From A Stronghold NPC To The Final BOSS

Chapter 1134: Final Three


When the other Heavenly Demon Emperors were preparing to take orders and leave.

The central location of the main hall.

A person suddenly appeared.


"Who dares to break into the Demon Palace!"

Many Demon Emperors' expressions changed, and they instinctively shouted.


When they saw the coming person, their faces suddenly turned pale.

"Your Majesty!"

Marcus sitting at the top of the hall.

Now the indifference on his face has disappeared.

He hurriedly came down from the throne, walked to Qin Shujian, and bowed: "Marcas has seen the Venerable. I wonder if the Venerable has come to our Heavenly Demon Clan, but what orders do you have?"

This Demon Emperor.

Keep your posture extremely low.

Even now that he has become the only emperor among the demon clan, Marcus does not dare to be a little arrogant when facing Qin Shujian.

What is okay to mess with.

What is absolutely not to be messed with.

He made the distinction very clearly.

Qin Shujian falls into the latter category.

Looking at the Heavenly Demon Emperor who was bowing in front of him, Qin Shujian said calmly: "The Demon Emperor doesn't need to be polite."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"I came to the Demon Clan this time because I want to tell the Demon Clan something. In a year or two, I will start a war with other powerful people. At that time, the Demon Clan will also need to help. I hope the Demon Emperor is ready.

When necessary, I will issue an edict on my own. "

Qin Shujian said lightly.



Marcus was stunned for a moment, and then came back to his senses: "The Demon Clan should respect the words of the Reverend!"


He looked hesitant again.

"I have something I want to ask Your Majesty."


"The current actions of the Heavenly Court are also related to the war that the Venerable mentioned?"

Marcus instantly thought of Heaven's actions.

Originally, he was still confused as to why Heaven could do such a big move without any reason.

Now that Qin Shujian came to the door, he thought about it.

If Heavenly Court hadn’t attacked the Demon Clan,


The purpose of the other party's big move was because of the venerable person in front of him.

Hear the words.

Qin Shujian nodded: "Heavenly Court is indeed preparing for war now."

Get a definite answer.

Marcus's hanging heart finally fell.

It's not just about taking action against the Demon Clan.


At this stage, the Demon Clan is really difficult to contend with.

After a brief explanation, Qin Shujian turned and left.

Marcus wanted to ask a few more questions, but there was no chance.

at this time.

Only the other Heavenly Demon Emperors dared to speak: "Lord Demon Emperor, what kind of powerful person is your Lord going to fight? He actually wants all the Heavenly Demons to take action. This matter is not simple!"

"The enemy of the Venerable is extraordinary. We, the Demon Tribe, have entered the war rashly, and there is no doubt that we will suffer heavy losses!"

Youtian Demon Emperor looked solemn.

Start a war.

It's like saying people will die.

With Qin Shujian's method and strength, the enemies he provoked were definitely not something that the Demon Clan could contend with.

If we really want to start a war.

If one of the Heavenly Demon Clan is not good, the whole clan may be exterminated.

lost heavily.

That's putting it lightly.

Hear the words.

The smile on Markas's face faded and turned indifferent: "How can I not know what you are talking about? But now you and I have any choice. If the venerable does not speak, then no one will. There is no possibility of rejection.

If we join the war, our demon tribe may suffer heavy losses.

But if you refuse directly, believe it or not, our demon clan will be wiped out on the spot. "

The words fell.

All the Demon Emperors fell silent.


This is the tragedy of the weak.

In front of the strong, the weak have no choice at all.

If you don't obey, you can imagine the consequences.

Even though the Demon Clan is huge in power, in front of that person, they are no different from ants.

Marcus said: "The Heavenly Demon Clan is too weak. Don't look at me. The Heavenly Demon Clan is now the strongest force below the Heavenly Court. But even in the Heavenly Court, in front of that Venerable, I'm afraid it can be destroyed with just a wave of hands." .

Be prepared for war, if the Demon Clan does not want to be destroyed in the next war. "

After saying something lightly.

Marcus turned and looked at all the Demon Emperors.

"Starting immediately, all members of the Heavenly Demon Tribe will be notified to prepare for war. In addition, I will be in seclusion for a year or two to try to accumulate some strength. You are all now in the state of Nirvana.

It's only half a step away from becoming a true immortal.

If we can successfully break through before the war begins, our strength will increase a lot.

By then, it might be possible to save one's life. "

After watching Marcus leave the Heavenly Demon Palace after finishing speaking, the Heavenly Demon Emperor present looked at each other and saw the same thought in each other's eyes.


What the other party said is correct.

Breaking through to become a True Immortal can greatly increase the strength of oneself and others.

As the original three-level true immortals, now they have collectively fallen to the level of gods and humans. It is absolutely impossible to say that there is no feeling.

After all, the realm has fallen.

So what.

There will be a lack of security in the heart.

Even if the Nirvana realm at this time is more powerful than the third level true immortal before, that is still the case.


If you can once again step into the realm of true immortals, then many things will be different.


Relevant orders were conveyed layer by layer.

The Demon Clan has a strict hierarchy to begin with.

No demon clan would disobey these orders.

When the Demon Tribe is preparing for war.

Qin Shujian did not leave the inner world, but came to the underworld again.

With the birth of the Ten Palaces of Yama.

The order of the underworld was immediately improved a lot.

When you enter the underworld.

He could clearly feel that the rules of the underworld were much more stable.

On the edge of Huangquan.

The ferryman waited there for a long time.

"Your Majesty is here, please get on the boat and let me ferry you to the other side."


Qin Shujian nodded and stepped into the boat.

The Huangquan ferryman punted and left.

In the underworld.

There are still a lot of ghosts, but compared to the previous time, there are far fewer ghosts at this time.

Noticed Qin Shujian's gaze.

The ferryman said: "The six paths of reincarnation were born. Many ghosts stranded in the underworld have been given the opportunity to be reincarnated. Now they have entered reincarnation and gone to the human world to reincarnate."

"I didn't expect the underworld to be perfected so quickly."

Qin Shujian sighed with emotion.

Everything seemed to be arranged secretly.

Just waiting for the appearance of Yama of the Tenth Palace.

When the Ten Palaces of Yama are officially born, everything will be born directly, making the chaotic underworld enter a perfect state.

Enter the underworld.

Step onto the Naihe Bridge.

Now there are ghosts lining up to walk onto the bridge in an orderly manner.

Then behind the stone platform, Qin Shujian saw a woman in palace attire, holding bowls of food and handing them to the queue of ghosts.

Wait until the ghost drinks it all.

Only then can you leave here.

Po Meng!

When he saw the woman in palace clothes, Qin Shujian seemed to be seeing Empress Pingxin.

But he knows.

The woman in front of me is by no means an empress.

But Po Meng from the underworld.

The water in that bowl is Meng Po soup.

in its sight.

I saw Meng Po taking water from the Wangchuan River, and then adding some unknown substance, and finally it became a bowl of fresh Meng Po soup.

