Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 70: Heartbroken


"Sister, I still think that games are not a good thing. If we can avoid endorsing them, then don't do it. We are not short of money." Liu Qianqian said to her sister while eating at the hot pot table.

She didn't quite approve of her sister accepting the endorsement of the "Monster World" game.

"You don't need it, but I do." Liu Yueyue didn't want to answer it at first, thinking that her sister was right.

But think about it, maybe ten years later, my sister takes over my mother's business, then she will be a rare rich woman or female CEO in the world, with a lot of money.

But I am not that successful and I have much less money than my sister.

They are sisters, only five minutes apart in age, how can there be such big differences in their character


We need to earn more money now to narrow the gap in the future.

"How come I don't need it?" Liu Qianqian didn't know her sister was thinking so far: "Most of the money I spend now is yours. Mom doesn't give me much money to spend."

Yang Fan, who was standing beside Liu Yueyue, asked curiously, "If you don't give much, how much do you give?"

"Probably hundreds of thousands a month." Liu Qianqian said.

Yang Fan ate in silence.

A hero never brags about his past achievements. He is really poor now. He earns a lot of money compared to ordinary people, but it is still far from his expectations.

"I still want to take it. I heard that the endorsement fee is over 10 million yuan a year." Liu Yueyue was a little excited.

I have never made so much money before, and it was all in one go.

"Answer it!" Yang Fan encouraged Liu Yueyue.

Liu Qianqian was unhappy and glared at Yang Fan: "Do you love money so much? Go and get it."

Yang Fan was so moved that he said, "Do you think I don't want to?"

At that time, the game officials came to negotiate with me and asked me to show mercy and stop causing trouble. The first person I recommended was myself.

The other party almost exploded on the spot and asked: Which first-tier or second-tier star are you

Yang Fan talked about the future super first-tier cities.

The other party covered his chest and said: We are asking about the present.

Yang Fan had no choice but to say, then let me recommend my goddess Liu Yueyue.

The other party checked Liu Yueyue's information and said: Change her, she is not famous enough.

Let’s not talk about Yang Fan.

Finally, the game officials compromised and invited Liu Yueyue to be the spokesperson.

They can block Feng Chuifan’s account and even block his ID number.

But can’t Yang Fan re-register

Can't I use someone else's ID card, such as a family member or a friend, to get through

If he were to carry out a few more similar massacres, Monster World would either fail or lose hundreds of millions or even more in revenue every month.

"Qianqian, aren't you forcing me?" Aunt Thirteen spoke up for Yang Fan: "Xiaofan isn't a celebrity, how could he get such an endorsement?"

Liu Yueyue nodded: "Yang Fan is not famous, and he is paying money to the other party, but the other party is unwilling to ask him to be the spokesperson."

It hurts, and Yang Fan is powerless to refute.

Celebrities have fame and commercial value.

What commercial value can ordinary people have

When you are unknown, the first pot of gold is the hardest to earn.

Yang Fan sighed and thought about how to integrate into this society and make some quick money with the help of his experience.

But after careful study, I found that there was no suitable entry point.

Some entry points are too risky.

Moderate technological progress has little impact on society and is in line with the laws of social development.

If technology or business tactics become too radical, it could lead to the loss of hundreds of millions of jobs a year across the country or even the world, with disastrous consequences.

Yang Fan is a principled man.

He will not make money from national disasters or wars.

After Liu Yueyue's agency Qingtong Entertainment received the invitation letter for "Monster World", they have been holding meetings to discuss the matter for two consecutive days.

Why hold a meeting

It’s not about the announcement fee, but about the selection of spokesperson.

Liu Yueyue is far from being the number one sister in Qingtong Entertainment. At most, she will be the number three sister next year.

As long as she wins the Rookie of the Year award.

Qingtong certainly didn't want Liu Yueyue to have such a great opportunity as the spokesperson for "Monster World", one of the most popular games in the world.

Not only do the big brothers and sisters not say anything, the bosses themselves are unwilling to do so.

Because of Liu Yueyue's popularity, Qingtong had no initiative at all in the negotiations on endorsement fees.

Without the initiative, you may lose tens of millions in endorsement fees.

Qingtong didn’t know why the official of "Monster World" sent a notice letter to Liu Yueyue. They only knew that there were many artists in the entertainment industry who were more popular than Liu Yueyue and qualified to endorse "Monster World".

Even in her own company, there are several artists who are more qualified than her.

So, after some intense discussions, Qingtong decided to negotiate with the official Monster World about the candidates first and recommend their own top brother and sister.

At the same time, they also started doing Liu Yueyue's work.

"Xueyue, the company treats you well, right?" Wu Zhe, manager of the agent department, flew to the mountain city in person.

Liu Yueyue was not flattered. Her father was a high-ranking official, and her mother was also a domineering female CEO in the business world. She had seen a lot of the world. She was just a little surprised and nodded in agreement with Wu Zhe's words: "Well, the company has been very good to me. They started to train me during college. They have been training me for four years and have rarely asked me to run announcements. I am very grateful."

Wu Zhe was very satisfied with Liu Yueyue's answer and said with a smile: "The company is very dedicated in training artists, and it is not a one-day thing. I thought you would be dissatisfied if the company trained you for three or four years before letting you debut."

"How could that be? Manager Wu, you're joking." Liu Yueyue spoke modestly and seriously.

The ice goddess character is not just talk.

She is not only quiet but also very cold in front of outsiders.

It took Liu Yueyue three or four years to come to the fore after signing with Qingtong Entertainment. She was very satisfied because she was not short of money and could live a normal university life. Why not

"You must be exhausted from running around lately, right?" Wu Zhe is a very smart man. Naturally, he would not speak bluntly as soon as he came over. Instead, he would show concern for his own artists first.

"It's okay." Liu Yueyue said.

With the help of her younger sister these days, she has adjusted herself well and can continue running across the country.

But of course she would not tell the company about her sister's affair with her.

The two sisters often do this kind of thing. They might be exposed in front of acquaintances, but there is no need to worry at all in front of strangers.

"You shouldn't blame the company for arranging so many announcements. The company has invested a lot of resources in you, hiring people to write songs, record songs, seek exposure on TV shows, and form a fan club, etc. To be honest, until now, the company is still in a loss-making state for you." Wu Zhe said apologetically.

"Thank you for the company's kindness. Manager Wu, don't worry, I have no complaints. My current work is what I should do." Liu Yueyue said.

Manager Wu smiled and finally got to the point: "Um, Xueyue, do you know why Monster World chose you to be the spokesperson?"

Liu Yueyue shook her head: "I don't know, I haven't had any contact with them."

Wu Zhe was relieved and said, "It's like this, Xueyue, you know that your current worth is not high, and you may not get a suitable endorsement fee for endorsing "Monster World". The company hopes that you can give up this notice."