Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 57: One is separated and the other is wide, each is happy


How much of a commission is a difficult question to answer.


"Thirty percent?" Yang Fan tentatively asked Liu Qianqian.

"Too many, 10%!" Liu Qianqian said.

"10% is a bit low, let's say 20%." Yang Fan stepped into the role and fought for his own interests.

Liu Qianqian was angry: "Can you have some humanity? You are not a businessman, and your friends are not your customers. Just recommend a script to a friend, and you will get 20% if it is sold. The copyright of a story can be at least tens of thousands, or more than a dozen At least a few hundred thousand. Are you embarrassed? If the TV series becomes popular, your friend will sell the rights for the next season in units of millions. Don’t you think it’s too much money?”

Yang Fan thought for a while: "That's right. If it becomes popular, two percent is too little, so let's keep thirty percent unchanged."

Liu Qianqian's eyes widened: "Why are you so thick-skinned? You keep looking for money."

Yang Fan said: "It is said that girls are more delicate in mind. In fact, men are more considerate than women. They are meticulous, pervasive, and find every opportunity... If you see money, why don't you keep it?"

"You are simply unreasonable." Liu Qianqian labeled Yang Fan a miser.

"If you feel sorry for my friend, please pay more royalties so that he can earn more." Yang Fan said. He also knew that "Wonderful Stories of the World" was mainly invested by Liu Qianqian's mother, and Taili only took a small amount.

"Don't even think about it. Give me his contact information and I'll contact him myself." Liu Qianqian stretched out her hand.

"Can you have some professionalism? This is a business secret." Of course Yang Fan couldn't give it.

Liu Qianqian just said that bypassing Yang Fan would be too unkind and would be burning bridges.

She can't do this kind of thing.

She felt that Yang Fan was pretty good and could definitely do it.

"Your friend is really imaginative and can make up any story. I have decided to ask my mother for money to invest in this TV series." Liu Qianqian was full of confidence: "I must be like my sister, because you The gun became popular."

Yang Fan did not offend her, but nodded: "I can't guarantee whether the photo will make a lot of money. It's impossible to lose money."

Liu Qianqian asked doubtfully: "Since you think you won't lose money, why don't you let Aunt Thirteen invest?"

When she first got the script, she asked Aunt Thirteen, who said she would ask Yang Fan later.

Today, Liu Qianqian asked Thirteenth Aunt again, and Thirteenth Aunt said that Xiaofan did not recommend her to vote, and that she would wait and see what happens, as there would be many opportunities in the future.

"Aunt Thirteen is not as rich as your family. She has to raise Guoguo, and it is not easy to make money. I don't recommend her to take risks if she is not 100% sure." Yang Fan said.

Liu Qianqian was a little unhappy: "My mother's money didn't come from the strong wind, it was earned through her hard work."

Yang Fan spread his hands: "I didn't say that your family's money was brought by the strong wind. There are close relationships. I use your mother as a stone and ask for directions. I feel at ease."

Liu Qianqian suddenly felt very sorry for her mother.

Mom likes Yang Fan so much, but Yang Fan treats her like this.

"When I go home in the evening, I will give my mother a basin of hot foot-washing water and wash her feet." Liu Qianqian said sadly.

"That's right." Yang Fan said.

Liu Qianqian rolled her eyes at him: "Have you ever washed your mother's feet?"

"Last time I went home, I washed it." Yang Fan was full and put down the bowl quickly: "My mother is also from the Qianjiang side, a few hills away from my father's village. There used to be a beautiful woman in their village, but then she disappeared. , because she is married."

Liu Qianqian asked: "Your mother was pretty when she was young, wasn't she?"

"Yeah." Yang Fan sighed: "The beautiful flowers are no match for the passing of time. I want to bring my parents to the mountain city. But I don't have the financial strength now, and they are reluctant to leave Qianjiang."

"Will you return to Qianjiang for development in the future?" Liu Qianqian asked Yang Fan.

Yang Fan shook his head: "It will be difficult to go back after you come out. The longer you stay, the harder it will be to go back. If I go back, it will be difficult to meet people like Aunt Thirteen and Guoguo, as well as you and your sister."

"How come my sister and I are involved?" Liu Qianqian asked dissatisfied.

Yang Fan sighed: "We have always had a shallow relationship, but our love is deep. We are friends after all. I didn't expect you to be such a person. I made a mistake."

Liu Qianqian got goosebumps all over her body and trembled: "Don't come here, how can a friend use such disgusting words as deep love."

"Stop talking then, go home!" Yang Fan picked up his coat and put it on.

Liu Qianqian was also full and did not miss this couple's check-in place, so she took her coat and bag.

While walking with Yang Fan, she asked: "Where is your friend who wrote the script from? Is he also from Qianjiang?"

Yang Fan shook his head: "No, he is in Gui Province. He lives in a place called Pingyang. His surname is Wang. We like to call him King Pingyang."

"King Pingyang, what a good name. Pingyang should be a good place." Liu Qianqian's eyes were a little yearning.

"Great place!" Yang Fan said without hesitation: "That year in Pingyang, I went to dig ginseng and forgot to put on the red rope. As a result, the ginseng ran away. I chased it all the way to Mount Everest. I felt that ginseng had reached its peak."

Liu Qianqian stopped paying attention to Yang Fan.

"Goodbye, let's be happy together. Goodbye!" After sending Liu Qianqian to her sports car, Yang Fan turned around and went back to find his little electric donkey.

When I got home, it wasn't even eight o'clock.

Yang Fan went to ask Guoguo what he had eaten tonight. Guoguo glanced at her mother and said, "Mom said it can't be noodles in clear soup, but big fish and meat. So my mother and I ate big fish and meat tonight."

Yang Fan looked at Aunt Thirteen with a question mark on his face.

Aunt Thirteen blushed and scolded her daughter: "Look how fat your face has become? Several times when I woke up in the morning and saw your face, I almost cried because you were so ugly. Eat, eat, eat, why are you eating so much? ?”

Guoguo cried immediately: "You said you are ugly again. You didn't inherit your ugliness. Who told you to be ugly?"

Yang Fan picked up Guoguo and coaxed: "Guoguo is ugly, it's called baby fat."

Guoguo cried even harder. Isn't fat another name for ugly

"The baby is so cute, I can't put it down." Yang Fan pinched the little girl's face.

Cuteness is also a comfort to ugly people, but Guoguo still cried.

Gungun is fighting with Sambo.

Sanbao has many moves, including the five-shot lightning whip that dazzles people.

Gungun's moves are much simpler and rougher, just one punch.

With just one punch, Sambo turned several somersaults.


Lying on the ground, Sanbao still looked very fierce. I was careless and didn't dodge.

"How can you say Guo Guo is ugly? To say she is ugly is to say you are ugly." The family was in a frenzy and couldn't coax Guo Guo, so Yang Fan changed his strategy and turned to talk about Thirteenth Aunt.

"I'm not ugly. Just because I'm good-looking doesn't mean she's good-looking too. I'm me and she's her." Aunt Thirteen said unconvinced.

"Why should I have a baby if I don't know how to take care of it?" Yang Fan asked.

Aunt Thirteen was stunned for a moment, her eyes were red for a while, and she went out.

Yang Fan ignored her and was angry with his daughter, so she ran to the stairs to cry.

I will come back after crying.