Fresh Wife is Super Awesome

Chapter 99: The day when the lanterns are hung up is the time to return to hometown


Yang Fan finally drove Aunt Thirteen's car out of the community and onto the street.

The streets were already decorated with lights and colors.

The atmosphere of the year is in the air.

The day when the lanterns are hung is the time to return home.

A gentleman loves money, but he knows how to make it.

In return, Yang Fan brought the Monkey King, Gun Gun and San Bao along.

Aunt Thirteen originally planned to keep them in a pet shop for ten days or so, but Yang Fan felt that was too unfair to them.

Pet stores probably just feed them to prevent them from starving to death.

When it comes to taking care, no one is as attentive and thoughtful as he is.

Thirteenth Aunt's car is indeed very comfortable to drive. I heard that the cost of modifying this car is more than the money spent on buying the car. It is very stable to drive, and the car body only shook slightly when going over the speed bump, just as a token of respect.

Relatives and fellow villagers really couldn’t tell the price of this car. They probably just thought the car was pretty good, like a good car.

Yang Fan didn't have the vanity to show off, but when he thought about it, what Aunt Thirteen said made sense.

That is human nature and life.

As a result, ordinary people have no choice but to work hard.

Before getting on the highway, Yang Fan turned on the car stereo.

The first song played was "My Dream", sung by Liu Yueyue.

Just one week after its release, "My Dream" topped the charts.

Perhaps with the support of Warwick, "My Dream" took the lead and topped the list.

The organizers of the Golden Bull Music Awards did not expect that not long after the award ceremony ended, Liu Yueyue, who lost the Best New Artist award, would slap the results of her new song in their faces.

In contrast, the new singer He Yun has fallen into obscurity and is now busy doing commercial performances to make money. It is still unknown when her new song will be released, or what its performance will be when it is released.

It is a perfect journey with some people seeing you off at the starting point and others looking forward to your destination.

So when the car was driving on the highway, Yang Fan was in a very good mood and ordered Xiao Ai to play a rhythmic music.

Xiao Ai is very smart and helped Yang Fan find a dynamic piece of music.

Listening to the rhythmic and exciting music, Yang Fan loudly asked the guys sitting in the back row, "Does it sound good?"

The two dogs and one cat didn't know whether they missed Guoguo a little or were still angry at Yang Fan for tricking them into taking a bath, so they ignored him.

In the highway monitoring room, real-time images of each road section are transmitted back by on-site cameras, and staff are on duty.

The New Year is approaching, and there are a lot more cars on the road than usual.

Even though it’s not time for highway restrictions yet.

Suddenly, the traffic policeman's eyes widened.

In front of a highway exit, two cars were driving one in front of the other on two lanes.

When the car on the left seemed to be about to pass the exit, I realized that I almost missed it. I suddenly turned the steering wheel to the right and rushed towards the exit.

The car on the right lane has no need to exit the highway, so when the car on the left turns, it can only follow suit.

It didn't actually turn, but rather did a 360-degree drift, allowing the car on the left to pass.

After it drifted, the front of the car was still almost facing the road ahead.


In the car, Yang Fan cursed after drifting and continued driving forward.

Fortunately, he did not stop and accelerated quickly, otherwise he and the car behind would be in trouble and would definitely have rear-ended each other.

As for the vehicle that caused the accident, after entering the highway exit ramp, the speed dropped slightly and the vehicle continued on the road as if nothing had happened.

"Great Sage, how are you guys?" After continuing to drive normally, Yang Fan finally had the chance to look back at the three of them in the back row.

These three babies were not wearing seat belts, and the 360-degree drift just now made them fall all over the place.

They were so frightened that they dared not sit on their seats and lay under the seats trembling in fear.

They say the service is better than that of a pet store, but is this the only service

I would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than trust a man's mouth.

"Don't feel aggrieved. Luckily, I was an amateur racing driver in my previous life with excellent skills. Otherwise, we would all be dead here today." Yang Fan comforted the three treasures while driving.

More than three hours later, the sun had not yet set and Yang Fan drove back to the foot of the mountain.

Looking up, I see the green foot of the mountain and the smoke from the wooden houses and birds.

When I was a child, I thought life in the countryside was dull and tedious. Now, working from sunrise to sunset, and sitting around the fire with my family has become the life I yearn for.

But we can only yearn for it. Once a person leaves, it is difficult for his heart to come back.

When your body comes back, you can only stay for a few days and then have to leave again.

The world of childhood is the world of childhood.

The world we live in after we grow up is like a world of martial arts, where we have no control over our own destiny.

Even if one is financially free, can one cut off everything from the outside world and live in seclusion

Yang Fan can’t do that now.

Fortunately, both parents are still alive.

Fortunately, I have enough food and clothing, and things will get better and better. Financial freedom is not a dream.

Yang Fan drove the car up the mountain and soon stopped outside a fence.

The bright black car adds a touch of modern flavor to the quaint little village.

My parents were home, but I couldn't hear the car engine and they didn't come out of the inner room.

It was not until Yang Fan blew the horn twice that the two elders came out one after another.

The two old people were shocked to see their son standing in front of the car door.

"Where did this car come from?"

Mother Yang came forward and carefully examined the car that seemed to be shiny with oil.

Dad Yang was also very cautious and checked whether the car was scratched by the weeds around it.

"The leader's car. She has a special car provided by the company, a driver, and an assistant. Her own car is rarely used and she let me drive it back during the Chinese New Year." Yang Fan said.

"Are leaders so good?" Yang's father and mother obviously didn't believe it.

Yang Fan opened the back door of the car: "In exchange, I will help the leader take care of these three... Hey, Gun Gun, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as the car door opened, Gungun jumped out, his legs trembling, and started vomiting on the side of the road.

The Monkey King then got off the car and vomited side by side with GunGun.

Sanbao didn't vomit, but fell off the car. He seemed to be drunk and walked unsteadily.

"Are you carsick?" Mother Yang looked distressed but didn't know how to help.

Yang Fan took some things down from the car: "Dad, help me get some."

Father Yang walked to the trunk and looked inside: "Why are there so many?"

"My leader bought it for me. He said I performed excellently this year and it's what I deserve." Yang Fan stuffed a gift box into Yang's father's arms.

Mother Yang came forward and was also surprised when she saw the trunk. She asked, "Xiao Fan, is your boss a woman?"

"Yes, a female." Yang Fan also gave his mother a big New Year gift package.

"How old is the leader? Is he married?" Yang's mother asked worriedly.

"No... Not really, we're divorced." Yang Fan piled things onto the gift box that Yang's father was holding.

Mother Yang held the gift bag without moving. Her face changed slightly when she heard this: "It's not because of you that you left, right?"

Yang Fan said, "Mom, you think too much. Before I met the leader, he had raised the child alone."

"Xiao Fan, are you attracted by his money or power?" Father Yang said in a serious tone.