Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 30: When I listen to it again, I am already the one in the song


There are all kinds of people who drink too much.

Some are cute, some are ugly...

Thirteenth Aunt dared to introduce Yang Fan to her niece who was excellent in every aspect, not just because she had observed his usual performance.

She also observed when he drank too much.

It is said that alcohol can reveal a person's true nature. Not counting this time, Yang Fan had drunk too much in front of Aunt Thirteen twice before.

The first time seemed to be because there was something going on at home, he was depressed and drank too much.

The second time was when Xingyao terminated its cooperation with Shancheng TV Station and had to move to Chengdu, which was a disguised layoff. He could not accept the idea of leaving Shancheng for Chengdu.

Yang Fan’s hometown also belongs to the mountain city, but it is far away in Qianjiang, about four hours’ drive from the main urban area.

While your parents are still alive, don’t travel far away.

He is the only child in the family, and running around the mountain city is already his limit.

Then go to Chengdu, which is even farther away from home.

What Aunt Thirteen admires most is Yang Fan's filial piety. If Qianjiang were not too small and the salary were not low, it would be difficult for him to find a suitable job opportunity. He would probably be living in Qianjiang now.

If that were the case, Thirteenth Aunt would feel very sorry.

She would not know him, and Liu Qianqian would never have any contact with him in this life.

Everyone lives alone in a certain area under the vast sky, and never knows that the other person exists in their entire life.

So some people say that meeting each other is fate.

Fate is wonderful beyond words.

But many people never care about these things, thinking that fate is inexhaustible.

"If you drink a few more glasses, will you feel that the whole world belongs to you and you can do anything?" Aunt Thirteen smiled and gave Yang Fan some water to rinse his mouth.

Yang Fan gargled twice and said, "No, the world is still the same world. As for being omnipotent, it does feel a bit like that."

Thirteenth Aunt asked tentatively: "Then, I don't know the meaning of the song when I first heard it, what is the second sentence?"

Yang Fan casually said: "When I listen again, I am already the person in the song."

Thirteenth Aunt suddenly became silent.

There are so many songs I listened to when I was young, but I just liked them simply and couldn’t understand the meaning of the songs.

It was not until many years later when I heard it again that I realized I had become the character in the song.

After a moment, Aunt Thirteen asked again, "One glance can make a city fall in love with you. What's the next sentence?"

Looking back at Thirteenth Aunt, Yang Fan smiled brightly, his eyes full of admiration. Turning his head, he said, "Thirteenth Aunt, you are so beautiful. One glance can captivate a city, and another glance can certainly captivate an entire country."

Aunt Thirteen was stunned.


So beautiful!

More than a few people had said that she was beautiful, incredibly beautiful.

But now she felt that this poem was incredibly beautiful.

No matter how confident a woman is, she will feel ashamed in front of this poem.

One glance can conquer a city, another glance can conquer a country. Only a very beautiful woman can do that.

At least Aunt Thirteen felt that even at the peak of her beauty, she could not be the most stunning person in the city, let alone the whole country.

"Is there such a woman?" Aunt Thirteen asked Yang Fan.

After rinsing his mouth again and spitting it out, Yang Fan nodded and said, "Yes."

Thirteenth Aunt wanted to ask someone, but Yang Fan didn't give her a chance and said, "Okay, I'm done vomiting. I'll go over and coax Guoguo to sleep."

Aunt Thirteen was very considerate and quickly said, "No need to do that tonight. If you can still hold on, take a bath and have a good sleep."

Yang Fan checked the time and said, "It's a little late after taking a bath. It will only take a few minutes to coax Guoguo to sleep."

"Okay." Aunt Thirteen turned around and went back to lie down.

Guoguo was still young and slept with her.

When Yang Fan tells Guoguo stories, Aunt Thirteen will also listen.

As if she also needed to be coaxed to sleep.

Actually not.

She just wanted to remember the story Yang Fan told her, and then when Yang Fan was too busy to tell Guoguo a bedtime story, she would repeat it to Guoguo and coax her to sleep.

Children’s happiness is simple and easy to please. As long as it’s not the same story every night, they won’t be picky.

Even after repeated many times and memorizing the story, they can still find faults when adults continue to tell the story, saying that it was told wrongly and that it was not like this last time.

After washing his face and feeling much more awake, Yang Fan prepared to go over and coax Guoguo to sleep.

Before I even left the house, I saw Aunt Thirteen running towards me in shock, saying in a panic, "Guoguo is missing!"

Yang Fan's expression changed slightly: "Why is it gone?"

As he said that, he ran to Wen's house to look for Guoguo.

There was no one on the bed. We checked the balcony, kitchen, bathroom... we even opened the closet, but couldn't find Guoguo.

The three treasures were not at home either, as if they had disappeared with Guoguo.

Aunt Thirteen was so anxious that she started crying. She even leaned over the balcony railing and looked down, fearing that Guoguo would fall if he climbed up.

"Don't worry, don't worry." After comforting Aunt Thirteen, Yang Fan tried to think hard.

There was a problem with the access control of the residential building some time ago, but it has been fixed now and it is impossible for outsiders to come in on their own.

Even if bad guys came in, or even if people from the building wanted to kidnap the child, it would be impossible for them to take Guoguo away silently.

None of the three treasures are jealous.

It is even more impossible to take Guoguo and the three treasures away quietly at the same time.

The well-trained professional teams in movies and TV series do have this ability, but they are movies and TV series after all.

With an idea in his mind, Yang Fan returned to his room.

As soon as he entered the bedroom, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The three treasures lay on the floor, quietly.

On the bed, Guoguo fell asleep on his stomach without a quilt covering him.

Yang Fan looked helpless and told you to go back to bed and wait for me. I mean you and your mother's bed, not my bed.

You didn't understand and missed it before, why don't you play by the rules tonight

It’s so difficult to take care of children.

Thirteenth Aunt was at a loss, wiping her tears, and following Yang Fan like a headless fly.

When she came here, she naturally saw Guoguo on the bed.

She was still shaking with joy as she cried, her voice tearing up: "This little troublemaker is driving me crazy."

Although she really wanted to pick up the little girl and give her a beating, she held back.




Guoguo escaped physical pain, but the three treasures were not so lucky.

Thirteenth Auntie beat them up without saying a word: "Don't you know I'm looking for Guoguo? Are you lying here pretending to be dead? Tomorrow I will stew you all!"

The three treasures fled in panic.

Sanbao returned to his small villa.

He ran back to the cage, closed the door, and lay down facing the wall with his butt facing outward.

The golden retriever went to the balcony, lit a lamp and looked at the bustling long street and half of the city covered in smoke and sand.

Whether in the past life or this life, Yang Fan has never had children.

In the past, he always heard people say that children were little angels with broken wings who fell into the world.

He thought it was an exaggeration.

Children are kind of cute, but also annoying.

But now, Yang Fan felt that the little girl in front of him was the little angel who unfortunately had her wings broken and fell to the earth.

The sight of her sleeping peacefully was heart-breaking.

And she still loved him.

Always remember, there will be reverberations.