Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 22: That's it?


"Haha." Manager Dong didn't think there was anything wrong with it and said happily, "Boss Yang, no need to say more. How do you want to sponsor? How much do you need? As long as the sponsorship fee does not exceed 10,000 per issue, I can make the decision right now and agree to it."

Gongsun Li was caught off guard by the straightforwardness and generosity of the manager of the Gree Monopoly City.

Is it so easy to get sponsorship

In the following episodes of "Happy Mountain City", Gongsun Li and her husband tried their best but failed to get sponsorship.

The new program might not be that good, otherwise why would Manager Lu go back on his word

This resulted in the planning team, which had the most say in the program, being mobilized.

On that day, Gree's sponsorship of "Lucky 52" was finalized, the contract was signed, and even the first sponsorship prizes were sent to the TV station.

In the following days, Yang Fan was busy, very busy.

Run this, run that.

He is in charge of the auditions and is the only one who has to come up with the questions.

There are countless big and small things.

For example, before the weekend, there was a problem with the host.

The original plan was to use the male host of the two hosts of the "Happy Mountain City" program, but the other party refused at this juncture.

The hosts at a TV station are not like ordinary employees. They have to do the work assigned by their leaders even if they don't want to, unless they leave.

As long as he has a show to support him, the host can refuse to take any more work.

Most TV hosts have two shows.

I only focus on hosting one show, and there is no other reason, this show is popular.

When a show is so popular, the TV station doesn't want it to take on two shows, as that might distract it and cause the quality of its signature show to decline.

In addition to hosting this program, Chen Shimei, the male host of "Happy Mountain City", also hosts another program on the urban channel.

His refusal left Lao Zhao and director Wang Chao helpless.

If he doesn't want to earn this money, what can he do? The station can't force him.

"Xiao Yang, go and do some ideological work on Chen Shimei." Old Zhao didn't go to find Chen Shimei, but called Yang Fan instead.

"What's wrong?" Yang Fan didn't know that Chen Shimei had refused the job of host of "Lucky 52".

"You bastard, you're just causing me trouble." Zhao Hu said angrily. Fortunately, Chen Shimei didn't refuse too late, otherwise, if he had to find another host, the time would have been a bit tight.

It’s just the first recording, so the preparation time required is quite long.

Everyone was relatively unfamiliar with the place and was groping their way forward.

If Chen Shimei quit two days before the recording, Lao Zhao and Wang Chao would scold him together and then go to the leader to cry and ask for the release.

"Don't Chen Shimei want to take this job?" Yang Fan asked.

"Well, he looks down on our new program. He would rather save his time to take jobs outside to make money than take our share of the money." Old Zhao said depressedly.

Back then, I was also the one who created several signature programs for the cultural, sports and entertainment channels. Although I may not be among the top three in terms of appeal, I was definitely ranked first among the cultural, sports and entertainment channels.

But now, he has fallen so badly that his companions, with whom he had worked for more than two years, have abandoned him.

Putting aside the friendship, it was still money after all. Chen Shimei's departure made Zhao Hu and Wang Chao very angry and a little sad.

"I'll go and persuade him. If that doesn't work, we can ask the leader for more people. The station doesn't lack hosts." Yang Fan comforted.

"Go ahead." Old Zhao waved his hand.

Yang Fan understood Lao Zhao's feelings. He had been in the same team for more than two years, and now he was leaving just like that.

The ones who are sad are not the ones who are getting off the bus, but the ones who are still on the bus.

Today, "Happy Mountain City" is going to record a program, and Chen Shimei is reviewing the script in his own private room.

He felt that he had wasted two years on this show and had long wanted to quit.

Due to friendship and because no good programs came to him, he had no choice but to continue to muddle along.

When the new program came out and Chen Shimei saw the content and the original team, he felt disappointed.

Just as Manager Lu thought, in a society where the smell of money is becoming more and more serious, is there any future for educational variety shows


The slogans that science and technology can make a country strong and knowledge can change destiny have long been drowned out in a society dominated by material desires.

So, after thinking about it for three days, Chen Shimei decided to give up the show "Lucky 52".

He didn't want to continue wasting what could have been months, or even more than a year, like this.

Although I think "Lucky 52" won't be a hit, it is meaningful and I guess the station won't cancel it so quickly.

Anyway, no matter how bad it is, it can't be much worse than "Happy Mountain City".

"Happy Mountain City" has been under rescue efforts for the past six months, but the station finally decided to give up after finding that it could not be saved.

It is unlikely that "Lucky 52" will be cancelled after only a few episodes.

After all, it takes over the half-dead show "Happy Mountain City".

If the program that takes over the show has good ratings, it is normal for the new show to be cancelled after a few episodes because its data is too bad.

While Chen Shimei was reading the manuscript, there was a knock on the door of his room.

"Come in!" Chen Shimei looked towards the door.

Then he saw Yang Fan come in, followed by Yang Ruyi.

Originally, Yang Fan wanted to come by himself, but when Yang Ruyi found out, she took out a mirror, touched up her makeup, dressed up beautifully, and followed him without saying a word.

She hates things that require thinking.

So for the planning of "Lucky 52", she was too excited when she got off work last weekend and volunteered to take care of two or three aspects, but she had too much fun over the weekend and didn't do it.

It's a new work week, but it's so boring and I haven't done anything.

As a result, the planning of "Lucky 52" was completed entirely by Yang Fan alone.

But she is not the main force in persuading others, so she is happy to participate.

"Brother Chen." Yang Fan was very polite. Chen Shimei was older than him, so it was appropriate and natural for him to call him brother.

He prefers to call her Teacher Chen, as he feels it is more intimate.

But the last time they met, Chen Shimei said that calling him teacher sounded too strange, so he called him brother instead.

"Xiao Yang, how come you have time to come to my place?" Chen Shimei asked with a smile, "Is there something wrong with the manuscript?"

Yang Fan pretended to be ignorant, so he didn't beat around the bush and asked directly, "Brother Chen, I heard that you can't arrange your schedule, so you won't take the show for Lucky 52, is that right?"

"Yeah." Hearing this, the smile on Chen Shimei's face faded a little.

Of course, the reasons he gave for rejecting Lao Zhao and the director could not be what he really thought.

It's just polite talk, everyone knows it.

Now it seems that Yang Fan’s purpose in coming here was to persuade him not to quit.

"Alas, what a pity." Yang Fan sighed and stood up as soon as he sat down: "Then I'm leaving. I wish Brother Chen a bright future."

Chen Shimei was in a daze. Is he gone

I thought Yang Fan would give a long and earnest speech.

He has already thought of an excuse.

Yang Ruyi also stood there in a daze. Just like that

She just stuck out her butt and was about to sit down.

I dressed up beautifully, hoping to give you a better chance of winning, but you didn't even offer me a word of advice.

"Sister Yang, let's not disturb Brother Chen anymore. Let's go back to the leader and ask for someone." Yang Fan called Yang Ruyi to go back.

"Oh." Yang Ruyi hurriedly followed.

Before leaving, Yang Fan said to Yang Ruyi, "Sister Yang, who do you want? Is Ma Han okay?"

Yang Ruyi almost laughed out loud.

Chen Shimei at the back turned pale.

Who doesn’t know that Chen Shimei and Ma Han don’t get along

Last week, because of a quarrel in the backstage, both of them were called in for a talk by their leader.