Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 110: Plants look tired after they bloom


Thirteenth Aunt's house.

The dining table has been cleared, but the pots and dishes haven't been washed yet. Yang Fan, Liu Yueyue and the others are sitting on the sofa to rest.

"Have you finished practicing the song?" Yang Fan asked Liu Yueyue who was embarrassed to sit next to him across Liu Qianqian.

After hesitating for a moment, Liu Yueyue replied uncertainly: "Probably... almost."

"Awesome! It took less than two hours." Yang Fan praised Liu Yueyue.

Liu Yueyue was a little embarrassed.

Liu Qianqian on the side seemed to be praised by Yang Fan, and said to him proudly: "To tell you the truth, my sister and I are both geniuses. We have passed the IQ measurement certification and are over 140 points."

What does learning a song have to do with IQ

Yang Fan shook his head and said to Liu Qianqian: "It's impossible. Yueyue's IQ is pretty normal. You can't. You can't even reach the score line of a normal person."

Liu Qianqian got angry: "Among other things, my sister and I took the IQ test together. Both were above 140, and I was two points lower than my sister."

"Those measurements may not be reliable. If you don't believe me, I will measure it for you." Yang Fan said.

"Come on, who's afraid of whom?" Liu Qianqian was very confident: "If it turns out that I'm over 140 points, you have to promise me something."

"Okay." Yang Fan agreed without hesitation.

Liu Qianqian was a little unconfident: "You are so happy, why don't you ask me what I want you to do after passing the measurement?"

Yang Fan shook his head: "No, because you don't have an IQ above 140."

Liu Qianqian said angrily: "Who are you looking down on? Come on."

After thinking for a moment, Yang Fan said: "Since your IQ is measured to be over 140 points, I need to promise you something. If it doesn't come out, you have to be punished."

"What punishment?" Liu Qianqian's momentum weakened again.

It's been a long time since I last measured my IQ.

I don’t know if IQ will decrease with age, and the thing about measuring IQ may not be 100% accurate.

"How about if you make a mistake once, you'll get a feather duster from me?" Yang Fan picked up the feather duster on the side.

"Where?" Liu Qianqian was a little confused about the feather duster.

When she was a child, her mother often beat her with this.

As I grow up, I still don’t change.

Although it was spanking most of the time, it still hurt.

"Where do you want to hit?" Yang Fan asked.

Liu Qianqian looked at her palms and thought about using them, but after recalling the nightmare of her mother hitting her palms when she was a child, she quickly shook off the idea.

While he was struggling, Aunt Thirteen, who was making fruit salad at the coffee table, said: "Qianqian, you haven't measured yet, and you are thinking about the punishment after losing. This measurement is difficult to determine."

Immediately, Liu Qianqian's confidence returned: "Yes."

After saying that, she was stunned for a moment and asked Yang Fan: "What did you just say? Every wrong question is a feather duster. Aren't IQ test questions all multiple-choice questions? There is no standard answer. The smarter you are, the answer you choose will be different." The more appropriate?”

"Who told you that it must be multiple-choice questions?" Yang Fan said, "Have you seen that all the college entrance examination papers are multiple-choice questions?"

Liu Qianqian wants to say that is different. The college entrance examination tests more on students' ability to store knowledge. A lack of IQ can be made up for by hard work. If you have an IQ but don't store knowledge, you will still get low scores or even zero marks in the college entrance examination.

Before she could organize the words in her mind, Yang Fan asked: "Just tell me if you want to measure."

"Yes!" Liu Qianqian sat upright.

"Okay, if you repeat five sentences after me and follow them all accurately, it proves that your IQ is over 140." Yang Fan said, "When you are ready, just tell me."

Just repeat five sentences

Liu Qianqian was disdainful.

However, if you despise the enemy strategically, you still have to pay attention to it tactically.


"Let's get started, I'm ready." Liu Qianqian was ready.

Yang Fan nodded: "One."

Liu Qianqian said without hesitation: "One."

Yang Fan continued: "Plus one."

Liu Qianqian: "Add one."

Yang Fan: "How much is it?"

Liu Qianqian: "Equal to two."

After saying that, Liu Qianqian was stunned.

Liu Yueyue next to her was also in a daze.

Aunt Thirteen mourned for Liu Qianqian.

Looking at this, Liu Qianqian's IQ may be tested negative by Yang Fan.

"Where?" Yang Fan asked Liu Qianqian, shaking the feather duster in his hand.

Liu Qianqian looked confused, what's the matter

For a long time, her face was filled with shame and anger. She changed her standard sitting posture to a half-sitting and half-lying posture, lying in her sister's arms, with her back to Yang Fan: "You fight me!"

I’ve seen it all anyway, so what’s the point of a spanking

And it's not physical contact. Hitting her with a feather duster doesn't make her very embarrassed.

Yang Fan looked at Liu Yueyue.

Liu Yueyue gloated and seemed to support Yang Fan in spanking her sister.

Yang Fan looked at Aunt Thirteen again.

Aunt Thirteen looked more expectant. Isn't it normal for young couples to play this kind of game

Guoguo watched cartoons and couldn't hear what was going on outside the window.

Her focus on watching cartoons was second only to eating.

"Why don't you spank me?" Liu Qianqian, who had been sticking her butt out for a long time without making any movement, turned around while lying in her sister's arms with her head covered.

As soon as I turned around, I got a whip on my butt.

"Ah~" Liu Qianqian screamed.

This bastard who had been stabbed a thousand times was really capable of doing this, he was so powerful.

About ten seconds later.

"Come again!" Liu Qianqian sat down, very unconvinced.

Yang Fan nodded and said: "One!"

After hesitating for a moment, Liu Qianqian said: "One!"

Yang Fan continued: "Plus one."

Liu Qianqian breathed a sigh of relief: "Plus one."

Yang Fan: "How much is it?"

How could it be possible to fall twice in the same place

Liu Qianqian's confidence came back: "How much."

Yang Fan: "You said it wrong again."

Liu Qianqian's eyes widened, how could it be possible: "What did I say wrong?"

Yang Fan shook his head and said nothing.

"Qianqian, you said 'how many' correctly, but 'you said it wrong again' is just one sentence, but you didn't keep up." Liu Yueyue said.

Liu Qianqian's IQ is not low. After thinking for a moment, she took a deep breath and slowly lay in her sister's arms: "Hit!"

Then, there was another scream.

Liu Yueyue covered her mouth and smiled.

Aunt Thirteen also smiled and said nothing.

A few seconds later, Liu Qianqian sat back and covered her butt.

The mixture of shame, grief and anger made her face look so beautiful at this time, which explained what beauty is in the world.

In this beautiful state, she is like a plant showing its tiredness after blooming, which is heart-stirring.

The Wubo ancient well that Yang Fan had calmed down for many years began to stir up waves because of Liu Qianqian's coquettish behavior.

"Come again!" Liu Qianqian sat upright with a fighting spirit.

Yang Fan said: "Are you ready?"

Liu Qianqian was like a volcano before erupting: "Get ready!"

Yang Fan didn't say anything, just raised the feather duster in his hand.

Liu Qianqian was a little confused.

After a moment of silence, her little mouth slowly opened.

Taking another deep breath, she lay in her sister's arms and said angrily, "Hit me!"