Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 56: Light makeup or heavy makeup is always suitable


Halfway through the meal, Liu Qianqian's cell phone message alert sounded.

She picked it up and saw that it was from her mother: "Qianqian baby, why didn't I see you post on WeChat Moments during the candlelight dinner?"

Liu Qianqian looked at the candle next to her, wiped her mouth with a tissue, and handed the phone to Yang Fan: "Take a picture, my mother is here to check on me."

Yang Fan had no choice but to put down his bowl and take a photo of Liu Qianqian.

In the camera, under the candlelight, Liu Qianqian was quiet, smiling, and half clear and half hazy. Her beauty was so stunning that it was beyond description.

After taking the photo, Yang Fan sighed softly.

"What's with that expression?" After pretending to be good, Liu Qianqian returned to her fierce look.

Although she looks good when she looks fierce, Yang Fan still prefers her quiet and virginal side.

"It would be so nice to be quiet, why do you have to be so fierce?" Yang Fan said.

Liu Qianqian posted on WeChat Moments while saying, "Why be so gentle? If you're not fierce, you'll be bullied and in trouble. I'm not fierce, but since we were little, my sister and I have been bullied by countless people, and there have been countless annoying flies that have bothered us."

Yang Fan thought about it and realized that this was the trouble of beautiful girls.

Ugly people will never understand.

After thinking about it again, Yang Fan said, "I'm not harassing you, so don't be mean to me and affect my mood."

"Hmph, wishful thinking!" Liu Qianqian rolled her eyes at Yang Fan: "Do you think I haven't seen the chat history between my sister and you? My sister is just too simple, too easy to talk to, and won't get angry, so you dare to flirt with her blatantly."

"Stop!" Yang Fan picked up a piece of meat with a fork and put it on Liu Qianqian's plate: "Why are you saying such harsh words? How did a normal chat become a flirtation?"

After a pause, Yang Fan said, "It just so happens that there are some things I can't tell your sister, so I can only tell you."

"You say." Liu Qianqian was very concerned about her sister's affairs and sat upright.

Yang Fan said: "Tell me the truth, is your sister infatuated with my friend?"

Liu Yueyue is a girl. No matter how passionate her love is, she is very reserved. She never told Yang Fan about her feelings for Deng Feng Chuifan.

Although Yang Fan could feel her feelings for the illusory Deng Feng Chui Fan, he had not heard it with his own ears, so he had to ask Liu Qianqian for confirmation.

He also didn't know whether Liu Qianqian was aware of her sister's relationship, which was a bit too illusory.

"Are you talking about waiting for the wind to blow the sails?" Liu Qianqian asked.

"Yeah." Yang Fan nodded.

Liu Qianqian suddenly felt her face getting hot and blushed for her sister.

My sister's first love turned out to be like this.

"My sister does have a different attitude towards Deng Feng Chui Fan. Maybe that's what she thinks is love." Liu Qianqian said, "Ever since she heard Deng Feng Chui Fan singing in your neighborhood, she has developed feelings for him. After so long, her heart has filled up the incomplete image of Deng Feng Chui Fan, and she's become even more attached to him... Isn't that a little scary?"

Yang Fan did not nod in agreement with Liu Qianqian. This was not outrageous and was within the normal range.

Those who marry plants and animals are really scary.

"Do you think that I am very similar to Deng Fengchufan?" Yang Fan asked Liu Qianqian.

"And you still say you're not flirting with my sister?" Liu Qianqian immediately got angry: "Are you trying to say you're just waiting for the wind to blow the sails so you can be friends with my sister?"

"Well, do you believe me if I say I am?" Yang Fan straightened his collar and sat up straight.

Liu Qianqian looked at Yang Fan and said, "If you were your friend, my sister would no longer believe in love."

Yang Fan was speechless: "Am I that bad?"

Liu Qianqian was about to say something when another message came on WeChat.

After looking at it, she was furious.

Mom scolded her again, asking why there was only her in the photo in the circle of friends, and not Yang Fan.

"My mother has seen my circle of friends. Let's take another photo together." Liu Qianqian said to Yang Fan, her tone much weaker.

In the family, she is not afraid of anything except Mother Liu.

Although my dad is in a high position and has great power, he can only keep his tail between his legs in front of my mom.

Grandma is pretty good.

But grandma doesn't live in their house.

"Come here!" Yang Fan ate without raising his head.

"Oh." Liu Qianqian was very obedient at this time and sat down obediently.

The next moment, Yang Fan smelled an even more fragrant scent.

Liu Qianqian and Liu Yueyue use the same brand of perfume, which is fragrant but not strong, fresh and elegant, and very much in line with their temperament.

Although it was winter, the temperature in the couple's box was not low. Liu Qianqian had already taken off her coat and was wearing a thin beige sweater.

She has a great figure, with burdens that most people of her age and size shouldn't have to bear.

If you gain one point, you will be fat; if you lose one point, you will be thin.

As a result, girls like them always look good with light or heavy makeup, and can wear pajamas to show their own unique charm, which is pleasing to the eye.

"Look at the camera." After sitting next to Yang Fan, Liu Qianqian noticed that he was just focusing on eating without even raising his head, so she reminded him.

Yang Fan had no choice but to look up.

"Smile, smile a little." Liu Qianqian smiled happily at the camera.

Yang Fan couldn't help laughing after seeing this. Girls are indeed born actors.

No wonder Liu Qianqian was able to run announcements for her sister a few days ago. Her sister’s assistant didn’t doubt it, but just felt that their own artist was a little different.

Who could have thought that the two sisters were so bold as to do such a thing.

After taking the photos, Yang Fan couldn't help but ask, "Is it fun for you to run announcements for Yueyue?"

"It's okay. We all have scripts. It's better without a script. It's not like I'm singing. I don't have any big problem with singing. I'm just a little bit worse than her." Liu Qianqian acted as if nothing had happened. She seemed to think that doing such a thing was natural and there was no fluctuation in her heart.

Tonight, the two of them had a rare serious conversation without arguing.

Yang Fan added a few points to Liu Qianqian’s impression score.

"Has your department leader finished reading the script? What's the result?" Yang Fan asked. This was what he was most concerned about, as it was related to the speed of the arrival of his RV.

"There are a lot of scripts, and the leader didn't see the one I submitted so quickly." Liu Qianqian said.

In fact, after reading it, the leader was hesitant. He said that the script was good, but it did not say that the old man was a bad person, and there were all kinds of weird things in it, which was too strange and unbelievable.

"Is that so?" Yang Fan was a little disappointed. He didn't have a girlfriend or spend his time drinking and partying. He got up early and went to bed late, preparing a lot of good scripts.

If no one wants it and its reputation cannot be spread, then all its efforts will be in vain.

Sometimes, a stepping stone is more important than any effort.

Without this stepping stone, you will never be able to open the door and see the scenery behind the door.

"Are you going to take a commission again?" Liu Qianqian asked vigilantly.

Yang Fan was puzzled: "Isn't this normal?"

"How much do you want to take?" Liu Qianqian was very dissatisfied and hated Yang Fan's behavior of talking about money with his friends.

She has the final say on whether this script should be filmed or not. The station has a task every year to invest in scripts with small capital, as long as she can get the main investment.