Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 25: I suspect it is the Milky Way falling from the sky


Aunt Thirteen and Liu Yueyue were preparing ingredients in the kitchen while Guoguo was playing in the living room.

Liu Qianqian also stayed in the living room, watching TV, under the pretext of watching Guoguo.

After school, kindergarten biology students do not work, just like office workers on vacation.

Unlike elementary school students, who have a lot of homework.

Whenever there is homework, it basically requires the cooperation of parents to complete it.

Liu Qianqian found it hard to understand why a child of a few years old could push a palm-sized toy car all over the living room and have so much fun.

"Guoguo, who bought this toy car for you?" Liu Qianqian lowered her head and asked Guoguo who was crawling past her pushing the toy car.

"I bought it myself." Guoguo said without even raising his head.

"Where did you get the money to buy it?" Liu Qianqian asked with a smile.

"I have money." Guoguo said.

Liu Qianqian felt that it was a bit difficult to communicate with a child, and continued: "You don't have a job, you don't work, where does the money come from?"

Guoguo stopped pushing the toy car, sat on the ground, and said seriously: "I worked hard, and the money was earned by drawing."

"The money is drawn?" Liu Qianqian was stunned: "Isn't that fake money?"

Guoguo nodded.

"The money is not real, can I buy this car?" Liu Qianqian asked.

Guoguo continued to push the toy car: "This car, it's not real either."

Liu Qianqian was speechless.

Children's thinking and ideas are really unique and imaginative.

Not long after, Liu Qianqian saw Yang Fan appear at the door.

This guy is finally back.

Looking at the time, it’s indeed not yet seven o’clock.

Thirteenth Aunt's and Yang Fan's families were the only two households living at the corner, so they often opened their doors to facilitate communication.

"Why... are you here again?" Yang Fan also saw Liu Qianqian, took out his key, and asked while opening his door.

Liu Qianqian was originally quite happy when Yang Fan came back, but she got furious when she heard this: "What? Do you think I wanted to come? I just..."

She almost said, I just want to eat your flesh, but Liu Qianqian stopped herself.

I don't want to talk to this man who is blind at such a young age. How could a girl as beautiful as me meet an ungrateful bastard like you

"Oh, I see. Let me make this clear. I'm not going anywhere tonight or tomorrow either. I've been working overtime this week and I just want to have a good rest on the weekend." Yang Fan stated in advance.

Liu Qianqian just wanted to beat this bastard to death. You are so self-indulgent. Do you think I want to play with you

"Brother! Brother!" Guoguo loved Yang Fan as always. She dropped her toy car and ran over to hug his thighs.

GunGun was playing with Sanbao. Sanbao stood upright, waving his two paws like electric fans, trying to hit GunGun.

But he couldn't hit it, so GunGun just stretched out a claw and pressed on Sanbao's head, and Sanbao couldn't reach it.

When he saw Yang Fan, GunGun dropped his three treasures and ran over, howling, as if saying, "This dog has been basking in the sun every day and has become sick from being idle. Working overtime has made me a dog. Your analogy is wrong."

Jinmao and Sanbao also came over to join in the fun, surrounding Yang Fan.

Liu Qianqian felt even more uncomfortable.

This bastard is like the moon surrounded by stars, the center of everything.

She has been to Aunt Thirteen's house many times, but not only the three treasures, but even Guoguo was not so friendly and enthusiastic to her.

She now feels like a princess who has fallen out of favor.

After opening the door, Yang Fan handed the bag to the golden retriever and picked up the chubby Guoguo.

The child's skin is really good. Yang Fan looked at Guoguo's little face from a close distance with a smile.

After watching enough, I pressed my cheek against her little face, feeling very happy.

"Brother, are we going to the zoo tomorrow?" Guoguo asked in a baby voice in Yang Fan's ear.

Yang Fan carried Guoguo into the house and said with a smile, "Guoguo, do you want to go?"

"Yes, I want to see elephants, giraffes, tigers..." the little girl recounted them one by one.

"Then let's go to the zoo tomorrow. My brother gets his salary today." Yang Fan was very straightforward in rejecting everyone, except Guoguo's request.

Today, the salary settled by his old employer Xingyao arrived. Although the salary is not much because he did not work, it is enough for Yang Fan to have food and clothing for a month.

"Hehe, let's go see the elephants." Guoguo held Yang Fan's face and kissed him.

"How could you do this? Didn't you say you would stay at home and not go out on the weekend?" Liu Qianqian also followed, very dissatisfied.

Yang Fan put Guo Guo down and walked towards the bathroom: "Did I say that?"

"I said it, just now." Liu Qianqian said from behind.

"No, you must have heard it wrong." Yang Fan denied it.

As he spoke, he stopped and looked at Liu Qianqian with a puzzled look: "Do you want to go to the bathroom?"

Liu Qianqian was stunned at the bathroom door, then she said "Pooh" and turned away.

Yang Fan went into the bathroom. Guoguo, Gungun and Jinmao stood outside the door obediently and did not go in.

Sanbao didn't care. Before Yang Fan's back foot entered, its front foot slipped in.

"Get out, Sanbao!" Yang Fan stretched out his foot to push Sanbao out, then closed the door.

The next moment, Liu Qianqian in the living room heard the rumbling sound of the Milky Way falling from the sky coming from the bathroom. Her pretty face turned slightly red and she felt very uncomfortable.

Outside the bathroom door, Guoguo stood on tiptoe and played with the door handle.

The golden retriever thought Guoguo wanted to open the door, so he stood up his huge body and clapped his paws, and the door opened.


The door opened a crack, and the sound of the Milky Way falling from the sky became louder.

Liu Qianqian in the living room blushed, spat, and fled in panic.

After returning to Aunt Thirteen's house, Liu Qianqian slipped into the kitchen.

"Have you quarreled with Xiaofan again? You two are both red in the face." Aunt Thirteen, who was washing vegetables, saw Liu Qianqian come in with a red face. The first thing she thought of was that the couple had quarreled again.

Liu Qianqian didn't explain the reason, of course, and complained, "Aunt Thirteen, Guoguo and the three treasures treat him better than I do, as if he is a family member and I am an outsider."

Aunt Thirteen smiled and said, "We are all family. The three treasures and Guoguo are the same kind of creatures, children. Children are very simple, they will treat whoever is nice to them. You don't come here often, so how can you compare to Xiaofan who gets along with them every day?"

"Aunt Thirteen, Guoguo was born by you, and the three treasures were bought by you. You provide them with food and shelter, and you are together with them every day. Are they as good to you as they are to them?" Liu Qianqian asked.

Thirteenth Aunt was stunned for a moment, and then she said with a smile: "Qianqian, when did Xiaofan catch your infection? How can you talk like that?"

After a while, Yang Fan came over to take charge of the cooking.

"Have you washed your hands?" Liu Qianqian squeezed into the kitchen and watched Yang Fan cook.

Yang Fan lit the hot pot and said, "Nonsense, don't you wash your hands after going to the bathroom?"

Seeing that the situation was about to get tense again, Aunt Thirteen said helplessly, "Qianqian, please go out. We don't need so many people."

Liu Qianqian exchanged glances with her sister, and when Aunt Thirteen turned around, the two of them swapped positions, and then Liu Yueyue walked out.

After turning back, Aunt Thirteen complained to "Liu Yueyue": "Yueyue, Qianqian's temper is too explosive. If she had half the good temper you have, she and Xiaofan would probably be able to hold their wedding by the end of the year. Xiaofan, don't you agree?"