Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 95: There is a beauty in the north and a thirteenth aunt in the south


After entering the residential complex and turning a corner, Yang Fan saw two people, one big and one small, swiping access cards to enter the residential building where they lived.

The older one was wearing a winter skirt and a pair of high boots, looking unique and independent.

She wore earrings and a white scarf around her neck, giving her a unique temperament.

Yang Fan sighed that skirts are indeed one of the best gifts God has given to women.

Needless to say, the mother and daughter were Aunt Thirteen and Guoguo.

Without waiting for Yang Fan to call out, the mother and daughter went into the building.

He was not in a hurry and walked over slowly.

I entered the building, pressed the elevator button, waited for a while, the elevator came down and the door opened.

Yang Fan dragged his suitcase in.

When I returned to the door of my house, not only was my door closed, but the door of my aunt's house next door was also closed.

But Yang Fan could hear the voices of Aunt Thirteen and Guo Guo talking from inside, and they seemed to be arguing.

He opened the door of his room.

After entering the room, Yang Fan was stunned.

Why do I feel like I've entered the wrong house

The wall on the right was gone, and he couldn't adapt to it for a while.

Looking towards the original wall, what comes into view is a spacious living room.

Guoguo was lying on the ground with his arms and legs spread out, crying: "You stole my candy again, that was bought for me by my grandma, woooooo~"

"That was bought by my mother, why can't I eat it? If you have the guts, ask your mother to buy it for you, and I won't snatch it from you." Aunt Thirteen was probably changing clothes in the bedroom, talking to Guoguo across the air.

Guoguo seemed to have lost her temper. She stopped crying and tried to think of how to fight back. After a while, she said loudly on the ground: "Aren't you my mother? It was because you didn't buy it for me that my grandma bought it for me. Wow... You stole my food again..."

"Just rob it. My mother has returned to Chengdu anyway. You can go and complain to her if you can." Aunt Thirteen's voice came from the inner room.

This was accompanied by the sound of a dog barking at the bedroom door.

Monkey King and Gun Gun said they could no longer stand Aunt Thirteen bullying the children and were denouncing her.

"It's so noisy. If you keep shouting, I'll stew you both and eat them tonight. Do you think your protection of her will be useful? If I stew you, I'm sure I won't be the one who enjoys the meal the most." Aunt Thirteen shouted to Dasheng and Gungun.

The Monkey King and GunGun immediately ran away in disgrace, with their tails between their legs.

When they entered the living room, they saw Yang Fan still in a daze in the distance, and the two dogs ran over howling.

Guoguo turned over, without taking off her hat, and lay on the ground looking at Yang Fan.

After a while, she opened her mouth, wiped her tears, climbed up, opened her arms and ran towards Yang Fan: "Brother, brother..."

"Haha, I see my little baby again." Yang Fan put Dasheng and Gungun down and picked up Guoguo who was running over.

The little girl is very delicate, with a fair complexion and the chubby cheeks are very cute.

"You're back." Aunt Thirteen soon appeared in the living room, her eyes bright.

She was in cotton slippers, her boots off but her skirt not yet.

"Yeah." Yang Fan walked over holding Guoguo.

Aunt Thirteen was undoubtedly very attractive, and Yang Fan couldn't help but want to get close to her.

When he got closer, he felt such a good mood. He saw that her mouth was like a pearl, her skin was as white as cream, so delicate that it could be broken by a touch, and as smooth as silk.

She was like a fairy who had fallen into the mortal world. She was graceful and beautiful, and the most unforgettable thing about her was her pair of bright, starry eyes.

At such a close distance, Yang Fan could smell the faint, refreshing mint scent emanating from her.

Her faint smile seemed to be able to attract thousands of people and fascinate the world.

Yang Fan couldn't help but exclaimed: "There are beauties in the north and Aunt Thirteen in the south. Such women should only exist in heaven, and are rarely seen in the world."

