From Being Grandpa

Chapter 38: 39. The price of the bracelet


At noon, Zhang Rancai woke up naturally. Perhaps it was because he had a heart-to-heart talk with his son last night, which gave him a rare good sleep.

Zhang Sicheng was not at home at this time, and Zhang Ran was too lazy to cook by himself, planning to go out to eat directly.

I randomly found a noodle shop nearby, and just as I was about to sit down, I was stopped by someone.

"Brother, this way."

Zhang Ran looked over and found that it was the old man who played chess with him that day. Without hesitation, he walked over and stood opposite him.

"Brother, why are you going to a restaurant alone?" Zhang Ran asked with a smile.

The old man curled his lips and said: "It's not like the two unworthy descendants in the family actually refused to give me meat. How can this person bear it?"

It turns out that although the old man is still in good health, he also has some of the problems of the elderly, including high school education and so on.

Don't the family members have to make some plans for his diet, otherwise the old man's body would have collapsed a long time ago.

"What you have eaten is quite sumptuous." Zhang Ran looked at the food and said, not answering the old man's words.

Two sauced bones, a plate of chicken feet, and a plate of peanuts, all that was missing was a bottle of wine, but obviously the old man himself had taken care of it.

"Now that my life is better, I can't treat myself badly. By the way, do you want some?" the old man said politely.

In fact, he just wanted to be polite, but Zhang Ran was not polite to him, "Thank you very much, boss. Let's have a bowl of beef noodles and put it on this old man's account."

When the old man heard Zhang Ran's attitude, his face suddenly darkened.

But he soon stopped caring. He really didn't care about the money now, and Zhang Ran's unpretentious look made him quite comfortable.

The key thing is that it is rare to have someone who can talk to him.

"You're welcome." The old man laughed and cursed.

The speed above was quite fast, and the beef noodles Zhang Ran asked for were ready in a short while. Zhang Ran and the old man were chatting without a word.

After Zhang Ran finished eating, he settled the bill directly. He was just joking, how could he really take advantage of this old man.

When the old man saw it, it was already too late, and he said angrily to Zhang Ran: "Brother, are you looking down on me or something? Brother, don't I even have this little money?"

"Brother, don't be angry. Just treat it like I'm inviting you this time. Next time, next time, just ask me back. Okay, I have something else to do here, so you can eat first." Zhang Ran said Just left the noodle shop.

... ... ... ...

In the hotel, Meng Mingxuan answered the phone while still asleep.

"Uncle Zhang, um, I'm here... Okay, I'll go over now." Meng Mingxuan woke up as he spoke.

"Who is it? So early?" A muttered voice came over.

Meng Mingxuan was startled at first, but then he found many people lying in the room, and he patted his head before he remembered.

Maybe it was really because of excitement last night that after calling Meng Zixuan, he found some friends to drink and sing.

They had already drunk too much when they returned to the hotel, but after these people came to Meng Mingxuan, they actually started drinking again.

In a daze, everyone lay on the sofa and fell asleep on the floor. Fortunately, the heating was turned on enough and no one caught a cold.

"An elder asked me to come over." Meng Mingxuan explained casually.

Hearing what he said, the person who had just woken up suddenly lost interest and continued to lie down and sleep.

But then he seemed to remember something and muttered: "Mingxuan, if you are short of money, tell me. I bought the bracelet. If you think ten million is too little, I can add more."

Meng Mingxuan's friends now also know that his consumption is controlled by his family members.

"Go away, I won't sell this bracelet even if I'm short of money." Meng Mingxuan cursed, then washed his face and left.

The bracelet they were talking about was the one Zhang Ran gave to Meng Mingxuan as a meeting gift.

Meng Mingxuan and Meng Zixuan are not the two brothers and sisters of Zhang Sicheng. When they first saw the necklace and bracelet, they knew that these items were not cheap.

After looking at it, someone immediately recognized it, otherwise Meng Mingxuan wouldn't have been carrying it with him.

This bracelet is much more valuable than the famous watch on his wrist, and it's also stylish!

The most important thing is that Meng Mingxuan knows that Zhang Ran should have bought this bracelet twenty-eight years ago, which means that he and Zhang Ran have experienced that incredible time travel together.

Based on this, the value of the bracelet is definitely not just the price.

... ... ... .

When Meng Mingxuan found Zhang Ran, he found him squatting by the roadside chatting with two young men beside him. At first glance, it seemed that they were familiar with each other.

Meng Mingxuan did not drive his sports car this time, because his sports car was taken back by his father last night, leaving only an ordinary car worth more than 200,000 yuan.

"Uncle Zhang, where are you going to go shopping today?" Meng Mingxuan asked quickly when he saw Zhang Ran saying goodbye to the young people.

Zhang Ran said: "Just go to the shopping mall where Siyan's cosmetics store is located. Do you know the place?"

"I know, Sister Siyan told us during the chat when we first met." Meng Mingxuan said as he started the car.

Seeing that he knew, Zhang Ran didn't say anything more. The first thing he wanted to do this time was see where Zhang Siyan was working.

The second one is thinking about giving Zhang Siyan something.

After all, he has now bought a house for Zhang Sicheng and his wife. If he doesn't buy it for Zhang Siyan, he is afraid that Zhang Siyan will feel uncomfortable.

Perhaps because he has never fulfilled his responsibilities as a father, Zhang Ran always thinks more about this aspect.

If Zhang Sicheng's brother and sister had lived with him since childhood, then he would not have cared about this aspect at all, but who made him missing nearly thirty years in their lives.

... ... ... ... ..

The mall is crowded at the moment, and many people who work nearby will choose to eat here.

However, the number of people in cosmetics stores or clothing stores like Zhang Siyan's and others is relatively small.

Zhang Siyan and Qian Li were also eating at the moment. They had ordered takeout and had it delivered directly.

"Yanyan, what are you and that guy named Sun going to do? Is he not ready to pay alimony yet?" Qian Li couldn't help but ask.

Zhang Siyan had previously decided to divorce Sun Gaixin. There was no room for recovery, and Zhang Siyan no longer wanted to stay in that home.

Although Zhang Siyan is not a money-grubbing person, if she is alone, she can just clean up and leave the house, she doesn't care about this.

But she is not alone, she also has Susu, and Zhang Siyan does not want Susu to be wronged because of her own reasons.

So during this period, I have been fighting a divorce lawsuit for the issue of alimony.