Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 53: there is only one truth


Seeing the ending, Liu Qianqian felt a chill down her spine.

This kind of ending is really chilling.

The story does not make it clear whether Grandma and Miho actually swapped bodies.

Some people may think that there is only one truth, that the grown-up Mibao still has her grandmother's soul in her body. She did not return the body to Mibao, but let Mibao die for her.

The purpose of her doing this was to take revenge on her unfilial daughter-in-law and make her experience the pain and torture she had suffered for three years.

Some people may think that Miho is still Miho, but she has inherited some of her grandmother's memories, and can play the little games of that era and sing the folk songs of that era.

But the idea is a bit far-fetched.

Liu Qianqian wanted to go into the room to look for Yang Fan. Just as she reached the door, she walked back to the sofa and sat down: "Yang Fan, I'm done, come out!"

After a while, Yang Fan came out of the room and asked, "How is it? Is it suitable for adaptation?"

After thinking for a while, Liu Qianqian asked, "What do you think a story like Grandma's could be turned into, a movie or a TV series?"

Yang Fan said: "The movie is a bit far-fetched, and there are too many plots that need to be supplemented. The TV series is fine."

Liu Qianqian looked at him as if he was an idiot: "The TV series is longer than the movie, and has more plot. Are you saying the opposite?"

Yang Fan explained: "This grandma's story is just a unit drama. There are many such unit dramas in the book, which can form a TV series."

"Oh, I see." Liu Qianqian immediately understood what Yang Fan meant.

There are quite a few sitcoms nowadays, and TV dramas consisting of multiple units have both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that each unit is independent and can cater to people with different tastes.

The downside is that it is incoherent and the story is not exciting, so the audience may give up after watching a few units.

In a long TV series, the story is coherent, and many people will continue to follow it as long as they are attracted by a certain point.

"There are a few more stories in the book, and the scripts have been written. You can take it back and discuss it with the people in your department. If you think it is appropriate, I can provide more similar unit dramas." Yang Fan said to Liu Qianqian.

"Okay!" Liu Qianqian felt very happy. After searching for a long time, she finally found a script that she thought was suitable for filming.

She decided that even if her leader disagreed this time, she would insist on filming.

Because she has the confidence.

What do most people fear most when they have a good script

No one invested.

What Liu Qianqian fears most is not that no one will invest, but that there are no good scripts.

As long as it is not a big production, she can ask her mother for investment.

Mom also promised to pave the way for her.

The step is to invest in scripts that she likes.

Of course, she doesn't dare to try big productions, but she dares to do low-budget ones.

A situational drama like the one Yang Fan gave can be big or small.

You can keep filming if you want to be big, or you can shoot a dozen episodes first to see the market reaction.

When she returned to Thirteenth Aunt's house with the script, Thirteenth Aunt noticed Liu Qianqian's joy and asked with a smile, "What are you so happy about?"

Liu Qianqian patted the notebook in her arms and said, "I got a good script."

"Did Xiaofan give it to you?" asked Aunt Thirteen.

"No, he doesn't have that ability. It belongs to his friend." Liu Qianqian said.

Aunt Thirteen nodded: "Xiao Fan is so outstanding, he will make good friends."

"Why can't I see what's so great about him?" Liu Qianqian said with disdain.

Thirteenth Aunt didn't say much. This pair of enemies often disliked each other, so they were used to it. "Do you want to take a picture of it?"

"Hmm." After hesitating for a moment, Liu Qianqian said to Aunt Thirteen, "Aunt Thirteen, my sister's song was given to her by Yang Fan's friend. It's very popular now. Now Yang Fan's friend has given us such a good script. Although it's not the same person, I think it can make money if it's filmed. The chances of the station agreeing are very high. I want my mother's company to invest in it. Would you consider investing some money as well?"

"I don't understand this. Let me ask Xiaofan." Aunt Thirteen said.

"Can he understand more than me?" Liu Qianqian was unconvinced.

"This is just like you are not optimistic about Xiaofan, but optimistic about Xiaofan's friends." Aunt Thirteen said with a smile.

Liu Qianqian was a little shocked.

It was getting late, so Aunt Thirteen asked Gun Gun to call Yang Fan over and send Liu Qianqian downstairs.

Liu Qianqian drove here, but Yang Fan didn't have a car, so even though Aunt Thirteen wanted him to take her home, he couldn't do it.

When Yang Fan came back from seeing Liu Qianqian off, Aunt Thirteen asked with concern, "Xiao Fan, how far have you and Qianqian progressed?"

Yang Fan was stunned, and after a moment's silence, he said, "It's still in the primary stage."

"What do you mean?" Aunt Thirteen asked angrily.

"It's just... the kind that would make her angry with me just by looking under her skirt." Yang Fan said.

Thirteenth Aunt didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You should be more accommodating to her and praise her more. She can't stand being praised. You can also ask her out for dinner and movies after get off work and send her some flowers. She doesn't have to come home every day to cook for me and Guoguo. It's nice for Guoguo and I to eat out occasionally."

"Let's talk about it later." Yang Fan felt tired. Aunt Thirteen's expectations for him and Liu Qianqian were much higher than before.

Suddenly saying that everything was fake, Yang Fan was worried that her mentality would collapse and she would return to the state when she just came back from Chengdu.

"How can you say that? Take action tomorrow. If you don't have to work overtime, ask Qianqian out to play after get off work." Aunt Thirteen scolded.

"Okay, if she is free, let's ask her out." Yang Fan said.

"She has to find time even if she's not busy. As long as it's not overtime, I'll let Fifth Sister talk to her." Aunt Thirteen said forcefully.

"Okay, okay." Yang Fan surrendered, and finally muttered: "If it was Yueyue who was introduced at the beginning, it would probably be a done deal by now."

Although the voice was low, Thirteenth Aunt still heard it and hit him angrily: "Don't let Qianqian hear this, she will explode on the spot, I tell you."

After a pause, she continued, "Yueyue has a good personality, and Fifth Sister is confident about her marriage. Qianqian's temper is not so good, and Fifth Sister believes in the words of the Feng Shui master. She thinks that if Qianqian doesn't get married before she is 23 years old, she may never get married in her life."

"Do you believe what the Feng Shui master says so much?" Yang Fan was speechless.

Thirteenth Aunt said: "Don't call it superstition. Some things are indeed so magical. Destiny is something that cannot be seen or touched, but it really exists. If you miss this node, no matter how hard you try, it will be in vain."

As she spoke, she seemed to be thinking of something and felt a little depressed.

Yang Fan did not ask any more questions, but Thirteenth Auntie whispered, "That fortune teller, the Feng Shui master, actually read my fortune and told me not to get married before I was 25. I refused to believe it at first, but now you can see that it was very accurate."

What she didn't say was that the Feng Shui master also said that after the divorce, she would meet a very unusual young man who was several years younger than her and would be very good to her children, and her children also liked this young man very much.