Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 96: With a zither and a poor man's clothes, I will compose the music of the world for you, using the mountains and rivers as a medium


Aunt Thirteen hid under the quilt and refused to come out.

Yang Fan breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and left.

Walking to the door of the room, he reached out and turned off the light with a click.

Then, there was the sound of the door closing.

When the room was completely quiet, Aunt Thirteen poked her head out.

Not long after, the bedtime piano music, which had disappeared for more than ten days, rang out again.


I pray to have a transparent heart

And eyes that shed tears

Give me the courage to believe again

Cross the lies to hug you

Whenever I can't find the meaning of existence

Whenever I'm lost in the night

… ”

The residents living two floors below wanted to curse as soon as they heard the piano music. Why is it happening again

But after listening carefully.

Wow, that sounds so good!

I was so happy that the thought of going to the property management to complain tomorrow, which had appeared many times before, disappeared again.

But soon, the residents heard singing.

Bah, such a good piano piece is ruined by the sudden addition of vocals.

Aunt Thirteen was listening with fascination.

His piano skills and music are worthy of what he said: "With a piano, a poor man's clothes, and with mountains and rivers as the medium, I will compose the music of the world for you."

After playing "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" once, Yang Fan returned to his room and fell into a deep sleep.

This impromptu red journey really exhausted him.

Young people tend to be sleepier, unlike the elderly.

During this period, he was not tired from climbing mountains and wading through water, but he was very uncomfortable due to the severe lack of sleep quality and quantity.

As soon as he came back, Aunt Thirteen said he had lost weight.

This is obviously hard work.

Although he is not very familiar with his bed, Yang Fan can sleep soundly and well in his bed at home, and his sleep quality is excellent.

He didn't know how long he slept, but when he was drowsy, he felt a little person crawling into his arms.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the cute little angel Guoguo.

The little girl was very happy without the wall blocking her way.

If you want to come and see your brother, you can just run over. It’s very convenient.

Guoguo had gotten up a long time ago and had been in Yang Fan's bedroom for a long time.

She just stood under the bed, lying on her stomach, staring at him sleeping with her eyes wide open.

Yang Fan lives alone and is used to not locking his room door.

The little girl waited and waited, but Yang Fan didn't get up. She couldn't wait any longer, so she climbed up.

After playing on the bed for a while with the little girl who had not been seen for more than ten days and who was very attached to him, Yang Fan got out of the bed and carried her out of the bedroom.

As soon as he came out of the living room, he saw a super beautiful woman standing in Aunt Thirteen's living room in a daze.

"The wall was moved? When did it happen?" The super beautiful woman was Liu Qianqian.

Yang Fan returned to the mountain city yesterday. Before dinner, Aunt Thirteen and Aunt Liu wanted Liu Qianqian to come over.

Young lovers, you haven’t seen each other for more than ten days. See each other as soon as possible. Maybe someone will die.

But Liu Qianqian refused to come over.

Today, she refused to give in. If she continues to be ungrateful, her mother will sanction her financially and in other ways.

"Xiaofan took it down on the third day of his trip. His room was cold, but he didn't want to use electricity." Aunt Thirteen said as she packed up.

In the afternoon, she will take Guoguo back to Chengdu to celebrate the New Year with her parents.

Yang Fan also took the afternoon train back to his hometown.

Aunt Thirteen had a car and wanted Yang Fan to drive it back, but Yang Fan disagreed.

Aunt Thirteen asked him if he thought the car was too expensive and that the villagers would point fingers at him when he drove back.

Yang Fan said no, few people in the village know much about cars and cannot tell the price of a car.

"Hello, beautiful." After putting Guoguo down, Yang Fan greeted Liu Qianqian.

When Liu Qianqian saw Yang Fan, she felt a little shy and ignored him.

Yang Fan didn't care and went to wash up.

After playing with Guoguo for a while, Liu Qianqian quietly went to the bathroom to find Yang Fan.

"Hello." Standing outside the bathroom door, Liu Qianqian pretended to be calm.

