, but he was a little uncertain.

It was just that he soon realized how ridiculous his thoughts were. When did he believe in the so-called love at first sight

Zeng Xuan saw that Lu Nianzhen kept silent, and knew that this topic should not be continued, so he simply turned his attention back to food.

When the two came out of the restaurant after dinner, the snow fell even more, and the bare branches were covered with a layer of snow, as if they were about to be broken.

Lu Nianzhen came here today in Zeng Xuan's car. When Zeng Xuan drove, he was in a daze at the neon flashing outside the car window, just thinking about Ning Yuqi again.

When he was in the restaurant just now, the situation was chaotic, and he didn't have time to settle down and think about it. Now in retrospect, he felt that Ning Yuqi looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

Zeng Xuan sent Lu Nianzhen downstairs to his residence and hurriedly left. He is a fan of nightclubs, and nightfall is the real beginning of the day.

Lu Nianzhen watched his car disappear into the night, shook his head and smiled helplessly. Strange to say, he and Zeng Xuan can't actually be considered as the same people, but they get along harmoniously unexpectedly. He thought maybe it was because the two didn't like to interfere too much in each other's private affairs.

Just when Lu Nianzhen seemed to be emotional, the phone in his pocket rang twice without warning.

He took out his mobile phone to see that it was an unfamiliar number. If it were changed in normal times, he would definitely classify it as a harassing call and hang up directly.

But now he was looking at the unfamiliar number on the screen, but he suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart, and he pressed the answer in a ghostly manner.

"Hello, is it Mr. Lu?" There was a lovely and lively female voice in the ear, and there was still a hint of nervousness under listening.

Lu Nianzhen was stunned. He felt that the voice was very familiar, as if he had just heard it somewhere not long ago, but he was not sure, and he asked politely, "You are?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was obviously disappointed, and he hummed softly: "Mr. Lu, this is Ning Yuqi." After finishing speaking, he was afraid that he still didn't think of it, and added, "You were in the restaurant just now. I got out of it."

As she talked, her voice gradually decreased. She felt sore in her heart and thought dullly: What's the matter with this person? I just left my mobile phone number in the restaurant, so I don’t remember her as the number one person so soon. Is it

In fact, Lu Nianzhen had already reacted, but he just chuckled and asked: "Oh, it's you, is there anything you want to do with me?"

Speaking of this, Ning Yuqi remembered the real purpose of the call, and said hurriedly: "That's it, Mr. Lu, you helped me out in the restaurant today. I haven't thanked you well yet."

Lu Nianzhen walked towards the elevator with his mobile phone in one hand, seldom jokingly: "Really? Didn't you thank me several times in the restaurant just now?"

"The verbal thanks are not sincere." Ning Yuqi seemed a little embarrassed and hesitated for a long time before continuing, "If you don't mind, I want to treat you to a meal."

In the past few years when Lu Nianzhen came to S City, there were not a few girls who intended to invite him to him. He always refused to accept them directly, and did not give these girls any room for fantasy.

But when the same thing came out of Ning Yuqi's mouth, Lu Nianzhen hesitated for the first time.

He just imagined Ning Yuqi's lost expression for a moment, and couldn't say anything about those rejections.

Ning Yuqi waited for a while and didn't wait for his response, just as it was out of play, just as she was about to speak, she heard Lu Nianzhen's voice rang.

"Okay." Lu Nianzhen seldom treats a person so tenderly. That tenderness is even like a huge whirlpool, with magical power that makes people fall deeply into it.

Ning Yuqi was stunned, squeezed her phone in disbelief, and asked uncertainly: "Really?"

Lu Nianzhen smiled helplessly, and had to say again, "Of course it is."

There were some inexplicable pets in her tone, but at this time Ning Yuqi was so excited that she had forgotten how to think, everything was unreal like a dream.

Lu Nianzhen took out the key to open the door, and could even imagine that Ning Yuqi's current expression must be confused and cute, making people want to pinch her delicate and white cheeks.

With a "ding", Lu Nianzhen was taken aback by his own thought, and the key fell to the ground.

He hurriedly bent over, picked up the key, opened the door and entered the house, took a shower at the fastest speed, and then lay down.

In the past few years abroad, he has developed a habit of listening to a few songs with headphones on before going to bed, and sleepiness will slowly hit. But today I don’t know what’s going on. The more I listen to the song, the more I become more energetic. My mind is turning over and over again like Ning Yuqi, smiling, pouting, frowning...

As you can imagine, Lu Nianzhen suffered from insomnia all night, and went to the laboratory the next day with two heavy dark circles under his eyes.

It was early when he arrived in the laboratory. Only Qin Shuyi was in the laboratory, standing beside the instrument waiting for a set of data.

He and Qin Shuyi's university tutor were the same person. Qin Shuyi was one of his classmates, and because both of them were studying in a foreign country, and they walked closer naturally, he always called her "Senior Sister".

After graduation, the two went to work in the same organization. Many people around them made fun of them, saying that they were talented men and women, so it's better to just stay together.

But Lu Nianzhen always just smiled. He knew his thoughts very well. He had never thought of Qin Shuyi beyond his friends. Moreover, when he and Qin Shuyi were together, they had always talked about academic matters, and Qin Shuyi probably didn't like herself.

"Sister, it's so early today?" Lu Nianzhen walked to her closet and put down her bag, smiling as usual to greet her.

Qin Shuyi smiled lightly: "Well, the data is wrong, I have been busy all night, and I am going back to catch up for a while."

Lu Nianzhen washed his hands by the pool and was about to walk to Qin Shuyi's side. The phone suddenly shook twice, indicating that he had received a new message.

He stopped and took the phone out of his pocket. He turned on the screen and saw Ning Yuqi's head in the chat dialog box moved, asking him if he would have time to eat together in a week.

Ning Yuqi's avatar is a cute cartoon character. Lu Nianzhen hasn't watched anime since he was a child. Naturally, he didn't know who the person on the avatar was. He just thought it was naive.

But while he felt that Ning Yuqi was naive, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but lifted up. It was a kind of pampering only among lovers.

He quickly typed with his fingers on the screen, but he didn't know that all this fell into Qin Shuyi's eyes.

Qin Shuyi suddenly made a big alarm bell in her heart, but she did not dare to be too obvious, just pretending to ask unintentionally: "Is it a girlfriend?"

Lu Nianzhen raised his head to look at her when he heard the words, and then replied unnaturally, "It's just an ordinary friend."