From Being Grandpa

Chapter 26: 27. Zhang Ran’s promise


"You don't know, the first time I met Zhang Sicheng, I want to laugh when I think about it, hahaha." Liu Lu laughed as she spoke.

At the dinner table, Liu Lu, as the leader of the topic, tried her best to liven up the atmosphere. No, now she was starting to talk about Zhang Sicheng's embarrassment.

Zhang Sicheng's face started to turn red when he heard Liu Lu's words, "Don't say it. Didn't we agree not to mention this matter again?"

Obviously, Liu Lu's topic is something Zhang Sicheng really doesn't want to mention.

"Humph, you're allowed to do it but you're not allowed to say it yet? I'm going to say it." Liu Lu rarely showed a bad smile. She wanted to see her husband being embarrassed in front of his biological father.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Liu Lu also used this method to let Zhang Ran know more about Zhang Sicheng.

"When you say that, I'm really interested. What other earth-shattering things could he have done back then?" Zhang Ran became interested.

"Ahem, this is what you asked me to say. You don't know that the first time Zhang Sicheng and I met was in the hospital. I had just become a trainee nurse, and he was the first patient I received."

"You don't know, Zhang Sicheng was an infatuated man back then. He actually committed suicide by slitting his wrists for his then girlfriend, haha. But halfway through the cut, he cried for his mother in pain and hit 120. That scene, now that I think about it I want to laugh." Liu Lu laughed as she spoke.

Zhang Ran also looked at Zhang Sicheng with some surprise. He didn't expect that his son was so 'skilled' back then.

Zhang Sicheng felt very uncomfortable with Zhang Ran's gaze and muttered: "I was still young and ignorant at that time."

"Humph, you're ignorant? Then who keeps the photos of his ex-girlfriend? Do you really think I don't know?" Liu Lu snorted.

"Ahem, everything that happened when I was young is in the past. I'm going to throw it away." Zhang Sicheng said with a dry cough.

He didn't expect to be discovered by his wife. It wasn't that he really still missed his ex-girlfriend, but he didn't want to let her go at the time, and then he regarded it as a souvenir. Who would have thought that he would now have an old score settled in front of his father.

"There's no need to throw it away. Why don't I look as good-looking as anyone else?" Liu Lu said angrily.

"Sicheng did something wrong in this matter. I will take him to apologize to you." Zhang Ran said apologetically.

Liu Lu wasn't really angry. How could she be angry about this matter? She should have been angry a long time ago, but it was just an instinctive reaction at this point.

Hearing what Zhang Ran said, Liu Lu felt a little embarrassed: "What, I'm not angry, I'm just joking, don't take it seriously."

To be honest, although Liu Lu is not particularly beautiful, she is still very attractive, and she has a generous, gentle and considerate personality. She can be said to be the best ideal type for a man to get married.

Anyway, Zhang Ran has been very satisfied with his daughter-in-law in the past few days.

Zhang Ran looked at Liu Lu and said with a serious expression: "Liu Lu, no matter what, our Zhang family will never let you down."

"Don't say that, Sicheng is very good to me." Liu Lu said quickly. She didn't know the meaning of Zhang Ran's words now. If she knew, she would never be so calm.

Because Liu Lu started, Zhang Sicheng also let go and took the initiative to tell some of his embarrassing things, not only his own, but also Zhang Siyan's.

Anyway, I had a very enjoyable meal, and the atmosphere at home was getting better and better.

When they rested at night, Zhang Sicheng and Liu Lu fell asleep quickly, especially smelling the light fragrance, which made them sleep particularly sweetly.

When Zhang Sicheng woke up in the morning, he felt that his whole body was energetic. He was not as weak as before in the morning. He felt that his whole body was full of strength.

Zhang Sicheng had been suffering from insomnia because of company matters before, but he slept extremely well last night.

"Husband, how did you sleep last night?" Liu Lu also woke up at this time.

"Very good, I haven't slept so comfortably for a long time."

"Me too, do you think it's the effect of our father's three orchids?" Liu Lu said thoughtfully.

"Maybe, but it's probably a psychological effect. If it has such a big effect, it won't be less famous."

"Yes." After hearing Zhang Sicheng's words, Liu Lu didn't think too much and started to get up and cook.

... ... ... .

Time passed by so slowly, and everything seemed to be going well, but things were not always as expected.

Zhang Ran originally wanted to slowly improve Zhang Sicheng's life, slowly let them accept it, and cultivate their abilities by the way.

Especially after what Liu Lu said at the dinner table, Zhang Ran was even more like this. He didn't want to make this harmonious family become chaotic again because of his own reasons.

Even though that person was his own son, Zhang Ran still felt uneasy. Very few people could keep their true feelings despite getting rich suddenly.

But there is a saying that plans cannot keep up with changes.

Zhang Sicheng's home is only 60 to 70 square meters. In the past, it was fine for his family of three. Although it was a bit crowded, it was still manageable.

But when Zhang Ran came back and Susu was there, it seemed more crowded.

What's more critical is that the place is too small, which causes various inconveniences. The first is the problem of the bathroom. Going to the toilet and taking a shower are all big problems.

It was okay at the beginning, and he could barely adapt to it, but as time went on, it didn't take too long, just more than a week, and Zhang Ran felt all kinds of discomfort.

And when it comes to sleeping, Zhang Ran sleeps in the living room, so both Zhang Sicheng and Liu Lu need to be careful when getting up at night, and Zhang Ran feels uncomfortable.

Not only him, but Zhang Sicheng and Liu Lu were also the same, but no one said it out.

So Zhang Ran had to start thinking about the problem of the house. It was time to solve this problem, otherwise there would be no family conflicts due to the housing problem. This was not what Zhang Ran wanted to see.

So after Zhang Ran got up in the morning, he sent the two little guys to school first, and then prepared to start buying a house.

Zhang Ran is not familiar with demons, but it doesn't matter, there is still a follower.

Meng Mingxuan has not been summoned by Zhang Ran these days, so he still plays by himself.

He is not bored either. Although the city is not his base, he still has friends he knows and lives a very relaxed life every day.

This morning he was woken up by Zhang Ran's phone call while he was still sleeping. At first he thought it was a friend and was about to hang up the phone, but after seeing the caller ID, he immediately became energetic.

"Uncle Zhang, what are your orders?... Okay, I'll be here right away." Meng Mingxuan washed his face, sobered up and immediately drove to Zhang Ran.

This was Zhang Ran's first time working with him, so he couldn't slack off.