From Being Grandpa

Chapter 1006: 1007. Do your best


Zhang Ran was here quietly waiting for the last moment to arrive, and the atmosphere in the Rhodes family was not so relaxed.

During this time, they did everything they could and could not do.

But they found that they were completely surrounded, and no matter what they did, they would be hit directly.

Although they are a family business, they also have other shareholders.

Now their main companies are also experiencing various conflicts, and their most important oil industry has suffered a devastating blow.

Transportation pipelines, oil field contract renewals, etc. have all caused them a lot of trouble, and there is no way to solve it.

During this period, I don’t know how much money has been paid in compensation alone.

They have signed a lot of contracts in the past, especially in the past two years, they have signed more supply contracts.

In the past, they thought it was their own fault.

But now it is discovered that these are all Zhang Ran's conspiracy. This is Zhang Ran's plan that he had laid out long ago and was waiting for this moment.

At this time, Jason no longer had the composure he had before. He was obviously much older these days, and his originally black hair also had white hair.

At this time, he had no choice but to beg for help, bribe, etc. He used all the methods that should be used.

Even in order to survive this crisis, he would rather sign some unequal treaties and give away many of the family's interests.

But it's no use!

People who can be moved by these interests have no way to get involved, or in other words, no way to reverse the situation.

And those who can reverse the situation will not be moved by his interests.

This is a dead end!

Zhang Ran laid out his plan step by step, and before that, he was reducing the wings of the Rhodes family step by step.

By now, they have no choice.

"I should have thought of it earlier." After a long time, Jason smiled bitterly.

Yes, he should have thought that their luck would not suddenly become so good.

Qiao Silin's eyes also lost their sparkle at this time. After hearing this, she said, "What should I have thought of earlier? Did you think that this was all Zhang Ran's plan?"

Hearing Qiao Silin's ridicule, Jason didn't have any emotions about it.

"Yes, wasn't the reason why Zhang Ran kept cutting off our other industries in the first place so that we could focus all our energy on oil?" Jason said.

Qiao Silin seemed not to hear it. What's the point of saying this now

Jason ignored her and said, "But even if he guessed it at the beginning, what would he do?"

"We don't have to follow Zhang Ran's idea, because we can't give up oil at all. It is oil that made our Rhodes family successful, and in the end we died because of oil." Jason asked and answered.

Now he has figured everything out, but as he said himself, what can he do even if he has figured it out

Even if they had already guessed Zhang Ran's purpose, what could they do

Tell them to abandon the oil industry

That is simply impossible. Not to mention that they had sufficient confidence in oil before. Even now, oil is still the core industry of their family.

Their family relationships, connections, money, etc. all depend on this.

Jason knew that no matter what, they would never give up.

Zhang Ran also grasped their mentality, so he did this.

It is precisely because they have sufficient confidence in their own oil industry that they have not been afraid of Zhang Ran's actions.

Even though many other industries have been lost, even if other industries have been hit, they still believe that as long as there are no problems in the oil industry, then everything will not be a problem.

Moreover, they believe that there will be no problems in the oil industry at all, and if there are problems, they will be easily solved.

But the reality is that at this point, they really can't solve it.

No one thought that Zhang Ran could take the relationship to this point. At this time, the Rhodes family seemed to have been abandoned by the world.

As he spoke, Jason also fell silent.

I don’t know how long it took, but someone came in and said someone from the bank had arrived. Jason stood up expressionlessly.

Speaking of this bank, it had a very close relationship with the Rhodes family in the past. Some accounts that were exposed or shady were dealt with by them.

Even the Rhodes family is a minority shareholder of their bank, but once problems arise in their family, the bank will be the first to betray them.

However, Jason didn't yell out loud about this. He has been in shopping malls for a long time and knows that this is actually a normal phenomenon.

At the same time, it also showed that their family was completely without any hope.

In fact, wasn't the same thing true for the Rhodes family before? In order to share risks, they settled in Nanfa.

In fact, it is also a defense against others.

But this backhand was cut off directly by Zhang Ran.

After bringing the person in, the people at the bank didn't have any other excuses, they were just preparing to collect the account.

Jason ignored the people in the bank and looked at one of them, Yin Long.

"If I remember correctly, Mr. Yin should be the chairman of Galaxy Capital, and he has nothing to do with you? What? When did your bank become so open?" Jason said sarcastically.

Yin Long said with a smile: "Mr. Jason is right. I am not from their bank. I just came here to take a look, lest anyone take this opportunity to transfer property."

Yin Long did not shy away from Jason at all, he was just telling you that I am here to keep an eye on you.

Although the Rhodes family is doomed now, there are still three pounds of nails in the broken ship. It is still very simple for the Rhodes family to retain something.

For example, it would be like reaching some private agreement with the bank to collect more money, and then look for other opportunities to pay it back.

This kind of operation is actually not difficult, especially in capitalist countries like Europe and the United States.

Jason's face suddenly turned ugly when he heard this, and he stared directly at Yin Long. Yin Long was not afraid at all and just looked at him like this.

"You guys are really cruel!" Jason said through gritted teeth.

Jason really has this idea. He needs to leave some assets for the family. Even if he can't be like before, at least he must leave some property to support the family's life.

For this reason, he didn't even want to rise again.

But what Jason didn't expect was that Zhang Ran did it so brilliantly and didn't give him any chance.

Yin Long heard this and said with a smile: "To each other, when you betrayed Brother Zhang for profit, didn't you leave no trace of affection?"

Jason stopped talking, saying anything at this time was redundant.