Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 79: We'll talk about it later


"Oh." Yang Fan suddenly realized: "I understand this, a little bit."

"What is love?" Aunt Thirteen poked her head out from the quilt, her face still blushing.

After thinking for a while, Yang Fan said: "Love is not about finding a perfect person, but learning to appreciate the imperfect person with perfect eyes."

Aunt Thirteen thought about it for a while, and was very satisfied. She asked, "What did you learn before? You know a lot. Can you tell me about it?"

"No." Yang Fan raised his wrist and checked the time: "Let's talk about it later."

"It'll be the future again." Thirteenth Aunt said in a dull tone, "Day after day, there are so many tomorrows."

Yang Fan corrected him, "It's tomorrow and tomorrow, and there are so many tomorrows. If I wait for tomorrow all my life, everything will be wasted."

"If you know, why don't you tell me?" Aunt Thirteen said.

"Knowing is one thing, being able to do it is another." Yang Fan said calmly.

"I'm very curious. You have never been in love before. Why don't you find one?" Aunt Thirteen asked Yang Fan.

Yang Fan asked back: "Why don't you apply to Tsinghua University or Peking University? Is it because you don't want to go?"

After hesitating for a moment, Aunt Thirteen said, "I graduated from Peking University."

“…” Yang Fan stood up: “Goodbye!”

The lights went out, the door closed, and Aunt Thirteen lay down.

In the darkness, she suddenly pricked up her ears.

In the hall, the sound of a piano could be heard faintly, softly and with a hint of sadness.

"Red beans grow in the south

It's a very distant thing

What is lovesickness

No one cares anymore

Sleeping in the City That Never Sleeps

Neon lights everywhere

There is a lot of love in the wine glass

Most willing to forget the ancient poems

The most disdainful thing is lovesickness

I'm afraid of being laughed at for keeping my love

I'm afraid people will see it clearly.

Spring comes again to see red beans bloom

No lover was seen picking

Fireworks embrace the romance but true love is gone

… ”

Thirteenth Aunt remembered a poem he had recited.

He called it "Lovesickness":

Red beans grow in the south, and a few branches sprout in spring.

I hope you can pick more of this, as it is the best expression of lovesickness.

Why am I feeling sad before we even say goodbye

Listening to the piano and singing that seemed to come from the void, Aunt Thirteen felt lost.

She suddenly felt very scared that days like these would come to an abrupt end one day and become a thing of the past.

But that day cannot be stopped and will eventually come.

The song ended and the crowd dispersed. After a few minutes, the living room became quiet.

Yang Fan went back.

Yueyue is so lucky, and Aunt Thirteen is a little envious of her niece.

She found out a few days ago that Yang Fan could write songs.

He was very patient and waited for a month or two before the release of "I Still Meet You in Such a Big World".

After becoming famous, he took advantage of Yueyue's endorsement of Warwick to release the song "My Dream".

Aunt Thirteen asked him if he had a lot of inventory now

He said a lot, a lot, and they were all good songs.

Judging from his tone and expression, he is very confident.

That was a confidence that Aunt Thirteen had never seen before.

But he did not sell them all at once, saying that there was still a long way to go and they would be very cheap if sold now.

When Yueyue becomes more famous, his value will also increase.

It’s not that he wants to make money from Yueyue. Even if he sells it to Yueyue, the money will be paid by Qingtong Entertainment. It is their obligation and Yueyue doesn’t have to spend any money.

If Qingtong Entertainment doesn't like the product and doesn't agree to buy it, Yueyue will have to pay for it herself if she insists on buying it.

the next day.

On Saturday, Yang Fan went to the TV station to record the program as usual.

But it was a bit late.

The recording starts at 1pm. You can go there in the morning just to do some preparations before the recording, so there is no need to go so early.

As soon as he arrived at the office, Yang Fan saw Li Weimin with a sad face and eyes full of pain.

"It is indeed a bit painful to go to work on Saturday, although you don't have to get up as early as usual." Yang Fan thought that Li Weimin was worried about having to work overtime on the weekend, so he comforted him.

Li Weimin sighed: "Xiao Fan, I should have listened to you. I am in so much pain now."

"What's wrong?" Yang Fan went to get some water as usual.

Li Weimin sat on the chair and turned around: "I should have listened to you and not joined in the fun. Almost all the players of Monster World went crazy last night."

Yang Fan asked knowingly: "Why did you go crazy?"

Li Weimin looked like he was about to vomit blood: "Do you still remember when the Wind God declared war on the government?"

"Remember." Yang Fan first added hot water, then cold water, and slowly adjusted the water temperature.

Li Weimin sighed: "Last night, the Wind God brought the plague out of the dungeon. You know the skill of Corrupted Blood, right? It can be transmitted from person to person. Before the siege, the Wind God spread the plague to the players in Silvermoon City, allowing the players of the nine camps to capture Silvermoon City. But the players who attacked the city were also infected. Now at least more than one million players in Monster World have been infected. The official is helpless and only issued an emergency notice, saying that the bug will be fixed as soon as possible and promised not to archive it. According to the grapevine, this bug is not easy to fix, don't even think about it within a week or two."

Yang Fan nodded: "That's terrible. By the time they fix it, at least several million players will have been infected."

Li Weimin thought about it and agreed: "I was infected last night and let myself die. I got up early this morning to play the game, and I was infected again before I left the city. The authorities cannot restrict the players' free activities, but some players are not afraid of chaos in the world and deliberately infect others."

"In reality, there are people who don't obey the prevention and control measures, let alone games without them." Yang Fan took a sip of water. The water temperature was just right. After drinking a glass, his winter body felt the warmth of spring.

Li Weimin frowned: "It seems that I can't play games during this period of time."

Yang Fan returned to his workstation, having achieved his goal.

Baofeng Interactive Entertainment must be going crazy now.

Because of this siege, there must be quite a few players who quit.

Yang Fan thought that he had done a good thing. Maybe after leaving the game, some people would suddenly find that the outside world was so wonderful and think about how stupid it was to be addicted to the game before.

United States, Baofeng Interactive Entertainment.

The Xia country was shrouded in light, while their country of the United States was immersed in darkness.

In simple terms, it is daytime in Xia Country and night time in the United States.

"Your technical department has one week to fix this bug." The leaders of Baofeng Interactive Entertainment held a meeting overnight and issued a military order to the technical department.

"One week, absolutely impossible!" The technical director stiffened his neck: "We can't do it!"

"Then two weeks!" The leader was not from a technical background and didn't understand the inside story, so he extended the deadline.

"I'll quit." The technical director wanted to quit, archive, and restart the server, which was not difficult to achieve technically.

However, millions of players have been infected by the plague, and the number will only increase. Fixing this bug without archiving it would be technically too demanding and involve countless codes.

The core team of the technical department still cannot find a solution.

Not to mention a plan, there isn’t even a direction yet.

Only when you have a direction can you find solutions, but you may not find the right ones.

You may spend several days struggling and find that this solution doesn't work and all your efforts are in vain.


The meeting ended with the leader furious.

If this continues, Monster World will lose billions in revenue.