From A Stronghold NPC To The Final BOSS

Chapter 1132: Final 1


Deep in the underworld.

The two men's sermons also officially ended.

All visions disappeared, and all rules were hidden again.

Qin Shujian's aura didn't change much, but Queen Pingxin's aura fluctuated slightly, as if she had gained something special.

"I gained a lot from this discussion with Emperor Qin."

Empress Pingxin smiled.

It's not like a perfect face that can be found in the human world. If ordinary people saw it, they would just lose consciousness for an instant.

Qin Shujian looked as usual and said with a slight smile: "I have gained a lot from being able to discuss Tao with Queen Pingxin. I have to digest it after this discussion is over."


The smile on his face faded and turned serious.

"Time is running out. It is expected that in about two or three years, the real power will invade in a large scale. At that time, we will either fall into the mortal world or rule the nine heavens."

"What does Emperor Qin think will happen to us?"

Empress Pingxin asked back.

Hear the words.

Qin Shujian had a proud look on his face: "I am the Emperor of Heaven, and I shall rule over the nine heavens, overlooking all living beings in the world!"


And he left the underworld.

Dominate the Nine Heavens!

Empress Pingxin murmured softly, her face moving slightly.

"Although I don't expect to rule over the Nine Heavens, I don't want all living beings to be destroyed here like grass and grass."

Looking at the huge underworld.

There are billions of living creatures there.

And above the underworld, there is a vast world with billions of creatures.

If she were to sit back and watch billions of living beings perish, that was not what she wanted after all.


Empress Pingxin moved her jade hand, and the void in front of her eyes shook. The rules in the underworld seemed to be drawn by some unknown force, converging in the direction where she was.

Rules condense.

The void shook.

Not long after.

All the rules gathered together and turned into a disc as big as a palm.

There are six petals engraved on the disc. At first glance, it looks like a blooming lotus.

The disk stayed quietly in the void.

Immediately afterwards.

Empress Pingxin's mind sank into the underworld, and then she found a weak force coming from somewhere.

When that ray of power arrived, the void collapsed silently, and all the Yin Qi that approached was corroded.

Even if it is a rule.

There are faint signs of collapse.

Empress Pingxin's face was extremely solemn, and she controlled the ray of power with all her mind, and finally landed on the disc.


The disk shook violently.


An undetectable sound came out, and cracks appeared directly on the disc.

To this.

She didn't care, but allowed Yuanpan to absorb the power around her to repair herself, while she devoted herself to controlling that power.


Power merges with the disc.

The cracks on the disc are getting more and more serious.


Whenever the disc cracks reach a certain level, it will frantically draw on the power of the underworld to repair itself.

Boom! !

Yin energy swept in like a long river.

Then the rules unique to the underworld are manifested, and power is continuously transmitted into it.

After a long time.

The cracks on the disk disappeared.

And that ray of power was officially absorbed and fused by Yuanpan.


Like a disc engraved with six petals for refining, three mysterious fonts appeared on one of the petals.

The way of heaven and humanity!

at this time.

Empress Pingxin's aura changed, and she also had a pale look on her face.

But she didn't feel discouraged. Instead, she looked at the disk in front of her with a knowing smile.


"Only true power is the basis for the birth of the Six Paths of Reincarnation!"

"Now that the six paths of reincarnation have taken shape, the rules of the underworld have become a little stronger!"

Empress Pingxin held the disc with one hand, and mysterious power rose from the disc.

Immediately afterwards.

With a thought, she directly drove the disk into the void.


The underworld shook again.

All creatures instinctively looked up, but couldn't see anything.

Only some top experts vaguely felt that the space in the underworld seemed to become stronger and stronger.

It was also when the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk appeared.

Zixiao Palace.

Magic Palace.

Daleiyin Temple.

Qin Shujian, as well as Qin Shujian in the heaven, all felt something in their hearts and looked towards the underworld.

"That guy from the underworld is really very profound!"

Sakyamuni Buddha looked sighing with emotion.

Although everyone is a strong man in the First Era, when it comes to their background, the one from the underworld is much deeper than him.

after all.

The one who single-handedly opened up the existence of the underworld.

In comparison.

Although he is the leader of Buddhism, he is not the first to open up Buddhism.


Sakyamuni Buddha withdrew his gaze and looked down again.

over there.

There are people of all races who have ordained and taken refuge, and are silently reciting scriptures. The dense Buddha light rises on these people, making the entire Leiyin Temple become very solemn.

See this.

Sakyamuni Buddha was also quite pleased.

Although I am not good at it, there is no way to compare with the underworld.


This era is also very friendly to Buddhism.

There is no so-called dispute between Taoism and Buddhism, and there is no prejudice against Buddhism.

All races in this era.

What is advocated is the most direct power.

Whoever is stronger and can give himself strength, then he will believe in him and join his sect.

In the First Era, it was not as easy for Buddhism to recruit believers as it is now.

Like now.

He just showed some supernatural powers, and a steady stream of creatures came to surrender. And as the first batch of Buddhists traveled around the world, the power of Buddhism quietly grew in the northern continent.

When Buddhism was growing stronger.

Sakyamuni Buddha can clearly feel that the luck of Buddhism is also increasing day by day.

As the master of Buddhism, he.

His strength naturally increases steadily with his luck in Buddhism.


Sakyamuni Buddha proclaimed the Buddha's name.

The twelfth-grade golden lotus beneath the seat rotates slowly, and it seems faintly that a thirteenth-petaled lotus is about to grow.

When the Buddhist disciples below heard this, they all stopped chanting sutras and looked at the golden lotus above.

"I dare to ask Buddha, but what instructions do you have?"

Someone asked with respect.

Sakyamuni Buddha made a gesture of holding flowers, with a look of compassion on his face: "I have just been wandering in the sky, and suddenly I have a realization in my heart. Nowadays, all living beings are suffering. I, the Buddha, am merciful and cannot bear the suffering of all living beings.

From now on, all the Buddhas will leave the Great Leiyin Temple and travel to the four major continents and all tribes, preaching my Buddhist philosophy and helping all sentient beings escape from the sea of suffering! "

"My Buddha is compassionate!"

The many Buddhist disciples below all bowed in obeisance.

Some people understand.

Buddhism just wants to take this opportunity to strengthen its own power.

But for that.

They had no objection.

After all, they are members of the Buddhist sect. If the Buddhist sect grows stronger, it will be beneficial to them.


Qin Shujian withdrew from the state of seclusion.

He looked in the direction of the underworld, his eyes directly penetrated the barrier between heaven and earth, and landed on the disk.

Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk.

That is a top-notch treasure.

When a bit of real power is absorbed from Empress Pingxin and integrated into it, the supreme foundation of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk has been laid.

at the moment.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk is just a prototype, and its power is no weaker than that of ordinary innate treasures.