After every ghost drank Meng Po soup, his face became dull, and he was taken away one by one by the ghosts waiting there.


What Qin Shujian really cared about was Po Meng's strength.

What a fairy!

The strength of Po Meng in front of her was clearly that of a true immortal.

In the current inner world, true immortals are very scarce.

Let’s just say within the Demon Clan.

There is only one Markasi who is a true immortal, and the remaining Demon Emperors are all in Nirvana.

But a Meng Po.

It is the existence of the true immortal level.

It does seem a bit weird.

But Qin Shujian knew.

In fact, Po Meng is not a ghost in the true sense, but the soul of the underworld.

In other words.

The other party is equivalent to the incarnation of the underworld.

If placed in the vast world, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is the incarnation of the way of heaven.

Such existence.

Different from ordinary ghosts, it is normal to have the strength of a true immortal.


He doesn't have the strength of a true immortal.

It is also difficult to subdue the many ghosts in the underworld.

I didn't see that among the ghosts who walked on the Naihe Bridge, some strong people were unwilling to drink Meng Po soup and forget the past.

But she was suppressed by Meng Po with one hand, and she drank Meng Po soup directly.

The method is simple and crude.

The strength is also extremely tyrannical.

Qin Shujian slowly came to the front of Po Meng. The opponent's hand moved for a moment, and then he gave a slight salute: "Meng Po has seen the venerable one!"

The ghosts on Naihe Bridge and the ghosts around them all looked shocked.

They met for the first time.

Po Meng, who has always been mysterious, would be so respectful to the person in front of her.

To know.

Even in the presence of the Tenth Palace Yama, Po Meng never showed a composure, let alone bowing respectfully like she did now.


There was a ghost who looked at Qin Shujian, trying to find out some clues from him.


Qin Shujian nodded.

"From now on, there will be Lao Mengpo in the underworld."

"Your Majesty is joking, with the Tenth Palace of Yamas here, I am just an ordinary woman. I can only do my job well, and I don't dare to speak nonsense about the rest."

"That's enough."

Qin Shujian nodded, and then his body disappeared in place like wind and sand.

See this.

Po Meng's expression remained unchanged, and she resumed her previous actions, feeding bowl after bowl of Po Meng's soup to the ghost.

Fengdu City!

Inside the main hall.

The newly promoted Yamas of the Ten Halls are now gathered here.

"The underworld was first established. There were too many ghosts accumulated some time ago. With the number of ghosts at this stage, there is no way to suppress many ghosts. I think the number of ghosts should be expanded to stabilize the order of the underworld."

King Yama said this.

There was a pause.

Then he continued: "In addition, ghost messengers must be extremely powerful. There are many powerful ghosts in the underworld now, but there are not many who are qualified to be ghost messengers.

If possible, I think we can try to recruit some people from the human world. "


The faces of the other ten palace kings all changed.

King Pingping said: "The human world is a living being, and the underworld is a dead spirit. If we recruit monks from the human world, there will probably be conflicts!"

"Don't worry about conflicts. Just convert the living beings into the undead. After all, compared to the undead in the underworld, there are the largest number of living beings in the human world. If we recruit from there, we can solve the existing problems in the underworld to the greatest extent.

Moreover, when the six realms of reincarnation are born, there are also some ghosts who want to forcefully break into reincarnation, and this matter also needs to be dealt with. "

King Yama said calmly.

The underworld has just been opened up, various treasures have been born, and the mysterious existence of six paths of reincarnation has attracted many ghosts to covet it.

Especially the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

The so-called Six Paths of Reincarnation involves the mysteries of heaven.

Some ghosts want to take advantage of this opportunity to break into it, and then choose the opportunity to reincarnate themselves, and then use this to change their lives.

It can be said.

Every moment there are ghosts who forcefully break into the six realms of reincarnation.

to this end.

They have arranged a large number of ghosts to guard there. Any ghost who breaks in will be immediately arrested and suppressed, or simply beaten to death.


The book of life and death placed in front of King Yama's desk shook.

The expressions of all the Yamas in the Tenth Palace changed.


The terrifying aura erupted, making them feel like they were facing a formidable enemy.

Someone actually sneaked into the hall quietly, and he and others were not even aware of it.

If it hadn't been for the reaction of the Book of Life and Death, we wouldn't have discovered it until now.

When the Tenth Hall Yama is facing a powerful enemy.

Qin Shujian appeared directly there, looking at the Book of Life and Death with an expression of admiration: "The Book of Life and Death is indeed an innate treasure, and the power of perception is indeed amazing. I just entered here, and you noticed it."

at this time.

When he saw Qin Shujian's appearance clearly, the expression of Yama Luo of the Tenth Palace changed drastically.

They are all reborn as ghosts and then become the existence of Yama.


The key to becoming Yama is to absorb Qin Shujian's blood essence.


They were all very familiar with Qin Shujian.

Now that he saw Qin Shujian's arrival, he instantly recognized his identity.

No hesitation.

All the ten Yamas bowed down and said, "I have seen the venerable one!"

While talking, they all broke out in a cold sweat.

Wait for yourself.

I was scolding His Holiness just now, which was really disrespectful.

If this person is blamed, they will be in big trouble.

Qin Shujian said calmly: "Everyone, get up!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Now that the underworld has just been opened, it is managed in an orderly manner by you. It is indeed good. I am not here for anything else this time. I just have something to tell you."

Qin Shujian first praised it and then went straight to the point.

Hear the words.

The Ten Halls of Yama looked at each other, and they all saw doubts in their eyes.

Then, they all said in unison: "Your Majesty, please speak clearly!"

"I want the underworld to integrate all its forces to prepare for war. In the next two years or so, I will issue an edict. At that time, I will need you to bring the ghosts of the underworld to join the battle and sweep away all the enemies for me!"

Sweep the enemies!

Yama of the Tenth Hall was suddenly shocked.


They just came back to their senses, bowed their heads and replied: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, we will integrate the forces of the underworld immediately, and we will be able to go to war as soon as His Majesty's edict comes out."


Qin Shujian nodded with satisfaction.

When Yama of the Tenth Hall straightened up, he found that his figure had disappeared into the main hall.

See this.

The ten Yamas all looked at each other with complicated expressions.

The divine thoughts retreated from the inner world.

Qin Shujian's body shook, and a powerful momentum burst out, like a violent storm, and like a supreme being destroying the world.

The huge heavenly palace.

They are all shaking slightly.

a long time.

His breath subsided, and his closed eyes suddenly opened.

"Three levels of immortality!"

The underworld is perfect.

Let the rules of the inner world be further transformed.

The upper limit of heaven and earth has increased, and as the master of heaven and earth, his strength has also steadily increased.

Until now.

It can be regarded as firmly standing on the realm of the third level immortal.


Although the realm is a realm.

But the strength is completely different.

Both are triple immortals.

Qin Shujian's body contains a vast world. In comparison, other third-level immortals are not qualified to compare with him.

