Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 42: Little Mago's Spring


Shancheng TV, public channel.

Director Zhang was looking at the ratings of all the programs on his channel throughout yesterday.

"Not bad, not bad. The daytime ratings have not declined overall."

“The ratings are up in the 6 to 8 p.m. time slot.”

"Eight to nine, that's fine."

"From nine to ten... Hmm? Why did it drop so much?"

At first, Director Zhang was very happy to see it.

Only large national channels such as satellite TV will compete with channels from other provinces, while local stations only compete with internal channels.

For example, in the same time period, the ratings of the mountain city urban channel are high, and the ratings of other public channels, cultural, sports and entertainment channels and other channels will naturally decrease.

One gains while the other loses.

"Which channel snatched our ratings from 9 to 10 p.m." Director Zhang wondered.

Soon, he thought of "Lucky 52".

It can’t really be this show, right

Director Zhang knew that "Lucky 52" premiered last night.

He even remembered the approximate time.

It should be between nine and ten o'clock in the evening.

Director Zhang not only got the ratings for his own channel's programs, but also the ratings for all the programs on the entire station.

This is not confidential data, it is all public.

Perhaps because he didn't want his premonition to come true, Director Zhang didn't check the ratings of the cultural, sports and entertainment channel at the beginning.

He watches the urban channel first, then the sports channel...

As he watched, he became more and more uneasy.

The ratings of these channels did not increase during the 9 to 10 p.m. period.

Or the increase is average.

Because he has been in this business for so many years, Director Zhang can roughly remember the ratings and data for each channel and time period.

Finally, only the ratings of the Culture, Sports and Entertainment Channel were left for Director Zhang to look at. Even though he hadn't looked at it yet, he estimated that the Culture, Sports and Entertainment Channel had taken the largest share of the local ratings from 9 to 10 o'clock last night.

"'Lucky 52' has a 5.2 rating?"

Although he had a hunch, Director Zhang was still stunned after actually seeing the data.

The premiere rating was 5.2, which is higher than the stable performance of some signature variety shows on local channels.

Each channel has several variety shows, which are broadcast on different dates and time periods.

At the same time, the station also tries to avoid broadcasting similar programs on various internal channels in the same time period to avoid wasting resources.

Just looking at the ratings for the first broadcast of "Lucky 52", the data is not particularly outstanding, at least it is far from crushing similar programs.

It's not even as good as some of the signature variety shows currently on air.

However, this data is only for the first broadcast of "Lucky 52".

Without overwhelming publicity and without an audience base, the show got such data on its first broadcast. How could insiders not be surprised

Director Zhang was overwhelmed with emotions.

Yang Fan worked on "Lucky 52" for a month. Although not many people in the station, at least people like Director Zhang saw it.

In name, Lao Zhao is the chief planner, but insiders know that Yang Fan is the real creator of "Lucky 52".

Because Lao Zhao was not greedy for credit, it was a workplace rule to use his name, otherwise he would be willing to give the title to Yang Fan.

Is this the person you try your best to drive away and the one you don't want

Director Zhang couldn't believe it.

Thinking back, it seems that I didn't know at first that the channel wanted to recruit Yang Fan. It was the subordinates who made the report.

Ma Han did not punch in for work like other office workers because he was a host and had more freedom.

He didn't sleep well the night before, and came to the TV station late today with dark circles under his eyes.

But he is a host, so he wears some makeup and doesn't make his dark circles too obvious.

After arriving at the TV station, he went to see Lao Zhao nervously.

Lao Zhao is not in the office.

Go find Director Wang.

Director Wang is not here either, as if today is a holiday and he doesn't have to go to work.

Finally, Ma Han had to go to the planning group's office.

He wants to know the ratings of "Lucky 52".

However, he is the freest person in the station except for the big bosses, so he has the lowest "status" and no one tells him about the ratings.

Every time I can only ask myself.

Go to the station’s OA system to check

The efficiency is not that fast. The ratings report will not be uploaded before the afternoon.

"Brother Ma, did you go to the wrong door?" Yang Fan's workstation was near the door. Seeing Ma Han standing at the door looking a little reserved, he couldn't help but ask.

There is another host with a longer experience in the station, his name is Ma Dayuan, and everyone likes to call him Brother Ma, Elder Ma, or Teacher Ma.

In front of some of his younger colleagues, Ma Han can only be ranked second to Ma Ge.

"No." Ma Han asked somewhat embarrassedly: "Yang Fan, are the ratings for our show last night out?"

Before Yang Fan could answer, Yang Ruyi spoke up and sighed, "It's out now. It's so miserable. Maybe I'll have to prepare a new show after recording a few more episodes. Sigh."

Ma Han was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes dimmed.

It’s so hard to turn over!

I still have to go back to hosting legal programs honestly.

Even if you have no problem hosting the show yourself, people won't care. They will just look at your hosting experience and what successful shows you have hosted.

"Lucky 52" failed because of problems with the content, and the host will also be implicated.

This is the principle of "prosperity together, loss together".

In today's society, everyone is so busy. When it comes to conscripting men, there is no time to study so many things. They just look at your body shape and whether you are tall and strong.

He is thin but has muscles all over his body and can fight better than guys who are 1.9 meters tall. Who has the time to learn more about him

You have time to show it, but I haven't had time to watch it yet.

"Sister Yang, don't joke with Xiao Ma." Yang Fan blamed Yang Ruyi, then turned to Ma Han and said, "Xiao Ma, the ratings are not bad, 5.2."

"How much?" Ma Han couldn't believe his ears.

"5.2," Yang Fan repeated, "far exceeding expectations, more than 3 points higher than the bottom line given by the station."

Ma Han still couldn't believe it and looked at Li Weimin who looked calm and composed.

"It's true." Li Weimin said with a smile: "Brother Xiao Ma, you are going to be famous, do you know?"

Everyone in the know knows what the 5.2 ratings for the first broadcast mean.

"Lucky 52" has always been recorded according to the script, and it is far from the time for revision and innovation.

If we continue to record and broadcast in this way, it is only a matter of time before the ratings break 7 or 8 and become the channel's signature program.

"Haha, I said our planner is the top planner of our cultural, sports and entertainment channel." Ma Han smiled happily and said to Yang Fan and the others, "I'll treat you tonight, everyone please give me a chance."

Although the status of planners is higher than that of hosts in the program team, when it comes to making money, there are more hosts on stage and planners cannot compare.

In addition, the host can also take on private jobs outside based on his fame.

Where to start planning

Outside of the television circle, and even within the television circle, the planners have no reputation. Who would invite them to perform in commercial shows

"Want to eat?" Yang Ruyi really wanted to go, but she had an appointment tonight, so she could only tell the truth: "I agreed to have dinner with my boyfriend tonight."

"It's okay, bring your boyfriend along so that everyone can get to know each other." Ma Han was very generous. After saying that, he asked Yang Fan and Li Weimin: "Do you two have girlfriends? Bring them along."