Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 103: Don't let your beauty sleep alone


Aunt Thirteen's bedroom has an independent bathroom. She and Guoguo took a bath in it as usual tonight and did not use the bathroom outside.

Yang Fan, startled by the screams and cries, rushed over and the last scene he saw was Guoguo being pushed out of the bathroom by Aunt Thirteen and the door closed.

Guoguo, wearing pajamas and a rabbit hat, stood at the bathroom door, opened his mouth and cried with his head tilted back, tears as big as beans rolling down his face.

No need to think too much, she must have just been beaten by Aunt Thirteen.

"What's wrong?" Yang Fan asked Guoguo, feeling sorry for the little girl.

"My mother asked me to rub her back and then she hit me, wuwaa~" When Yang Fan came, the little girl cried even harder.

Yang Fan picked her up and comforted her, while complaining to Aunt Thirteen in the bathroom: "Why are you hitting me again..."

He stopped talking halfway through and stared at the stainless steel wool in Guoguo's hand.

"Are you using this to rub your mother's back?" Yang Fan asked the little girl.

"Yeah." Guoguo nodded. She didn't feel there was anything wrong, but she still felt very aggrieved.

After taking the steel wool from Guo Guo and checking it, Yang Fan breathed a sigh of relief and stood at the bathroom door and asked Aunt Thirteen inside: "The skin hasn't been rubbed off, right? Do you want me to help you check it?"

Before Aunt Thirteen could speak, Yang Fan said, "Oh, I forgot you are not Guoguo. You can't look at it. Look in the mirror yourself. If it's serious, go to the pharmacy and get some medicine. I can't help you."

Aunt Thirteen lay in the bathtub without saying a word. My daughter is stupid, but I am not. How can I let her scratch herself

As soon as she rubbed me, I felt something was wrong and crawled away immediately.

Although he is often beaten by his mother, Guoguo does not hold a grudge. After his mother finishes taking a bath, he forgets about it and goes to look for her.

Thirteenth Aunt, on the other hand, is more vindictive and needs her a little longer to digest the situation than her daughter.

He ignored his daughter until bedtime.

"Why didn't you ask Qianqian to come over tonight?" In the bedroom, Aunt Thirteen lay down and asked Yang Fan who was sitting beside the bed.

A short separation is better than a new marriage. As far as she knows, Liu Qianqian has not started working yet and does not need to visit relatives now. She can cancel other arrangements and come here tonight.

But Liu Qianqian did not come.

"She said that she was playing mahjong opposite Yueyue and was busy making money, so she couldn't come." Yang Fan said. In fact, he didn't ask Liu Qianqian or Liu Yueyue. He just made up the story based on their updates on their Moments.

"This girl is quite addicted to mahjong. We played together in the north a few days ago. As soon as she came back to the hotel, she couldn't wait to drag people to the chess and card room." Aunt Thirteen is not very interested in mahjong: "I played with my family during the New Year and lost tens of thousands. Qianqian should have won the most."

Yang Fan's eyes lit up: "Then I'll have to give her a good beating."

"Don't always think about spending her money. Without money, she will be more addicted to playing mahjong." Aunt Thirteen said.

"There's nothing wrong with playing mahjong." Yang Fan asked, "Aunt Thirteen, do you know what the purpose of mahjong was when it was first invented?"

Thirteenth Aunt wondered, "Isn't that thing invented just for entertainment? What purpose could it have?"

Yang Fan shook his head: "When mahjong was first invented, it was intended to teach people a truth, to create order out of chaos by randomly picking cards. Unfortunately, people have forgotten about it and only use it for gambling or entertainment."

Thirteenth Aunt was greatly enlightened to find that mahjong actually has such connotations.

Guoguo lay on the bed without saying a word, waiting for his mother and brother to finish.

When mom and brother’s happy time is over, it will be my turn.

"Don't say that to Qianqian, she will become more addicted to mahjong and have every reason to do so." Aunt Thirteen said.