"Although he is a third-level immortal, even if he is a third-level true immortal, he is still no match for me. Whether he can match the third-level true immortal is still open to question!"

What he called the middle third level true immortal, and the upper third level true immortal.

It refers to the real level of existence.

If it is at the level of illusion.

Not to mention the third level true immortal, even Hongjun after joining the Tao is absolutely sure to suppress the opponent.

The body sitting in the heavenly palace disappeared.

The next moment.

Qin Shujian left the world and came to the void.

The void is endless.

But in his eyes after his successful transformation, many rules appeared in the void. Although those rules were numerous and extremely vast, they were insubstantial and lacked a sense of reality.

A thought came to mind.

There were hundreds of millions of miles of void, and every inch of it collapsed.

at the same time.

The whole world was trembling slightly, as if it felt some terrible threat.

There are wild thunders dancing in the universe.

Immediately afterwards.

There was endless coercion coming down again.

Qin Shujian put his hands behind his hands and looked at the vision in the world, and said calmly: "I am a creature of the world. I have no ill intentions. I am just trying my own strength. Don't be too nervous!"

The words fell.

All visions disappeared.

Even the trembling world has calmed down.

In the sea of knowledge.

The God-killing Sword and the Zhoutian Star Diagram were so shocked that they were speechless.

With just one thought, billions of miles of void can be destroyed, and the consciousness of the universe can be brought down.

More important words.

A word from the other party.

Just let the consciousness of the universe retreat obediently.

Such means.

It's simply appalling.

Even the God-killing Sword after becoming an immortal divine weapon is somewhat difficult to understand such methods.

"The Emperor of Heaven is terrifyingly powerful!"

Apart from being shocked, I was also very happy.

The other party is the person in charge of oneself. The stronger the strength, the greater the benefits to oneself.

The God-killing Sword feels extremely lucky for the choice he made.

If he had chosen to retreat at that time, he would have absolutely no qualifications to follow Qin Shujian until now.

Less likely.

Transformed into an immortal magic weapon, and saw all kinds of power today.

It can be said.

Qin Shujian's strength is equivalent to his own opportunity.

in the future.

It is not impossible to break the boundaries of the Immortal Divine Weapon and advance to another level.

Look at the world.

Qin Shujian's face was calm: "Speaking of which, although I was born in the third era, I have never truly traveled throughout the world until now!"

He didn't know how big the world was.

It's just that you can vaguely feel that the world is shrinking.

But no matter how small it is.

The world is vast and vast, and very few people can explore it.

Let alone ordinary monks, it is not easy for even a powerful person at the Dao Fruit level to explore the entire world.


He has never explored the entire universe.

That is to say, in the third era, we only glimpsed the tip of the iceberg.

But things are different now.

After transforming into a real existence, Qin Shujian looked at everything around him and it was already different.

The world is endless.

But he seemed to be able to see the end at a glance.

Can be seen clearly.

There are countless real forces, like ferocious beasts, eating away at the existence of the world.

at the same time.

There is also an extremely majestic body, holding a giant ax in his hand, where he is killing the real forces of the invasion and delaying the pace of the real invasion.


The world has not been destroyed by reality.

despite this.

The world is still being eaten away.

It's just that the speed of encroachment is much slower.

"is it him?"

Qin Shujian looked at that majestic body, and a name involuntarily appeared in his mind, but he was not sure.


Although I have heard of the other party's name, I have never actually seen him.

Think of this.

He took the next step, and in an instant he crossed hundreds of millions of miles of void, shortening the distance between himself and that existence.

Every step you take.

There is endless emptiness, and they are left behind.

Qin Shujian didn't care at all, because his eyes were always on that person.

It didn't take long.

He paused.

in front of it.

It is silver that is different from the void.

Gray world.

The silver power enveloped the gray world like a thick layer of fog.

In the sea of consciousness, you can clearly see the God-killing Sword and the Zhoutian Star Map. The silver fog is surging little by little, constantly encroaching on the world.

See this.

Zhoutian Xingchen Tu’s voice was shocked: “What on earth is that?”

"That's real power!"

Qin Shujian did not answer, but the God-killing Sword was the first to give a reply.

He is an immortal weapon.

It is the possession of real power in itself.


The God-killing Sword is also very familiar with the existence of real power.

Qin Shujian said: "Yes, this is the real power. As you can see, the entire world is now surrounded by the real power, and it is being eaten away bit by bit.

When it is eroded to a certain extent, the world will collapse on its own.

After the collapse, the world will be reborn again, but the encroachment of real power will still exist.

Therefore, every rebirth of the world represents the intensification of the invasion of real power, resulting in less and less space for the world to survive.

When at the end, the real power takes over the entire living space of the world, then there will be no possibility of rebirth in the world. "

Today's world.

In Qin Shujian's view, it was like fish on a chopping board, being slaughtered by real power.

Those creatures who don't want to be slaughtered must find a way to resist.

Can't beat it.

Then join.

As long as it transforms into a real existence, it will naturally not be afraid of the erosion of the real level.

Hear the words.

The God-killing Sword and the Zhoutian Star Diagram both fell silent.

They understand too.

What kind of state is the world in now

No resistance.

Sooner or later he will die.

I took a few glances at True Power.

Qin Shujian broke into it directly.

boom! !

As if he sensed some intruder, the real power surged forward, transforming into terrifying powerful men, attacking him.

Enter the eyes.

In Qin Shujian's sight.

It can be seen that the world and the real power are actually two armies, fighting each other.

The illusory power condensed in the universe turned into monks and attacked the real power.


There is also real power that transforms into terrifying existences and attacks the world.

Faced with such an offensive.

In terms of Huanyu, the situation is almost one-sided.


When Qin Shujian broke into this place, Huanyu's power did not react at all. Obviously, Huanyu's instinctive consciousness knew that he was one of his own.

In comparison.

The real power is to attack violently.

Looking at the powerful existence coming to kill.

Qin Shujian's expression remained unchanged. He took out the God-killing Sword in his mind and slashed it out.


The silver sword smashed everything.

All the real power that blocked him was extinguished under this knife.

The monks transformed from real power are strong.

But the real level.

It's just between a true immortal and a heavenly being.

In other words.

It is equivalent to a monk in the Nirvana realm.

Of course.

That is the nirvana monk at the real level.

On a false level.

Even the Nine Immortals may not be able to compete with him.


Qin Shujian's realm is firmly above that of a third-level immortal, and his real methods are no less than those of a third-level true immortal at the real level.

It is simply a piece of cake to deal with this level of power incarnation.

For a while.

A large amount of real power was destroyed.

And as the real power was destroyed, silver crystals fell down.

After seeing those silver crystals.

Qin Shujian's pupils suddenly shrank.

"This is-"

"The crystallization of true power!"

He was a little shocked.

Unexpectedly, after killing the monk who had transformed into real power, he would be able to obtain the crystallization of real power.

To know.

The crystallization of real power is equivalent to a spiritual stone.


Even more powerful than spirit stones.

Because this is the important foundation for the transformation of false creatures into real existence.

