Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 21: Innovation usually ends badly


It's a new week again.

The "Happy Mountain City" program crew, which had been quiet for two years, is no longer quiet, or rather, everyone is no longer idle and is spinning like a top.

Now they not only have to continue recording the last few episodes of "Happy Mountain City", but also have to prepare for the new program.

Various meetings, large and small, lasted the entire day.

The next day, the groups that received their respective tasks started to hold fewer meetings, put their tasks into practice, and really started to get busy.

Some went to solicit sponsorship for prizes, while others went to various government agencies and schools to promote the event and audition guests.

There is no registration fee for guest registration, but there is no appearance fee either.

Even so, there are still many people signing up.

Some go for the prizes, while others focus on participation. It doesn’t matter whether there are prizes or not, as long as they can be on TV.

Even though it's a local channel, it's still on TV, right

For ordinary people, they can brag about it for the rest of their lives when they go back.

The recording preparation stage went smoothly, and the total amount of prizes for each episode was less than 10,000 yuan, so the program team found merchants who agreed to sponsor the prizes on the second day of preparation.

The guests who registered for the first episode were very enthusiastic, and the program staff were also very motivated.

It is an indisputable fact that "Happy Mountain City" is in decline and beyond repair.

The new program still has hope of success.

Performance and bonuses are related to program funding, and funding is linked to ratings.

As the saying goes, people die for money and birds die for food. It would be strange if everyone was not proactive.

However, just two days after the sponsored prize was received, the other party went back on their word.

It was just a verbal agreement before and the contract hadn’t been signed yet, so the program crew couldn’t do anything about it.

If there is a problem in any link, the planning team will be the first to take the blame.

"The program funds are enough to buy prizes. Don't worry. I'll go and talk to them again. If it doesn't work, I'll look for the next one. There's still more than a week before the recording date." Yang Fan was neither anxious nor slow when he heard the news.

Old Zhao seemed to have thrown away a heavy burden and threw everything to the three soldiers under him.

"Lucky 52" was completely created by Yang Fan, and Li Weimin and Yang Ruyi were not familiar with many aspects of it.

In addition, "Happy Mountain City" also needs people to follow it, so the burden of this program fell on Yang Fan, who had just been in the unit for more than two weeks.

He pays attention to every link and every department, keeps abreast of the progress, and coordinates the teams in various departments.

After learning that the sponsor had withdrawn, Yang Fan had a chat with the staff and went to find the other party in person before the end of get off work.

During special periods, leaving the TV station early does not count as leaving early.

Besides, this is Yang Fan’s job.

Yang Fan was accompanied by Gongsun Li, a female colleague from a certain department who was specifically responsible for soliciting sponsorships.

Ali is younger than Yang Fan and just graduated this year.

Yang Fan admires people who are in sales because they are smart and good at speaking.

He and A Li went to a shopping mall that sold household appliances.

There are several shops selling home appliances on the first floor. Led by Ali, Yang Fan walked into one of them.

"Welcome!" The salesperson was very polite and spoke immediately after Yang Fan and Ali entered.

Ali asked, "Excuse me, is your manager Lu here?"

"Yes, are you looking for our Manager Lu?" asked the salesperson.

"Well, please let me know that a man named Gongsun wants to discuss something with him." Gongsun Li said politely.

The salesperson left and came back soon, taking Yang Fan and Gongsun Li to a small compartment.

Sitting in the compartment was a man in his thirties, dressed in a suit.

Seeing Gongsun Li and Yang Fan coming in, he frowned and said, "Miss Gongsun, I already said there's no need to talk anymore, why are you still here?"

Gongsun Li did not answer, but smiled and introduced the person in front of him to Yang Fan: "Brother Yang, this is Manager Lu."

Then, she introduced Yang Fan to Manager Lu: "Hello, Manager Lu, this is Yang Fan, the planner of our new program. Maybe you don't know much about our new program. Our planner can introduce you to the advantages and highlights of the new program..."

Manager Lu interrupted, "No need. We are a small business and cannot afford to lose thousands of dollars in a week."

There is one show per week, and the prize for each show is about 10,000.

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Manager Lu, the show hasn't been recorded or aired yet, why do you think there will be losses instead of gains?"

Manager Lu said bluntly: "I have learned about the content of your program from Miss Gongsun. I don't think it is interesting. If there is nothing interesting, there will be no ratings. If there is no ratings, what is the point of my advertising?"

"Don't you think this program is innovative?" Yang Fan asked.

Manager Lu nodded, but then shook his head and said, "Innovation is innovation, but the end of innovation is usually very tragic. Your innovation does not get the audience's attention. Now is a society full of money. Who likes to watch this kind of quiz show? I have no interest at all."

"Of course investment has risks. Manager Lu, don't you want to take a chance?" Yang Fan said, "If the show becomes popular, your store will be packed with customers, but at least you won't lose money. As for the sales of your products, they will definitely be in Shancheng. How can the headquarters treat you unfairly then?"

“I don’t know whether it’s a loss or not. I only know that the advertising has gone down the drain. I’m the one who feels bad, but no one knows about it.” Manager Lu was very determined and refused to sponsor.

"Manager Lu, won't you reconsider it?" Yang Fan asked. He couldn't force anyone to buy or sell. Moreover, the program hadn't been recorded or aired yet. He couldn't guarantee that it would be a hit and that the merchants would get rewards.

"Don't consider it!" Manager Lu didn't want to pay any more attention to Yang Fan.

Gongsun Li wanted to continue trying, but Yang Fan stopped her and said, "Let's go to the Gree store across the street and ask."

Gree and Manager Lu’s Electrical Appliance City are in the same industry and are competitors.

Gongsun Li couldn't understand Yang Fan's actions. Aren't you just annoying

She looked quietly at Manager Lu.

Manager Lu's expression was indeed much uglier than before.

It doesn't seem right to cross the river and then destroy the bridge. Is it like adding insult to injury

That’s not accurate either. Yes, even if the deal fails, there is still friendship.

What have you done

Yang Fan and Gongsun Li walked out of the compartment.

Manager Lu was a little curious whether Yang Fan would really do such a thing, so he followed him secretly.

After coming out, he saw Yang Fan and Gongsun Li actually swaggering into the Gree Monopoly City in front of him.

Gree Monopoly City.

After Yang Fan and Gongsun Li explained their purpose, they soon met the manager of Gree Monopoly City.

"Miss Dong is obviously a smart and capable woman with good vision." In the manager's office, Yang Fan took the lead and regarded himself as the main force in attracting sponsorship. Gongsun Li was the younger brother and took the initiative to communicate with Manager Dong.

"Mr. Yang, you are too kind. This is a compliment from our Gree Chairman. I don't deserve it." Manager Dong said with a smile and asked the salesperson to get two glasses of water for Yang Fan and Gongsun Li.

Yang Fan said something shocking: "To be honest with you, Miss Dong, Ali and I just came out from the opposite door, and we were rejected."

Gongsun Li was dumbfounded, Brother, you are too straightforward.