Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 77: The nightmare of Baofeng Interactive Entertainment


Time passed, and the third day finally arrived since Yang Fan officially declared war on Monster World.

This day is the weekend.

Yang Fan specially chose this day because there are many players during this period.

It was not yet eight o'clock in the evening, and in Monster World, outside Silvermoon City, it was swarming with players and battle pets, like a million-strong army approaching.

Countless players went online to watch this grand event.

As a result, the server freezes from time to time, and the experience is not very good.

In Silvermoon City, the number of players in the Elf camp is not less than that of players outside the city, and may even be more.

After all, it is said that tonight is a night that will determine their combat effectiveness for a long time to come.

The rise and fall, everyone is responsible.

All attributes are reduced, which has a great impact on player PK and fighting bosses in the wild.

"Ahhh, so many players!"

"This scene is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience."

“It’s packed with players.”

Whether inside or outside the city, the players couldn't help but marvel at the things around them.

Official personnel had been patrolling the game carefully since six o'clock, and by eight o'clock, they had not found anything unusual.

"That's it?"

The official believes that waiting for the wind to blow the sails is just bluffing and taking advantage of players, which is not a big deal.

Soon, their faces turned green.

Inside Silvermoon City, millions of players were on high alert, waiting for the eight o'clock that Master Fengchuifan had mentioned.

There were still five minutes left when a player in the city suddenly shouted, "Fuck, why is my health dropping?"

Then, everyone was horrified to find that everyone around them was losing blood.

Although it falls off in small pieces, it is still scary.

Because it can't be stopped.

Take medicine


But this is only a temporary solution and not a fundamental one.

"what happened?"

Some people panicked. This was too fucking weird.

Out of nowhere, I started losing blood for no apparent reason.

Is this game still playable

Many elven players don’t know what happened.

In just two minutes, countless players in Silvermoon City found themselves losing blood for no apparent reason.

"You are under attack from Hakka!"

"You are under attack from Hakka!"

The system prompt sounded throughout Silvermoon City.


Some elf players understood!

It must be Haka!

A dungeon boss.

It has a very powerful skill called Corrupted Blood.

The effect is that the character continues to lose blood, and it can be transmitted to surrounding players.

Silvermoon City is now crowded with people, the effect of this skill...

"Hakamosu has entered the city!"

The elf players' eyes were filled with despair.

Although you can't see where Hakkar is, many veteran players will never forget its famous skills.

"How did Hakkamoshu sneak into the main city?"

Before the city battle even started, the elven players were crippled and defeated by Hakkar, and they were furious.

"Isn't it true that bosses can't chase players across maps?"

"Haka has an invisibility skill or something, and he can enter the city silently. This is ridiculous."

The elf players cursed loudly.

They finally understood why the great god Fengchuifan dared to say that he would capture Silvermoon City tonight.

Not to mention one Silvermoon City, even if there were ten more, the players outside could easily break through.

The guards were all infected.

"I will not defend this city anymore!"

"I can't hold on. The enemy hasn't entered the city yet, and my health is almost gone. How many health potions can I get to support me?"

More than half of the elven players instantly logged off in dismay.

"Destroy the Heart of Silver Moon!"

Outside the city, the million-strong coalition army has no shortage of friends, and naturally no shortage of important intelligence inside the city. Of course, they will not miss this opportunity, and at eight o'clock, they will collectively attack the city.

Although I will also be infected, there is no need to be afraid. As long as I can destroy the Heart of Silver Moon, it will be worth it.

As Yang Fan expected, Silver Moon City was successfully conquered by the coalition forces after the players in its own camp fell apart.

The ten main cities were all said to be indestructible and impossible to be breached before the server was shut down, but two of them were breached in succession in a short period of time.

Until the end of the battle, players will not be able to see the big boss Hakkar.

Many people are wondering, why didn’t Hakamo come

So where did this Corrupted Blood skill come from

The damage of Corrupted Blood is very high, so it is impossible for players to take this DEBUFF out of the dungeon.

Players can’t bring it out, and Hakkar can’t cross maps. What’s going on

Officials are also investigating the cause.

The fall of Silvermoon City did not seem scary to the authorities.

What horrified them was that the Corrupted Blood skill was leaked!

This skill is like a plague. Once it leaks out from the dungeon, the consequences will be hundreds or thousands of times more serious than the infected players can imagine.

Many players even think that it is a trivial matter. If they die from losing blood, they will die. They can just go online again next time.

But the authorities don't think so, they are facing a serious enemy.

As long as there is still one player carrying this DEBUFF, it will not be eliminated.

What's more, millions of players have been infected now.

It is impossible for these players to log off collectively, and it is also impossible for them not to move around.

In this way, the DEBUFF will definitely spread to other uninfected players.

While I was walking, a player walked by and I started losing blood. How can I play this game

"Check how the Corrupted Blood leaked out of the dungeon!"

The official called the programmer over with a serious look on his face.

The programmer was sweating profusely because the bug was too serious.

So many restrictions were deliberately made at the beginning.

Unexpectedly, something went wrong.

After layers of inspection, the programmer found the reason for the leakage of Corrupted Blood.

A player fought the boss Hakkar, let his pet get infected, and then took the pet back.

Tonight, he summoned his pet from the main city.

Plague was born.

"Mad, can we still play like this?"

The official sighed to the sky.

There is no doubt that this player is a smurf waiting for the wind to blow the sails.

His ID card has been blacklisted and he cannot register an account, but that doesn’t mean he can’t play the game.

Who doesn’t have a few relatives and friends

"It's a big problem. Too many players are infected."

The programmer's clothes on his back were soaked.

This bug fix is not a matter of one or two days, or even one or two weeks.


It doesn't work!

Now that Silvermoon City has been breached, where should the players from the nine factions be placed after archiving

Many players were furious when they saved the game when the Dark Tyrant was slaughtering the city.

Because many players kill monsters and bosses, and go through untold hardships to get rewards, but in the end they are also archived. Why

Yang Fan went offline before Silvermoon City was breached.

The ending was already determined.

He was not interested in the game and went offline to play with Guoguo.

When it was time to go to bed, Yang Fan told her a bedtime story.

"On the Naihe Bridge, Mengpo asked the young man in front of her, you are so young, why did you come here so early? The young man said that during the pilot assessment, the instructor asked me how many rounds of ammunition our J-5 fighter jets carried. I answered that it was 256 rounds. The instructor told me with a serious expression that it was 257 rounds. If the machine gun bullets run out in the end and the enemy's targets are still a threat to the motherland and the people, you and your plane will be the last machine gun bullets."