Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 66: How can a poor man dare to enter the prosperous world? How can a clean-handed man dare to miss a beautiful woman?


"Less talk, more action?" Yang Fan was puzzled: "Does that mean I should just kiss you next time?"

Thirteenth Aunt hit him: "I told you to talk less and do more! Do something practical!"

"Oh." Yang Fan put some ingredients that would not be used tonight in the refrigerator.

While I was busy, I caught a glimpse of a new family "member" in the corner of the living room next door.

A piano.

"Why did you buy a piano?" Yang Fan asked.

After putting away the watering can and washing her hands, Aunt Thirteen said as she wiped them with a tissue, "Yueyue gave this to Guoguo, saying that Guoguo might have artistic talent. Let's see if we can inspire it."

"Doesn't that mean I have to enroll Guoguo in piano classes?" Yang Fan felt sad for Guoguo for two seconds. She was still so young.

"No need. Qianqian and I both know how to play the piano. We can teach her when we come over for dinner. Aunt Thirteen doesn't want Guoguo to sign up for training classes at such a young age." Liu Yueyue said.

Yang Fan walked over and looked at the piano.

Wow, he spent hundreds of thousands at once.

Don't treat money as money.

I'm not worried that Guoguo has no interest in piano at all, so it would be a waste of time.

"How much do you think this piano costs?" Liu Yueyue, who was wearing casual jeans, asked Yang Fan.

After thinking for a while, Yang Fan said, "A few thousand."

Before Liu Yueyue could say anything, Liu Qianqian, who was wearing flannel pants and a pleated skirt, sneered, "You have no knowledge!"

As soon as she finished speaking, her sister hit her, signaling her to stop talking so coldly.

"A master with superb piano skills doesn't care about the value of the piano." Yang Fan pressed a few keys casually, and the sound effect was indeed good.

"Yang Fan, can you play the piano?" Liu Yueyue asked him.

Yang Fan shook his head: "How can I afford to learn piano? When I was young, I thought people who played the piano were very elegant and gentlemanly, and I also wanted to be an elegant aristocrat, but unfortunately I didn't have the conditions. So I had to settle for the next best thing and wanted to learn guitar, but later on, because my family was poor, I couldn't even afford to buy a guitar."

Liu Qianqian had a sharp tongue but a soft heart. After hearing this, she whispered, "If you want to learn piano, it's not too late now. I'll give you one. It won't be much cheaper than this one."

Yang Fan was surprised: "Cheaper than this one? Wouldn't that be several hundred?"

Liu Qianqian got angry and said to her sister, "I'm not wrong. He just has no vision. He said a piano worth hundreds of thousands is only worth a few thousand."

Yang Fan laughed and said, "If you want to get angry, take it out on me, why take it out on your sister?"

Liu Qianqian thought about it and was about to get angry at Yang Fan.

But he spoke first: "I have a cousin who is about ten years older than me. They often fight. Later, when my sister got married, my brother stood outside the wedding car that was picking up my sister, leaned over the back window, and talked to my sister who was sitting inside. As they talked, they both started crying. They were clearly a family when they were young, but how come they became relatives when they grew up?"

This is truly a happy and sad story.

Where there is gain, there is loss.

"Don't worry, my sister and I have a good relationship." Liu Qianqian was unmoved: "My sister and I will not marry outside the country, we will only look for someone from Shancheng."

"Yes, let's marry local people together." Liu Yueyue agreed with her sister.

"Marry the same person?" Yang Fan became interested and wanted to recommend himself.

Thirteenth Aunt stroked his forehead and hit him: "What nonsense are you talking about? Do you think Qianqian is not enough?"

Liu Qianqian was also very angry.

Yang Fan said: "Not enough!"

So, not only Aunt Thirteen beat him, but Liu Qianqian also beat him, and Liu Yueyue was not left out either.

Thirteenth Aunt is tired. She believes that Liu Qianqian will be driven away by that fool Yang Fan sooner or later.

"Go cook." After beating the man, Aunt Thirteen said to Yang Fan.

