Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 54: A bright moon rises over the sea


In the vast night sky, a silver-white plane soars alone above the clouds.

Liu Yueyue was lying on the wide seat in the plane, catching up on her sleep under a blanket.

She had to rush back to the company to record a song.

During this period, commercial performances and new song promotions kept her so busy that she couldn't stop for a moment.

When her younger sister came over these two days, she realized that she had shrunk a lot compared to her younger sister.

There was no other way. For two consecutive weeks, she only slept for no more than five hours a day.

I can only take a short break on the way or in between preparing for the show.

Endorsing Warwick mobile phones is a confirmed thing, and the contract company has signed it for Liu Yueyue.

There was room for negotiation on the brand song, but Warwick insisted on listening to the finished tape first.

Small things don't count.

Only after hearing the finished product did Warwick decide whether to change the brand song.

Time is urgent and Liu Yueyue's schedule is full, so she can only rush back to the company overnight if there are no announcements tomorrow.

After recording the song tomorrow, she has to fly away at around 5 or 6 in the afternoon because she has other performances in the evening.

After getting through this period, Liu Yueyue decided to go back to the mountain city, not go anywhere, and sleep for three days and three nights.

The plane hadn't landed yet, and Liu Yueyue, who was sleeping restlessly, woke up and opened the window baffle.

Outside, a bright moon seemed to have just emerged from the clouds, so bright and clear that it illuminated the sea of clouds.

That place seems like a fairyland, not belonging to the human world.

The shocking and spectacular scenery swept away all Liu Yueyue's fatigue.

She suddenly thought of Yang Fan.

That guy can even recite two beautiful lines of poetry facing a stinky ditch. I wonder what kind of poetic words he can come up with in a situation like this.

She took out her phone which was in flight mode and took a few photos of the sea of clouds and the bright moon.

After getting off the plane, before getting into the car arranged by the company to pick her up, Liu Yueyue couldn't wait to send the photos to Yang Fan.

After I sent it, I remembered it was already very late.

It's already midnight.

At this time, Yang Fan should have gone to bed long ago because he had to go to work the next day.

After arriving at the hotel near the company and checking in, Liu Yueyue did not receive any message from Yang Fan.

She was a little disappointed.

After taking a shower and before going to bed, a message popped up on her WeChat.

At first glance, it was a message from Yang Fan.

“The bright moon rises over the sea, and people all over the world share this moment. Thanks for sharing, I have forwarded it!”

It’s so late, why aren’t you asleep yet

Liu Yueyue looked at the time. It was 2:17 in the morning.

She didn't reply, worried that if she replied, they would start chatting again.

The sea of clouds is not the sea, but he just treats it as the sea.

Looking at these two lines of poetry, Liu Yueyue quickly fell asleep.

In the dream, Liu Yueyue came to the sea of clouds, and before her eyes was a heavenly palace, magnificent and majestic.

A man stood with his back to her in front of the gate of heaven that seemed to rise into the sky.

"Wait for the wind?"

Liu Yueyue shouted at the man from behind.

That was the look of Deng Feng that she had imagined countless times. Although it was just his back, she seemed familiar with him for thousands of years.

Hearing Liu Yueyue's cry, the man tilted his head.

Liu Yueyue was startled. That profile looked so familiar, but she just couldn't remember where she had seen it.

He smiled and strode into the Heavenly Palace.

"Wait for me!" Liu Yueyue hurriedly chased after him.

At this time, my sister appeared behind me and shouted, "Sister, wait for me."

Liu Yueyue looked back at her sister running towards her from the horizon and felt torn.

If she waits for her sister, she won’t be able to catch up with the wind.

If she didn't wait for her sister, she was afraid that she would get lost and couldn't find her.

Finally, she waited for her sister to come over.

When her sister came over, she hurriedly grabbed her sister's hand and ran towards the Tianmen.

The heavenly palace is vast and boundless, with valleys full of blooming flowers, floating castles and gardens, golden fields and seas...

When the wind had long disappeared, Liu Yueyue sat under a huge tree and cried.

It said it was called the World Tree, and it swayed its huge branches, and leaves fell one by one.

The leaves look transparent, and you can see pictures flashing inside.

The World Tree says that a leaf records a person's life.

When life ends, the leaves fall.

Liu Yueyue saw a picture in a leaf.

A beautiful woman was sitting by the river, her eyes confused and a little timid, as if she didn't dare to go anywhere.

She waited and waited, not knowing how long she had been waiting.

Finally, a man appeared.

Seeing him, she smiled happily: "Are you done with your life?"

"Well, come on, I'll take you home!" The man stretched out his hand to the woman.

The woman took the man's hand and followed him.

Soon, the two disappeared over the horizon.

The scene ends here and the leaf falls to the ground and disappears.

Then, Liu Yueyue was awakened by the alarm clock.

It's time to get up and go to the recording studio to record songs.

Although she had been running around non-stop for two weeks, Liu Yueyue was still not exhausted given her young physique.

It should be no problem to record a song in one day, she is in good shape.

She might be a little dissatisfied, but in order to deliver the master tape to Warwick in time, she didn't intend to care too much.

After Warwick agrees to change the song, just record it again carefully.

Yang Fan got up early in the morning, and before going out, he saw Monkey King and Gun Gun running.

On the treadmill, the two babies were panting and sticking out their tongues. They looked very tired, especially Gungun, who seemed to be unable to breathe.

"A day's plan begins in the morning. Well done." Yang Fan gave a thumbs up to Monkey King and Gungun in the inner room at the door of Aunt Thirteen's house.

Aunt Thirteen and Guoguo had already dressed up and were ready to go out.

"GongGong, stop pretending. You've only been running for an hour but it feels like you've been running for an hour." Aunt Thirteen didn't feel sorry for the dog at all and scolded him.

GunGun shook his head, looked away, and ignored Aunt Thirteen.

"Oh, you don't look tired yet. I'll increase the speed for you." Aunt Thirteen increased the speed of the treadmill.

After Yang Fan arrived at the TV station, the first thing he did at work was to hand over the planning document for his second program at the TV station to Lao Zhao.

"So fast, less than ten days." Old Zhao was a little surprised.

"Well, Brother Zhao, please take a look first. If you have any questions, come to me." After saying that, Yang Fan went back to work.

An hour later, he came to Lao Zhao's office again.

Old Zhao had a complicated expression on his face: "Xiao Fan, is this considered perfunctory to your leader?"

Yang Fan shook his head: "Brother Zhao, you are a wise man. Time is too urgent. Only now is Lucky 52 on track. Otherwise, how can I have the time and energy to think of a new program? The core of Lucky 52 is the question bank. I don't have much inventory. I am replenishing the question bank every day. It is very tiring. If you can let Sister Yang or Brother Li take charge, I can think about the new program carefully."

"Well, let's not do that. I'm relieved that Yang Ruyi or Li Weimin will take care of the other things, but you'll still be in charge of the question bank." Old Zhao said solemnly: "Lucky 52 is a top priority, and all the leaders are watching it. We'd rather not have a new program than mess it up."

Yang Fan said with a smile: "Brother Zhao, don't underestimate this new program. Although it is also a puzzle variety show, it has its own characteristics. It comes from the same school as "Lucky 52", but has a different destiny."