Only by absorbing enough real power can one transform oneself from the level of illusion to the level of reality.

Looking at the silver crystal in his hand.

Qin Shujian's eyes flickered.

"Silver crystals are not big. If you want to truly transform an ordinary creature successfully, you need a lot of crystals. The more powerful the being, the larger the crystals you need to transform.

If you are a strong person at the Dao Fruit level, you will need more crystals. "

He looked at the silver crystal in his hand.

For crystals of this level, if the Tao Fruit were to transform, it would only require hundreds of millions of crystals.


Qin Shujian integrated all the silver crystals into the God-killing Sword.

Immortal weapon.

You have to rely on real power to strengthen yourself.

He is now a third-level immortal. Even if all these silver crystals are absorbed, they will not have any effect.

after all.

The inner world has successfully transformed, and the silver crystal is equivalent to a spiritual stone in the real world.

A huge world.

Throwing a few spiritual stones over will change nothing.

As for the true immortals.

Absorbing several spiritual stones is not as useful as breathing in spiritual energy all the time.

Although this comparison is not very appropriate, it still makes sense.


The silver crystals were not useless to Qin Shujian, but the quantity was too small and had no effect.

After fusing the silver crystal.

The aura of the God-killing Sword seems to be a little stronger, but there seems to be no change.

To this.

He didn't care either.

Looking at the real power that was still killing him, Qin Shujian looked indifferent: "I have transformed into a real existence, but I will still be attacked by the real power.

Could it be that true power is actually self-aware.

He thinks that the world here is his food, and I am like an outsider trying to rob him of his food.

Only then will we take action to stop him! "

There is no basis for this speculation.

But Qin Shujian firmly believed it.

The next moment.

The long knife slashed out, and the strong evil energy burst out, and all the real power that was touched was cut away.


Silver crystals fall.

He stretched out his hand to collect them, and then drove them all into the God-killing Sword.


Qin Shujian wasn't very clear yet, but it turned out that there would be such an opportunity at the end of the world.

Compared to the true power of the core of heaven and earth.

The real power around the universe is truly endless.


If you want to draw strength here, you don't have to worry about being noticed by the heavenly beings in several player worlds.

Because they are both real forces, but they also have different camps.

The true power at the core of heaven and earth.

Comes from several player worlds.

But the real power around the world comes from another place.


Several player worlds are actually equivalent to thieves.

In the hands of other real forces, snatch things that are good for you.

"For me, this place is equivalent to a natural paradise. I don't need to estimate so much anymore. I can improve my strength as much as possible!"

Qin Shujian had a smile on his face.

He doesn't plan to go find that person first now.

The other party has been here for such a long time, so it is very likely that he has successfully transformed long ago.

When it comes to strength.

Maybe not weaker than yourself, or even much stronger than yourself.


Qin Shujian also didn't intend to waste the resources here.

A small amount of real power has no effect, but a large amount of real power is very useful.


He just put away the God-killing Sword and spread his hands.

Buzz! !

The void roared.


Red flame!

It emerged from Qin Shujian's body, and then rose crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not long after.

You can see Flame Xuantian directly turning into a huge red lotus in full bloom.

The red lotus is vast.

All the monks transformed from real power turned into silver crystals and fell down the moment they were wrapped in red lotus.

That moment.

The true power of the fall is recorded in hundreds of thousands.

Qin Shujian had another thought, and all the silver crystals were swept away by him, and they were all thrown into the inner world.

One or two silver crystals have no big effect.

But one hundred thousand and one million silver crystals are extraordinary.

As the silver crystal falls.

The power of the inner world is rising at an extremely fast speed.

That kind of rise.

It is equivalent to an increase in spiritual energy.

Many monks with keen senses have discovered that their bottlenecks have loosened.

In true power.

Qin Shujian walked there as if he were strolling in a garden, with the red lotus blossoming above his head, burning out all the real power that came close.

From coming in until now.

About half a year has passed.

for changes in time.

He was always pinching and there would be no let-up.

After all, it would be ridiculous if he stayed in for too long and caused the world to be breached by the player's way of heaven.

Half a year.

Qin Shujian didn't gain anything at all.


With the influx of a large amount of real power, the inner world has been further improved. Up to now, the upper limit has reached the level of fifth-level immortal.

at the same time.

His realm has also officially entered the stage of fourth-level immortal from the third-level immortal.


It's not as simple as an ordinary fourth-level immortal.

It is the middle stage of the fourth level of immortality.

Don't underestimate the leap of a small realm, but when it comes to Qin Shujian's realm, any small breakthrough is a big transformation.


Honglian restrained.

A tall and burly body appeared in front of him.

"Emperor Qin, we meet!"

The majestic sound resounded in the void, as if it could shatter everything.

Hear the words.

Qin Shujian's eyes also fell on the other party.

"You ever met me?"

The moment you see each other.

a name.

It just came out of his head.


"In the third era, there were not many people who dared to break into the real world. Emperor Qin was one of them, and I was lucky enough to meet him once."

Pangu looked calm.

But when he looked at Qin Shujian, there was a little emotion in his eyes.

"I thought I was alone, but I didn't expect to have a companion like Emperor Qin, which is a good thing!"

The companions he spoke of.

What is meant.

Qin Shujian also knew it very well.

It is to eliminate the false and preserve the true.

It also defeats all laws with one force.

"It is said that King Pan is a strong man in the Immortal Holy Realm. Now it seems that King Pan has long ago abandoned the false and retained the true. I am very impressed by his cultivation!"

He smiled.

In his sight, the Pangu in front of him was not a strong man in the Immortal Saint Realm at all, but a strong man in the True Immortal Realm.

But this is a true fairy.

Not the true immortals in the illusory world, but the true immortals in the real world.

not only that.

In Qin Shujian's perception.

At least the other party is at the peak of the third level, and may even be a person who has reached the third level.

Cooperate with the identity of the opponent's number one god and demon.

to be honest.

Even if he uses all his cards, he may not be able to compete.

at this time.

There is real power coming to kill again.

Pangu held a giant ax in his right hand, and then swung it forward violently. The light of the ax fell, as if it could swallow everything. All the real power was strangled, and then silver crystals fell down.

Immediately afterwards.

He's just so skillful.

Half of the silver crystal was swallowed by himself, and half of the silver crystal was fed to the giant ax in his hand.

After doing all this.

Pangu looked at Qin Shujian again: "I have been here for a long time. I have been here since the first era. I originally thought that I could use my own power to change the outcome of the destruction of the world.


After all, the real power is too strong, and my own power is limited.

If Emperor Qin doesn't come, I won't be able to hold on for much longer. "

His tone was calm.

But the words were full of chilling meaning.

"Having said that, if there was no King Pan, I'm afraid this era would have collapsed long ago!"

Qin Shujian looked impressed.

To be able to stay here to stop the invasion of real power since the first era, the other party has done enough.

Change to another Taoguo.

It is absolutely impossible to achieve the level of Pangu.

Talk about it.

