Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 118: When the golden wind and jade dew meet, it is better than countless things in the world


Thirteenth Aunt also frowned slightly. She wouldn't mind no matter how many times Yang Fan had been in love.

It's impossible not to feel resentful about just lying to a girl.

When looking for a wife, men prefer to find a clean girl.

And how could a woman not want to find a clean man

There are too many takeovers in the world, and not everyone likes this.

But there is no other choice but to settle for the next best thing.

The so-called Cao Cao's love for someone else's wife is an eternal joke, and later generations make fun of it.

"How did you lie?" Aunt Thirteen asked Yang Fan.

What a good boy, yet he did such a bad thing.

Yang Fan said: "Before, I met a girl who was suffering from depression and wanted to commit suicide. I told her that if she wanted to commit suicide, then go eat hot pot. If you can eat it, it means you still have money. If you have money, then you should still have friends and there is no need to die. If you have no money and no friends, then come to me, you can eat whatever you want, I will treat you, eat hot pot, eat hand-pulled lamb, eat grilled lamb skewers, drink barley wine... Just survive, there are still some things in the world worth our nostalgia."

After hearing this, Thirteenth Aunt, Liu Yueyue and Liu Qianqian were all silent.

How can this be considered cheating on girls

Even if it is a lie, it is well-intentioned.

A white lie will not be despised.

"What happened in the end?" Liu Yueyue asked after a moment of silence.

Aunt Thirteen and Liu Qianqian also pricked up their ears.

Yang Fan lamented, "In the end, we lost contact. I couldn't contact her and didn't invite her to eat hotpot. Although there were various signs that she didn't make it, I often comforted myself that she just found her own life. It wasn't that I did anything wrong or that I wasn't good enough. It was just that I was no longer needed."

Aunt Thirteen lowered her head.


Then, perhaps she thought of something, and she became silent.

It turns out that it’s not that I did something wrong or that I’m not good enough, it’s just that I’m no longer needed.

"Don't be sad. People with depression may think that everything is beautiful one moment, but may have desperate thoughts the next moment. It is possible for her to delete you or hide in a place where you can't find her at any time. There is nothing you can do about it. It's not your fault." Liu Yueyue is gentle, virtuous, and considerate, and she comforts Yang Fan.

Liu Qianqian asked Yang Fan: "Is she your online friend? Has she never met you?"

Yang Fan nodded: "We are online friends, but we have never met. Only on the Internet do people dare to take off their masks and tell the truth under false names. Of course, there are also people who like to use false names to talk nonsense and cheat people everywhere."

That's a pity, the girl is not so lucky.

Liu Qianqian felt sorry.

If the two knew each other in real life, she felt that the girl would not be so upset.

After all, Yang Fan is a very interesting person and will not make people feel that life is boring.

Seeing that Aunt Thirteen was silent, Yang Fan said, "I have raised a parrot for three years and taught it human language for three years, but it never said a word."

Why are you suddenly saying this

"Is there something wrong with this parrot?" Liu Yueyue asked.

Yang Fan shook his head: "Finally I released it. Before leaving, it turned around and said 'goodbye' to me, then flew away."

Aunt Thirteen was stunned.

Liu Yueyue and Liu Qianqian were also silent.

Yang Fan said while grilling, "When someone gives up on you, it must be after careful consideration. At that moment, they feel that they will be better off without you. So, what happened at that moment is not worth forgiving in your life. Those who can take it are gods, those who can let it go are Buddhas, and those who can't take it are human. So don't deliberately let go of anything. If you don't want to forgive, don't forgive. If you want to be free, then be free. This is the true courage to love and hate."

In front of the barbecue grill, Aunt Thirteen loosened her collar as she felt a little hot.

Liu Yueyue and Liu Qianqian seemed to be thinking about something.

The barbecue on the stove is almost ready to eat.

"I'll go get the wine." Liu Yueyue stood up.

"I drink beer." Yang Fan said to Liu Yueyue's back.

"Yeah." Liu Yueyue responded.

Aunt Thirteen stood up and went to help.

Liu Yueyue can’t carry so much by herself, not to mention the wine glasses and other things.

The three girls usually only drink red wine and almost never drink beer.

Thirteenth Aunt's house was mostly filled with red wine, with only a few cans of beer prepared for Yang Fan.

Red wine and barbecue seemed a bit incongruous, so Yang Fan wanted to suggest that they try some beer.

But thinking about the limited beer stock at home, I decided to give up.

"We are having a great time barbecuing and drinking, don't say anything that will ruin our mood." Liu Qianqian handed two bunches of leeks to Yang Fan to grill: "These are for you. I heard that boys need this more."

