Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 31: The flowers on the other shore are blooming on the other shore


The next day, Sunday.

Before Yang Fan got up, he was awakened by the doorbell and occasional banging on the door.

"Stop pressing, stop taking pictures, wait a moment." Yang Fan sat up from the bed. He didn't feel any headache or swelling in his head, and he felt very good.

The other head is in better condition than the big head.

It looks like it wants to cross mountains and rivers.

"Open the door quickly. I asked Aunt Thirteen. You went to bed at 10:30 last night. It's already 8 o'clock now. You will get sick if you sleep any longer. Get up!" Compared to the first two weeks when they met, Liu Qianqian is not as disgusted with Yang Fan now.

Anyway, she felt that her concern for him was genuine.

After sitting on the bed for a while, Yang Fan felt a little annoyed.

I couldn't get out of combat mode, how could I meet people or open the door

After going to the bathroom, Yang Fan opened the door.

Outside the door, Liu Qianqian was graceful and beautiful.

She was wearing boat socks and slippers, with her long hair tied behind her head, and she looked like a girl next door.

"Please don't ring the doorbell, it wastes electricity. And don't bang on the door. You may not be afraid of hurting your hands, but I am afraid that the door will be broken by you." Yang Fan opened the door.

"You think you're right to sleep in?" Liu Qianqian said dissatisfiedly. I mean well, okay

Good intentions are not taken seriously.

"What's the point of having a weekend if I don't sleep in?" Yang Fan turned around, walked towards the bathroom, brushed his teeth and washed his face.

"I heard that many young people die suddenly for unknown reasons. I'm worried that you'll be alone in a foreign place and lie on the death bed for several days without anyone knowing." Liu Qianqian said in a low voice.

Yang Fan's body stiffened. What was he talking about

Looking back at Liu Qianqian, he said gratefully: "Thank you."

"No need, just cook for me in the evening." Liu Qianqian followed Yang Fan without thinking.

Yang Fan stopped and said, "I'm brushing my teeth and washing my face. Why are you following me? Are you Guoguo?"

Liu Qianqian was stunned: "It's just brushing teeth and washing face, not doing anything else."

"What else do you want to do?" Yang Fan asked.

Liu Qianqian thought about it for a moment, then blushed and said "Pooh".


Yang Fan stayed with Liu Qianqian the whole day and took Guoguo to the children's playground.

Thirteenth Aunt did not go with them.

She said she was a little tired and couldn't play anymore.

rest at home.

Yang Fan and Liu Qianqian knew that she just wanted to give them space to spark the love.

But Yang Fan was not willing to take Guoguo with him.

Liu Qianqian was even happier.

If Guoguo wasn't there, she wouldn't want to go out and play with Yang Fan alone.

When it was almost time for dinner, Yang Fan and Liu Qianqian brought Guoguo back.

As soon as he entered the house, he saw Jinmao and Gungun hiding in their nest and shivering.

When they saw him, the two babies ran towards him whimpering as if they had found a life-saving straw.

"What happened to the Great Sage and GunGun?" Yang Fan asked Aunt Thirteen in confusion.

"Nothing. I went out this afternoon and bought some dog meat. I'll cook it for you when you come back." Aunt Thirteen was still holding a grudge from last night.

Yang Fan looked at Dasheng and Gungun, who were seeking his protection, with sympathy: "It's okay. As long as you don't make mistakes like last night, Aunt Thirteen won't stew you."

The Great Sage and Gun Gun looked terrified and nodded repeatedly.

Sanbao was carefree, lying on the dining table and standing on a chair looking around. There was a bag of dog meat on top.

The half-cooked meat looks very fragrant and delicious.

"Do you want to eat?" Aunt Thirteen opened the bag and asked Sanbao.

Sanbao couldn't speak or nod, but he stretched his neck longer and expressed his meaning very clearly.

Want to eat!

The Great Sage and Gungun Zuan were trembling under Yang Fan's legs, and they didn't even dare to look at the dining table.

"You are so heartless. I didn't see any cat meat today, otherwise you would have bought a few pounds." Aunt Thirteen said fiercely to Sanbao.

With a whoosh, Sanbao ran away like the wind.

After hiding on the balcony, it quietly poked its head out and peeked into the inner room.

"Can dog meat nourish...beautify and moisturize the skin?" Liu Qianqian asked curiously.

It's no wonder that during this period of time, Liu Qianqian found herself in a more dangerous situation.

Even the sister, who had rarely eaten the meals cooked by Yang Fan, found that she had gained weight where she should have.

After hearing what Liu Qianqian said, Dasheng and Gungun became even more frightened.

"You are so beautiful and have such good skin, what else do you want? Give some room to those girls who don't have good looks, good figures or good skin." After returning Guoguo, Yang Fan went back to his room.

The Great Sage and GunGun followed him closely.

Liu Qianqian touched her face, feeling a little proud.

This is self-confidence, not narcissism, she reminded herself secretly.

Thirteenth Aunt looked at Yang Fan's back with satisfaction. This child could speak so well...

Well, it’s better to know it now, otherwise it would be my niece’s loss.

Maybe Guoguo and I won’t be able to touch him anymore.

While cooking, at the kitchen door, Dasheng and Gungun, who were warned not to enter the kitchen, looked at him pitifully. Then, looking at the bag of half-cooked dog meat, Yang Fan said to Aunt Thirteen with some reluctance, "How about not stewing the meat?"

"Not stewing it?" Thirteenth Aunt asked, "Then wouldn't it be a waste? Fine, feed it to the dogs, feed them two."

The Monkey King and GunGun immediately ran away.

At night, before going to bed, Guoguo asked Yang Fan to tell him a story.

In Aunt Thirteen's bedroom.

Yang Fan moved a chair and sat in front of the bed, under the curtain.

Guoguo lay down, and Thirteenth Aunt also went up, covered herself with the quilt, and leaned her upper body against the head of the bed.

"Tonight, let's tell the story of Meng Po when she was young." Yang Fan asked Guoguo for her opinion.

"Yeah." Guoguo nodded obediently. She was not picky about stories.

Last time, Yang Fan said that there is a bridge over the Wangchuan River, called "Naihe Bridge".

This name expresses the unwillingness and helplessness of people after death.

Here, the dead look back at the world for the last time and bid farewell to their life memories.

For the deceased, a painful life must of course be forgotten as soon as possible.

However, those happy memories make people infinitely greedy and difficult to let go.

On the Naihe Bridge, there was a white-haired old woman named Meng Po.

She was responsible for distributing the world-forgetting soup that she personally cooked to the dead souls.

The Forget-the-World Soup uses eight kinds of tears as medicine, including Meng Po's own sad tears, and then filters out the bitterness to retain the sweet taste.

The preparation time of Meng Po soup is extremely long, equivalent to a human lifetime. It takes about seventy or eighty years to cook a pot of the best soup.

As long as you drink Meng Po's Forgetfulness Soup, no matter how deep the pain, how entangled the love and hate, or how indestructible the obsession, it will all disappear at that moment.

Guoguo once asked him curiously why those souls who were preparing to reincarnate had to take this potion to make them forget their past lives

Yang Fan said that the human soul has countless reincarnations, and if the memory is not cleared, the memories of each reincarnation will be superimposed on each other, leading to violent personality conflicts, causing great confusion to the soul and body, making it impossible for people to devote themselves to a new round of life with peace of mind.