Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 82: You didn't meet me earlier


"You talk so logically, it seems very annoying, but also makes sense?" Liu Qianqian was very dissatisfied with Yang Fan's lack of confidence in her sister, but she could not refute his analysis.

Yang Fan said: "People who can make it to a certain level have good business acumen. Moreover, they are not just one person, but have a whole team behind them, known as a think tank. If I were the organizer of this music festival, I would definitely not let Liu Yueyue win the Best Newcomer Award."

"Why?" Liu Qianqian was a little angry. Even you don't want my sister to win the Rookie of the Year title.

Which newcomer doesn’t want to reach the peak as soon as they debut

"Because the organizers are not volunteers. On the contrary, they want to make money and want sponsors to pay more sponsorship money," said Yang Fan.

Liu Qianqian was puzzled: "Why do I understand less and less the more you talk?"

Yang Fan explained: "The songs Yueyue released last year were all very popular, but they were not the only ones that dominated the charts. Only one song was released at a very sensitive time and stood out from the crowd."

"Are you talking about the song 'The World Is So Big But I Still Met You'?" Liu Qianqian was still confused.

Yang Fan nodded: "In terms of current popularity and works, Yueyue stands out among the newcomers, but most of them came after the New Year of the Gregorian calendar. Not giving her the award is also within the rules. It is not considered an inside story, but an inside story among inside stories."

After a pause, Yang Fan said, "If the Rookie of the Year title is not awarded to Yueyue, it will, as expected, cause a big stir and become a hot topic."

Now Liu Qianqian understood.

The organizers wanted to use the snow and moon to create momentum and publicity for the music festival.

The award was given to her and she deserved it.

It is reasonable not to award it to her, but netizens and her fans will not think so. Media that understand the situation will also take advantage of the opportunity to create topics and gain traffic.

There is no right or wrong in front of the media, and they will pretend to be ignorant even though they know the truth.

"I'm beginning to trust your judgment." Liu Qianqian was a little disappointed. The award hadn't been announced yet, but she got it in advance.

time flies.

"Now, let's announce the Best New Artist of the Year award." The music awards ceremony reached the part where the new artist was announced, and the host's voice rose and fell.

"Let's see who are the newcomers nominated for Best New Artist?"

"Xueyue, He Yun, Wu Yifang, Fan Renjun..."

“There are four new nominees in total.”

Then, the big screen played short films by the four nominated newcomers.

Afterwards, it happened just as Yang Fan had guessed.

The Rookie of the Year award was announced, but Liu Yueyue didn’t win it.

"I don't want to watch it anymore!" Seeing newcomer Wang He Yun giving her acceptance speech on the stage, Liu Qianqian changed the channel and showed Guoguo a cartoon.

Aunt Thirteen had just come out of the shower and saw Liu Qianqian looking angry. She couldn't help but ask Yang Fan, "Did you make Qianqian angry again?"

Before Yang Fan could answer, Liu Qianqian said, "It's him. He's always irritating me."

"I..." Yang Fan was shot even when he was lying down. He wanted to refuse to take the blame, but finally chose to take it.

From last year to now, for more than half a year, Liu Yueyue has been the most popular candidate for the Rookie of the Year title.

Then comes her biggest competitor He Yun.

Under the guidance of their respective teams, fans of both sides have been fighting each other for more than half a year.

As a result, the title of Newcomer King went to He Yun.

Perhaps because she was too excited, He Yun added some extra words when she was accepting the award, saying that Xueyue was very strong.

The implication is that Xueyue is strong, and she is stronger than Xueyue. This is a disguised way of praising herself while secretly suppressing her opponent.

"I've learned a little bit about Yueyue's competitor. She's not bad, but not as popular or powerful as Yueyue. Yueyue lost because she's too pretty." Yang Fan said, "God is jealous of talented people. Being too pretty will easily attract jealousy."

Liu Qianqian didn't appreciate it and said unhappily, "Is 'God is jealous of talented people' the wrong word?"

"Sorry, sorry, this phrase usually refers to very talented and outstanding people who died at a very young age. That's not what I meant to Yueyue just now. What I meant was that Yueyue was talented but not appreciated, and God was jealous of her and made her have a rough life." Yang Fan apologized sincerely.

Liu Qianqian stopped arguing with Yang Fan and said sadly, "Sister must be feeling very uncomfortable right now. She is very strong."

Before graduation, the two sisters were inseparable and fell ill almost at the same time.

Emotions are contagious, so the two sisters are basically in the same state.

The two didn't find it too strange.

It was not until after graduation, when they were often apart, that they discovered that they still fell ill at the same time.

What makes them even more helpless is that their mood is the same.

When one of the emotions fluctuates violently, it will affect the other one.

The Rookie of the Year title was a sure win, but now it has failed. My sister is in a very bad mood. Liu Qianqian just felt sad for her sister at first.

Now, the camera probably won’t fall on the elder sister. The elder sister no longer controls her emotions, which makes Liu Qianqian feel the same way.

"After the award ceremony, call her and comfort her." Yang Fan said, then got up and went back to the room. He hadn't taken a shower tonight.

He wanted to say that starting from too high is not necessarily a good thing. Life is still long. If you don’t experience some setbacks now, you will easily be knocked down by sudden failures in the future.

But Liu Qianqian is not suitable to listen to these words now, and saying them will probably backfire.

"Yueyue can't get the award?" Aunt Thirteen asked Liu Qianqian after Yang Fan left.

She also knew that Liu Yueyue was nominated for the Best Newcomer of the Year award tonight.

"Yeah." Liu Qianqian was still in a bad mood.

Yang Fan's analysis was always his own, and as a result, his sister really didn't win the award.

She didn't know where to vent her anger on the judges or the organizers, so she could only vent her anger on Yang Fan.

But this bastard ran away so fast, he slipped away without saying a few words.

"Go find Xiaofan. What else is there to do with your boyfriend if not to vent your anger on him?" Aunt Thirteen said to Liu Qianqian.

Thirteenth Aunt knew Yang Fan. He was not very good at coaxing girls, but he would definitely not bully a girl who was really angry or in a bad mood.

Liu Qianqian is in a bad mood and is very angry.

"Oh, that's right." Liu Qianqian stood up and went to find Yang Fan.

Open the door, close the door, and knock on the door again. Liu Qianqian asked Yang Fan to open the door.

"Why are you here? It's not warm here." Yang Fan opened the door for Liu Qianqian, holding some clothes for bathing and changing.

"It's a bit cold." Liu Qianqian hugged her shoulders and complained, "Can't you turn on the air conditioner to warm up the house when you get home from get off work? Your house isn't very big."

Yang Fan didn't respond.

That would waste too much electricity. He's staying at Aunt Thirteen's house tonight, why would he turn on the air conditioner

Aunt Thirteen and Liu Qianqian don’t care about the electricity bill, but he does.

Since the rent, water and electricity are all covered by Aunt Thirteen, one should not be too greedy.

"Why aren't you talking? Aunt Thirteen asked you to cheer me up." Liu Qianqian hugged her shoulders and sat on the sofa in Yang Fan's small living room, angrily saying, "My sister doesn't get along with that He Yun, but it was that He Yun who won the Rookie of the Year award. That woman must be laughing to death."

Yang Fan said: "You didn't meet me earlier. It doesn't matter. This year will be the year of Yueyue, and she will be the protagonist on the stage alone."