Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 119: From then on, I was no longer a passerby


The second day of resuming work at the beginning of the new year.

Because he drank a little last night and went to bed late, Yang Fan got up a little late today.

After getting up, he found that Aunt Thirteen and Guoguo had not gotten up yet.

Didn't the alarm go off

Or did it ring and was turned off by Aunt Thirteen

Guoguo, school hasn’t started yet, so it’s okay to get up late.

But Aunt Thirteen can't do that, because their unit has already resumed work.

Without brushing his teeth or washing his face, Yang Fan went over and opened the door of Aunt Thirteen's bedroom.

The quilt on the bed was not very tidy, revealing half of Aunt Thirteen and Guoguo's bodies.

Yang Fan frowned.

Before going to bed last night, the mother and daughter slept soundly with their heads facing the head of the bed.

Now, all heads toward the end of the bed.

The pillow was still on the bed.

Just take a nap, can displacement be so scary

Guoguo lay on his side, curled up in Aunt Thirteen's arms.

The doll that the little girl was holding before going to bed had fallen under the bed at some point.

Aunt Thirteen also slept on her side with one leg on Guoguo.

Maybe because he was pressed for too long, Guoguo felt very uncomfortable and struggled to climb out from his mother's long legs.

She crawled to the head of the bed, fell down and continued to sleep.

Aunt Thirteen probably didn't catch her daughter, so she subconsciously raised her leg and searched for a while.

Finally, she also got up, crawled to her daughter's side, and fell down to continue sleeping.


Yang Fan finally figured it out.

I walked over, but before I got close, I saw Aunt Thirteen raised her legs again and clamped Guoguo.

Yang Fan was melancholy.

It is not easy for Guoguo to grow up healthily and live to this day.

Reaching out and pinching Aunt Thirteen's feet, Yang Fan took a look at them and then moved her legs away from Guoguo.

"Get up." After putting down Aunt Thirteen's legs, Yang Fan began to shake people.

"What time is it?" Aunt Thirteen woke up quickly, sat on the bed and asked Yang Fan, her eyes a little dull.

Her lazy and tired look could touch a person's heart as hard as stone, making Yang Fan unable to blame her in the slightest.

"It's time to go to work in thirty minutes." Yang Fan went out.

He only had eight minutes to go out.

If the traffic is normal, it will take fifteen minutes to get to the TV station.

Of the remaining seven minutes, four or five minutes must be used to eat breakfast in the cafeteria.

Aunt Thirteen is fine. It is said that she is not considered late before 9:30.

She also doesn't have to punch in to work.

Being late or leaving early all depends on your self-awareness.

Although they didn't drink much last night, it would still be considered drunk driving if they drove, so Liu Yueyue and Liu Qianqian did not go home after eating barbecue.

After taking a bath, they checked in with their mother.

Only after Liu Ma personally confirmed with Thirteenth Aunt did the two sisters dare not go home and sleep in the guest room of Thirteenth Aunt's house.

At this time, the two sisters had not gotten up yet, and Yang Fan ignored them.

Liu Yueyue hasn't returned to work yet, so she doesn't have to work.

The nature of Liu Qianqian's job means that she doesn't have to punch in for work normally. Being late is not considered being late, and leaving early is not considered leaving early.

Half an hour later, Shancheng TV Station.

Yang Fan walked into the office.

As soon as he entered, he found that the office was a bit lively today.

There were two people from the planning team of "Happy Dictionary", and they seemed to be waiting for him to come to work.

Li Weimin was telling a story to the two people.

There was a grandfather who had a great skill in weaving bamboo baskets.

One day, he received an order for hundreds of bamboo baskets, so he worked overtime day and night to weave the baskets at home.

His grandson felt sorry for his grandfather and said to him, "Grandpa, take a rest. I will help you weave it."

Grandpa was surprised and said: "You can weave bamboo baskets? We need to deliver them tomorrow morning. We still need more than 100."

The grandson said: Grandpa, don’t worry.

Grandpa went to bed with doubt in his heart.

When grandpa woke up the next morning, he saw that the remaining 100 or so bamboo baskets had been woven.

He was ecstatic and shouted happily: Grandson, you are really good at making up stories.

After the story was told, the two people from the planning team of "Happy Dictionary" felt a little embarrassed.

One of them was named Sun.

The new girl who joined the planning team of "Lucky 52" before the New Year covered her mouth and laughed secretly. Brother Li was mocking the two people in the planning team of "Happy Dictionary".

Last night, not only the "Lucky 52" planning team, but almost the entire "Happy Dictionary" program team knew that Yang Fan had submitted his resignation letter.

So early in the morning, Sun Zhengyang and Qian Ying'er came up as representatives of the "Happy Dictionary" program team to show their goodwill.

Things have developed to this point, and no matter how unwilling they are, they have to be polite.

Otherwise it will get out and get a bad reputation.

Wang Qingluo also wants to save face.

Although I was asked to work overtime by my boss last night and was scolded.

Until now, Wang Qingluo is still very depressed.

I didn't expect Yang Fan to be such a cruel person. Why didn't I see it before

Yesterday was probably the last chance he gave himself, so he came over to ask for a red envelope. His purpose was probably not to get the red envelope, he just wanted it as a by-product.

His real purpose was to test his attitude.

As a result, I never mentioned the promise I made a year ago to arrange an office for him.

With Yang Fan's current qualifications, it is not difficult for him to change jobs.

Not to mention all TV stations, even city-level TV stations, he can get into any one he wants with this qualification.

Are there many talented people at Shancheng TV Station

not much!

If there were more, how could it be the third-tier TV station in the country

Therefore, even though Yang Fan is not a top TV personality, Shancheng TV will not let him go easily.

If you don't let go, you can only treat them well.

In the office of the planning team of "Lucky 52".

"Don't mind me, Amin is just telling a story, there is no other meaning." Yang Ruyi said to Sun Zhengyang and Qian Ying'er apologetically, and then scolded Li Weimin: "Amin, how can you say that to others?"

Li Weimin didn't say anything.

Sun Zhengyang smiled and said, "We know that the story that Brother Li told is quite funny."

Yang Ruyi said: "What he said is not right at all."

Then she revised Li Weimin's version of the story.

There was an old man who made a living by weaving baskets. One day he received a large order and had to weave baskets day and night without sleeping or eating.

The son felt sorry for his father because he saw how hard his father worked.

After the old man finally couldn't hold on any longer and fell asleep, his son helped to weave the cloth in order to reduce his father's burden.

When the old man woke up, he saw his son weaving a lot of baskets.

Upon seeing this, the old man was immediately heartbroken because all the numbers were wrong, he could not deliver the goods, and a lot of materials were wasted.

He said with great sorrow, My son, if you can't make up a story, don't make it up.

"Puchi~" The new girl who came a few years ago finally couldn't help laughing out loud.

Although Yang Fan's length of service in the group is much shorter than that of Yang Ruyi and Li Weimin, he has the most say and is commonly known as the leader.

Yang Ruyi and Li Weimin were even angrier than the family leader because he was treated unfairly outside.

Now that the murderer is offering his face to me, how can I not beat him

Qian Ying'er's face turned pale and blue. In the past, she really just followed Lu Zhisheng's lead and did not give enough respect to Yang Fan, the chief planner.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they pretend to obey but actually disobey.

The planning team of "Lucky 52" is worthy of being the originator of educational programs. They don't even use a single dirty word when scolding people, showing their wisdom.