Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 41: Ratings


Cultural, sports and entertainment channel, in the big room.

Director Li had a calm expression as he glanced at the crowd of people below.

These people are the elite backbone of the channel she is in charge of.

It's been a long time since we had a talk like this.

Taking advantage of the premiere of the new program, we can all sit together and take it as an official opportunity to slack off in an upright manner.

The planning team has a lot of say in a program, so Yang Fan had the opportunity to come and see other core talents in the channel.

But he didn't care, he just wanted to know the ratings of "Lucky 52" last night as soon as possible.

However, this meeting was not just about announcing the ratings of each channel's programs yesterday. Director Li had a lot to say.

She praised the programs that had good ratings.

Ratings have been declining, she criticized.

She encouraged through the ups and downs.

After finally enduring half an hour, it was time to announce the evening program.

Then, Director Li talked about this program for a long time and that program for a long time, and Yang Fan was stunned.

After looking at the time, he decided to tell Lao Zhao that he would not come next time.

Anyway, he is not the boss of the planning group, so Director Li won’t pay attention to him whether he comes or not.

When Yang Fan was drowsy, Yang Ruyi, who was standing beside him, pinched his arm hard as if she had a grudge against him.

Yang Fan almost cried out, he was completely awake.

Yang Ruyi just stared at him without saying anything.

Yang Fan covered the place where he was pinched unhappily. How could Brother Tang tolerate Sister Yang as his girlfriend

She looks delicate, but she is more violent than anyone else.

In comparison, Liu Qianqian is much gentler.

She is just a vicious person, she doesn't hit anyone.

"Next, let's look at the ratings for our channel's latest new show, 'Lucky 52.'" Director Li spoke loudly on the stage.

Yang Fan immediately pricked up his ears.

As he spoke, Director Li turned his gaze towards the planning team of "Lucky 52".

Regardless of the quality of the program, the first one to bear the brunt must be the planning team.

After all, they are the ones who put together the program, and the director team, filming crew and other departments are just there to execute it and turn the text into a program for the people to watch.

"I remember that the ratings of the last episode of "Happy Mountain City" did not even break 2. I have to say that this was our failure." Director Li was heartbroken.

I remember how popular this program was when it first came out. At least it was one of the best on the local channels.

Many people from other places are willing to travel across provinces to watch.

There was even a discussion within the station about whether or not to switch the show to satellite TV.

But because the satellite TV station also had its own flagship programs at the time, it could not be touched.

As the ratings of the satellite TV station's signature programs declined, "Happy Mountain City" was no exception. Under the dual pressure of aesthetic fatigue and innovative mistakes, it became a third-rate program.

"I watched "Lucky 52" last night." Director Li smiled.

Old Zhao below also smiled.

Judging from Director Li’s expression, the ratings shouldn’t be too bad.

At least it won’t be worse than “Happy Mountain City”.

As expected, Director Li said, "The new program did not disappoint me. I highly recommended it to the leadership when the proposal was submitted. It broke the curse that Happy Mountain City could not break 2 points in the past year."

Old Zhao felt more relaxed.

It met expectations.

At that time, Director Li told him that if the ratings of "Lucky 52" could not break 2, he should continue to prepare new programs.

Within three months, it will definitely be cut.

Yang Ruyi was very nervous as this was her first new program.

When she joined the TV station, she only followed the old programs and never participated in the creation of new programs.

She did not participate in the first version of the planning of "Lucky 52", but she participated in the later thickened version and personally turned it from paper into a visual picture.

Li Weimin became even more nervous. Whether he could find a girlfriend of better quality and a more outstanding one depended on the new program.

When you are young, you are a man if you have money, and it is difficult to be a man without money.

Yang Fan was relatively calm. He had done what he should do and could only leave it to fate.

"The ratings of Lucky 52 are beyond my expectation." Director Li smiled brightly on the stage and shouted to Zhao Hu in the audience, "Old Zhao, I'll give you a chance. Come up and read it out loud to everyone."

Zhao Hu was stunned. Director Li really knows how to have fun.

"Brother Zhao, hurry up!" Yang Ruyi couldn't wait any longer and urged Lao Zhao impatiently.

Old Zhao stood up and walked onto the small stage under the gaze of a group of people.

"What's the ratings of 'Lucky 52'? Why is Director Li so happy?"

"It's probably very good, otherwise Director Li wouldn't be so happy."

"I heard it's an educational program. Is it worth watching?"

People from other shows were curious.

On the stage, Old Zhao, who received the report, was visibly stunned after seeing the data clearly.

He raised his head and looked at Director Li with a puzzled look.

Director Li gave him an encouraging look and said, "It's true. Here is a separate time-based ratings graph."

As she spoke, she raised a piece of paper in her hand.

Old Zhao's hands were shaking slightly, and his voice was a little hoarse: "5.2, is it really 5.2?"


The people below couldn't believe their ears.

The premiere ratings of "Lucky 52" were 5.2 locally

If you call 52, you get 5.2. Why don’t you call it “Lucky 100”

This might result in a viewership rating of 10.0.

"It's true." Director Li seemed happier than Lao Zhao, pointing to the graph and saying, "When the show started, the ratings barely broke 2, then soared to 5.0 in the middle, and once reached 7.6 before the show ended."

The people below stared with their eyes wide open.

Before the end of 7.6

What does this indicate

The quality of the program was so high that the audience couldn't help but spread the word by word of mouth, which boosted the ratings.

During the peak period of "Happy Mountain City", the ratings were more than 5.2, but 7.6 was not a height that every episode could achieve.

Looking at the ratings curve, as long as the quality of the second episode of "Lucky 52" does not decline seriously, the ratings ceiling is difficult to predict.

5.2 is just the beginning.

With each issue, it is inevitable that the number will continue to rise.

A signature program of the cultural, sports and entertainment channel has been born again!

The conversation will end.

"Congratulations, Lao Zhao!"

"Director Wang, you are really amazing!"

"Old Zhao, when are you going to treat us?"

A group of old acquaintances surrounded Lao Zhao and Wang Chao.

Old Zhao's body, which had become more and more hunched over the years, now stood unusually straight.

Wang Chao was also very happy.

The golden duo of Wang Chao and Zhao Hu are back in action.

Yang Ruyi and Li Weimin were overjoyed when they returned to their workstations.

At this time, neither of them could work, and they didn't care whether there were people passing by outside, complaining that they were not working properly and making accusations.

One of them patted Yang Fan's shoulder, and the other pinched Yang Fan's face.

"Xiao Fan, although you are not the most glorious person at this moment, we will not forget that you are the first meritorious contributor." Li Weimin patted Yang Fan's shoulder hard.

"Xiao Fan, you are awesome! A girl three years older than you is rich and handsome. I know you are still single. Would you like to consider me?" Yang Ruyi pinched and rubbed Yang Fan's face. With such good ratings, he has a bag and a lipstick.