If we wait until the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk is completely perfected.

Qin Shujian had a premonition.

That might be a treasure that surpasses the Immortal Divine Weapon.


It has always been a very mysterious thing.

He just surrendered to death and gained some understanding after entering the real world.

These are very mysterious existences in the real world, and cannot be understood by others in the vast world.

"The rules of heaven and earth have become more perfect!"

Qin Shujian looked up at the sky, and the regular mother river hidden in the void appeared directly in his sight.

The mother river of rules.

That is where all the rules of heaven and earth come together.

Now with the emergence of the underworld and the six-path reincarnation disk, the rules in the mother river of rules have become more and more perfect.

As the Emperor of Heaven.

He could feel it clearly.

With the improvement of the mother river of rules, the strength of Heavenly Dao in the world is also steadily improving.


Heavenly Dao is not a monk in the true sense, but a combination of the thoughts of all beings, with the purpose of maintaining the normal operation of heaven and earth.


No matter how powerful Tiandao is, it will not have a big impact on him.


One day.

What harm did you do to the world

In that case, the way of heaven will be an obstacle.

"The rules of heaven and earth are perfect, and the power that I, the Heavenly Emperor, can draw on has become even stronger."

Qin Shujian smiled.

Although he has almost never borrowed the power of the Emperor of Heaven.


But it cannot be explained by this.

The power of the Heavenly Emperor's throne has no effect at all.

Strictly speaking.

The Emperor of Heaven can rule over all races and gather the fortunes of all races, which in itself possesses supreme power.


After all, the Emperor of Heaven is only the master of heaven and earth.

If you want to borrow the power of the Heavenly Emperor, you must be in the universe.

Once you leave the world.

There is not much power that can be borrowed from the position of Emperor of Heaven.


Qin Shujian fought against Dao Guo several times, but he never borrowed the power of the Emperor of Heaven because there was no need.

That little bit of power.

Nothing can be changed at all.

Let’s see if we fight in heaven and earth.

He was sure.

Even if he doesn't reveal all his cards, he can just borrow the power of the Heavenly Emperor's position to compete with Hongjun after Hedao.

If all the cards are revealed.

Don't talk about Hongjun.

Even if all the Dao Fruits are put together, they can be hung up and beaten.

Close your eyes.

Qin Shujian's spiritual thoughts merged into the heaven and earth.

Inside the core of heaven and earth.

There is a round ball there, quietly stored there.

There are countless rules condensed and lingering on the ball, and the aura that accidentally leaks out can turn a true immortal into ashes.

"The way of heaven!"

Qin Shujian looked at the ball with a calm expression.

When Tiandao didn't wake up, the state was like this.

The sphere itself is a combination of all rules, so this is also the normal state of heaven.

In the core of heaven and earth.

Full of gray and silver power.


Gray power represents illusory power, while silver power represents real power.

"The real power has already invaded the core of the world. Soon, the entire core of the world will be assimilated by the real power. By then, the entire world will be completely destroyed."

Qin Shujian saw that the silver real power was swallowing up the gray illusory power bit by bit, and he understood that time was really running out.

The so-called fusion.

In fact, it is not fusion in the true sense.

It is a buffer formed in the process of reality swallowing up illusion.

This buffer.

It can give all creatures in the world a chance to understand the true power.


If the real power completely occupies the core of heaven and earth, then the core of heaven and earth will disappear directly.

The core of heaven and earth is missing.

The way of heaven naturally ceases to exist.

The way of heaven does not exist.

Heaven and earth naturally do not exist either.

In Qin Shujian's sight, the real power now occupied most of the core of the world. The remaining illusory power and the way of heaven were forced into a corner and passively defended.

"If heaven and earth are destroyed, then the creatures that exist in heaven and earth will also be completely destroyed."

Just like the world where Lord Overlord exists.

Heaven and earth decay.

All the true immortals were forced to perish.

The creatures in the world are closely related to their own world. Unless they reach the stage of transcendence, otherwise, the decline and destruction of the world will have a huge impact on themselves.

"If you want to avoid falling, you must either prevent the destruction of heaven and earth, or you must transcend yourself!"

"It is difficult to prevent the destruction of heaven and earth. The only thing left is to find a way to transcend—"

Qin Shujian's eyes were profound.

What is detachment

Getting rid of the shackles of the original world is considered transcendence.

At present, for the living beings in the world, detachment is not difficult to say, but it is not easy to say easy.

Just grasp a bit of real power.

Let yourself transform from illusion to reality, then you can reach the point of transcendence.

"Unlike the real world, which is difficult to transcend, all sentient beings in the illusory world who want to transcend their illusory world only need to get rid of their illusory identities. In the past, living beings in the illusory world did not have this opportunity.

But now that the real power has invaded, the opportunity has arrived.

As for whether they can be sure, it all depends on themselves—"

Qin Shujian is not worried about himself.

Because he does not belong to this world at all. After opening up the inner world, he became the master of the world.

Therefore, whether the world is destroyed or not, it will not affect you.

Say it again.

By comprehending the Red Lotus, Qin Shujian has already mastered some real power. As long as this power is strengthened, it will be easy to achieve transcendence in the future.

The words of other monks from all races.

Whether you can achieve 100% detachment can only depend on your personal opportunities.

Now real power merges.

Anyone with some talent and opportunity may realize the true power from it.


Strengthen your true power and allow yourself to transcend.

Calm your mind.

Qin Shujian looked at the gray silver in front of him, his expression changing.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

He seemed to have made a decision.

The steps that had been paused for a long time finally moved.

Take one step.

Qin Shujian's body, which was originally wrapped in gray power, broke away directly and entered the silver power.


Extremely strong corrosion!

that moment.

Qin Shujian felt that his soul was burning and boiling like water entering a frying pan.

The severe pain went directly into the depths of his soul.

If it is an ordinary person.

This severe pain was beyond the limit of endurance.

And once the limit of endurance is exceeded, the consequence is to be tortured to death alive. ,

But for Qin Shujian.

Although the pain was intense, it was not unbearable.

His expression remained unchanged.

Slowly deepening into the power of silver.

Illusion is like a bubble to reality. It only needs a light poke with your finger to completely destroy it.

Stronger than the world.

Under the invasion of real power, it will only end up falling apart.


Qin Shujian felt the power that was constantly corroding his soul, and there was a determined look in his eyes.

Real power.

This is the power of reality.

Extremely powerful.

Even now, he is considered the most powerful person in the world.

But when the soul touches the real power, the pain is still unbearable.

To this.

He also understands how much real power is superior to false power.

"I must master enough real power to allow me to further transform—"

Qin Shujian looked firm.

Must transform.

