Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 24: It's expanded


It's another beautiful Friday of the week.

Office workers are all in the same happy mood on this day, even those who often work overtime.

Most of the previous fatigue will disappear today because of the two-day weekend coming up.

Liu Qianqian, who also works a nine-to-five job, did not go home after get off work, but went straight to Aunt Thirteen's house.

Also traveling with us was her elder sister Liu Yueyue, who had returned to the mountain city for fun and had no further announcements.

There is no such thing as weekends in Liu Yueyue's job, but as long as she has two days or more free time, she will run back to the mountain city.

After all, transportation is convenient, and if you have money, you can choose airplanes and high-speed trains without being picky about price, just time period, so it is convenient to come back from anywhere.

Liu Yueyue is a homebody and has plenty of energy, so she is not afraid of traveling.

Liu Yueyue returned to the mountain city last night and took a bath with Liu Qianqian.

When they were halfway through washing, Liu Yueyue seemed to notice something different and asked Liu Qianqian in surprise: "Are you really friends with Yang Fan?"

Liu Qianqian looked puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Liu Yueyue stared at Liu Qianqian's Dabai and said, "I haven't seen you for more than ten days. You have changed a lot."

Liu Qianqian was surprised, looked down, and then asked her sister: "Really? I can't feel it."

After careful observation, Liu Yueyue said with certainty that it was indeed different.

Liu Qianqian was very happy and asked her sister if her skin had become whiter and more moisturized.

Liu Yueyue said she couldn’t tell.

Liu Qianqian didn't care. It seemed that those meals of fatty meat were not eaten in vain.

It’s probably because my skin and face have already reached perfection and can’t be improved any further, so there is no effect of beautifying and moisturizing the skin.

Yang Fan said that eating more braised pork belly, pork belly and other fatty meats he made may have other benefits besides beautifying and moisturizing the skin.

During this period, whenever Liu Qianqian thought about how she had secretly eaten all that fatty meat and felt like vomiting, and how she felt drowsy all day long, she decided to give up and not eat it next time.

Now, her sister discovered the other benefits of the fat prepared by Yang Fan, which made Liu Qianqian overjoyed.

So, this week, without Aunt Thirteen or her mother urging her, she came over to eat and brought her sister along.

"Sister, have you noticed that even though Aunt Thirteen is at this age, her skin is still as tender as that of a 20-year-old girl?" asked Liu Qianqian, who was sitting in the passenger seat of the car.

Liu Yueyue thought for a moment and said, "All the Thirteenth Aunts we saw were wearing makeup, so how can we tell?"

"That's you. I saw Aunt Thirteen without makeup. Her skin is really that good. She didn't wear any foundation." Liu Qianqian said.

"Really?" Liu Yueyue couldn't believe it.

"Remember that week when I spent the weekend at the farm with Aunt Thirteen?" Liu Qianqian said, "At that time, I lived with Aunt Thirteen. Her bare face after taking a shower was almost the same as usual. Her skin was really good."

Liu Yueyue was envious: "I wish we could still have such tender skin when we get to Aunt Thirteen's age, get married and have children."

Liu Qianqian said: "I heard that when Aunt Thirteen first returned to Shancheng, her skin wasn't this good either."

Liu Yueyue was slightly proud: "They say that Rongcheng can support people, but how can it be compared to our mountain city?"

Chengdu and Shancheng once caused a fierce battle among netizens on the Internet, wondering who was better and had more beauties.

Liu Yueyue, who was born and raised in Shancheng, of course supports Shancheng.

In terms of development, Chengdu is better developed than Shancheng, Liu Yueyue admitted, but she would not accept it if people said that the girls in Shancheng were not as good as those in Chengdu.

Liu Qianqian also loves the mountain city and is not too fond of Rongcheng, but now she has to explain: "Aunt Thirteen's skin is so good not because she returned to our mountain city."

"Why is that?" Liu Yueyue asked while driving.

After hesitating for a moment, Liu Qianqian said, "It's because of Yang Fan."

"Huh?" Liu Yueyue almost stepped on the accelerator: "Because of Yang Fan?"

"Yes." Liu Qianqian sighed.

Liu Yueyue looked terrified: "The nourishment of love? Aunt Thirteen and Yang Fan..."

Liu Qianqian was stunned, then said unhappily: "Sister, what are you thinking about? I mean... Let me ask you first, you have eaten the food cooked by Yang Fan, do you think it is delicious?"

"It's delicious, what's wrong?" Liu Yueyue didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I heard that Yang Fan often cooks for Thirteenth Aunt and Guo Guo. You don't think that Thirteenth Aunt's good skin is because of Yang Fan's food, right?"

Liu Qianqian patted her chest and said nothing.

Liu Yueyue didn't understand at first.

"Look here, look here." Liu Qianqian patted her proud chest again.

I used to think her condition was similar to her sister's, but last night she became more confident and felt that she was a little more dangerous than her sister.

"Are you trying to say that you've become bloated because you've been eating Yang Fan's cooking recently?" Liu Yueyue turned her head to take a look, then turned back to look at the road and drive, feeling a little funny.

"Well, the main reason is that I ate his fat." Liu Qianqian laughed.

"It can't be true?" Liu Yueyue still didn't want to believe it: "What kind of food is so magical?"

But since my younger sister said so, does she know the details better than my younger sister

Not long after, the two sisters arrived at Aunt Thirteen's house.

"Why hasn't Yang Fan come back yet?" After playing with Guoguo for a while at Aunt Thirteen's house, Liu Qianqian asked Aunt Thirteen.

Aunt Thirteen nodded secretly. This niece finally acted a bit like Yang Fan’s girlfriend and knew how to care about him.

"Xiaofan has been working overtime recently and sometimes comes home in the middle of the night," said Aunt Thirteen.

At the same time, she became more satisfied with Yang Fan.

I never tell my girlfriend about working overtime and staying up late, for fear that she will worry.

Liu Qianqian was indeed very surprised, but Aunt Thirteen's eyes were full of worry.

"Is that so? You didn't even tell me." Liu Qianqian complained.

In that case, will we have no food to eat tonight

Liu Yueyue was also a little disappointed. Would she not be able to eat the meat of Yang Fan that her sister mentioned could make her grow weight tonight

Thirteenth Aunt comforted Liu Qianqian: "He didn't tell you because he was afraid that you would worry. This is a sensible man. He doesn't tell the woman at home about the hardships he has to endure, but bears them all by himself."

Liu Qianqian felt a little embarrassed, thinking that she had gone a little too far.

He doesn't care about other people's health and just wants to eat their flesh.

"Then Aunt Thirteen, are we going out for dinner tonight?" Liu Qianqian asked.

Aunt Thirteen shook her head: "No, I've already bought the ingredients."

Liu Qianqian was embarrassed: "Aunt Thirteen, let's go out to eat."

The food that Aunt Thirteen cooked... Guoguo said that Gungun wouldn't eat it.

Liu Yueyue panicked: "Aunt Thirteen, you don't want Qianqian and I to cook, do you? We can't do that."

Aunt Thirteen smiled and said, "Xiao Fan called me and said he wouldn't be working overtime for long tonight and would be back before seven o'clock. We just need to prepare the ingredients and wait for him to come back and cook."

In principle, Yang Fan's job is also from nine to five, but their positions determine that it is a good thing that only happens a few times a month.

Sometimes the programs are recorded late at night and until the early morning.