Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 76: Why do I feel like I am a walking tractor now?


Li Weimin was not very good at observing people's expressions. When he saw Lao Zhao coming in, he greeted him with a smile: "Good morning, Brother Zhao."

Yang Ruyi was even worse, as she couldn't tell that Old Zhao was worried.

Yang Fan noticed it, and asked curiously: "Brother Zhao, I see that your forehead is black, which seems to be an ominous sign?"

Old Zhao held his wolfberry thermos cup, a must-have for middle-aged men, without saying a word. He unscrewed the cap and steam rose from it.

He took a small sip and then sat down on an extra chair in the office.

Li Weimin and Yang Ruyi then realized that Lao Zhao was in a bad mood, but they didn't know how to start talking.

Yang Fan ignored him.

After a long while, Lao Zhao couldn't hold it in any longer and asked, "Are you usually so active at work?"

A middle-aged man is sitting here alone, feeling sad. Don't you guys show some care for the old man

"Yes, yes."

Li Weimin and Yang Ruyi nodded. Although Lao Zhao did not have the style of a leader and did not put on airs in front of them, he was still their immediate superior after all, wasn't he

Yang Fan had the best and closest relationship with Old Zhao, so he couldn't help but ask, "Brother Zhao, are you living in disharmony with your sister-in-law again?"

"Yeah." Old Zhao nodded subconsciously, then reacted after a moment and cursed, "Did you forget to say the word 'sex'? Are you trying to make me happy again? No! This is very harmonious, just like our country and our society."

"I don't mean that. Brother Zhao, you're overthinking it." Yang Fan said innocently, "Besides, the more people lack something, the more they will show it off. I understand."

"What do you know?" Old Zhao blushed and said, "A good man never brags about his past achievements. I was young once, too. I'm just a little older now."

Yang Fan reminded him, "Brother Zhao, you are only in your early forties, not old. Twenty-year-old men fly helicopters, thirty-year-old men fly bombers, forty-year-old men fly fighter planes, fifty-year-old men fly gliders, and sixty-year-old men fly hand tractors... Haven't you heard of it?"

Old Zhao was a little dazed. Is that true


Why do I feel like I'm a hand tractor now, rumbling, rumbling, rumbling, and then it's gone.

"Xiaofan, our office is a green office. No other colors are allowed!" Yang Ruyi said with a red face.

"What's wrong with me? I'm talking about a man's energy and vitality. What are you thinking about?" Yang Fan asked.

Yang Ruyi's face turned even redder and she wanted to beat someone up.

Old Zhao then breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out that I had misunderstood.

I told you, how could I be that bad

Men's confidence is back!

But the next moment, Lao Zhao sighed: "I may have to leave."

Everyone was shocked.

"Brother Zhao, what's wrong?"

"Brother Zhao, are you going to leave the TV station?"

Li Weimin and Yang Ruyi asked hurriedly.

Once Old Zhao left, their lives would no longer be so good.

There is a high probability that a boss will be parachuted in.

Even if he doesn't get demoted, at most Yang Ruyi can be a substitute based on his seniority and length of service.

But once she became a substitute, there would be no one to protect her. As a weak woman, she didn't like this kind of life.

Yang Fan had just been transferred to a contract worker for a short time, so it was impossible for him to take Lao Zhao's position directly.

What the organization pays most attention to is seniority, and length of service is a type of seniority.

"Are you going to take care of the department of our TV station?" Yang Fan asked.

Lao Zhao was unhappy and said, "Do you really want me to leave the TV station?"

"that is not!"

Li Weimin and Yang Ruyi quickly denied it, and at the same time they felt relieved that Lao Zhao did not leave the TV station.

Instead, he was transferred to another department or another position.

This should be the work of his wife, who probably wanted him to be idle so that he could take care of the family.

Apart from the high-ranking leaders in the station, a few ordinary employees and workers such as Yang Fan, Li Weimin, and Yang Ruyi also knew that Lao Zhao's wife was of unusual status, but no one else knew anything about it.

"Brother Zhao, are you going to start your retirement life?" Yang Fan asked.

After hesitating for a moment, Lao Zhao nodded: "I may have to go to the Food and Fashion Channel to retire."

The Food and Fashion Channel is a small channel smaller than the Culture, Sports and Entertainment channels. It is dispensable to the TV station and the public.

Once, this channel was discussed by the station as to whether it should be cancelled immediately.

In the end, someone said something and it couldn't be undone.

He said that the national railway department, power grid, postal service and other state-owned enterprises are all operating at a loss, so why should the country continue to strongly support them and never give up


Even in the off-season, passenger trains carrying empty carriages would run across the remote parts of the motherland, perhaps just for the travel of a few people.

The State Grid may only provide lighting for a few households, so it extends the power grid to remote mountainous areas to provide lighting for these few people.

The same is true for the postal service. One person and one horse carry letters from far away, crossing mountains and ridges, regardless of wind or rain...

The food and fashion channel, and a bunch of people who need to support their families in Hukou, have been cancelled and they have nowhere to go.

"People in the food and fashion channels are gradually transferring out. I heard that they will be cancelled at any time in the next few years. Brother Zhao, you are going in now to retire," Yang Fan said pertinently.

Lao Zhao felt aggrieved: "I didn't want to go, but my leader arranged it, saying someone asked me to go."

He didn't say it explicitly, but everyone knew that it was his wife who did it.

"Brother Zhao, it's okay." Li Weimin comforted Zhao Hu, paused and asked, "Brother Zhao, what program are you going to lead?"

Lao Zhao said, "Go and be the channel director over there."

No one wanted to talk anymore.

That's a promotion, okay

Why does it feel like being executed

Even if the food and fashion channel is cancelled at that time, Lao Zhao should go to another channel to be the director.

Some channel directors will either retire in a few years or move up.

With Lao Zhao's qualifications and background, there will always be a position reserved for him.

"The transfer order may come down in a few days. Can we get together tonight?" Old Zhao asked his soldiers.

Li Weimin and Yang Ruyi's expressions changed slightly.

"We can get together, but we don't have to drink." Yang Fan didn't want to get into trouble, so he made this statement in advance.

Yang Ruyi and Li Weimin nodded repeatedly to show their agreement.

Old Zhao had no desire to live: "Why are we gathering together if we're not drinking?"

"There is scientific evidence that drinking too much alcohol can lead to an unharmonious life," Yang Fan advised Lao Zhao.

Old Zhao thought about it carefully and it seemed to be true.

After he began to feel a little unhappy in his thirties, he began to drown his sorrows in alcohol.

I didn't expect it to become more and more discordant.

The more discord there was, the more he drank to drown his sorrows.

In the end, it became a vicious cycle and turned into a walk-behind tractor.

If this continues, it may just be a model in a few years.

Can only be viewed, not used.

Because of the disharmony, my wife and Lao Zhao quarreled for several years.

When they had an argument some time ago, his wife said that he was useless and a hopeless case.

Old Zhao was not convinced, and said that after all, his subordinates had created a "Lucky 52", which was considered their achievement, so how could it be useless

His wife said he was just unlucky and he won’t be so lucky in the future.

Lao Zhao said that gold will always shine, and he can achieve results wherever he is thrown.

So, his leader called him for a talk and planned to transfer him to the Food and Fashion Channel which was cancelled a few years ago.