Although he now has a real level of power in charge.

But in fact.

That level of real power is still far from enough.

"The path I take is different from others. Strictly speaking, my path is the same as the way of heaven in the world. The stronger the inner heaven and earth, the stronger the power I control will be.

In the same way, if the inner heaven and earth eliminate the false and retain the true, then I will naturally enter the stage of eliminating the false and retaining the true! "

Qin Shujian knew very well what path he wanted to take.

Compared with other creatures in the world, he actually has great advantages.

That is the opening up of the inner world.

"If the Inner Heaven and Earth can successfully remove the false and preserve the true, then all the creatures in the Inner Heaven and Earth will be transformed into real creatures. In this way, the power I can borrow will be even more powerful!"

Think of this.

Qin Shujian was also a little excited inside.

This is his biggest trump card.

Think about it.

If the transformation of the inner world is successful, he will be equivalent to mastering a real world.

Then at the critical moment.

If one more real-level world intervenes, everything can be imagined.


That's why Qin Shujian was so excited.

Calm down your emotions.

He began to calm down.

All conjectures are just conjectures.

How exactly.

You have to practice to understand.

If you can't withstand the erosion of the true power, or if you can't transform the inner world into a real existence, then all your conjectures will have no effect.

Just do it if you think of it.

Qin Shujian immediately calmed down and allowed his soul to be corroded while silently comprehending the true power.

"Any force leads to the same goal through different paths!"

"Even though the power of truth completely overrides illusion, to a certain extent, the essence of the two is the same."

While the soul is undergoing corrosion.

His mind sank into the real power and wanted to understand something from it.

One breath!

Two breaths!

one day!

Two days!

One month!

Two months!

I saw the silver and gray core of heaven and earth.

A soul completely left the gray range and entered the silver.

And under the corrosion of silver power.

The soul is like a candle in the wind, it will be destroyed at any time.

Arrive now.

Qin Shujian had already forgotten how long he had stayed in the real power.

He always felt that he was only a hair away from realizing the true power.

That feeling.

Forcing it to go deeper.


There was a premonition of death in my mind.


Qin Shujian's mind, which was immersed in real power, immediately woke up.

Wait until you wake up.

Only then did he realize what kind of state he was in now.

The soul is weak.

Like a candle in the wind.

It seems as if the next breath will be completely wiped out.

"not good!"

This discovery made Qin Shujian's expression suddenly change.

Unconsciously, he had completely penetrated into the true power, and the severe pain at the beginning had disappeared by now.


He actually lost awareness of the corrosion of real power.

If it weren't for the premonition that came from somewhere.

I will definitely fall here completely and silently.


Qin Shujian's expression was ugly: "The real power is indeed terrifying. It can actually make me approach destruction without even realizing it."

Now he has a weak spirit.

He felt that his soul seemed to be extinguished at any time.

Look back again.

The power of illusion is far apart.

At this time, even if I want to return, it seems that it is too late.

not only.

There is a barrier of real power.

Qin Shujian even found that it seemed to be difficult for him to take back his soul.

"Could it be—"

"I will perish here!"

The thought came here.

He was heavy-hearted.

If he fell so easily, then why would he surrender to death and then come back again


I can't just die like this!

Qin Shujian was filled with unwillingness.

He was unwilling to die like this.

He is the most powerful person in the world, and he is destined to dominate the nine heavens.


Suddenly, another thought came to my mind.


Qin Shujian just calmed down and started to communicate something.

It didn't take long.

A red lotus appeared from the depths of his soul.

Immediately afterwards.

The red lotus grew rapidly and soon reached the point where it covered the whole body.

Red lotus covers the whole body.

Those real powers that were corroding the soul seemed to have encountered some powerful obstacles, and they immediately retreated a lot.

Although there are still some parts that remain.

But compared to the previous time, it is already much better.

"It really works!"

Qin Shujian was delighted.

Poliang Honglian involves the existence of the real level, and he just wants to try it to see if he can resist the erosion of real power.

Never thought about it.

It actually works.

With the protection of the Red Lotus, although it cannot completely isolate the erosion of the real power, it can still isolate at least 90% of the power, giving the soul that is on the verge of destruction a great buffer.


Qin Shujian was ready to retreat from the real power.


Just when he was about to retreat, he thought of another thing.

"The Red Lotus of PoWu can refine everything in the universe, so is it possible to also refine the true power?"

Qin Shujian's eyes flashed with light.

Refining true power.

If it is really possible, then you will save a lot of steps by subsequently understanding the true power.

Just do it if you think of it.

He immediately controlled the Red Lotus, wrapped it in a ball of real power, and then burned it with all his strength.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

After seven breaths, the Red Lotus of Destruction was quietly extinguished, and the true power that was wrapped in it also escaped.

See this.

Qin Shujian frowned immediately.



It's not that the Red Lotus of Powu can't do it, it's because the real power of refining is too much.

Although Poliang Honglian is also a supernatural power involving the real level.

But seriously.

The real power in the Red Lotus is actually not strong.

Compare it to a ball of fire, and then compare real power to a bowl of water.

There is too much water.

Naturally, the fire will be put out.

But the same thing.

If there is too little water, not only will the fire not be extinguished, but it will also be evaporated by the fire.

Just think of this.

Qin Shujian immediately changed his method.

He no longer uses the Red Lotus to directly refine a large ball of real power, but instead absorbs a weak trace of real power, and then uses his magical power to refine it.

Wrapped in red lotus.

That trace of real power clashed left and right, as if it felt like it was going to perish, and it kept struggling, trying to escape from the restraints.


No matter how the trace of real power impacts, nothing can be changed.

Time passed little by little.

at last.

That trace of true power began to be gradually refined under the burning of the Red Lotus.

Watching the true power being refined step by step.

Qin Shujian's eyes were filled with joy.


He just increased the refining intensity.


A silver crystal-like object about one-tenth the size of a fingernail fell into his hand.

"This is the crystallization of true power!"

Qin Shujian looked at the thing in his hand, his face becoming more and more happy.

He could feel the extremely pure real power from the silver crystal-like object.

No hesitation.

The soul wraps around the silver crystal.


The silver crystal melted and merged into the soul.

that moment.

Qin Shujian felt that his soul was on the verge of destruction, as if it had received a lot of nourishment, and it recovered a lot in an instant.

not only that.

Deep in the soul, there are also some unknown changes.

That kind of change is very weak, but it feels extremely powerful.


"That's what it feels like!"

Qin Shujian was determined.

He is someone who has faced death before and has a clear sense of what real power is.

The current changes in the soul.

It is a process of removing the false and retaining the true.

"It's just that the real power just now was too weak and can't play a big role. I need more real power!"

Qin Shujian's eyes revealed a cold light.

