Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 49: I sleep beside the Qianjiang River, and in my dreams the water flows


Yang Fan felt very sorry that he didn't have a girlfriend in college, which was a great loss.

Now when dating in society, the situation is different. The woman will consider the man’s financial strength as an important consideration.

Especially for girls who are already old and are planning to get married, RV is basically the first consideration.

"Girls are not in a hurry, but cars and RVs are." Yang Fan said to his mother, "Mom, you may not understand the girls out there nowadays. I saw a girl on a blind date online saying that it is a hooligan and irresponsible for a man to go on a blind date without a car or a house."

"How can you be irresponsible? It's not like you're lazy and don't want to support your family." Mother Yang disagreed.

Yang Fan explained: "It's not surprising that these girls think this way. Today's society lacks a sense of security. A house is the foundation of life. Having a house means having a good job or a good family. They don't have that much time and energy to appreciate a man's potential and charm."

Father Yang said to his wife, "Why are you so anxious? Although your health is not good, you will not die so soon with me here. At least you can live until Xiaofan gets married and has children, and you can hold your grandchildren."

My mother’s health was indeed not very good. Yang Fan was silent and didn’t say anything.

Mother Yang complained to her husband: "You are just hoping for my death, right? I am not going to die yet. I am in good health. I can live to be old and have many children and grandchildren."

"I didn't say that. Women are just nosy."

"Am I being nosy? Who is the one who asks me every day if Xiaofan has called, if he has a girlfriend, what she is like, and when he will bring her home?"

The two elders started bickering again.

Yang Fan didn't help anyone and just ate with a smile.

In the end, he couldn't avoid being asked about his girlfriend by his parents.

Yang Fan said: "There is no need to rush for a girlfriend. I have already found a good job. When my family's financial situation improves, I can find a girlfriend with peace of mind."

"Xiaofan, are there many girls around you now? Are there any you like?" Yang's mother asked with concern.

Father Yang also pricked up his ears.

Yang Fan thought of his fake girlfriend Liu Qianqian and said, "Yes, I did, but she was so good that I didn't confess my feelings for fear of being rejected."

Mother Yang said quickly, "What are you afraid of? Just reject her if she refuses. Boys need to be thick-skinned when pursuing girls. As long as she doesn't dislike you, you have a chance."

Father Yang nodded in agreement.

Yang Fan smiled bitterly: "Don't worry, I'm only 23 years old now. Don't worry, I will definitely get married before 26 and let you hold your grandchildren."

At night, Yang Fan slept in the small cabin without drawing the curtains.

The window faces the mountain, and in the moonlight you can vaguely see the outline of the Apeng River and the shadows of the mountains in the distance.

In the summer, Yang Fan liked to roll up his bedding, hug a pillow and a towel blanket, and go to the roof to sleep.

Now that winter has arrived, of course I can’t sleep like that anymore.

I can only sleep in the room with the windows closed and the electric blanket on.

I heard from Yang's father that nowadays, Yang's mother is reluctant to turn on the electric blanket when sleeping, saying that it wastes electricity. It is enough for the two of them to huddle together for warmth.

It was useless for Yang Fan to say anything.

If you want Yang's mother to be less frugal, you can only convince her by giving her enough money.

But now Yang Fan has no money and his family still owes 40,000 to 50,000 yuan in foreign debt.

Liu Yueyue's "The World Is Such a Big But I Still Met You" has been released for two days. Probably with the help of the company, it has entered the top ten of the best-selling charts on major music websites and is still slowly advancing.

Let’s not talk about the fame and wealth that the song brought to Liu Yueyue. Just talking about the sales, after deducting the company’s operating costs, they can always make two or three hundred thousand.

However, Yang Fan, who sold the song, only received 5,000 yuan at the time.

Yang Fan was not jealous, he just couldn't sleep.

After tossing and turning for a while, he got up, picked up the phone on the bedside table, went to the music app and bought the genuine copyright of "The World Is So Big But I Still Met You" to listen to it.

Without watching the MV, Yang Fan could also hear the fresh scent of summer.

Liu Yueyue's voice sounds like it was kissed by an angel, ethereal, fresh, and as beautiful as first love.

If you ask what is the most beautiful thing in the world, many people would probably say first love.

Liu Yueyue is that kind of girl, with that kind of voice.

In fact, Yang Fan also became popular.

It's just his information, and the outside world knows nothing about it.

Even the outside world didn’t know that he wrote this song for Liu Yueyue. They just simply liked him in the MV.

Made for each other, a perfect match, this can be applied to the male and female protagonists in the MV.

Both of them are equally youthful, sunny, fresh and beautiful.

"Fuck, as a boy and a loyal fan of Xueyue, I am not jealous of the closeness between the male lead and Xueyue in the MV. His performance is so enviable."

"I feel the same way. He's sunny and has pure eyes. He's just like me back then. Why should I be jealous?"

"I feel like I am the hero. I am so pure and beautiful."

“Although there are no subtitles, I can see the beauty of youth. Their story is a bit sad.”

“It’s sad, but also beautiful. It’s the epitome of our youth.”

"If I could go back to the past, I think I could chase the goddess."

"Love was simple back then, but it was hindered by self-esteem and the eyes of others."

Yang Fan was in a good mood as he read the comments on the song.

For the next song, you can raise the price.

You may not get any dividends, but the copyright will be doubled, and you can get tens of thousands.

Six figures is not enough for now. I only have one popular song and I don’t have enough experience.

While listening to a song and reading the comments, Yang Fan received a WeChat message from Liu Qianqian.

"Are you asleep?" Liu Qianqian.

"Asleep." Yang Fan replied.

"Why are you replying to my message when you're asleep?" Liu Qianqian looked very angry and added an angry expression at the end.

"Just say what you want to say." Yang Fan won't spoil this girl. She's not my girlfriend.

Instead of waiting for Liu Qianqian's message, Yang Fan received a message from Liu Yueyue: "Are you asleep?"

"No, what's wrong?" Yang Fan replied.

Over there, Liu Qianqian, who was holding two mobile phones, had her proud chest heaving.

You bastard, no matter how you look at it, I am still your fake girlfriend.

You treat my sister better than I do.

"Did you know that your friend's song became popular?" Liu Qianqian continued to use her sister's phone to send messages to Yang Fan.

"You are the one who became famous, and my friend just benefited from it. I want to thank you on his behalf. You must have a lot of announcements recently, so you should take care of your health." Yang Fan said with concern.

Over there, holding the cell phone, Liu Qianqian screamed, "Ahhh, so infuriating!"

This bastard, this scumbag, actually treated my sister so well behind my back.

"Qianqian, what's wrong?" Liu Yueyue, who was taking a shower in the hotel bathroom, couldn't help but ask when she heard her sister's scream.

"It's okay." Liu Qianqian responded to her sister and sent a message to Yang Fan with her own phone: "I'm talking to you, my mom asked me to check on him. Humph, men are not good, especially people like you. Are you secretly chatting with some beautiful woman behind my back?"