Among the many strong men in the First Era, he also had the best sense of Pangu.

Maybe it's because Pangu has the most rumors, or maybe it's because when he was weak before, he relied on Pangu's name to save his life.

These things.

It’s not an experience that’s hard to look back on.

There was a pause.

Qin Shujian said: "The world has been prepared for a long time now, and King Pan should also be aware of the involvement of several external heavens. Now that a war is imminent, it is no longer necessary for King Pan to stay here.

So I plan to invite Pangu to return to fight the upcoming disaster! "

He speaks frankly.

After all, in the current situation, there was no use for Pangu staying here.

It is certainly important to prevent the invasion of real power.

But the current situation.

The invasion of real power can be put aside later.

The reason is simple.

Now the player world is about to attack. Once the Great Thousand World fails, all living things will be destroyed, and then the world will collapse, so Pangu's defense will be meaningless.

Take a step back.

If the world wins.

Then the world will be officially upgraded from an illusory world to a real level.

This way.

Even if the real power invades, it will not have any impact on the world.


Only the world has changed.

The world will still collapse under the invasion of real power.

But it doesn't matter whether the world collapses or not.

As long as the universe exists, everything will still exist. The meaning of existence in front of the universe is just a buffer.

No more needed now.

This buffering is acceptable whether it is no longer buffered or not.

Hear the words.

Pangu was silent for a moment, and then said calmly: "Is Emperor Qin sure?"

"If Pangu doesn't take action, I'm only 70% sure, but if King Pangu is willing to help, I'm 100% sure!"

Qin Shujian said confidently.

The power of the inner world is already stronger than the current player world.

The biggest threat in the player world is just the way of heaven.


Everything else is minor issues.

As for dealing with Tiandao, in the world of several players, he was not sure of dealing with all Tiandao.

But if Pangu takes action, then the problem will not be big.

No matter what.

He was also dealing with the first god and demon of the First Era.

It may also be the most powerful existence since the birth of the universe.

If the other party can't deal with Tiandao, then the struggles of himself and others will seem meaningless.

"Ten percent!"

Pangu looked at him deeply.

"It seems that Emperor Qin is very confident. To be honest, since I was born, Emperor Qin is the first person I can't see clearly. Even Hongjun, I can see clearly."

The person in front of you.

But just like himself, he is a strong man who removes the false and preserves the true.

In a world of falsehood, not everyone is qualified to eliminate falsehood and preserve truth.

The other party can do it.

That says a lot.


Pangu said: "Emperor Qin invited me, and I have no reason to refuse. I have been tired of staying here for several epochs. Since the world is about to go to war, then count me among them!"


Qin Shujian smiled.

Four continents.

When Qin Shujian left the world and went to the void of the universe, the changes between heaven and earth also intensified day by day.

the earliest.

That is, players attack various racial sects, causing heavy losses to each clan.

When it first opened.

With the top combat power of each race, it can also forcibly suppress players.

Can go to the back.

Players are unlocking more and more real power, and the top experts from all races are gradually unable to suppress the situation.

Get to the end.

With the death of a true immortal.

So far.

Players have reached a new peak.

Being able to kill one true immortal is equivalent to being able to kill the second and third immortals.

Although all races are strong.

But there are more players in the four worlds.

For chance.

Players attack almost in groups, constantly attacking various races.

For a while.

The four major continents were plunged into war.

Boom! !

The heavy and melodious bells swept through the void of heaven and earth.

In the face of this power, many players turned into white light and died.


While the players fell, more players launched attacks and bombarded Fang Xinglan.

Faced with such power.

Fang Xinglan's complexion changed slightly, and a formation came with a wave of his hand.

But it has no effect.

The formation only existed for a few breaths before it was broken by the tyrannical force.


The Heavenly Emperor's Bell stood in front of him, and its terrifying power penetrated the bell and fell behind him.


His body was broken, and he was vomiting blood and retreating.

Seeing this, some players suddenly became energetic: "Fang Xinglan has been injured, kill him, and then attack the Qianyuan Holy Land. All the skills and martial arts will be ours!"


"Invade Qianyuan Holy Land!"

Every player is in high spirits.

Invasion of Qianyuan Holy Land.

This is the target of their operation.

Qianyuan Holy Land is the most powerful human holy land besides Dazhao. It contains countless martial arts and martial arts that cannot be matched by others.

Just conquer the Holy Land.

So everything.

It's no longer a problem.

Now that Fang Xinglan was injured, killing the opponent was no longer a problem.

after all.

The biggest advantage for players is that they can be resurrected continuously.

In comparison.

The NPC in front of me has no chance of resurrection.

Looking at the many players who came to kill him, Fang Xinglan had a ruthless look on his face. He did not retreat, but his immortal energy surged all over his body. He had the idea of holding the Heavenly Emperor Bell and dying together with the others.

After all.

Although he is the deputy holy master of Qianyuan Holy Land, before that, he was still the Supreme Elder of Tianzhen Sect.

The Tianzhen Sect was able to develop safely because of Fang Xinglan's tough tactics.


This formation ancestor.

There has never been a lack of determination to fight together.

When Fang Xinglan was about to die together with the player, a terrifying force suppressed him in the void.

A cheerful voice came out, interrupting his movements.

"Why should Holy Master Fang be so impulsive? Just leave some minor problems to me to solve."

As the voice fell.

Then he saw a huge palm falling from the void.

That moment.

All players were quietly destroyed in the face of this force.

A palm.

Hundreds of thousands of players were wiped out.

So powerful.

Fang Xinglan looked shocked, and the remaining players looked horrified at the same time.

To know.

The players today are no longer the players they were at the beginning.

With more real power, every player has strong power.

Some top players.

It's not a problem to compete with a true immortal.

It is no longer possible for a top powerhouse to wipe out many players with one palm in the past.

but now.

The impossible thing happened, but it happened.

For a while.

Many players looked horrified as they looked at the person who fell from the void and slowly came to Fang Xinglan.

That face.

It is very unfamiliar to many people.

But for Fang Xinglan.

This face couldn't be more familiar.

"Zhang, Elder Zhang!"

He opened his mouth and almost forgot what to call him for a moment.


Fang Xinglan still remembers the scene when the opponent defeated Qin Yuanbai on the holy war platform.

Logically speaking.

If the other party does not leave, then the Holy Master's position now belongs to the other party.

But now that I have left.

It is also inappropriate to use the name Holy Lord.

Think about it.

He still decided to call him elder.

"Holy Master Fang, we meet again!"

Zhang Ergou looked at Fang Xinglan, who looked a little forlorn, with a faint smile on his face.

After so many years in the Inner World, his temperament has changed a lot.

If the appearance hadn't changed.

Fang Xinglan almost suspected that he had recognized the wrong person.

"You and other strangers dare to attack our Qianyuan Holy Land. You are extremely bold. Anyway, let me let you know that our Qianyuan Holy Land is not someone who can be bullied by you and others!"

Zhang Ergou took a step forward and looked at the remaining players. The terrifying momentum was raging in the void.