"Yeah." Yang Fan didn't bother with these women. A gentleman uses words instead of violence.

Guoguo was reading a picture book in the study room, so engrossed in it that she didn't want to come out until dinner time and Aunt Thirteen called her.

“Chou Guoguo, you are so ugly!” Aunt Thirteen shouted in the living room.

With a "wow" sound, the sound of Guoguo crying loudly came from the study.

You say I’m ugly again!

Yang Fan had no choice but to go in and comfort Guoguo, who was sitting on the chair and crying. The picture book on the table in front of her was open, and looking at the pages, she was almost finished.

Yang Fan didn't know whether the little girl had artistic talent, but she did have the potential to like reading fanciful and messy books.

"Guoguo, am I ugly?" Guoguo's eyes were filled with tears, and she began to doubt her appearance again.

"If you were ugly, there would be few pretty children in the world," said Yang Fan.

"A few is a few?" Guoguo was not satisfied.

"I was wrong, there is not one." Yang Fan corrected.

Only then did Guoguo obediently get down from the chair and go out to eat with Yang Fan.

Take your seats and prepare to eat.

Guoguo said to Yang Fan, "Brother, can you help me beat up Mom? She always says I'm ugly."

Glancing at the beautiful Thirteenth Aunt, Yang Fan said, "Brother, don't hit women. Hitting women is shameful."

Aunt Thirteen was very satisfied, and then asked, "Is there anything more shameful than beating a woman?"

"Yes, but I can't beat him!" Yang Fan moved quickly.

If the chef doesn't move, no one else can move.

"Have you ever hit Qianqian?" Aunt Thirteen couldn't help but ask.

While eating, Yang Fan glanced at Liu Qianqian and said, "I can't beat her."

Liu Qianqian was furious. Before she could say anything, Liu Yueyue said, "You haven't fought before, so how do you know you can't win?"

Yang Fan was surprised: "You still want me to beat Qianqian?"

Looking at Yang Fan's arms, which were not very strong but not weak either, Liu Yueyue quickly ate and stopped talking.

After dinner, because of the cold weather, the after-dinner walk and dog walking activity was cancelled.

Occasionally, Yang Fan takes the two dogs out for a walk.

He had no plans to take them downstairs tonight and was going back to the house.

Liu Qianqian sat in front of the piano and played a song, trying to attract Guoguo.

Guoguo was not attracted, but Yang Fan stopped to look.

The music is very good and the pianist is also very skilled.

If the maximum level is 100, she would be around level 80.

She is indeed an outstanding girl. Listening to the music and looking at Liu Qianqian's back, Yang Fan was a little dazed.

How can a poor man dare to enter the prosperous world, and how can a clean-handed man dare to miss a beautiful woman.

"How was the song?" After the song was over, Aunt Thirteen asked, caring very much about Yang Fan's attitude.

"Very good!" Yang Fan said, "The last time I went back to my hometown, I played this song in the car. As soon as the music started, my feet were out of control and I stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. The speed was 240 km/h. A police car caught up with me and shouted at me with a horn, "What's the name of this song?"

This guy really deserves a beating!

But Aunt Thirteen was too lazy to do it tonight.

"Does your family have a car?" Liu Yueyue giggled.

"Yes, a hand tractor, the kind that makes a rumbling sound." Yang Fan said seriously.

As he said that, he couldn't help but sit next to Liu Qianqian.


To the surprise of Liu Qianqian, Liu Yueyue and Aunt Thirteen, he placed his fingers on the piano keys.

Looking up and glancing out the French window, Yang Fan said, "In my hometown, fireflies are everywhere in the mountains in summer, as gorgeous as stars. Winter nights are quiet, with no sound, isolating everything in the world. I miss home and the world I saw when I was a child."

The sound of the piano began, and the melody was slow and low.

Liu Yueyue on the side was stunned.

The song is full of a hallucinatory mood, as if telling the helplessness of youth.

She seemed to see an ignorant boy walking alone in a narrow, cold cobblestone alley.

The noisy crowd gradually faded away behind him, and ahead was endless darkness.