As she spoke, Thirteenth Aunt started laughing and talked about the interesting things that happened to Liu Yueyue and Liu Qianqian during the New Year.

During a dinner party, Liu Qianqian drank a little too much, and Liu Yueyue secretly changed her WeChat nickname to "I am a tea spirit".

The next day, when Liu's mother saw what happened, she ran over angrily without saying a word and wanted to beat Liu Qianqian, but she mistook the wrong person and beat Liu Yueyue instead.

"Can't Aunt Liu tell who is who between them?" Yang Fan was surprised.

Thirteenth Aunt laughed and said, "The two sisters didn't talk, they were so quiet, I couldn't recognize them. When Qianqian saw Liu Ma coming over, her face looked strange, so she pretended to be Yueyue. Her mother didn't suspect anything at the moment, so she beat up the fake Qianqian, the real Yueyue, who was standing next to her."

Liu Qianqian, who pretended to be the elder sister, was even more miserable. Her mother found out that she had hit the wrong person and gave her double the money.

"Is Mrs. Liu very fierce?" Yang Fan's forehead was covered with sweat.

"Yeah, much more fierce than me." Aunt Thirteen said, "I used to be fierce too, but later I had time to study and cultivate myself. Qianqian's mother has been busy with her career and has no time to rest. Not only has her temper not been reduced, it has even worsened."

Yang Fan was melancholy.

How can we do this

If my girlfriend changes from Qianqian to Yueyue, will I be able to bear the consequences

Thirteenth Aunt seemed to be able to see Yang Fan's worry and said, "Don't worry, it's okay if you don't abandon Qianqian. Her mother is not an unreasonable person."

"Abandoned after having sex?" Yang Fan disagreed: "How can you say you abandoned someone after having sex if we didn't even hold hands?"

Aunt Thirteen was surprised: "Are you okay? We've been talking for so long and we haven't even held hands?"

She also wanted to say, before you went home last year, you locked yourself in the room with Qianqian and were being intimate, right

In the end, I didn't have the courage to say it out loud.

"She is always fierce, I dare not touch her casually." Yang Fan said.

Thirteenth Aunt didn't know what to say. She thought it was normal for this to happen to Yang Fan.

I have been living with him for more than half a year, and he is so honest that it is unbelievable.

But his honesty is not stupidity.

Because he also flirts with girls, but he only uses words and not actions.

That feeling drives people crazy.

Thinking of this, Thirteenth Aunt slowly huddled into bed, her eyes drifting away: "Xiao Fan, you don't have any other plans tomorrow, right? I'll let Qianqian come over to play."

Based on her understanding of Yang Fan, it would be difficult for Yang Fan to take the initiative to express his longing for Liu Qianqian.

Then I can only add fuel to the fire.

"Not really. I will go back to work the day after tomorrow. After get off work, depending on the situation, I might have dinner with my colleagues." Yang Fan said.

Guo Guo, who had been waiting for a long time, finally couldn't help it and asked with an unhappy face: "Brother, I'm about to fall asleep, are you and mom not done yet?"

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Okay, okay, I'll tell Guoguo a story about a national hero."

This hero was named Zhang Zizhong. In order to cover the retreat of the Northwest Army, he negotiated with the enemy under the banner of peace and surrender to delay time, but was labeled a traitor by people.

When the final war broke out, he led his troops in repeated suicide charges and ultimately died a heroic death.

At the funeral, enemy planes flew over the coffin three times but did not drop a single bomb. They stopped bombing for one day as a sign of respect.

Maybe because she listened to her mother and Yang Fan talking for too long, the little girl fell asleep before the story was finished.

Yang Fan was satisfied. He leaned over and prepared to kiss the girl before leaving.

Aunt Thirteen's head was right next to the little girl's head, and was pushed away by Yang Fan to make it easier for him to kiss Guoguo.

After kissing Guo Guo, Yang Fan couldn't help but ask, "Aunt Thirteen, why do you smell so good even though we use the same shampoo?"

Aunt Thirteen, whose head was pushed away in disdain, puffed her lips and said, "Because I smell good myself!"