All players.

In the face of this momentum, everyone instinctively takes a step back.

Immediately afterwards.

Some players roared: "Kill him for being mysterious!"


As soon as the speaker finished speaking, he was crushed into powder by a terrifying force.

Sudden changes.

Don't wait for other players to be shocked.

Just when he saw Zhang Ergou took a step forward and made a palm print, the palm seemed to contain a world, including all the players.

A palm!

Just a slap!

All the players were swallowed up and destroyed by Zhang Gang as soon as they burst out with power.

Countless streams of light burst out and disappeared.

After doing all this.

Zhang Ergou retracted his palm, just like Yun Danfengqing just now, not caring at all.

Fang Xinglan on the side saw this and sighed: "Elder Zhang's strength is even more terrifying than before!"

When fighting for the position of Holy Lord in the past, although Zhang Ergou was strong, he was not as strong as this.

And now.

The power displayed by the other party made him feel palpitated.

Fang Xinglan had a premonition.

If that palm was aimed at him, he would definitely not be able to resist it.

And he is in the Qianyuan Holy Land.

The strength is not much weaker than the others.

That is to say.

Zhang Ergou's current strength is completely qualified to be called the strongest person in the Qianyuan Holy Land.

After killing many players.

Zhang Ergou turned to look at Fang Xinglan: "Holy Master Fang, what is the situation in the Holy Land now?"

After coming out of seclusion, Xiao Chengfeng suppressed the player's affairs, leaving him with nothing to do.

during this time.

He always stayed in Yuanzong to cultivate.

Until now.

Sensing a large-scale attack by players, he temporarily left the border and went to support Fang Xinglan.

Fortunately it wasn't too late.


Qianyuan Holy Land will lose one Holy Master.

Hear the words.

Fang Xinglan looked solemn: "They are now aggressively attacking, and various places in the human race have been attacked to varying degrees. These players even slaughtered cities and killed many people in order to gain benefits.

To say he was heartbroken would be an understatement.

Now, all the strong men from our Qianyuan Holy Land have come out to assist Jozhao in guarding the cities in various places and ensuring the safety of each city.

However, although their top strength is not strong, their overall strength is not weak at all. Even if we defend with all our strength, we can't defend much. "

in the eyes of players.

Everyone in the world is a bag of walking experience.

No matter how much you kill.

There will be no psychological fluctuations.

In the past.

If a strong person is intimidating them, they will not take action easily if death is not worth it.

But now that the overall strength of players has increased, the intimidation of the strong in the past has no effect at all now.

in this way.

Players completely let themselves go.

Massacre the city and exterminate the clan.

Nothing could be more ordinary.

As long as they can gain experience, they will not let it go.


Only then will Qianyuan Holy Land take full action to help Dazhao fight against the players.


It's just a counterbalance.

Faced with the huge base of players and the number of powerful players, the human race has no possibility of counterattack.

And the simplest reason.

It means that the player is immortal.

Unless you can kill all those players, you can't threaten them at all.

From Fang Xinglan’s few words.

Zhang Ergou understood the seriousness of the current situation.

He frowned.

"Players are immortal, but we have ancestral soldiers and can kill players. Why not use ancestral soldiers to shock them?"

"After all, the ancestral soldiers' shock is too little."

Fang Xinglan shook his head.

Ancestral soldiers can kill players, but how many players can they kill

There are now more than hundreds of millions of players in the Eastern Continent. Even if they hold ancestral weapons and kill players all over the world, compared to that huge base, they can't kill many at all.

Speaking of which.

He paused for a moment: "Besides, the Emperor of Heaven once had an order not to kill players wantonly, and we don't dare to disobey the order—"

"I see!"

Zhang Ergou took a deep breath.

He also remembered what Qin Shujian had said before.

You can't massacre players.

To massacre players, you have to wait for an order.

He glanced at the sky.

Zhang Ergou withdrew his gaze: "Zhen Ancestor went to the Heavenly Court to ask the Heavenly Emperor. The affairs of the Qianyuan Holy Land will be left to me for the time being."


Fang Xinglan nodded solemnly.

He didn't push back.

Zhang Ergou's strength is much stronger than his own.

Having the other person stay is better than having ten of yourself.


Fang Xinglan had already wanted to go to heaven to ask about the situation.

But until now, Qianyuan Holy Land has been unable to free up space, so this plan has been shelved.


Outside Zongyang City.

Large numbers of armies have gathered to form powerful military formations, fighting each other with players.

And above the sky.

There are even more powerful monks fighting in the void.


boom! !

"Intercept all aliens and absolutely cannot let them attack Zongyang City!"

A middle-aged man with a majestic face shouted loudly after killing a player with one palm.

He is the current Marquis of Beiyun.

To be sent by Dazhao to take charge of Beiyun Mansion, he is naturally not an ordinary strong man.

Although it has not broken through to the realm of true immortality.

But it has also reached the limit of heaven and man.

If it were the ordinary limit of heaven and man, there would be no qualifications to resist it in front of today's players.

But here's the thing.

Now reality and fiction merge, allowing the true power to emerge.

A monk between heaven and earth.

There are some people who have realized some real power.

The real power of this part.

It can bring about a powerful transformation in their strength.


Although the current Beiyun Marquis is only a monk at the limit of heaven and man, he has some real power and is not much weaker than other true immortals. It is not a problem to deal with players.


He can deal with one player or a hundred players, but ten thousand or one hundred thousand players are not so easy to deal with.

At a glance.

The players besieging Zongyang City are densely packed.

Almost every moment, a large number of humans died.


Over the years, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has risen, and the soldiers trained by Dazhao are also very strong.

Then came the formation path Changlong.

The military formation has also been extended to a powerful point.

A single soldier.

The strength is very weak for players.

But after forming a military formation, their strength was terrifyingly tyrannical.


In just one face-to-face encounter, Zongyang City's power was about to be completely defeated.


Even so.

In the opinion of the current Beiyun Marquis, Zongyang City cannot sustain it for long.

"damn it!"

"All these strangers are crazy!"


Extremely angry.

Over the past few days, many cities in Beiyun Mansion have been breached.

The number of people who lost their lives was countless.


These players are so rampant that they come to besiege Zongyang City.

To know.

Zongyang City is the main city of Beiyun Mansion.

If Zongyang City is breached, then the entire Beiyun Mansion will exist in name only.

As the Marquis of Beiyun.

He could only die in front of Zongyang City.

"Those who are not from my race must have different hearts. They look like humans on the outside, but in reality they are all evil spirits. In their eyes, we humans are just pigs and sheep that kill at will!"

In the Xiao family, Xiao Chengfeng was playing chess alone and muttering to himself.

He seemed to be speaking to others.

It's like saying it to myself.

In the sea of knowledge.

Breaking the Sky Halberd couldn't help but ask: "Immortal Lord, now that the players are besieging Zongyang City, are we really not going to take action?"

He had an urge.

An urge to take action right away and kill all the players.


