From a princess in the cold palace, Gou became the supreme martial artist

Chapter 18: Martial saint


"In ancient times, demons were rampant, causing disasters everywhere, and human races were reduced to demons' blood, just like livestock, suffering unspeakably... Later, the martial arts sages passed down the method of refining Qi, and the rise of martial arts has gone through the three emperors and five emperors, until Great Xia Jiang Taizu wiped out all directions and suppressed the eight wastelands. Demons, human beings have gradually emerged from the shadows brought by demons, civilization is prosperous, and people live and work in peace and contentment... "

Put down the "Monster Atlas" in your hand.

Jiang Zirou stretched out his hand and gently rubbed his temples. Looking at the sunlight coming in from the window, he fell into deep thought.

"Why do I always feel restless during this time, is it because something big is about to happen?"

It has been more than half a month since I last met Heng Huang.

After reaching the Grand Master realm, the progress of Jiang Zirou's cultivation inevitably slowed down, but it was still rapid, and it was only a matter of time before he reached the peak of the Grand Master realm...

As for the name of the next realm.

Before that, Jiang Zirou knew nothing.

But looking through the ancient classics in the past few days, especially this rather old "Monster Illustrated", Jiang Zirou had a guess about the next mountain in the realm of martial arts.

"The name of this realm should be called Martial Saint."

"A sage moves to be the way of the world, acts to be the law of the world, and speaks to be the world's law... So, if you want to reach this state, you need not only the accumulation of energy, but also the accumulation of merit through preaching in the world?"

"Maybe... I have to go out for a while."

Back Mountain, Imperial Mausoleum, Forbidden Land.

Jiang Zirou was dressed in white, with her long hair tied into a ponytail, sitting cross-legged on a huge rock.

Let go of the perception, and at the same time run the Taiwu real body.

Soon, on the surrounding imperial tombs, countless golden auras rose up and gathered in the air to form a familiar and huge Luck Dragon.

Compared with three years ago.

The Luck Dragon has weakened a lot, and the black energy on his body has become more and more intense. Many scales have been corroded and peeled off, revealing mottled flesh and blood, which looks shocking.

"how so?"

Seeing this, Jiang Zirou was also very surprised.

But I saw that blue dragon stretched out a sharp claw and lightly pointed towards the south, then spread out and disappeared.

"In the south, demons are making trouble..."

Jiang Zirou's actions have always been decisive. After he had a specific goal, he planned to take action.

However, before that, Jiang Zirou still had some things to do.

"Taiwu True Body" is the supreme martial art of the Great Xia royal family.

For Jiang Zirou, this is not only the help of the system, but also the manifestation of the seniors of the Daxia royal family. In terms of emotion and reason, Jiang Zirou should pass on this practice.

And just right.

Jiang Zirou had already met the most suitable successor half a month ago.

This night.

In the palace, in a remote and quiet palace, Jiang Longxiang was sleeping soundly, a gust of cool wind blew by, the little prince opened his eyes, and saw a figure wearing a blue-faced fangs mask appeared in front of him under the moonlight.

Jiang Long's eyes widened in embarrassment, revealing a bit of excitement in a vague way, and his mouth made a low-pitched sound, like a wild animal that was hunting.

under the mask.

Jiang Zirou shook his head and smiled, his brother's temper was somewhat special.

With a flick of the finger, golden light blooms.

Then it sank into Jiang Longxiang's eyebrows and disappeared.

"Cultivate well, and when you reach the realm of a master, I will teach you the real "Taiwu True Body"."

Turn around and disappear.

Only then did Jiang Longxiang come to his senses, his slightly dumbfounded face was full of shock.

After Jiang Zirou walked away and disappeared.

Jiang Longxiang just jumped to the place where Jiang Zirou was standing just now, sniffed his nose vigorously, and then blinked vigorously, as if he wanted to seriously remember the smell and appearance of the person just now.

the next day.

Jiang Zirou was packing his luggage in the scripture pavilion.

Girls go out and be kind to themselves... Dry food, snacks, bank notes, and replacement clothes, etc., Jiang Zirou stuffed them into the storage space that comes with the system, and then symbolically put a white bag on the back behind myself.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng pushed open the door of the Sutra Pavilion, and walked out with a broom.

"Princess... are you going on an outing?"

Seeing Jiang Zirou in a white dress and carrying a small bag, Jiang Cheng couldn't help asking.

" may take a while to come back."


For some reason, Jiang Cheng felt a little lost when he thought that he would not see this lily-like beautiful girl for some time in the future.

Putting his bags on his back, Jiang Zirou didn't leave immediately.

Instead, he stared at Jiang Cheng with those bright eyes, which made the little eunuch feel a little nervous.

"I don't know what the princess ordered, as long as it is a slave, it must be done for the princess!"

"Jiangcheng... Do you want to learn martial arts?"

"Master, listen... hmm!?"

Just as Jiang Cheng was about to agree, he suddenly realized what Jiang Zirou had just said.

"My lord princess can't do it!"

As soon as his knees softened, Jiang Cheng was about to kneel down.

Others don't know Jiang Zirou's identity, but by chance, Jiang Cheng knows.

The seemingly weak and harmless girl in front of her is actually the real eldest princess of the Great Xia Dynasty, most likely the mysterious martial arts master who appeared on the battlefield of the rebel army... and he is just a little girl with no backing. Eunuch, how can He De be favored by such gods and men

"I'm asking if you want it or not!"

A breath of energy came at will, supporting Jiang Cheng's knee that was about to kneel down.

Martial arts flourished in the Great Xia Dynasty. For the vast majority of people, practicing martial arts is the best way to get ahead, not one of them.

"I want to! Of course my servant wants to!"

With red eyes, Jiang Cheng roared in a low voice.

Nodding slightly, Jiang Cheng stayed by his side for almost a year and a half. The little eunuch is upright and has a strong character.

Today, Jiang Zirou saw that his bones were quite good, so he had the intention to teach martial arts.


Jiang Zirou smiled brightly.

Point out.

Countless mysterious messages appeared in Jiang Cheng's mind.

This is a simplified version of "The Ancient Classic of the First Beginning". Although it is much weaker than the original version practiced by Jiang Zirou in terms of power, it is better because the barrier to entry is low, and ordinary people who have never been in martial arts can understand the practice.

"For all things in the world, the Tao cannot be spoken; what people believe in is God, what they see is holy; what they use is things, and what they practice is Dharma!"

"I teach you the exercises today, not only for you, but also for my own practice. I hope that after you learn something in the future, don't forget your original heart, and don't weaken my prestige!"


Solemnly thank the book friends who are dedicated to the heroine, Qi Shengjie, and Nightmare only for their rewards of 1,500 points, and thank book friends 1603013, Sheng Xiao, and other book friends for their rewards!