From Being Grandpa

Chapter 1007: 1008. Give it another try for your family


At this time, if the bank can let Zhang Ran's people follow, it already has no sympathy for the Rhodes family.

But this is actually just for the bank to make a good sale to Zhang Ran.

It can be seen that the current Rhodes family only has this little status in their hearts.

Both Jason and Qiao Silin understood, so they were a little angry at this time, but they were helpless.

At this moment, they had no room for resistance.

For two days, everyone at the bank was busy, and Yin Long also sent people to watch. The effect of this was not very useful, but he just needed to show his attitude.

Believe it or not, as long as he relaxes a little bit, the bank might have some thoughts.

When it was all over, before leaving, Yin Long looked at the Rhodes brothers and sisters and said, "The day after tomorrow, Mr. Zhang Ran will come to take over the company in person. I hope I can see you all then."

After finishing speaking, Yin Long paused and said: "This is an opportunity to get to know each other. I think you don't want to continue to entangle me anymore. If it continues like this, it will not be a good thing for you."

"That's it, farewell!"

Seeing Yin Long and the others leaving, Jason clenched his fists and wanted to be angry, but found that he couldn't be angry at this time.

After closing his eyes for a long time, a bitter smile appeared on Jason's lips, "Joslyn, let me know, everyone involved in the Rhodes family will be present the day after tomorrow."

Although Qiao Silin was unwilling to give up, she was helpless at this time.

Qiao Silin nodded silently, but someone beside her said unwillingly: "Is this all we have

Even if we lose, we cannot be humiliated like this. "

Jason looked at the person who was speaking, and suddenly sneered: "Mike, don't even think about running away, and don't even think about escaping. If you escape, then other tribesmen will suffer next."

Mike's expression suddenly changed when he heard this.

"We came up with a good plan back then, and Qiao Silin and I were also the leaders. This also allowed the two of us to go from being marginal figures to becoming the core of the family.

We have never refuted this point, but the plan we proposed back then did not attack Zhang Ran and the others. Who was proposing this? At this time, there is no need for you to continue pretending, Mike? Jason said minding his own business.

He and Qiao Silin did lead the plan back then, but they just wanted to use Zhang Ran to cause conflict between Zhang Ran and some other families.

By the way, if they can lead Zhang Ran to fight against them, or even lose both sides, this is the result they are willing to see.

But there was no intention to kill Zhang Ran by force. There were many other detailed plans among them.

Although this plan may fail, relatively speaking, it is better than such a drastic plan.

When the final plan was implemented, Jason and the others were angry, but it was useless. They were still marginal figures at the time.

Although things escalated very quickly because of this incident, at that time, he was really not someone who could influence the family.

At that time, they didn't have the ability to question the family, otherwise it would just make their previous efforts in vain.

So they chose the default.

Over the years, they also knew who made the plan to kill Zhang Ran, but it was useless to tell them at the time, after all, Zhang Ran had disappeared for such a long time.

But now if Mike wants to leave, it is impossible.

Qiao Silin also said at this time: "Uncle Mike, don't think about anything else. If you want to leave, it depends on whether the rest of the family agrees.

Since Zhang Ran said he wanted to solve it once and for all this time, based on my understanding of him, no matter what the outcome is this time, he will not continue to struggle.

At that time, the rest of our family could still live a stable life.

But if you choose to leave now, it will be very difficult to live a stable life. "

When Mike heard what the two said, his eyes became a little crazy, "Don't say it so nice, don't you just want me to take the blame at this time

Let me eliminate Zhang Ran's anger so that you can protect yourselves? You were the real leaders of that plan back then. "

Jason looked at Mike like this and sighed: "Uncle Mike, you still don't understand us."

As he spoke, he looked at his sister Qiao Silin and said, "Qiao Silin, do you think Zhang Ran will let us go?"

"No!" Qiao Silin said firmly!

She was quite sure of this. Zhang Ran was actually very soft-hearted in many cases, just like back then, because of his soft-heartedness, he suddenly opened his heart to the two of them who were not favored by the family.

But sometimes, Zhang Ran's heart can be particularly hard!

At this time, no matter what they say, no matter how innocent they say, Zhang Ran will not let them go.

"Don't worry, Qiao Silin and I will do what we should do when the time comes, and you... also need to bear your responsibilities." Jason said indifferently.

He had given up resisting at this point, it was pointless.

At this time, he also understood what Zhang Ran said before. Most of the time, people can use many means to seek benefits for themselves.

But in the face of the general trend, it is difficult to stop.

Now Zhang Ran is performing for them what it means to be irreversible!

What stood in front of them at this time was not just a mere act, but also countless forces entangled in it.

An airtight net was formed, covering them tightly, leaving them unable to resist.

Shrouded in this big net, all their resistance is in vain.

They had seen it before and tried to resist before, but the more they resisted, the more desperate they felt.

It seems that this is what Zhang Ran wants them to feel, making them watch all this in despair.

Mike Yu said unwillingly: "I do this because of my family."

He didn't want to die like this, because he knew that once Zhang Ran knew it was him, Zhang Ran would not let him go, and his final fate might be worse than everyone else.

Jason said calmly: "Then why don't you pay for the family again now?"

"And have you forgotten that the Rhodes family has never been of one mind? Do you think Zhang Ran really doesn't know what you have done?" Jason said sarcastically.

Mike's expression changed again and again. What did Jason mean by this

Jason didn't say much. He actually knew that someone had already betrayed the family's details to Zhang Ran in private.

When he knew this, he didn't stop him, because it was unnecessary. At this point, it was a way for others to survive, even if it was at their expense.