Xiao Chengfeng is sitting here now, not looking like he is going to join the war.

This made the Skybreaking Halberd feel very anxious.

Hear the words.

Xiao Chengfeng shook his head slightly: "Now is not the time to take action!"

After saying that, he didn't answer again.

He is waiting.

Wait for a truly suitable opportunity to take action.

One child fell.

Xiao Chengfeng looked at the sky, which was where the heaven was.

At the moment, players are aggressively attacking all races, causing all races to suffer heavy losses. He doesn't believe that the Emperor of Heaven doesn't know about it at all.

It is knowing.

But there is still no order conveyed, which is a bit intriguing.

Xiao Chengfeng was not sure.

Does Qin Shujian have other plans

"Players are like centipede insects, dead but not stiff. Unless you really kill them, no matter how many you kill, you will only get yourself trapped-"

Take a deep breath.


Xiao Chengfeng flicked his sleeves, and all the chess pieces were swept to the ground by him, and he stood up from the stone bench.

"Well, I can't wait any longer!"

He shook his head.

Instead, there was a relieved smile on his face.

In the sea of knowledge.

The Sky-Breaking Halberd perked up.

"Is the Immortal Lord taking action?"


As soon as Xiao Chengfeng thought about it, the Sky-Breaking Halberd appeared in his hand.

Watching the fighting outside the city.

His eyes had become fiery.

"Although I am no longer the Marquis of Beiyun, I am still considered a member of the human race. Besides, I, Marquis of Beiyun, have been in charge of the Xiao family for thousands of years. I do not hope that one day it will be destroyed in the hands of others."

"Today there are evil spirits disrupting my Beiyun Mansion."


"This god is going to kill the demon!"

boom! !

In an instant.

The situation changes.

Xiao Chengfeng stepped out of Xiao Mansion in one step, and the terrifying aura swept across the world like a wave. He quickly rushed out of Beiyun Mansion and crushed all the players.

that moment.

Whether it is the monks of Beiyun Mansion.

Or maybe the players who were besieging them all looked horrified.

their gaze.

They were all looking in the same direction.


There was a man holding a halberd in his hand and walking towards the outside step by step.

"Marquis Beiyun is here!"

"Master Xiaohou!"

When the people of Zongyang City looked at that figure, their eyes changed from confusion, to shock, and then to ecstasy.

A shocking cry.

Erupted from the city.

The current Marquis of Beiyun couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart when he heard this.

Both are the Marquis of Beiyun.

His prestige as the current Marquis of Beiyun is obviously not as good as that of the former Marquis of Beiyun.

But he thought about it carefully.

But it's normal.

The Xiao family has been in Beiyun Mansion for thousands of years, and I have only been in Beiyun Mansion for a few years.

In comparison.

Xiao Chengfeng's prestige is obviously greater.

Listen to the sound below.

There was a faint smile on Xiao Chengfeng's face, and he said loudly: "Now there are evil demons disrupting our Beiyun Mansion. Xiao is a human race, how can we just sit back and do nothing and sacrifice our lives to kill the demons and clear the world today!"

The words fell.

The Sky-Breaking Halberd fell with a crash.

Endless halberd light bursts out, like the youth of death, catching the eyes of all players.

"not good!"


Feeling the destruction in the light of the halberd, all the players were trembling with fear.

They dare not fight directly.

To the point of not being able to resist the urge in my heart.

No one understands.

Xiao Chengfeng is only a true immortal. For players at this stage, killing the true immortal is not a problem at all.

Why are they both true immortals

The other party will be so powerful.

No one answered.

By the time the halberd light fell, a large area of players had been cleared.

Boom! !

Bloody thunder burst out between heaven and earth, followed by golden light.

It seems that God is angry.

It was as if they were cheering for joy.

The sudden appearance of strange phenomena in the world, coupled with the clearing out of a large area of players, gave the remaining players some kind of bad premonition.

Just at this time.

All the players in the four continents got the reminder in their minds.

"There is a strong man who has broken through the limits and mastered the power to break the two worlds. He is slaughtering outside Zongyang City, Beiyun Mansion, Eastern Continent. All players, please pay attention!"

"There is a strong man who has broken through the limits and mastered the power to break the two worlds. He is slaughtering outside Zongyang City, Beiyun Mansion, Eastern Continent. All players, please pay attention!"

"There is a strong man who has broken through the limits and mastered the power to break the two worlds. He is slaughtering outside Zongyang City, Beiyun Mansion, Eastern Continent. All players, please pay attention!"

Three prompts in a row.

Every prompt is full of urgent sounds.


All players were in an uproar.

What does it mean to master the power to break two worlds!

What is massacre!


Some players thought of other things.

"Could it be that the power of breaking the two worlds can truly kill players!"

As soon as this idea came up, I was shocked.


Coordinate with sudden prompts.

This conjecture, no matter how you look at it, is consistent with common sense.

at the same time.

It was not just one or two players who had this idea in their minds.

Most players have thought of this.

the other side.

Outside Zongyang City.

The remaining players' faces turned pale as they looked at the vision in the sky and the prompts in their minds.

They were almost certain.

Those dead players may really be dead.


The greed and murderous intention in his heart all disappeared at this moment.


Must escape!

All the players didn't look back and fled in all directions.

The biggest reason they dare to attack Zongyang City is that they and others will not really die.

Even in death.

It will also be resurrected immediately, and at most it will just drop a small realm.

But now.

Death in Xiao Chengfeng's hands might be his real death.

In that case, I would not dare to take any more risks.

Watch those players retreat.

The current Marquis of Beiyun didn't care so much, and immediately commanded all the troops, shouting: "Kill, if you offend my Beiyun Mansion, you will be punished!"

the other side.

After Xiao Chengfeng killed a large number of players, he did not take action again.

That blow.

Seemingly simple and ordinary.

In fact, he has already used all his power.

Although there is some real power in one's own understanding, there is also a lot of real power controlled by the player.

That blow killed at least one million players.

To do this.

Even for him, this is by no means easy.


Xiao Chengfeng did not make a second move.

The vision between heaven and earth today.

It also made him understand that the action he had just taken had completely caused certain consequences.


Xiao Chengfeng didn't pay much attention.

Now that you have decided to take action, let’s take action.

He couldn't do it even if Zongyang City was destroyed and Beiyun Mansion was reduced to ghosts.


Arriving in front of the current Marquis Beiyun.

"Purge all the aliens in Beiyun Mansion and issue a notice at the same time. If any aliens dare to gather and attack the city again, I will personally take action and kill them all. Don't think that you can survive.

This God has many ways to make them disappear. "

Xiao Chengfeng looked cold and stern.

Hear the words.

The current Beiyun Marquis was slightly startled, and then nodded: "I understand what the East Ji War God said."


Xiao Chengfeng nodded, and he flew towards the sky.

Having just killed so many players, there is no need to worry that the remaining players will attack Zongyang City again.

Although there are many players, they are not very courageous.

So many people died.

It was enough to scare the rest of the people.