He wants real power.

Want more real power.

At present, there is a lot of real power in the core of the world, which is the means for the four players to invade the world.

If you can refine all the power here, then even the heavenly law in the real world will not be able to compete with you.


The gods of the player world will not let themselves absorb the power here.

Now it's just that there is less refining, so the other party won't notice.

But once it is refined a lot.

The way of heaven in the world of several players will inevitably find something wrong.

After all, if you want to take shortcuts, you must take some risks. This is inevitable.


Qin Shujian did not waste time and continued to refine his true power.

No matter how.

Before Tiandao in the player world discovers something is wrong, he must refine his true power as much as possible.

The inner hall of the Heavenly Palace.

Qin Shujian's body sitting on the emperor's throne also had a terrifying aura leaking out.

The God-killing Sword and the Zhoutian Star Chart existing in his sea of consciousness were all secretly shocked.

"What kind of magic is the Emperor of Heaven practicing? Why is his aura so terrifying!"

The Zhoutian Star Picture was astonishing.

Ever since he became a being comparable to an innate treasure, everything he encountered was beyond the limit of what he could bear.

The battle with Hongjun and Rahu in front was like this.

Whether it's the Jade Disk of Creation or the God-killing Spear, their level is much higher than mine.

And now.

Qin Shujian's sea of consciousness was filled with a terrifying force.

In front of that force.

Zhoutian Xingchen Tu felt his own insignificance.

The God-killing Sword said in a deep voice: "If I guessed correctly, this power should be the real power. The Emperor of Heaven is comprehending the real power!"

He is an immortal weapon.

Strictly speaking, it also involves magic weapons on a real level.

It is different from Zu Bing's belief that runs through everything.

After abandoning the existence of the power of faith, the essence of the ancestral soldiers is still at the level of illusion.

Once you lose the power of faith, you will fall into the dust.

But the Immortal Divine Weapon is different.

A divine weapon that has reached this level means immortality.

The essence of the divine weapon.

It has transcended the shackles of illusion and is qualified to enter the level of reality.

This way.

The God-killing Sword is also very familiar with real power.

After all, how could he not be familiar with the power contained within himself.

"You mean, the Emperor of Heaven is comprehending the true power!"

Zhoutianxingtu was surprised.

He had no idea in what way Qin Shujian was comprehending.

In the past, when the other party was practicing.

I exist in the other party's sea of consciousness, and I can still vaguely detect some things, but like now, I don't feel anything at all. This is the first time.

The God-killing Sword said: "The methods of the Emperor of Heaven are beyond our ability to predict. Now that there is real power in the sea of consciousness, it is an opportunity for you and me to understand. If we seize the opportunity well, if it is wasted, there will be no next time."


He no longer spoke, but silently comprehended the power.

Hear the words.

The Zhoutian Star Chart is also about cultivating with concentration.

When the two magic weapons were not aware of it, mysterious power fell from the sea of consciousness and merged into the inner world opened up in the body.

Real power blends in.

The inner world is also changing subtly.


Originally a court meeting was being held.

Feng suddenly stopped talking and looked up to the sky, where there was only endless void.

But he could feel it, as if something was coming from somewhere.

The gods in heaven saw this.

There were doubtful looks on their faces.

"I dare to ask the Emperor of Heaven, but what happened?"

One of the gods raised his hands and asked.

They also learned to look up, but they couldn't notice anything.

Hear the words.

Feng retracted his gaze and shook his head slightly: "It's nothing, I just felt something different in the dark. I think it's probably an illusion!"

See this.

The gods asked no more questions.

The meeting dispersed.

The gods retreated.

Feng was still sitting on the throne, looking up at the sky with a calm expression.

If the front is an illusion.

So now.

I felt that subtle change again.

"The world seems to be transforming!"

Feng retracted his gaze and looked down at his palms. There was infinite power of rules brewing in his palms.

for a long time.

The power dissipates.

His body disappeared from the throne.

Eldar Mountains.

Since the defeat of the Spirit Clan, most of the Spirit Clan have retreated back into the Spirit Clan Mountains.

As the top clan after the human race.

Even if the Eldar were defeated, their strength was unmatched by other races.


No race feels like they are trespassing into the Eldar Mountains.

as usual.

This is still the territory of the Spirit Tribe.

The main hall of the Spirit Clan.

Since the last defeat, the hall has been completely closed.

Arrive now.

Many years have passed, and the main hall is still not open at all.

Inside the main hall.

The Spiritual Emperor sat upright with his eyes closed, as if he was in a trance.

Every breath.

There is a Taoist rhyme circulating in the main hall.


The Taoist rhyme of the main hall was disordered, and the Spirit Emperor's closed eyes opened.

His expression remained unchanged and his voice was neither fast nor slow.

"How come the Emperor of Heaven has time to come to our Spiritual Clan today!"

"I have always respected the Spirit Emperor. We haven't seen each other for many years. Today I came here to pay a visit. The Spirit Emperor won't mind, right?"

Feng smiled slightly.

With a wave of his hand, a chair formed and he sat on it.

The chair rises.

In an instant, he was on equal footing with the Spirit Emperor.

The Spirit Emperor looked indifferent: "If I say that I mind, will the Emperor leave immediately?"

"It seems that the Spirit Emperor really hates me."

Feng shook his head and laughed.

The voice was as usual, without any annoyance.

Hear the words.

The Spirit Emperor said calmly: "I don't like people who barge in if they don't agree with each other, but you are the Emperor of Heaven, and you are the master of the world, so I can't say anything.

It’s just that when the next catastrophe comes, you and I will have a good fight.

I also want to see if your strength is really that strong! "

He didn't hide his inner thoughts at all.

When the Spirit Race was defeated by the Human Race, within a million years, the Spirit Race would not have the qualifications to resist.

To this.

The Spirit Emperor was unwilling to accept it, but he could bear it.

After all, skills are inferior to people.

There's not much to say.

Even if the reason for his true failure is not because the power of the wind is really unrivaled, but because of the influence of external factors.


A defeat is a defeat.

It doesn't make any sense to say so much.

Feng was silent for a while, and then said calmly: "I will give you this opportunity. I know that you were dissatisfied when you lost. When the time comes, you and I will fight again."

"But there is one thing I still want to say up front."

"That is, if the Spirit Emperor loses again, I don't want the Spirit Clan to shake the rule of the human race again."


"I will not be merciful to any existence that may threaten the human race."

Although the words were calm, there was no hint of warning at all.

The Spirit Emperor looked strange: "You seem very confident?"

"As the Emperor of Heaven, I naturally have this confidence."

Feng smiled calmly, and an aura like the power of heaven leaked out from his body, instantly dissipating the Tao Yun in the hall.

