From a princess in the cold palace, Gou became the supreme martial artist

Chapter 120: fall


Supernatural powers with three heads and six arms are also an extremely terrifying talent.

At this moment, it was displayed by Ye Chen, and he could see the scenery on the surrounding battlefield without any blind spots.

in this way.

Ye Chen clearly saw that all directions were blocked by the crimson vitality.

The flames were transpiring, and in the chaotic sky, the only thing in common among the twelve Buddha palms of various kinds was that they were all equally powerful, and they were firmly locked on him at this moment.

"Look, that palm just now is the first form of Buddha's light in the Tathagata's palm. Now, I have the remaining twelve palm prints here for the benefactor to study and understand."


Ye Chen looked at Jiang Zirou.

The slender girl was wearing a white dress, spotless, and was hanging in the air waving at herself, with a concerned smile on her face.

She looked very harmless to humans and animals, but until this time, Ye Chen couldn't figure out how Jiang Zirou's cultivation was.

It's just that behind Jiang Zirou, the vision of the evil Buddha is several thousand meters tall, standing upright, sitting cross-legged on a chaotic green lotus, holding the Dharma Seal with both hands.

That is an extremely magnificent vision, although for a monk, the vision is not the bigger the stronger.

But the bigger the vision often symbolizes the incomparable power, the Buddha statue thousands of meters is even more magnificent.

But the strange thing is that this Buddha statue exudes a strange aura from beginning to end.

Because of the extraordinary abundance of vitality, the Buddha statue looked a little bloated, with a raised abdomen, thick arms like pillars of the sky, bloody eyes, grinning mouth, and suddenly two black smoke rose.

Jiang Zirou tapped her toes lightly, and her clothes fluttered, and they had already landed on the fingertips of the evil Buddha's Dharma.

"How about... If you can take these thirteen postures of Tathagata's divine palm, this time it will be counted as your victory."

"That's all... that's all!"

Ye Chen wanted to continue fighting.

But he also has self-knowledge, it is extremely difficult for him to follow up with the opponent's palm, if the rest of the palm prints fall together, he will undoubtedly die.

What's more... The vision of the evil Buddha behind Jiang Zirou was strange and powerful that he had never seen before.

Even though he has always been lawless, he can't help but feel hairy at this moment, with an uncontrollable fear.

"Hedong for 30 years, Hexi for 30 years, you are strong, but I am also invincible, see you later!"

Fortunately, he was very cheerful, and he put that terrible feeling behind him, clasped his fists and said seriously to Jiang Zirou, then dissipated his supernatural powers, turned around and left along the route he came from.

Without looking back, with loneliness and determination.

"This world is much bigger than I imagined..."

At this moment, Jiang Zirou also realized that the Great Xia he was locked in was on the edge of a very underdeveloped martial arts civilization.

Fortunately, she has an extraordinary beauty, and the system in her hand can often bring her some essential resources in her practice.

in this way.

Only then can she easily beat people like Ye Chen.

"move on!"

The chaotic fog dissipated, and a new road appeared in front of Jiang Zirou's eyes. He could choose to continue walking, or he could choose to quit.

I feel something.

She raised her head, only to realize that she was very, very close to the end of the road.

Using the double pupils, piercing through the gray fog, one can see that the one standing at the end of the road is not a mountain peak. It is a huge and majestic throne, with chaotic light surging above it, and someone can vaguely be seen sitting cross-legged in it.

As usual, after defeating Ye Chen, another new talent appeared in Jiang Zirou's body.

"Supernatural Ability Immortality!"

Looking closely, Jiang Zirou showed a look of astonishment on his face.

The function of this talent is very simple, it strengthens the vitality in the body, greatly increases the quality and power of the vitality, but if it is only this, it cannot be called "immortal".

What makes Jiang Zirou feel incredible is that the vitality enhanced and transformed by the indestructible talent will carry Jiang Zirou's own brand from now on, even if it is out of the body, it can be easily manipulated within a certain range.

Vitality, spirituality, and physical body are the direction of practice, and they are also the components of a practitioner above a saint.

Indestructible, Longwei, and Huangxue, the three talents strengthen the three cultivation directions respectively. I don't know if it's a coincidence or intentional. It's really strange.

I couldn't figure it out, so I stopped thinking about it.

Jiang Zirou did not choose to leave, she wanted to see what the end of this road looked like.

Stride forward, at the end of the road is a huge square with a radius of thousands of miles, like a vast continent, even if you use double pupils, you can't see the end.


The way to come was blocked.

The surrounding scenery is monotonous, and the floor is smooth, as if it was piled up with some kind of white jade.

There are some tall white jade pillars scattered here and there in the square. If it weren't for the subtle gaps in the patterns on the pillars, it would be easy to get lost in such an empty and monotonous environment.

The pattern on the pillar is complicated and difficult to understand, and there is not much useful information to be seen.

Jiang Zirou continued to move forward, the gray mist surged like a tide, and the scenery changed. Jiang Zirou suddenly found that the tall throne had appeared in front of him.

"Is there a Jedi at the end of the road?"

She vaguely felt something was wrong, seeing the figure shrouded in chaos on the throne, Jiang Zirou hesitated, cast double pupils, and looked towards the sky.


The chaotic fog was really seen through by her.

But there was no time to rejoice. When he saw the figure behind the mist, Jiang Zirou's expression changed drastically. He was no longer indifferent as before, as if he had seen something incredible.

At the same time, a pair of eyes that seemed to contain the entire galaxy of the universe opened, and there was a "bang". In the dark universe, the silver-gray galaxy slowly rotated, and a ray of robbery light fell from it.

It's double pupils!

On the border of Jingzhou, above the nameless barren hills.

The selfless elder who swallowed a whole locust tree in his belly was dumbfounded, watching the thunder disaster that continued to spread in disbelief.

"The overseas Tianjiao also failed!"

Nangong Bamo let out a foul breath, and couldn't tell whether he was in a good or bad mood now, it was a very complicated emotion.

"What's next? Is it other enemies, or some kind of terrible weirdness?"

"I am not sure."

Elder Forgetful of Self pondered, and then smiled wryly: "What do you see at the end of the road, I'm afraid I have to ask this princess of the Great Xia Empire."

Feeling lost, he couldn't help sighing:

"In troubled times, the strong will soar into the sky like dragons, and the losers will fall like fallen leaves. It is really a blessing to see the rise of an invincible... Boom!"

The thunder roared in the sky, interrupting the selfless sigh and attracting everyone's attention.

He was in a hurry to perform the secret technique, but he saw the dazzling light streaking across the sky, and the thick dark clouds dissipated in an instant. Under the starry night, a slender and beautiful figure with bloodstains slid down from the sky like a meteor.