Now that there are strange phenomena in heaven and earth, it is better for me to go to heaven to report this kind of thing.

Eastern continent.

Ye Hong was walking when he suddenly received a reminder in his mind and couldn't help but froze.


His expression became strange.

"Senior, I seem to have received some news!"

"I probably already know that."

Qin Er looked at the strange phenomena appearing in the sky with a calm expression.

He knows it very well.

The bloody thunder was a manifestation of the wrath of Heaven.

The emergence of golden light is an expression of the joy of heaven.


The wrathful way of heaven is the way of heaven in the player world.

Joyful heaven.

Nature is the way of heaven in the world.

It is possible for two different worlds of Heaven to have such a movement at the same time. Qin Er only needs to make some casual calculations to know exactly what happened.

"The war is about to begin. If you are willing, I can strip your life mark from the original world and integrate it into another world.

That way, after the war begins, you will no longer be restricted by the laws of heaven in the original world. "

Qin Er said this.

There was a slight pause.

"However, your life mark will be connected to the world after the transfer. If we fail, you will also perish, and there will be no possibility of rebirth."

This is a choice.

A fateful choice.

Whether to stay in the original world, or to transfer the imprint of life to another world.

Hear the words.

Ye Hong was silent for a moment.

"If I choose the former, what will senior do?"

"You also got rid of many children of destiny in the original world. What you get now is a reward. If you decide to stay in the original world, then the cooperative relationship between you and me will end.

Of course, you don't have to worry that I will kill you, just get together and part ways. "

Qin Er said lightly.


If any collaborator leaves, he will not leave the other party a way to survive.


Those people all possess powerful skills and martial arts. If they are absorbed by the player world, they will be a big threat.

But now.

The situation is no longer the same.

By eliminating the false and retaining the true, as well as the subsequent preparations, I am confident that I can go head-to-head with several player worlds.

What follows.

It's just not that troublesome.

In addition, he has good senses about Ye Hong, so giving him a way out is naturally not a problem.

Hear this.

Ye Hong asked again: "If I choose to transfer, will I get anything?"

"If you lose, you will die. If you win, the benefits you will get are beyond your imagination."

"Then I understand."

Ye Hong nodded, then shook his head and laughed.

"In my original world, I had no worries for a long time. Heaven and earth have treated me unfairly. Naturally, I will not sacrifice my life for him anymore. Senior, if you can, please transfer him to me!"

Everything I have now.

It can be said.

They were all given by Qin Shujian.

In comparison.

It turns out that the treatment given to me by the world is really bad.

Now that the Ye family is completely wiped out, there seems to be nothing worth considering.


Then it's transferred.

Anyway, since he decided to be an adulterer from the very beginning, many things were already doomed.

Qin Er said: "Have you thought about it?"


"Okay, you go to heaven now, and I will naturally transfer the brand of life for you."


In front of the Heavenly Palace.

Many immortals and powerful men from all races gathered here.

"I want to see the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Ask to see the Emperor of Heaven!"

Some of the gods looked indifferent, but some looked anxious.

Mu Yang intercepted in front, with a helpless look on his face: "The Emperor of Heaven has no reply now, and I can't break in without permission. With the Emperor of Heaven's magical power, nothing can be hidden from his perception.

Since no order has been issued yet, you might as well wait patiently! "

Look at the gods in front of you.

Mu Yang was really helpless.

He knows it very well.

If there were no urgent matters, there would not be so many immortals and gods gathering in front of the Heavenly Palace, wanting to meet the Emperor of Heaven.

But the problem is.

Now the door to the inner palace of the Heavenly Palace is locked, and there is no way for him to enter.

In the past.

The reason why I can pass it on is because the inner hall of the Heavenly Palace has no locked door, so I can go in and out freely.


The door to the inner palace of the Heavenly Palace was locked.

Very likely.

It is the Emperor of Heaven who is in retreat.

In this situation.

Mu Yang didn't dare to disturb him.

In other words, there is no way to disturb it.

Fang Xinglan looked ugly: "Now the players are running rampant and are about to attack us at the gate of Qianyuan Holy Land. I still hope that the Emperor of Heaven can make the final decision on this matter. Otherwise, if the delay lasts for a long time, I am afraid there will be endless troubles."

"Yes, our clan also has this problem."

"Nowadays, players are so powerful that our clan has killed many strong men in a few days. If this continues, the annihilation of our clan is not far away."

"I beg the Emperor of Heaven to issue a decree—"

The immortal gods who were the kings of the race all looked anxious.

If it is on weekdays.

Since he couldn't see Qin Shujian's face, he left directly.

But not now.

The power of players is really too rampant.

Regardless of the players who besieged Zongyang City, they were directly killed by Xiao Chengfeng.


Compared to the huge player base in the four major continents, there are only a handful of players in Zongyang City.

When Xiao Chengfeng arrived, he saw the presence of many immortals and gods.

He didn't speak.

Just stood there silently, waiting for something.

Hearing this, Mu Yang looked helpless: "The Emperor of Heaven is in retreat now, and I have no way to inform him. Either you all go back first, or you can wait here for the time being. I can't give a definite answer."

He really had no choice.

If there is a way.

I won’t be in a dilemma now.

Seeing this, the other gods couldn't say anything, but no one left. They all stayed in front of the Heavenly Palace and waited.

After all, going back won't solve the problem.

It's better to stay here.

Just at this time.

The door to the inner palace of the Heavenly Palace suddenly opened, and a voice reached the ears of everyone in the Heavenly Palace.

"Enter the inner hall of the Heavenly Palace to discuss matters!"

Magnificent sound.

Not only did it reach the ears of the immortals and gods in heaven, but also the underworld, the Zixiao Sea, the Demon Palace, and the Great Leiyin Temple all received the news.

"Meetings in the Heavenly Palace!"

Hongjun looked strange.

Judging from the current words, the other party quite meant to call him.

If it was in the past.

He won't pay attention at all.

Dao Ancestor has his own status as Dao Ancestor, how can he be summoned by others? Even the title of Emperor of Heaven is inferior to that of Dao Ancestor.

But the problem is.

The current Emperor of Heaven is Qin Shujian.

Talking about strength.

The other party can be regarded as the first person in this era.

Especially the previous changes gave Hongjun some impulse to understand.

at this time.

Going to Tiangong may just help you understand some things.

The thought comes to mind.

He didn't hesitate.

The body disappeared directly into Zixiao Palace.

the other side.

In the Tianyuan Demon Palace.

Luo Hu also withdrew from the state of enlightenment. His face looked strange, and he disappeared from the Demon Palace and went straight to the heaven.


Da Leiyin Temple!

It’s also a similar approach.

All the hidden strong men in the world gathered towards the Heavenly Palace without any hesitation the moment they were called.

Inside the palace.

Niu Dali, who was meditating on the Tai Chi diagram, also withdrew from his practice.

Looking at the gently vibrating Tai Chi diagram in front of him.

He put it away while waving his hand, and then walked towards the Heavenly Palace.

(End of chapter)