Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 582: The finale is full of beauty and satire


Time flies, and more than three months have passed in a flash.

"Journey on the Bite of the Tongue", after a year of filming and more than a month of warm-up, was finally broadcast on Shancheng Satellite TV.

At this time, Yang Fan had already established himself at Shancheng Satellite TV and had his own team. Yang Ruyi and others all followed from the Food and Fashion Channel.

Thirteen villages.

Yang Fan, Thirteenth Aunt, Liu Yueyue and Liu Qianqian, plus Guoguo, the five of them sat on the sofa in the living room, watching "A Bite of the Tongue" broadcast on the big screen.

In the picture, in Shangri-La, a natural hybrid forest of pine and oak trees, Dolma is looking for an elf-like food - matsutake.

The shelf life of matsutake is only two days, so merchants process the matsutake as quickly as possible, so that a matsutake will appear in the Tokyo market in 24 hours.

At 3 o'clock in the morning in the matsutake producing area, Shanzhen Dolma and her mother set off on the motorcycle driven by her father.

After passing through the village, the mother and daughter had to walk into the virgin forest 30 kilometers away.

Rain causes all kinds of wild fungi to grow wildly, but every Tibetan has a keen eye for identifying matsutake mushrooms.

After the matsutake was unearthed, Dolma immediately covered the fungus pit with pine needles on the ground. Only in this way can the mycelium be protected from damage. In order to continue the gifts of nature, the Tibetans carefully abide by the rules of the mountain forest.

During the two-month matsutake season, Dolma and her mother earned 5,000 yuan, which was a reward for their hard work.

The simple people, simple pictures, and delicious food made countless viewers in front of the TV excited.

"Damn it, how can a food show be filmed like this?"

“The process of finding delicious food is so fascinating to watch.”

"I'm getting better."

"I thought it was just a simple dish, very boring."

"It's an eye-opener. It makes me want to find the ingredients myself, enjoy the process, and then make a delicious dish."

Then, the scene changed again.

Lao Bao is from Zhejiang, and his moso bamboo forest has the largest winter bamboo shoots ever grown in Suichang.

Winter bamboo shoots are hidden under the soil layer. From the surface of the bamboo forest, there is nothing. Lao Bao only needs to look at the color of the leaves on the bamboo tips to know the exact location of the bamboo shoots. This completely relies on his rich experience.

Preservation of bamboo shoots has always been a big trouble. A bamboo shoot is just a bud, the most active part of the entire plant.

Smart Laobao's method of protecting winter bamboo shoots is very simple. He digs up the loose soil, buries the bamboo shoots again, and moisturizes them. This burial method uses nature on the spot and can keep them fresh for more than two weeks.

Winter bamboo shoots can be found in the four major Chinese cuisines.

Chefs prefer it because bamboo shoots are made of simple material and can easily absorb the flavor of food.

Lao Bao is making a home-style bamboo shoot soup using winter bamboo shoots. The pickled fresh bamboo shoots should have been spring bamboo shoots, but Lao Bao uses winter bamboo shoots from Suichang that are 20 times more expensive. Because in Lao Bao's eyes, these are just side dishes in his bamboo forest.

"Mad, I'm hungry."

"I just finished eating and now I want to eat bamboo shoots!"

"Tell Lao Mo that I want to eat bamboo shoots."

“So tender and delicious bamboo shoots!”

The screen continues to turn.

In the mountains to the north of Dali, there are many natural salt wells scattered among the eye-catching red sandstones. These salts create the special delicacy of the mountain people.

Lao Huang and his son built a stove by the creek. The job of the earth stove every winter was to boil salt.

At the winter market in Yunlong County, Lao Huang and his son rushed to the market to select the pork for making ham. The curing of the ham began in the yard of the old house.

The curing process of Nuodeng ham is very simple. Lao Huang removes the excess skin and flesh, processes it into a round ham, sprinkles white wine to sterilize, and then spreads the homemade Nuodeng salt evenly, without applying a needle, just kneading , press to avoid damaging the fiber.