The Spirit Emperor's expression remained unchanged, and his aura erupted from his body.

The two breaths collided with each other, and then both disappeared invisibly.


The Spirit Emperor sat up straight and looked at the person in front of him with a solemn look on his face.

"I promise you that if I lose again next time, as long as I don't die, the spirit race will surrender to the human race forever. Similarly, if you lose, the position of Emperor of Heaven will also change hands.

At the same time, before you die, the human race will also surrender to the spirit race forever and ever! "

This is a bet.

A bet based on the existence of both people.

As long as they don't die.

Then the bet will always be valid.


If any of them falls, then there is no need for the bet to exist.

Feng understood what he meant.

After hearing this, he nodded.

"Okay, the Spirit Emperor speaks quickly, I agree."

Get a reply.

The Spiritual Emperor returned to his original appearance, and his tone was calm: "Okay, the Emperor of Heaven is not here just to tell this matter to me!"

"The Spiritual Emperor has a sharp eye."

Feng first smiled.

Immediately afterwards, his expression became serious.

"In the world, you and I are the only ones who have reached the state of half-step fruition. You should be able to sense that some unpredictable changes are taking place in the world today!"


The Spirit Emperor's expression changed.

He did not look at Feng, but looked at the position above the main hall, his eyes becoming deep.

"Yes, the world is changing. I can feel that my own realm is falling bit by bit. At the same time, the rules of the world are also becoming stronger. As monks in charge of the rules, we.

The power of rules that can be controlled now has been reduced accordingly. "

If the power of complete rules is compared to one hundred, then the rules mastered by Half-Step Fruit are also one hundred.

So this kind of control can be called 100%.


If the power of the rules he mastered suddenly skyrocketed from one hundred to one thousand.

Then the rules mastered by Half Step Fruit will not directly become a thousand, but will still stay at the stage of a hundred.

This way.

Master the intensity.

It dropped directly from 100% to 10%.

The control of rules has declined.

The realm will naturally fall.

Although the current rule change is not as exaggerated as directly changing from one hundred to one thousand, it is still growing little by little.

Feng looked calm: "Yes, our realm is declining, but the power we control has not declined much, but is stronger than before.

If there were no other changes, that would be a good thing.

The only thing I am worried about now is that there will be other changes in the world, and that will be a big trouble. "

Even as the Emperor of Heaven.

The changes at this time made Feng feel quite troubled.

It is certainly gratifying to improve one's own strength.

But the realm falling is another problem.

Incomplete guarantee.

There will be unpredictable changes.

In general.

Everything felt like it was beyond his control.

The Spirit Emperor said: "I am not sure whether the changes are good or bad, but you and I cannot stop these changes. Perhaps the only person who truly understands why the world changes is the Venerable.

If we can find the Venerable, all problems can be solved. "

"Your Majesty!"

The Emperor murmured, then sighed heavily.

Why didn't he want to find it

The issue is.

There is simply no way to find it.

In the core of heaven and earth.

Qin Shujian's soul was wrapped in the red lotus. No matter how much the real power burned and corroded it, the soul that was on the verge of destruction actually stabilized little by little.

not only that.

After the soul stabilizes.

Still getting stronger slowly.

The red lotus burning also became more intense.




Qin Shujian is now completely immersed in the pleasure of absorbing real power.

Poliang Honglian continuously refines silver crystals for him to absorb and refine.

As he masters more and more real power, the red lotus he displays becomes more and more powerful.

at the same time.

The real power that can be refined has gone from a trace in the beginning to a lump now.

Only seen inside the core of heaven and earth.

A blooming red lotus contains a ball of silver power, which is constantly being burned and refined.

After a long time.

The silver power gradually shrank and condensed.


It turned into a silver crystal the size of a baby's fist and fell into Qin Shujian's hand.

This is the only time he has refined such a powerful silver crystal after refining his true power for a long time.

"The transformation of the inner world is about to be successful!"

Looking at the silver crystal, Qin Shujian smiled slightly.

Although his soul has entered the core of heaven and earth, it is also closely connected with his physical body.

The inner world in his physical body was already undergoing transformation bit by bit as he continued to transmit his true power back.


If the inner world in front is qualified to accommodate existences at the level of Dao Fruit.

So now the upper limit of Inner Heaven and Earth is only Nine Level Immortal.

Don't look at the lowering of the upper limit of heaven and earth, which seems to be a bad thing.

This is not the case.

The upper limit of heaven and earth is reduced, and it is also divided into two types.

One is that the world is on the verge of destruction, and the upper limit is lowered step by step, thus entering the stage of destruction.

another kind.

It's like the inner world.

The lowering of the upper limit of heaven and earth is just a process of removing the false and retaining the true.

After all, compared to real power.

False power appears too vain.

If it really comes down to a contest, a Daoguo from an illusory world will never be able to compete with a true immortal from a real world who has full control of real power.

This is the difference between the two.

Although the power controlled by Daoguo is much stronger than that of true immortals in terms of quantity.

But the boundary between fiction and reality makes the two very different in terms of quality.

Put it another way.

If the Lord Overlord in Ye Hong's Knowledge Sea was at his peak, he would never be able to compete with Qin Shujian's incarnation of the Emperor.

not only that.

In fact.

Even the current Overlord, with his one incarnation, cannot be easily obliterated.

It's just that after Lord Ba Shen felt the momentum, he was so frightened that he trembled all over and didn't dare to take action easily.

If you really do it.

The other party will find out.

The person you fear is actually not as strong as you think.

A half-broken soul of a true immortal is still like this.

If it were a true immortal in the real world, it would be conceivable.

The power of Tao Fruit.

They are all just reflected in the world.

If you really meet the true immortal in full bloom in the real world, the Tao and Fruit of the false world will be a joke.


Some people can achieve the path and fruition in the real world.


In the process of eliminating the false and retaining the true in the inner heaven and earth, and transforming into the real level, it is inevitable that the upper limit of the heaven and earth will decrease.

Because this is removing impurities and purifying the heaven and earth itself.

"Nine-level Immortal is not the limit yet. I wonder if it will fall directly to the level of True Immortal after the Inner Heaven and Earth completely transforms!"

After Qin Shujian thought for a while, he didn't have time to refine it, so he continued to refine and swallow the silver crystals.

After the silver crystal was swallowed.

The inner world is undergoing further transformation.

The original upper limit of the Nine Immortals has gradually become less stable.

boom! !

As that silver crystal was refined.

It was as if fire oil had been poured into the red lotus.

Guren, who was already fierce and charming, instantly became more terrifying.

"A little bit of refining is really too slow. Even if the real power I refined didn't disturb the attention of the Tiandao in the player world, the longer the delay, the closer the time for their attack will come.