"Not all boys need it, and not all boys of all periods need it," said Yang Fan.

"Why?" Liu Qianqian was curious.

"According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, leeks can nourish the kidneys and warm the yang, promote qi and regulate blood. Many people believe that eating leeks can strengthen yang, but among the foods that traditional Chinese medicine believes can strengthen yang, most of them are foods rich in the trace element zinc. Studies have shown that zinc can promote the normal development of male reproductive organs and maintain sperm activity." Yang Fan said seriously.

Liu Qianqian's face flushed and she was a little flustered.

Yang Fan continued, "But the zinc content in leeks is not too high, only about 0.25 mg per 100 grams, which is much lower than foods such as oysters and tea tree solitary. Strictly speaking, eating leeks is beneficial to yang, not aphrodisiac. It is equivalent to nourishing the vital energy and replenishing the deficiency. It has health benefits for people with weak constitutions and can help improve physical fitness."

"Stop talking!" Liu Qianqian glared at Yang Fan.

"Why didn't you stop me earlier?" Yang Fan said, "That's all. I've finished talking."

Liu Qianqian was so angry, was it my fault

By the time Aunt Thirteen and Liu Yueyue came back, the barbecue was almost ready.

Yang Fan took a string and said to Liu Yueyue: "This string should be okay, you try it."

As he said this, he handed the skewer to Liu Yueyue's mouth.

Liu Yueyue had just sat down and hadn't put down the wine and the glass when she subconsciously opened her mouth and took a bite.

Thirteenth Aunt put the wine and the wine glass on the small table next to her. Before she sat down, she turned around and saw this scene. She couldn't help but look at Liu Qianqian, then at Liu Yueyue, rubbing her eyes and asked, "Who is Yueyue and who is Qianqian?"

It is said that Liu's mother has obsessive-compulsive disorder, and she feels uncomfortable when her two daughters wear different clothes.

As a result, the two sisters Liu Yueyue and Liu Qianqian were wearing exactly the same clothes tonight.

Aunt Thirteen had no doubt about her own judgment just a moment ago, but now she is a little doubtful.

Yang Fan feeds Liu Yueyue

Shouldn’t it be used to feed Liu Qianqian

Liu Qianqian looked resentful, pointed at her sister and said gently: "She is Qianqian, and I am Yueyue."

"Oh." Thirteenth Aunt breathed a sigh of relief. "You two sisters are really something. It's always hard to tell you apart. Yesterday, Fifth Sister complained to me that she almost mistook you two. She had to recognize you again after looking away for a moment, but she has obsessive-compulsive disorder and it was very painful."

Liu Yueyue blushed, put her things away, and took the skewers of meat from Yang Fan's hand.

"How does it taste?" Yang Fan asked.

"It's delicious, you're awesome!" Liu Yueyue exchanged identities with Liu Qianqian without any trace. Her voice also changed, and even the tone of her speech made it difficult for Yang Fan to tell whether it was true or false.

Yang Fan was silent.

Mother Liu has a bad temper, and her two daughters are to blame.

The most pitiful one is Liu Qianqian. Whenever she and her sister bully their mother, she is always the one who gets beaten.

"In fact, snake meat is also delicious. There is dragon meat in the sky and donkey meat on the ground. This dragon meat refers to snake meat." Yang Fan distributed roasted meat skewers to Aunt Thirteen and Liu Qianqian, and asked: "Do you know that there is a kind of snake called five-step snake?"

Liu Qianqian poured wine and ate skewers while asking, "I've heard of five-step snakes. Is it delicious?"

Yang Fan nodded: "Not only have I eaten it, I've also been bitten by a five-step snake."

"Ah?" Liu Yueyue was surprised.

Yang Fan said: "Luckily I caught it. I let it bite me every five steps, so I managed to make it to the hospital."

Liu Qianqian gave Yang Fan a blank look.

Yang Fan said: "My friend was also bitten by it, but he didn't catch the snake. However, he borrowed one step from others every five steps and managed to make it to the hospital."

Liu Yueyue smiled and opened the lid of the beer can for Yang Fan, then handed it to him.

"Cheers." Yang Fan raised the beer can.


Red wine was also poured into the glasses of Aunt Thirteen, Liu Yueyue, and Liu Qianqian.

The crimson color in the cup complements the beauty perfectly, it has a graceful and mellow fragrance, making one drunk without even drinking it, and it has more than a myriad of charms.

The night wind blows, the river flows eastward, and looking at the beauty in front of him, Yang Fan is intoxicated even without drinking: "When the golden wind and jade dew meet, it is better than countless things in the world. This wave, I drink it!"