Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 16: Waiting for the wind to blow the sails


Less than an hour and a half after Liu Yueyue took a photo of the music score and sent it to the company, they got the result.


After asking Liu Yueyue about her identity as the composer, the company offered a price of five thousand.

It is still in the form of a buyout, with no dividends.

Yang Fan was not surprised at all when he received the price offered by the other party.

He had already prepared himself mentally.

In the previous life, there was an unknown singer who became popular on the Internet because of a song.

He earned 100 million yuan from this song.

He bought this song from a friend for only a few hundred dollars.

There's no other reason, the songwriter is not famous.

"Ask your friend. If he is not satisfied with the price, you can negotiate. If he is satisfied, I will ask the company to send someone over to sign a contract with your friend." Liu Yueyue said to Yang Fan.

She wasn't worried about the company not buying the song.

People in the music production department are not lazy people. They can tell whether a song is good or not and whether it has value.

What's more, she sang a cappella and sent it along with the music score.

"I have no objection, this price is acceptable." Yang Fan said.

Liu Yueyue was puzzled: "Why don't you discuss this with your friends?"

"No need. He has left all the responsibility to me." Yang Fan said.

"I don't believe you, I want him to say it in person." Liu Yueyue was unhappy. Buying songs was just a side thing, meeting that pure soul was the real thing.

The song is good, but whether it becomes a hit is another matter.

Without market verification, no one dares to say that the song they like will become a hit before it is released.

"You can think of this as a song I wrote." Yang Fan sighed. He just casually said last night that it was a song written by a friend, but how come the Liu sisters took it seriously and believed it without a doubt.

"Who are you trying to fool?" Liu Qianqian snorted coldly, "My sister and I are both professionally trained in music, but we can't even compose a few lines. How can you?"

"Then I won't sell it." Yang Fan said straightforwardly.

"Then just consider it as written by you, and you authorize it." Liu Yueyue was also very straightforward, fearing that Yang Fan would give up the responsibility.

Liu Qianqian glared at Yang Fan and said, "How can you be like this? Who would have a friend like you..."

"Qianqian, stop!" Liu Yueyue interrupted her sister.

Then, Liu Yueyue said to Yang Fan: "I'll call my agent and she will be here tomorrow at the latest."

"Okay." Yang Fan was not in a hurry.

Although after selling this song, once it is released, he probably won’t have to worry about money anymore.

But by that time, I shouldn’t be doing too badly at the TV station, at least I won’t be short of money.

Being content with poverty or wealth is a state of mind, especially for those who are unable to make a lot of money, but can still be content and happy. Yang Fan really admires them.

Since he came here, he knew that his life would no longer be ordinary.

It won't be the same again.

It just takes some time and a chance.

After joining the TV station, Yang Fan knew that this opportunity would come sooner or later.

Liu Yueyue’s way here won’t work. As he’s working on the show, he’ll meet more and more celebrities in the future.

"After the song is sold, how much commission do you want?" Liu Yueyue asked Yang Fan curiously.

"Seventy percent." After hesitating for a moment, Yang Fan said.

As soon as these words came out, Liu Qianqian exploded again: "Why don't you just rob them? They worked so hard to write a song, it's five thousand yuan, and you took three thousand five hundred, so they only got fifteen thousand."

"Without me, he wouldn't have even got his fifteen thousand." Yang Fan wanted to say that actually all of it was mine, but then he thought it would be endless the more he talked, so he decided to just go down this path.

Liu Qianqian was so angry that she almost laughed.

"It's a bit too much." Liu Yueyue frowned.

"Not much. Without me, he can just entertain himself over there and won't get a penny." Yang Fan didn't think it was excessive at all.

"Can I add him on WeChat?" Liu Yueyue asked.

"No, you won't make any money if you add me." Yang Fan refused.

"You..." Liu Yueyue couldn't help getting angry, but finally asked in surprise: "Does he have any other songs?"

The singer is indeed not an ordinary person, he is gold.

“Yes.” Yang Fan said, “If you think “The World Is So Big But I Still Met You” is good, then my friends have at least dozens of songs that are better than it.”

"Do you have them here? How many songs do you have? Let me take a look. If they're suitable, I'll buy them all together." Liu Yueyue said happily.

Yang Fan rolled his eyes at her and said, "Do you think I'm stupid? You didn't wait for the release of "The World Is So Big But I Still Met You" and sold the other songs together. How much money will I lose?"

Liu Yueyue couldn't help but marvel. No wonder he took 70% of the commission. This Yang Fan really was suited to be a profiteer.

If "The World Is So Big But I Still Meet You" was sold to some relatively unknown music creators, even if they could not share in the profits, the money would definitely be more than 5,000 yuan.

Yang Fan is waiting for a good price.

Liu Yueyue is not sure whether "The World Is So Big But I Still Met You" will be popular after its release, but even if it is not, the songwriter cannot sell the song as cheaply as it is now.

the next day.

Liu Yueyue's agent came from out of town.

Although Liu Yueyue is the artist that the company is promoting this year, she is not very famous yet. Before she wins the Newcomer Award, she is not qualified for the company to assign her a dedicated agent.

I do have a full-time assistant.

However, the assistant only followed her closely during her promotional activities.

When signing the authorization, in addition to filling in "Yang Fan" in the real name column, Yang Fan also filled in a stage name column: Waiting for the wind to blow the sail.

Liu Yueyue was standing next to them. After seeing the stage name, she suddenly felt that the singer's image became even more majestic.

What a literary and poetic stage name.

The manager's reaction was different: "Other people's stage names are two or three characters long, similar to given names, with a surname and a given name. How come yours is four characters long?"

"I am from a minority ethnic group," said Yang Fan.

The agent seemed to have a huge rock broken in his chest and was speechless.

Even the ethnic minorities don't have people like you.

"No, my friend is a foreigner. He wrote this song and I'm the authorized agent." Knowing that what he just said was a bit inappropriate, Yang Fan added.

Liu Yueyue’s agent was completely speechless. How could the real name in the agency authorization be your own

Also, foreigners with four-character names are usually like Elizabeth and Alexander, not someone like you.

Liu Yueyue asked nervously: "Yang Fan, your friend... is a foreigner?"

If she gets involved with foreigners, she's doomed. Her parents would rather beat her to death than let her make friends with foreigners, let alone get married.

"Oh, I forgot. MD Province has returned to the embrace of the motherland. He is no longer a foreigner." Yang Fan said embarrassedly.

That’s good, Liu Yueyue breathed a sigh of relief.

Authorization completed, 5,000 yuan in hand, looking at the transfer notification, Yang Fan was in a good mood: "My ordinary life has taken another step forward."

"Now that you have money, you can treat us to a meal, right?" Liu Qianqian couldn't stand Yang Fan's smug look.

"Okay, I won't eat at my third sister's house tonight. I'll treat you guys to a meal out." Yang Fan said generously.

So, at night, in a restaurant.

After dinner, I looked at the bill.

After a long while, Yang Fan put it down, picked up his phone and bag, and said, "I'm going to the bathroom first."

"Why are you taking the bag when you're going to the bathroom?" Liu Qianqian snatched Yang Fan's bag.