Friends with Benefits

Chapter 33


After discussing with Yuan Jiang, I also started to get involved in the acquisition of xx electrical appliances.

In fact, this matter is not particularly complicated.

The boss of xx Electric Appliances was the richest man in the mainland on the Forbes list a few years ago, but just for a short while last month, he fell down and became a prisoner. xx Electric is a national brand, with branches all over the country. To put it bluntly, it is just a shell, which contains money laundering, manipulation of the securities market, fraudulent loans from banks, establishment of underground banks, etc. To put it bluntly, xx Electric appliances are like a mouth, and the black money of many dignitaries and dignitaries must be spit out from this mouth in order to be paid.

Now, the boss of xx Electrical Appliances has been arrested, not to mention his mouth is sealed, and the money in his cheeks that has not had time to spit out will also be confiscated.

Among them was Lin Ye.

Not only that, but his opponent is preparing to acquire the serious business of xx Electric at a low price.

It was as if Lin Ye had just been stabbed in the dark, and now Mingli was being slapped in the face again.

The adversary is also of high status, so naturally he can't come forward to slap him in person. There are many factions in domestic financial institutions that are difficult to control, so he found a foreign investment bank called Bon Capital as an agent, and all transactions were carried out quietly. Every step of the way, cicadas eat the equity of xx electric appliances.

This inconspicuous opponent is known as He Shao.

How rare is there a buddy here, known as Lord Xiong outside.

It is said that the bit of information that Master Xiong disclosed to me back then was completed under He Shao's behest.

What I want to do this time is simple to say, it is to help Lin Ye vent his anger, so that He Shao, a big-eyed brat on the face, can't beat him anymore, and even if he does beat him, he will lose one hand.

I don't know much about conspiracy, but I'm good at playing conspiracy. For more than 30 years, my grandma didn't love my uncle or my uncle, and I couldn't play with those who didn't have a backstage. I fought with people ten times and nine times, and finally learned to sound grand.

The acquisitions over there were not obvious, so I directly approached Da Biao and asked him to provide me with suitable media resources.

Naturally, I couldn't aim my gun at He Shao. Isn't this courting death? After careful selection, I agreed with a few assistants sent by Lin Ye to use Li Xiao, the professional manager of XX Electric, as the first bird.

Speaking of Li Xiao, I really admire him. After the boss of xx Electric was imprisoned, he has been in charge of the overall situation outside, and he actually saved a crumbling and dying enterprise! Comparing my heart to my heart, if I were in his position, I would not be able to do this.

Of course, the media didn't know about Li Xiao at the time, until the report released by the planning team caused a lot of waves—

"The battle for the control of xx electrical appliances"

"Deciphering Xiao's xx: From Elevation to Reality"

"Li Xiao: Don't be a manipulator anymore, but a trader"

"XX Electric, the founder no longer listens to politics behind the curtain"

"Founder VS Professional Manager"

As the takeover battle escalated, it didn't take long for major online portals to make headlines.

After more than a month, the whole incident was almost warmed up, and the following reports were the real beginning. The heavy bomb was dropped, and the smoke filled the air for a while.

People in the media gradually discovered that Li Xiaogan controlled XX Electric, and it turned out that he was backed by foreign capital.

This foreign capital is the notorious investment bank on Wall Street-Ben Capital.

This discovery is amazing!

Then the media began to report extensively on the "conspiracy" of "foreign capital" intending to embezzle the national brand XX Electric.

"Founder of National Brand VS Manager Supported by Foreign Investment Banks"

"XX Electric, the founder's power has been left behind, who is the driving force behind it"

"Where will China's national enterprises go?"

"The battle for control, the showdown is imminent: national power VS B'en capital"

People suddenly realized that this Li Xiao turned out to be a traitor!

Then one by one the secrets were revealed one after another, and the bad track record of Bon Capital was also revealed. After another two months of foreshadowing and exaggeration, public opinion finally developed to the point of burning a prairie fire.

Just when the storm was on the cusp, the planning team drafted an open letter signed by the CEO of xx Electric and published it on the media.

"Dear all employees of xx Electric:

Hello everyone!

Now, most employees are concerned about a major change caused by Li Xiao's conspiracy to steal the company's control; this major change has seriously affected the normal operation of xx!

xx Electric is now in a very difficult time. When the founder and major shareholders are facing huge life setbacks, Li Xiao took advantage of the danger and conspired to steal the common historical achievements of xx people, in an attempt to turn a national brand into a lackey of foreigners!

"The wind knows the strength of the grass, and the crisis shows loyalty." Li Xiao keeps saying that he is for the enterprise, but the actual practice is to satisfy his personal ambition. For this reason, he did not hesitate to risk the disapproval of the world and challenge the basic professional ethics of professional managers! Trampling on the most basic moral bottom line of Chinese tradition! His behavior has caused public outrage, and people have overwhelmingly criticized him on the Internet in the past few days, which is the best answer to his behavior... "

The entire open letter is eloquent and full of words, the only regret is that no data and evidence were provided.

But it doesn't matter, the focus of public opinion is gradually following my expectations.

Not because the planning team is outstanding, but because there are too many "patriots" who don't know the truth.

Major portal websites also conducted supporter surveys, and the results showed that 80% of netizens supported the founder who had committed many crimes, and only 5% supported the law-abiding Li Xiao.

But Li Xiao's voice was no longer heard.

Under He Shao's instruction, B En Capital conveyed to Li Xiao: If you still can't handle this matter, get out! Outside, there were monstrous scolding at him.

The only time he accepted an exclusive interview with a certain website, Li Xiao looked at the camera, bit his lip and said hesitantly: I don’t know what happened, I just want to save xx Electric, since the founder was arrested, the bank tightened its money, Our capital chain is broken and we are about to close down. No Chinese bank is willing to give us a loan. Why did we finally get some money and save XX, but we became traitors

But his last voice was not included in the overwhelming reports accusing him.

At the same time, He Shao and Lin Ye met, and they finally reached an agreement acceptable to both parties.

Soon, Li Xiao resigned under the scolding of the Chinese people and left XX Electric.

When he left, he didn't take any money from xx.

This was his last chance to defend his innocence, because his empty hands almost made all the previous conspiracy theories self-defeating, so we had to act first and spread the word: This is the fate of traitors, and the poor deserve it.

After XX Electric changed a professional manager again, everything... was calm again.

Lin Ye managed to pull back a bit in this battle. He hosted a celebration banquet for me at the hotel.

At the banquet, I thanked my planning team, Da Biao for his support to my work, and Lin Ye for his trust in my work.

Lin Ye had a smile on his face and drank a lot of wine.

I went to the bathroom in the middle, and I was humming a little tune while washing my hands at the sink, when I looked up, I saw a stern young man suddenly appeared in the mirror. I don’t know how long it has been standing behind me.

I saw that there was almost a cold light between his knife-like brows, and he was leaning against the door and looking at me coldly.

I dried my hands indifferently before turning to face him.

His expressionless face can't even move his muscles when he speaks: "You are Ou Jianjun?"

I raised my eyebrows: "Yes, who are you?"

He said, "My surname is He."

"It turned out to be He Shao, Jiu Yang."

He approached a little closer: "In the final battle, I didn't play well. It is said that it was because you were Lin Ye's backup?"

I smiled slightly: "He Shao is joking, what am I, the power of the people is the greatest."

He still had a frosty expression: "It's not the first time you've played this, isn't it? I heard that when you were in City X, that's how you drove your deputy away?"

I laughed: "That person has a bad heart and a wolfish ambition, just like He Shao."