If I don’t transform completely and it’s time to attack, I’ll be in big trouble—”

Qin Shujian's eyes were cold and stern.

In normal times, he could refine his true power bit by bit without having to go through so much trouble.

But now.


There wasn't much time to begin with.

According to Qin Shujian's estimation, the real attack on the player world will take three years as quickly as possible and five years as slowly as possible.

By the time he entered the core of heaven and earth, almost a year had passed.

And now.

Although there is no concept of time flow in the core of heaven and earth.


Qin Shujian also vaguely felt that he had been here for a while.

This way.

Afterwards, when he comes, the entire world will be completely devastated, and the fun will be great.

at this time.

He didn't dare waste any time.

Speed up refining.

That is inevitable.

"I have devoured a lot of real power now. Although the soul has not truly transformed successfully, it is still much stronger than before. In this case, there is no need for me to use the Red Lotus to protect myself!"

"Use all your strength to activate the Red Lotus to refine the true power!"

After Qin Shujian made the decision, he immediately removed the power of the Red Lotus that covered his soul.


Without the protection of Poliang Honglian, a large amount of real power impacted.

A familiar sharp pain.

It hit me again.

But compared with the previous severe pain that could shatter one's soul, the severe pain this time was actually much better.

Although it is also very strong.

But within an affordable range.

Surrounded by real power, Qin Shujian's soul can be seen being corroded bit by bit by the silver power.

The rate of corrosion is very slow.

It's not much different from when he was protected by the Red Lotus.

on the contrary.

Every time after swallowing the silver crystal, the corroded soul can be greatly replenished.

Viewed from the outside.

Qin Shujian's soul seemed to be shrinking little by little.

But only he knows it.

After gaining true power, the soul appears to be corroded and is just an impurity at the false level.

The more impurities corrode.

The greater the benefit to yourself.

Because impurities are discarded, all that is left in the end is the essence.

"bring it on!"

"After waiting for a long time, we finally reached this point!"

Qin Shujian laughed wildly, and at the same time, with a thought, the Red Lotus was activated with all his strength.

In the core of heaven and earth.

A huge red lotus bloomed in vain.

Immediately afterwards.

There was a large ball of silver power that was forcefully swallowed up.

When Qin Shujian was frantically refining his true power.

Today's inner world is also undergoing drastic changes.


It is the mother river of rules hidden in the void, directly presented in front of all living beings.

For all sentient beings in the inner world.

They have never seen the regular mother river appear in front of people.

not only.

The mother river of rules has become more solid and thicker than before.

There are a lot of rules inside.

It has also become extremely powerful.

Inside the Spirit Clan Hall.

Feng and Linghuang both stayed there without speaking.

The auras of the two of them have changed a lot compared to before.


Although the aura was decadent, it seemed to have undergone some transformation.

for a long time.

Feng smiled bitterly: "I am about to fall to the realm of the Nine-Level Immortal. I can feel that the upper limit of the world is lowering little by little. If I am not wrong, the upper limit of the Heaven and Earth is about to fall below the Nine-Level Immortal!"

The upper limit of heaven and earth fell.

It's supposed to be a bad thing.


As the Emperor of Heaven, he did not notice any ominous premonition.

not only.

The wind is still aware.

Today's world of heaven seems to be cheering for joy.


His original worries disappeared a lot at this time.

The way of heaven is infallible.

Since the other party did not show any fear, it means that the current changes in the world are a good thing for Heaven.


If it is a good thing for heaven and earth, it may not be a bad thing for living beings.

Feng felt that although his realm was falling, the power he controlled had not weakened much.

A subtle change.

It is coming from heaven and earth.


And the Spirit Emperor in front of him.

They are all beneficiaries of this change.

"Yeah, I'm about to fall to the ninth level of immortality!"

The Spirit Emperor spoke slowly. He did not show any hostility towards Feng now, he was just talking like two old friends.

After finishing speaking.

The spiritual king just stretched out his hand.

The rules that were once perfectly controlled are now out of control to the point where complete control is no longer possible.


But he could feel it clearly.

His own strength has not diminished at all.

"Although I am about to fall to the ninth level of immortality now, I am no different than I was at my peak. And I have a hunch that maybe I will be a little stronger at this time than I was at my peak."

There was a pause.

The Spirit Emperor continued: "If I am not wrong, although the upper limit of heaven and earth has been lowered, strictly speaking, the upper limit of the power of heaven and earth is constantly rising."

In his opinion.

The realm of heaven and earth is declining, but the power is rising.

Put it another way.

The two of them were only half a step into the realm of fruition, but they had actually reached the pinnacle of heaven and earth.

but now.

The upper limit of heaven and earth has dropped.

When they were about to fall below the level of Nine Immortals, their power was still maintained at the original standard, no, it was even stronger than the original standard.

That is to say.

The upper limit of heaven and earth seems to have dropped a lot.

But in terms of actual strength, it is rising slowly.

One goes down and the other goes down.

The Spirit Emperor also understood that this matter was actually a good thing.

"It turns out that after we reached the halfway stage of Daoguo, we had already reached the point where there was no further progress. The next step up was the mysterious and mysterious Daoguo realm. Now that the state has fallen, we have the power to control things beyond the past.

Such a change really surprises me! "

Feng also smiled helplessly.

He didn't expect that.

One day, I will break past limits in this way.

The reason is simple.

My realm has fallen, but my strength has not diminished but increased.

Which day.

Wait until the state drops to a stable state, and then make a breakthrough again.

This way.

One's own strength can naturally transform.

Although it is necessary to make a breakthrough.


The wind believes it.

It is much easier to make a breakthrough in the realm of true immortals than to forcefully break the boundaries of Tao and Fruit.

That leaves the question.

It’s a question of the upper limit of heaven and earth.


The breaths of the two of them fluctuated again.

"Falled down!"

Feng sighed.

Just now, he successfully fell from the realm of the ninth-level immortal, and then became a true immortal at the peak of the eighth-level immortal.

The other side.

The Spirit Emperor's expression remained calm.

He never showed too much anxiety about things he had anticipated.

The eighth-level immortal is the eighth-level immortal.

As long as the actual power does not fall.

time flies.

The breaths of the two of them fluctuated again.

"It fell so fast!"

Feng's expression couldn't help but change again.

He had only fallen a level in the previous month, but now, in just the past three days, he had fallen from the peak of the Eighth Level Immortal to the late Eighth Level Immortal.

Convert it.

In less than half a month, he should have fallen to the seventh level of immortality.

Such a rapid fall made the Emperor feel frightened.

The Spirit Emperor's calm expression also had some slight changes.

"The changes in heaven and earth are accelerating, and the upper limit has now successfully fallen to the Nine Immortals. However, in comparison, the speed of our decline is much faster than the upper limit of heaven and earth."

