Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 114: What is destined to happen must happen


Women are trouble, and the more there are of them, the scarier it is.

Yang Fan bent over, covering his crotch, his face full of pain and despair.

"The world is in your sleeves, and the sun and moon are in the pot. Isn't that good enough?" After thinking about it, Aunt Thirteen was very satisfied with Yang Fan.

Being held back by her sister, Liu Qianqian stopped attacking Yang Fan.

This guy has a sharp tongue.

Can be sweet or cheesy, all depends on his mood.

" are you?" Liu Yueyue asked Yang Fan in a low voice, secretly glancing at the place he was covering, her face flushed.

Liu Qianqian finally felt a little embarrassed. She didn't mean to do that. She was just throwing the pillow around and it hit the wrong place.

But, shouldn’t boys’ private parts be strong

Possessing the excellent qualities of being diligent and studious, she asked Yang Fan curiously, "Does it hurt so much? I didn't even use any strength, are you pretending?"

"I almost rolled my eyes. What do you think?" Yang Fan taught: "Remember, there are two extremely vulnerable places on a man's body. One is the heart, and the other is here."

Thirteenth Auntie immediately became nervous: "Do you need some medicine? Burn medicine or a Band-Aid?"

Yang Fan waved his hand: "Once these two medicines are used, it means that you are not far from becoming a eunuch."

He paused, with a look of sorrow on his face, "As men have evolved, they have become more and more fragile. If they are not careful, like this time, they will become infertile. I am in trouble. Without two or three fertile wives to increase my pregnancy rate, I might not have any descendants."

Liu Yueyue felt ashamed and angry. They hadn't even confirmed their relationship yet, but he was already saying these words.

Liu Qianqian wants to hit someone again, how could I fall for... No, how could my sister fall for someone like you

Thirteenth Aunt was very embarrassed. She really had no idea how far the relationship between Yang Fan and Liu Qianqian had developed.

But no matter how the situation develops, he cannot say these words to anyone other than Liu Qianqian, or he will get beaten.

"If you keep talking nonsense, Qianqian will run away and I can't help you." Aunt Thirteen taught her a lesson.

Liu Qianqian curled her lips and said, "If I run away, won't I still have a sister?"

He is not afraid.

Aunt Thirteen, your words are not offensive at all.

"If it is destined to be yours, it will come to you eventually. If it is not destined to be yours, don't force it. If she is mine, she will come back on her own even if she runs away. If she is not mine, no matter how much I beg, it will be in vain." Yang Fan shook his head: "Just like you, Aunt Thirteen..."

Thirteenth Aunt's heartbeat suddenly quickened.

But the next moment, Yang Fan continued, "Just like you, Aunt Thirteen. You are Guoguo's mother. No matter how far you run away from her, you will come back after crying, right?"

"I'm not talking to you!" Aunt Thirteen slapped Yang Fan. How dare you say such a thing in front of Yueyue and Qianqian? Don't I care about my elders' face

The three of us are no longer the kids who used to sit side by side on the bed and secretly eat the junk food that adults didn't allow us to eat.

Well, hiding in the room and eating ice cream together just now doesn’t count.

That was an accident.

There won't be a second time.

"Forget it if it's not right. I'll go back and take a shower." Yang Fan stood up.

Want to leave after causing trouble

Thirteenth Aunt stopped him, "Why are you taking a shower so early? Tell a story, but don't tell stories like 'The company went bankrupt and owed 800 million, the wife took a sign from her cowardly husband to exchange for money, the whole military exploded, and our God of War is still alive.'"

"This is good!" Liu Qianqian likes the imaginative stories in "Wonderful Stories of the World", which are breathtaking.

Liu Yueyue was also very interested in the story.

When she was a child, her parents were very busy and rarely told her and her sister stories.

They especially envy other children who grow up listening to stories told by their parents or grandparents.

"I don't know which one to talk about at the moment. Let me take a shower and think about it while I'm showering. I should be able to make a decision after I'm done." Yang Fan said.

Thirteenth Aunt thought for a moment and said, "Then you should tell the story of the wonton shop perfectly. It can't be as sad as before."

The story of the wonton shop

Liu Qianqian was very curious about what the story was.

"Okay." Yang Fan sat down and straightened his messy clothes.

Then he told the story of the wonton shop.

There is a wonton shop at the foot of the mountain, which is a gathering place for a group of old soldiers.

The veterans often ate three large bowls of rice in a row, and after wiping their mouths, they would shout, "Boss, please put this on the bill."

The boss stroked his white beard and just smiled.

Later, the war broke out and the veterans never came back.

I guess I won’t be able to get the money I spent on the wontons back.

Later, on an ordinary day, a soldier in broken armor stood in front of the wonton stall and said to the boss: "They all died on the battlefield. They said you are their only relative. This is the pension."

After that, he handed over a letter with the words "Years of meal money" written in crooked handwriting.

Liu Yueyue and Liu Qianqian listened carefully from beginning to end. At first, they thought those old soldiers were ruffians and were going too far.

But after hearing what happened next, they felt sad again.

It turns out that these veterans are not ruffians.

Thirteenth Aunt had heard this story before. Just as she was about to ask why it was still the same, Yang Fan suddenly changed his momentum: "The wonton shop owner put down his rolling pin, took the letter, and stomped his right foot on the ground. Suddenly, his whole body was shining with golden light and he shouted, "Little King of Hell, we haven't seen each other for three thousand years. Today, I want to ask you for a few people."

Liu Qianqian and Liu Yueyue were stunned.

I was immersed in sadness the previous moment, and the next moment I seemed to see a very unpleasant picture in front of me.

Can it be changed like this

Thirteenth Aunt fell into deep thought, her previous sadness swept away.

Yang Fan went back to take a shower. Thirteenth Aunt looked at Guoguo, who had no cartoons to watch and was full and looked listless, and quickly pulled her up to take a shower.

You're asleep now, how can I listen to your bedtime story later

After taking a bath with Guoguo, Aunt Thirteen saw that sisters Liu Yueyue and Liu Qianqian had already washed the pots and bowls.

At home, the two sisters seldom do these things.

It’s a mansion worth hundreds of millions, a four-story villa, and the cleaning, cooking and laundry are all done by the aunties.

Unless you make a midnight snack yourself, you don’t have to wash the pots and dishes yourself.

Even if we have a midnight snack, after eating, most of the time the pots and pans are left for the aunt to wash when she comes to work the next day.

This is not to say that they are lazy. When they were young, they often brushed their own hair.

Later, the mother felt that enough was enough and educated them, saying that the nanny I hired was to free up our time so that we could do more meaningful and important things.

Auntie received a lot of compensation from us, so these are what she should do.

While cleaning the refrigerator, Aunt Thirteen saw the barbecue ingredients inside and thought for a while.

I had been planning to invite Liu Qianqian and Liu Yueyue to come over yesterday to have a barbecue in the park, but it ended up being cancelled because Liu Qianqian and Liu Yueyue couldn't come.

My balcony is spacious enough, but there are too many flowers and plants planted on it.

There's nothing on the balcony on Yang Fan's side.

Just four people, that's enough.

So, she tried to persuade Guoguo to sleep: "Guoguo, are you sleepy? Go back to bed and sleep."

Barbecue is also a junk food. Adults should not eat too much of it, let alone a young child like Guoguo.