Thirteenth Aunt was a little shy and said angrily, "Don't say such things to me in broad daylight."

Then she whispered, "It's ok in the evening."

Yang Fan nodded: "You must be exhausted during this period. Taking care of Guoguo alone makes you exhausted. The three treasures are more troublesome than Guoguo."

"Yeah." Aunt Thirteen felt so aggrieved that she didn't know where to start.

A commercial vehicle was speeding on the highway between Shancheng and Chengdu.

"Honey, our little baby seems to be in love." Wen's mother talked to her husband on the phone: "You know, since entering college, Thirteen seems to have stopped acting like a spoiled child. These past few days, I found that she actually acted like a spoiled child and was shy. Her temper has also become a little bad, which means that someone is pampering her and spoiling her..."

"I asked her, but she didn't admit it. But my intuition must be right. Also, think about how the fortune teller predicted Wen Chu's fortune?"

"The fortune teller said that after her divorce, she will meet a young man who is younger than her and very outstanding."

"This young man now lives next door to Wenchu's house. Wenchu just demolished the wall between the two rooms. You know what I mean, right?"

"That young man? I haven't seen him, but I asked Guoguo about it, and Guoguo likes him very much. How should I put it? If I had to choose between my mother and that young man, Guoguo would probably choose that young man."

"I visited the young man's residence and even his bedroom... I think he is a very reliable young man."

"You asked him what he does? Why ask that? As long as Wenchu likes it, he is a rag picker, and I support Wenchu. Besides, he is not. Wenchu said he just graduated for more than a year and works at a TV station."


Yang Fan was extremely tired, having been tormented by Aunt Thirteen and Guo Guo.

Maybe it's because I haven't seen him for a long time, they are more energetic than each other and refuse to sleep.

Yang Fan has already told several bedtime stories.

"This is the last story for tonight. Let's go to bed after we finish it." Yang Fan sat on the edge of the bed, looking listless.

"Yeah." Guoguo nodded. Looking at the status, it showed that the battery was low and could be shut down at any time.

Aunt Thirteen is fine, it won’t be a problem for her to come three more times.

Yang Fan began to tell the last story slowly: "There was a wonton shop at the foot of the mountain, where a group of old soldiers gathered. The old soldiers often ate three big bowls of wontons in a row, and after eating, they would wipe their mouths and shout, "Boss, please put it in the account." The boss stroked his white beard and just smiled. Later, the war broke out, and the old soldiers could never come back. The wonton money would probably never be recovered. Later, on an ordinary day, a soldier in broken armor stood in front of the wonton stall and said to the boss, "They all died on the battlefield. They said you are their only relative, and this is the pension." After that, he handed over a letter with the words 'many years of meal money' written on it in crooked words."

Guoguo fell asleep before the story was finished.

Only Aunt Thirteen had red eyes: "Don't you want me to sleep? This is the last story you tell me?"

Yang Fan asked: "Isn't it easier for women to fall asleep after crying?"

"Tell me one more story, and I'll fall asleep at the speed of light after you finish." Aunt Thirteen moved the pillow away and lay down on her side.

Yang Fan couldn't find a suitable short story for a while, so he just made up a topic: "Light is very scary because it is so fast. It is said that if you run around the playground at the speed of light, you can touch your own buttocks."

Aunt Thirteen lifted the quilt, lay on her side, and put her hands on her hips: "I can touch my butt even if I lie still."

Yang Fan was silent for a moment, then said, "Please allow me to rephrase my words. As long as I can run around the bed at the speed of light, I can touch your butt without you noticing."

Thirteenth Aunt suddenly felt as if her buttocks had been molested by Yang Fan, and reflexively, she quickly covered herself with the quilt.

At the same time, her silky face slowly turned red, and her autumn-water eyes seemed to be dripping with water.

Then, she hid her head in the quilt out of shame and said loudly, "I'm going to sleep."