When they fell to the late stage of Eight Immortals.

The upper limit of heaven and earth has just fallen to the peak of the eighth level immortal.

That is to say.

His own realm fell faster than the upper limit of heaven and earth.

After the shock.

Feng also came back to his senses, and a smile reappeared on his face: "Our realm has fallen faster than the upper limit of the world, which is also beneficial. At least it proves that in a limited space, we can make further improvements.

It is truly a miraculous method. I never thought that one day when my realm falls, I will be able to control even more powerful power! "

I thought that after becoming the Emperor of Heaven, I would almost stand at the top of the world.

But now.

He suddenly discovered it.

The water in heaven and earth is much deeper than I imagined.

Even if you become the Emperor of Heaven, there are still many things that you cannot control.

At this moment.

Feng was almost certain that the changes in the world must be related to Qin Shujian.


He looked at the Spirit Emperor.

"Now that the realm of sentient beings has fallen, it must have caused a lot of trouble. I have to go back to the Heavenly Court to deal with matters. The Spiritual Emperor stays here all day long, and it is inevitable that he will be a little bored. If you are free someday, you can come to the Heavenly Court and sit for a while."

After saying that, Feng disappeared into the main hall of the Spirit Clan without waiting for the Spirit Emperor to reply.

Just as he thought.

Now in the inner world, all the immortals and gods are in chaos.

no way.

Whoever's realm falls for no reason will not feel scared.

Watch the wind leave.

The Spirit Emperor said nothing.

After a long time.

The aura on his body fluctuated, and he fell from the late eighth level immortal to the middle eighth level immortal.

"It's falling faster!"

In the core of heaven and earth.

The power that represents reality originally occupied most of the core of heaven and earth.

Only about two-tenths of the space is left for the gray power that represents illusion to survive.


This living space is still being squeezed step by step, and it seems that it cannot hold out for too long.


As Qin Shujian continued to refine his real power, the original false power was greatly alleviated.

The original trend of being swallowed up by the ever-increasing pressure has also been slowed down.

When the two are buffering.

Bits of real power are constantly integrated into the illusory power, causing the illusory power to transform little by little.



In fact, as early as when the real power swallowed up the false power, while the false power was being swallowed up, it was also slowly devouring the real power to make itself stronger.

Just this devouring power.

Compared to the swallowing of real power, it is countless times weaker.

Often when the false power finally swallows up and refines a trace of real power, it is swallowed up by the real power a hundred times.

Back and forth.

Not only did the false power fail to grow in any way, but it was swallowed up and pressed by the real power, reaching a point where it was on the verge of destruction.

It's different now.

Qin Shujian refined the real power to a great extent, buffering the illusory power.

In this case.

The progress of True Power Devouring has been greatly weakened.

The false power found an opportunity and began to attack aggressively.




While Qin Shujian was frantically devouring and refining the real power, the false power did not let go of this golden opportunity.

The instinct of heaven and earth at the core of false power constantly devours real power to transform itself.

It’s just that the world is vast.

Compared with the slowly refining power, the time required for true transformation to be successful is too long.

But even so.

The core of heaven and earth is also changing little by little.

"The upper limit of heaven and earth is lowering!"

In the underworld, Empress Pingxin looked at the position above the underworld.

Her eyes can directly penetrate the obstacles of the underworld and see the scene above the sky.

There is nothing there.

But in the dark.

Empress Pingxin can feel that the upper limit of heaven and earth is gradually lowering.

If it could originally accommodate existences of half-step fruit level, now, it may have almost fallen to the upper limit of the Nine-layer Immortal.

for this change.

She wasn't too worried.

Because it itself exists at the level of Tao and Fruit.

What is Tao Fruit.

The only way to transcend the constraints of heaven and earth is to achieve enlightenment.

Therefore, even if the upper limit of heaven and earth is lowered, it will have no impact on Dao Fruit.

The only ones who will really be affected are the monks below the Dao Fruit level.


Empress Pingxin also had some vague guesses about the changes in heaven and earth.


This change shows that after the invasion of the player world, the world officially borrowed the power of reality to transform itself.

It's just that this transformation process is very slow.

But no matter how slow it is, this transformation is real.

The only problem is.

Did heaven and earth take the lead in transforming successfully, or did the real power further engulf it successfully

If it's the former, then everyone is happy.

If the latter.

I'm afraid that except for a few Dao Fruits, all other living beings in the world will fall with the whole world.

No sentient beings.

The world is gone.

How long can it last with only the few Daoguo monks left


That will be a matter of time.

"I wonder what Emperor Qin's plans are now?"

Empress Pingxin believed that Qin Shujian, as the Emperor of Heaven, could not sense the changes in the world at all.

Now that the other party has made no move, presumably he has his own plans.

Look back.

She waved her hand.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, which had been put away, reappeared in the void of the underworld.


Empress Pingxin's power exploded, and she once again absorbed real power.

Boom! !

Same vibration.

But compared to the first shock, this time the shock became more violent.

The void in the underworld is shattered.

Countless rules and powers emerge.

Whether it's a ghost or a ghost, everyone is shocked when they notice such a big change.

Such a big city of Fengdu.

They are all trembling under the fluctuation of this power.

The prison that suppressed the ghosts also had cracks during the shaking process.

"This is-"

Lian Guming, who was originally staying in the prison, suddenly saw a crack in his cell, and there was a look of astonishment on his face.

Next breath.

It was overjoyed.

The cell is cracked!

Although it is not clear what kind of vibration can cause the cell to crack.

But it does not matter.

Although I have only stayed here for a few months, I am already tired of it.

"I still have the important task of reviving the Heavenly Corpse Sect. I must not be detained here forever. This is my chance, a chance to leave Fengdu City!"

Lian Guming's eyes were changing.

When he saw other ghosts escaping through the cracks, he could no longer hold back.


Make a decision.

Lian Guming immediately escaped along the crack.

Don't look at it, there is only a trace of crack.

But actually.

The ghost is formless and insubstantial.

Even if it is a small hole, the ghost can take this opportunity to escape.

Not to mention.

The crack under his eyes was as wide as a finger.

It's easy to escape.

After leaving the prison, Lian Guming saw that there was chaos in Fengdu City, and ghosts were flying all over the sky. Some fled to the outside of Fengdu City, while others fled from outside the city to Fengdu City.

And then.

It's just ghosts running around all over the place.

Originally, he was worried that after he escaped, he would be recaptured by the ghosts.

It can be seen that after seeing the many ghosts who have no time to take care of themselves, I feel completely relieved.

Being in jail for so long.

After coming into contact with some senior ghosts.

Lian Guming also understood how powerful those ghosts were.

"Don't even think about escaping from prison!"

