Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 55: Happy Dictionary


The new program plan that Yang Fan gave to Zhao Hu was called "Happy Dictionary".

Set up one male and one female host, with the female being the main one.

"It's female-centered, and although it's tailor-made for the leader's niece, it's of the same genre as 'Lucky 52'. Wouldn't that be a bit disrespectful to the leader?" Zhao Hu asked.

"On the contrary." Yang Fan said, "If it's not the same genre, I'm not sure the show will get high ratings. Brother Zhao, speaking is an art. Tell the leader that this type of program is more stable and has a lower chance of failure. We are doing this for the sake of the leader's niece. This is her first program at the station."

Zhao Hu smiled and said, "It seems to be true. OK, I will show the planning document to Director Li now. If she thinks it is okay, she can show it to the leader."

There was nothing for Yang Fan to do, so he went back to continue his work.

So, Zhao Hu gave the planning document of "Happy Dictionary" to Director Li for review.

After reading it, Director Li naturally had no objection and was very happy: "This Xiaofan is very stable, can get things done, and is not eager for quick success."

Zhao Hu instantly felt the gap between herself and Director Li. She could see so much from just a planning document.

If Yang Fan hadn't said it, Zhao Hu would never have thought that Yang Fan didn't produce such a program to please his superiors, but instead put his heart into it.

In the afternoon, Director Li submitted the planning proposal for "Happy Dictionary" to his leadership.

After reading it, the leader called Director Li and Lao Zhao over.

"Okay, good!" the leader said with a smile. With the successful case of "Lucky 52" in the past, everyone was not particularly worried about the ratings of "Happy Dictionary".

In today's variety show market, quiz shows have not yet become flooded, and the audience does not mind having a few more shows like "Lucky 52".

"Happy Dictionary" is aimed at the general public. Compared with "Lucky 52", it provides a wider participation space and mechanism, and builds a more exciting wisdom arena.

Like "Lucky 52", it combines fun, puzzle, knowledge, tension, thrill and humor.

From participation to ratings, "Happy Dictionary" is aimed at ordinary people, the number of contestants is unlimited, the contestant selection mechanism is more scientific and fairer than "Lucky 52", and the finalists are of higher level.

Before leaving get off work, the leader made the final decision on whether the "Happy Dictionary" program would be approved.

Yang Fan, who was about to get off work, was called over by Lao Zhao.

"Get ready. From now on, you are half a member of the Urban Channel." Lao Zhao was happy but also a little disappointed.

He was not disappointed that Yang Fan was half a member of the Urban Channel, but he felt that it might not be long before Yang Fan would no longer be a member of the Culture, Sports and Entertainment Channel, nor of the Urban Channel.

Director Li and the leaders are very optimistic about Yang Fan. When "Happy Dictionary" is recorded and broadcast in the future, if it can have similar ratings as "Lucky 52", Yang Fan will most likely be recruited to the satellite channel.

Satellite channels are where talent gathers for a provincial or municipal television station.

The stage for local channels is too small; satellite TV is the big stage. It faces the whole country and its competitors come from all over the country.

"Well, when can I meet the female host?" Yang Fan was not surprised that the program "Happy Dictionary" passed the review.

With the example of "Lucky 52", he was already halfway to success before he made his next attempt.

Passing the review is nothing.

"Are you so anxious to find a girlfriend?" Zhao Hu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Last time I told him to create opportunities for Yang Fan, this guy remembered it very well.

Yang Fan was stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted and said, "No hurry, I just want to give the female host some special treatment, her position in this program is very important."

"Why shouldn't I believe it?" Old Zhao didn't believe it. Although his leader's niece Wang Xiaoya could not be considered the top female host in the hosting industry, that was because the overall appearance of the hosts in the hosting industry was too high.

Wang Xiaoya’s appearance is at least above average in the hosting industry. Her eyes are particularly beautiful and her lips are very sexy.

It's not the kind of sexiness that comes from big lips, but the sexiness from the curves.

"I'm very poor and can't afford her." Yang Fan explained.

Zhao Hu thought about it and it seemed to be true.

Wang Xiaoya's background is not ordinary, and Yang Fan was just recommended by a leader and almost no one wanted him.

Before Wang Xiaoya officially joined the station, there was already an entire program team ready to support her.

The gap between the two is obvious at a glance.

But Lao Zhao still comforted her: "Fate is unpredictable. You are not so poor that you don't have a house or a car."

Yang Fan spread his hands: "I really don't have a car or a house right now."

"It will happen. If Happy Dictionary becomes successful, and you add Lucky 52, you will have a car and a house in Shancheng within a year," Lao Zhao comforted.

"That's just a car worth tens of thousands of yuan, and it's still a down payment for the house. The full payment is still a long way off," said Yang Fan.

Old Zhao got angry: "Don't give her a boost. I was also very poor at the beginning, but my wife still fell in love with me, didn't she?"

What he didn't say was that his wife was just hurt and too lazy to love or be loved anymore, so she chose him in the end.

But Lao Zhao doesn't regret it either.

Who can blame my wife for being so beautiful? When she was young, she gave me many happy times.

She also gave birth to a lovely and well-behaved daughter for him.

The relationship between the couple is a little bad now, but probably 90% of families have these unavoidable problems after more than ten years of marriage.

"Well, Brother Zhao is lucky." Yang Fan said, "Don't talk about love affairs. If you have a successful career, everything will come naturally. If you don't have money, you will worry about the problem of human reproduction."

Old Zhao suddenly sighed: "Xiao Fan, don't you think this world is ridiculous? The rich are busy trying to destroy the world, while the poor are working hard to reproduce the human race."

Yang Fan's eyes widened. Old Zhao took it seriously.

Give me a pole and I will climb up without thinking twice.

"Brother Zhao, I'm going to get off work first. I have a blind date tonight." Looking at the time, it was time to get off work, so Yang Fan said to Brother Zhao.

"Is there really a blind date?" asked Lao Zhao.

"Well, the elders have reserved the seat and are just waiting for me to go there after get off work." Yang Fan said.

Half true and half false, the blind date is fake, and reserving a seat is true.

Ordered by Aunt Thirteen.

It is said that the dishes have been ordered in advance.

In order to make Yang Fan and Liu Qianqian reluctant to waste money, they had to go out for a candlelight dinner.

Liu Qianqian might be willing to waste it, but Yang Fan wouldn't.

Indeed, he couldn't retreat, so Yang Fan had no choice but to move forward.

Liu Qianqian didn't want to go, but Yang Fan said, "I'll go eat by myself, and you can go anywhere you want. When the elders ask about it when you get home, just say we've eaten together."

After hearing this, Liu Qianqian refused to do it.


If you don't want me to go, I will go anyway.

"What kind of place is this? The river view isn't as nice as advertised. We might as well go home for dinner." As soon as she sat down and looked out the window, Liu Qianqian expressed her dissatisfaction with the location of the candlelight dinner.

Yang Fan glanced outside and said, "On a moonlit night, there are cruise ships with bright lights passing by from time to time, embellishing the river view. Isn't that good?"

"Not good!" Liu Qianqian put down her bag, took out a book to read, and waited for the food to be served.

"Don't read any books. Having no aesthetic sense is a terminal illness. Knowledge and learning can't save it." Yang Fan said.