She was dressed very conservatively and simply today, wearing loose casual jeans.

I have to say that beautiful women with good figures are pleasing to the eye no matter what they wear.

"Hmm." Yang Fan rinsed his mouth and spit out the toothpaste foam.

Liu Qianqian peeked at Aunt Thirteen's house, kicked the floor with her toes, lowered her head and asked in a low voice: "Then... at that time, did you see anything?"

"When?" Yang Fan wondered.

Liu Qianqian looked up and glared at Yang Fan, then lowered her head and whispered, "It was the night of the video when you took my sister's phone."

"Oh, that." Yang Fan rinsed his mouth and thought about it seriously.

Whether it is a white lie or a malicious lie, it is still a lie after all.

A man as upright as himself should not bother to lie, so he said, "I saw everything I shouldn't have seen."

Liu Qianqian's face suddenly turned red, and her chest rose and fell violently.

These days, she had been lying to herself, saying that Yang Fan saw nothing.


This guy can't even lie.

How abominable!

If you say you haven't seen anything, I will believe it.

We can still have fun.


Why don't you lie to me at all

Liu Qianqian wants to go home now.

But after taking a few steps, she was afraid to go any further.

Thirteenth Aunt must have known that she was gone.

You can't even lie to your mother.

Liu Qianqian had no choice but to sit on the sofa in Yang Fan’s small living room with red eyes.

After a while, tears started falling.

After washing his face, Yang Fan was stunned to see Liu Qianqian sitting there crying.

"I didn't see anything. I was lying to you." Yang Fan pulled a round stool over and sat diagonally opposite Liu Qianqian.

"I don't believe it anymore." Liu Qianqian cried.

It was very uncomfortable. I couldn’t cry too loudly and I didn’t dare speak loudly either.

After hesitating for a while, Yang Fan whispered: "How about you be my girlfriend?"

Liu Qianqian suddenly raised her head, her delicate face with tears in the rain seemed to surpass anything in the world.

After a while.

"No." She lowered her head.

My sister and Yang Fan are almost together, except that Yang Fan needs to take the initiative a little bit.

She didn't tell her sister about the video that night.

If I tell her, I will embarrass my sister.

She even asked her sister to deliberately distance herself from Yang Fan and turn around to match her with Yang Fan.

That night, Liu Qianqian felt what it felt like to grow up overnight.

When people grow up, they begin to have their own secrets.

My sister has no secrets from her.

But she started to have her own little secrets and no longer told her sister everything.

Since childhood, when Liu Qianqian woke up and couldn’t see her sister, the first thing she would ask her parents as soon as she left the room was: Where is my sister

When she came back from outside alone and couldn't see her sister when she entered the door, Liu Yueyue's first question was: Where is Qianqian

Yang Fan didn't know what to say, so he just sat there without saying anything.

Guoguo ran over to play with him, and he turned on the TV in the living room at Aunt Thirteen's side and let the little girl watch cartoons by herself.

Aunt Thirteen called Yang Fan to eat the breakfast she bought.

Yang Fan went over to eat.

When he came back after eating, he found that Liu Qianqian had run into his room.

"Tell me the truth, are you also your so-called friend who writes scripts?" As soon as Yang Fan entered, Liu Qianqian closed the door and looked at him with eyes like rubies.

Yang Fan nodded.

Liu Qianqian's nose felt sore, and her fists rained down on Yang Fan: "Why? Why is it still you?"

She also learned from her sister that the so-called fan who helped her sister get the endorsement of "Monster World" from Baofeng Interactive Entertainment was Yang Fan.

Even her sister told her how Yang Fan single-handedly brought Baofeng Interactive Entertainment to its knees.

Even though his elder sister didn't win the Best New Artist award, Hua Wei still signed a contract with her, and Yang Fan also contributed behind the scenes.

His feat of getting something for nothing stunned Liu Qianqian.

She then realized that Yang Fan was the distant prince charming that she had imagined, but she had always ignored him who was far away and yet so close to her.