Even if judged by modern standards, Nuodeng well salt is still the best among table salts. Although salt production has stopped in this ancient salt production area, we still believe that Nuodeng salt is a precious gift given by nature to the people in the mountains. .

"Wow, watching this show, all I need to do is make white rice, and I don't need to eat vegetables at all."

"I've already eaten two steamed buns."

"I've drank half a bottle of white wine, so there's no need to prepare any food or drinks."

The screen turns again.

Shengwu and Maorong are two brothers. Every September, they come to Jiayu County in Hubei Province to dig for a natural delicacy.

This plant grows in the deep mud beneath the lake. The rhizome of the plant Maorong dug is called lotus root, which is a high-yielding vegetable in the lake - lotus root.

As professional lotus root diggers, Maorong and Shengwu have to go out alone for seven months every year. During the lotus root picking season, they rush from their hometown AH to places with lotus roots.

The higher labor remuneration made Shengwu and Maorong willing to engage in this hard work. People who dig lotus roots like cold weather. This is not because cold weather makes it easier to dig lotus roots, but because more people buy lotus roots and eat lotus root soup when the weather is cold, and the price of lotus roots will rise.

It takes five months to pick the entire lake of lotus roots. On Zhenhu Lake in Jiayu County, 300 professional lotus root diggers work from sunrise to sunset every day. In China's large provinces where Danshui Lake is spread all over, this scene happens every year. Performed every year.

Today, when we have the right to stay away from nature and enjoy delicious food, the most grateful people should be those who create delicious food on the table through their labor and wisdom.

After the first episode was aired, the reputation of "Journey on the Tip of the Tongue" exploded.


It is more popular than any show Yang Fan has done before, and it is not on the same level at all.

All the staff of the program team cried with joy.

They are people who have been abandoned, whether actively or passively. In short, if they enter the food and fashion channel, they will have no future.

It was Yang Fan who pulled them out of degradation and darkness time and time again, telling them that they still had value and that life still had light.

Programs in the field of food are considered hopeless and cannot be saved even by gods.

But Yang Fan did it.

He opened up new ideas and turned decay into magic.

The night in Shisanxiang is beautiful, the garden lights are twinkling and the lights are bright.

In the room, Liu Qianqian opened the window.

Inside, Liu Yueyue's voice flowed out from the window, like incomparably beautiful musical notes.

No, her voice is countless times more beautiful than music.

There is no better sound for a man than this.

Liu Qianqian came back, lay on Yang Fan's back, and said to Liu Yueyue: "Sister, do you want me to call Aunt Thirteen over?"

Liu Yueyue didn't respond, her face flushed and she looked away.


During the season when peach blossoms are in full bloom, peach blossoms are blooming on the mountain road where the Yang family is located.

Rows of wedding cars drove slowly up the mountain, and music came from the mountain.

"Every year when the peach blossoms bloom,

I will think of someone

she used to like me

from that year

i forgot many things

The only one who has an impression

It’s just that I love peach blossoms

Some people find out after they leave

The person you leave is your favorite

she says

The biggest trouble people have is having a good memory

If you could forget everything

Every day from now on will be a new beginning


When the wedding car arrived at the door of the Yang Family Courtyard, the music changed.

The sound of the piano came, followed by clear and clean singing.

"I'll rub you and pull you back, but I won't even win you back at the honest price. I'll give you rice in the stable but I won't pay for it..."

No one could understand what kind of dialect it was, but they just thought it sounded good, with a fresh flavor, and seemed to have a touch of sentimentality, mourning the beauty of the past.

The girl in the wedding car is noble and gorgeous, with a phoenix crown and a halo, full of antique charm.

She is charming and charming, the phoenix crown on her head makes her more elegant, and the Xiapei makes her even more beautiful.

Her hairstyle also made her more gorgeous. The phoenix crown embellished with gold and rubies made her look like a royal princess getting married, full of nobility, classic elegance.

Looking towards the yard, her eyes turned red and tears fell.

"When the peach blooms, its flowers are shining brightly. When the son returns, it will be suitable for his family."

"Thousands of peach blossoms are in full bloom, and the beauty is as fragrant as fire. This girl is getting married and will return to her husband's house with great joy."

The whole book is finished!