A cold and stern voice came from far away.

He couldn't help but be shocked. When he looked back, he happened to see Zhao Xuan, who had two ghosts tied up with soul-binding chains, rushing towards him.

"It's him again!"

After seeing Zhao Xuan, Lian Guming was so frightened that he even lost his soul.

He has not forgotten that it was this ghost who imprisoned him in the prison with his own hands.

No hesitation.

I saw his ghost turned into a stream of light and escaped, rushing towards the outside of Fengdu City in an instant.

"Damn it!"

Zhao Xuan was furious when he saw Lian Guming escaping. When he was about to rush to capture him, he was blocked by other chaotic ghosts.


He could only watch helplessly as Lian Guming fled Fengdu City.

In the core of heaven and earth.

Qin Shujian's spirit stayed there silently.

Now, a faint silver light emanates from his soul, and he is no longer afraid of the erosion of the silver power around him.

at the same time.

The Red Lotus that was displayed was no longer the same as before. It could only try to refine a little bit of real power.

I only saw his thoughts move.

Then a sea of fire swept across.

Pieces of silver crystals were extracted instantly.

Qin Shujian's divine thought package absorbed all the silver crystals.

boom! !

The soul was shaken.

Deep in the soul that exudes a faint silver light, there is a touch of silver that has been condensed to the extreme, flickering slightly there.

this moment.

Qin Shujian felt himself transforming.

This transformation.

It is completely different from the previous realm breakthrough.

He seemed to realize that he seemed to have received some kind of new life.

Completely different feeling.

Emerging from the bottom of my heart.


"That's the power of reality!"

Qin Shujian murmured to himself, with a crazy look on his face.

It’s true!

This is reality!

When he surrendered to death and entered the real world for reincarnation, he temporarily got rid of the level of illusion and transformed into a real existence.

No matter what.

That is a world without cultivation.

Even if it is transformed into a real existence, it has no effect.

The spiritual energy there is cut off.

There is no practice at all.


Qin Shujian finally intercepted a trace of real power and returned to the world.

From beginning to end.

His foundation has never truly transformed.

But things are different now.

After refining a large amount of real power.

Qin Shujian clearly felt that his soul had completely transformed.

That feeling of transformation.

It was exactly the same as when he surrendered to death and reincarnated into the real world.


That was even more intense than when he was reincarnated.


At that time, he was just an ordinary person.

Him now.

But he is a true immortal.


What a fairy!

After constantly eliminating the false and preserving the true, Qin Shujian had already fallen from the realm of Dao Fruit.

Then he fell from the halfway stage to the current Nine-level Immortal realm.


This kind of falling has not stopped at all.

When Qin Shujian continued to refine his strength and transform his soul.

His realm.

In rapid decline.

Eight Immortals!

Sevenfold Immortal!

Sixth Level Immortal!

Five levels of immortality!

After the realm fell to the first level of immortality, there was still no stopping.


The realm fell directly from the realm of true immortals back to the peak of heaven and man.

To this.

Qin Shujian didn't do anything to stop him. He was still frantically absorbing the real power to further transform his soul.

The ninth level of heavenly beings!

The eighth level of heavenly beings!

The seventh level of heavenly beings!

Less than a day.

The realm successfully fell from the realm of gods and humans, back to the realm of gods and warriors.


The realm of divine martial arts has not stopped either.


Really powerful!

Enter the martial arts!

After the realm completely fell below the first level of martial arts and all the cultivation levels were cleared, the decline finally stopped.

that moment.

Qin Shujian's soul completely transformed successfully.

Immediately afterwards.

He just withdrew the soul from the core of heaven and earth.

The soul enters the body.

The body sitting in the heavenly palace opened its eyes in vain.

A feeling of weakness that I had never felt before came to my heart.

In the sea of knowledge.

At this time, the God-killing Sword and the Zhoutian Star Diagram were frightened.

Because they found out.

Qin Shujian's power was exhausted to the extreme, as if he had no cultivation at all. At the same time, his sea of consciousness was also collapsing step by step.

If it weren't for their support, the sea of consciousness would have returned to chaos long ago.

Just when the two magic weapons were shocked.

In the flesh.

The opened inner world, after absorbing all the true power and successfully completing the transformation, began to emerge with vast power, feeding back Qin Shujian himself.

Enter the martial arts!

Really powerful!



His realm began to recover again, and he recovered at a rapid speed.

Just a few breaths.

Qin Shujian has already stood firmly on the realm of heaven and man.

And this improvement.

It didn't stop at all.


While the inner world was feeding him back, he uttered a word.


Infinite spiritual energy swarmed in between heaven and earth, all converging in the direction of the Heavenly Palace.

That moment.

The sky and the earth change color.

From Dao Fruit experts to ordinary monks, they were all shocked by this vast spiritual energy fluctuation.

As all the spiritual energy of heaven and earth converged towards the Heavenly Palace, the spiritual energy of the world dropped by 90%, leaving only 10%.

"What on earth is he doing!"

Such changes completely shocked Hongjun and others.

Even as a Taoist ancestor.

for such changes.

Hongjun was shocked by this.

Judging from the vast concentration of spiritual energy in today's world, even if Daoguo swallows spiritual energy with all its strength, it is impossible to really extract all the spiritual energy to this level.


At this level, breathing in and out of spiritual energy has no effect at all.

A strong Taoist person.

We have already reached the pinnacle of the world.

If you want to improve your own strength, only enlightenment can play a role.


Dao Fruit generally does not extract a large amount of spiritual energy from all living beings in the vast world for no reason.

Because then.

It will have a big impact.

"Could it be—"

Hongjun suddenly thought of a possibility, with a look of horror on his face.

Immediately afterwards.

He shook his head again.


"There is no real transformation in the Great Thousand World. If he wants to take this opportunity to directly eliminate the false and retain the true, it will not be so easy. If we and Daoguo want to truly remove the false and retain the true, we can only intercept part of the power at the moment when the transformation of the Great Thousand World is successful. .”

Hongjun's face looked uncertain.

Eliminate the false and retain the true.

It is the goal of any path.


They will not continue to pursue these things through several epochs.


Hongjun just suppressed the shock in his heart.

Because in his opinion.

Even if Qin Shujian possesses power comparable to the Immortal Saint Realm, it is impossible for him to truly complete his transformation at this time.

This way.

The movement caused by the other party.

It's probably because of something else.

Think of this.

The Tao Ancestor's heart gradually relaxed.

After all, if Qin Shujian breaks through first, then it would be ridiculous to wait for the Dao Fruit.


If the Immortal Holy Realm itself can still compete.

Then a being that has truly transformed successfully will have no chance of competing.

Eliminate the false and retain the true.

It was an all-round crushing.

(End of chapter)