Friends with Benefits

Chapter 34


He curled his lips slightly when he heard the words, but there was no smile on his face, and even his voice was icy cold: "You really dare to say, it's not you who are despicable, shameless, and ambitious?"

"Despicable?" I suddenly felt amused: "He Shao, do you think this word is interesting in business warfare?"

"Excusing criminals, isn't it despicable, is it still noble?" He looked at me coldly as he spoke, "What you're doing is just for a while, and it may not have a good result in the end."

After being sober from the drunkenness, I suppressed the smile on my face, and said lightly: "What Young Master He said is reasonable, but it's a pity that I, Oumou, is just doing my duty."

He still looked at me expressionlessly, as if there was no ups and downs of emotion at all: "Actually, if you are fighting for Lin Ye, he may not think highly of you."

I was taken aback for a moment: "Thank you, Young Master He, for reminding me."

Soon I returned to the banquet and continued to chat with them and sing about the big drama. At night, I consciously took on the task of taking the drunk Lin Ye home. Da Biao wisely didn't fight me, but just drove behind my car.

I didn't go home, nor did I send Lin Ye home, but took him to the hotel and got a room.

I entered the door and put him on the bed. He put his arms around my neck and said lazily: "I really don't see how capable you are...I didn't expect to fight this battle."

I grabbed his hand and kissed him: "I can't bear it, can you see me..."

He smiled and said coolly: "I would rather you know nothing."

I put my hand on his waist and hugged him into my arms: "Just talk nonsense, there are so many incompetent people in this world, why don't you fall in love with them but me instead?"

He didn't speak, and suddenly turned over and pressed me underneath, I smiled and said, "What's wrong?"

His hair hung down and brushed to the tip of my nose, he kissed my lips lightly, I put my arms around him, and sighed softly: "I'm not so busy these days, spend more time with me."

He licked the pit of my neck without saying a word.

I chuckled: "Young Master Lin, are you rewarding me?"

He stretched out his hand and tore off my clothes: "Where are you talking so much nonsense?" He kissed my body, while I applied KY on his back, stretched out my fingers to help him develop, his breathing became rapid, and he sprayed The heat on my skin was slightly itchy.

His drooping eyes and long eyelashes still can't hide his charming eyes, which are now stained with lust + lust.

"Come... do it yourself..." I guided him to sit down slowly on his hair...

I woke up halfway through my sleep, gently pulled away Lin Ye's arms wrapped around me, got up and took a shower by myself.

I came out wrapped in a bath towel, but I didn't feel sleepy at all. I put my hand on the sofa and opened it.

I sat at an angle where I could see Lin Ye's sleeping face. The intense sex+things seemed to have exhausted the last bit of his physical strength, circles of black shadows appeared under the long and narrow eyes of the phoenix, and under the dim light from the window, his chest was dead white, with only two spots of red tassels remaining.

This is the first time for such a body + position. Both he and I have exhausted too much energy, because he only has to move up and down to catch his breath halfway through the work, so I have no choice but to hold his waist and move by myself. …

Just as I was thinking about it, the computer was turned on silently, and I browsed the webpage about this incident boredly, feeling an indescribable pride in my heart. At this time, the cursor in the lower corner reminded me that I have new emails, and the sender is anonymous.

I glanced at Lin Ye on the bed, and gently opened it.

The pictures came into my eyes one by one, and I suddenly felt that the wind at night was a bit cool.

Inside is a man and a woman, who seem to be on a date, the man is Lin Ye, is the woman... his blind date

I continued to look back, and the sender had a heart. He clearly counted the number of places where they met, and also attached the woman's information.

I watched silently, controlled my breathing, and let it be as leisurely as usual.

I read the entire email.

Then I turned off the computer, climbed onto the bed, and hugged Lin Ye tightly.

He moved uneasily, but I didn't let go, and kept my eyes open until dawn.

Since the xx electrical incident, Lin Ye seems to be getting closer to me, almost returning to his previous state in City X. Of course, this is in private. Outside, he is still the handsome Lin Shao, and I am still a loyal dog. leg.

Just after a month, when I got home, I saw Chu Yuanjiang practicing standing with his crutches. As soon as I opened the door, he fell down with a bang. Pulling myself up with my hands, it was obviously cooked, and I put the dishes in the kitchen: "What do you want to eat today?"

I turned around, only to see that he had already driven over in an electric wheelchair: "You haven't been home lately."

I put the dishes in the basin to wash: "I'm busy with our overseas business..."

He frowned, and said in a very iron tone: "You're just mad at me, aren't you?"

I smiled, and went to work on my own: "I'm afraid you'll be bored here every day, I'm afraid you'll be bored, it's good to be angry."

As I said that, I handed him a basket of washed vegetables: "Pick the vegetables."

He looked at the dishes: "Have you washed them clean? You just rinsed them for a while."

"It's not clean, you won't get sick if you eat it."

"Fart. It's all pesticides, you rewash it for me."


"By the way, there is your new email on the computer."

I walked out of the kitchen like a gust of wind, and the game interface that Chu Yuanjiang was playing hadn't been closed yet, so I crossed it out for him and found out the email.

I watched a burst of heartbeats, which made me panic.

Turning around and walking to the balcony, I dialed Lin Ye's number.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a smile.

He said, "It's time to eat."

"Then I'll call you later."

"Say something straight."

I laughed and said: "I'm fine, that is... I miss you."

There was a cough on the other side of the phone, and after coughing for a long time, he said hoarsely after it subsided: "You miss you, what does it matter to me?"

I leaned against the wall of the balcony, looked at the sun that was about to set, and said with a deadpan face: "Why is it none of your business, I'm dying, I can't sleep at all every night, if this continues, I will die."

His voice couldn't hide his complacency: "Didn't we just meet the day before yesterday?"

"Life is like years. For me, it has been two years. Master, do yourself a favor and have dinner with me tomorrow."

"Not tomorrow."

"why not?"

"Something happened."

"Dinner with me, can't you push things off?"

"Next time." After saying that, he hung up the phone, a little bit like running away.

I lit a cigarette, ever since I met He Shao, the computer always received all kinds of developments from Lin Ye and that woman. Tomorrow, Lin Ye will go out to meet his parents. If there is no accident, the next step is to get engaged.

I finished smoking a cigarette and went back to the kitchen. Chu Yuanjiang had already picked a basket of vegetables.