From Being Grandpa

Chapter 657: 657. Warehouse auction


Liao Wei looked at her daughter Wang Ya who was walking in a hurry. She didn't know what she was thinking, but she quickly followed her.

She needs to pick up Yin Long as soon as he finishes eating.

... ... ... ... ... .

"Well done, Kaili, you passed the internship period. From today on, you will be a regular employee." Wang Ya's boss quickly praised.

This time Wang Ya made a great contribution, and as his boss, he also had some merit.


"By the way, where did you get this news?" the boss asked curiously.

Wang Ya smiled and said, "I heard it from a friend of mine."

"What kind of friend? When are you going to call us and sit down together?" The boss's face is quite thick.

Wang Ya just smiled and did not answer.

The boss was a little disappointed when he saw her look like this, but he didn't force it. Now that Wang Ya had registered in front of the company's upper-level leaders, she had at least shown her face, so she still needed some thought.

After her boss left, Ivy said excitedly: "Kelly, we really showed up this time."

"Yes, but this is just the beginning. I believe we will get better and better in the future." Wang Ya was also a little excited.

"Yes, we will definitely be better." Ivy also looked confident.

Wang Ya said: "I may have to get off work early. I want to thank Uncle Zhang. After all, it was Uncle Zhang who provided the inside information this time."

"That's for sure. Can I follow along?" Ivy had already decided that Zhang Ran was no longer an ordinary employee, and of course she wanted to get to know him better.

Wang Ya wanted to refuse, but thinking about Ivy's care for her, she finally nodded.

Zhang Ran didn't know this yet, but he could probably guess that since he handed the information to Wang Ya, he asked He Qing to keep an eye on some people.

Not only He Qing, but also people from He Yong's side were also watching.

However, Zhang Ran did not focus on this at this time. He was participating in a warehouse auction at this time.

This is an event specially prepared by Wang Chao, and it is also Wang Chao's first time to participate in such an event.

Warehouse auctions are a unique warehouse culture in the United States. Because there are no restrictions such as household registration, many people in the United States do not like to buy a house and prefer to rent a house. This is different from China, which sets a house as a lifelong goal.

Moreover, houses here in the United States have to pay property taxes every year, which is not a small burden for many young people.

In contrast, young people prefer renting a house.

However, there is also a disadvantage of renting a house, that is, you need to move a lot of things when you move, which is very time-consuming.

Some people don't like to move big bags every time, so they rent a warehouse to keep some unimportant or temporarily unused things in the warehouse.

Many times, these people may forget that they still have a warehouse and forget to pay to renew the lease.

Then the warehouse manager will put the warehouse up for auction.

Because no one except the owner knows what is inside, and there may be some valuable items, so this business also attracts many people.

Wang Chao checked all the information and prepared many things at the same time.

"These are the origins of American warehouse culture. This is my first time to participate in such a warehouse auction. I can play less and treat it as buying a lottery ticket, and I can also gain a little something." Wang Chao said.

Zhang Ran smiled and said: "This is pretty good, I really haven't played these before."

Zhang Ran also became a little bit interested. He had never touched these things before. When he first came to the United States, he already had a net worth of hundreds of millions, and all his contacts were with people from the upper class.

The activities he participated in were all so-called night banquets for wealthy people, and there were a lot of fancy things. He had really never been exposed to these things.

Gong Nan was also very interested in these things, but after looking at the people around him, he was slightly frightened and said, "If we find something good, will we be robbed?"

At this time, there were many people surrounding them, and many people looked at them with some unkind eyes.

It's not discrimination, but they themselves are incompatible with this place.

Zhang Ran won't say it anymore. Although he is wearing ordinary clothes, the temperament he has developed over a long time is still here, but it is not obvious in normal times.

But here, almost all of them are shirtless burly men with tattoos all over their bodies and a fierce look. They don't look like good people. Among these people, Zhang Ran is more obvious.

As for Wang Chao, he has always been in the school. He is also a school teacher and associate professor, and he has a strong bookish atmosphere.

Gong Nan also has the character of a good old man.

Anyway, the three of them are not from the same world as here at all, they are very different.

Moreover, warehouse auctions actually have some secret rules. Basically, people from nearby who specialize in this industry come to auction. They look like raw melons and eggs. Of course, laymen will receive some hostility.

Before Wang Chao spoke, Zhang Ran smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry about them, we'll take care of ourselves."

Gong Nan felt relieved after thinking about Zhang Ran's identity, and began to look at some warehouses with interest.

Before the auction, the warehouse will be opened for everyone to take a look. Of course, the items inside are covered with cloth, so you won't be able to find out what is there.

Half an hour later, the tour is over and the bidding begins.

Zhang Ran smiled and asked: "Do you have any warehouses you are interested in?"

Wang Chao nodded and said softly: "I think there seems to be good stuff in Warehouse No. 5."

Gong Nan also said furtively, "I feel like the stuff in Warehouse No. 10 is pretty good."

Looking at the appearance of these two guys, Zhang Ran couldn't help but want to laugh, as for that

However, he also felt a little excited in his heart. Such unknown things are indeed easy to arouse people's interest.

"The one I'm interested in is No. 13." Zhang Ran also reported the warehouse he was interested in.

They all communicate in Chinese. It is estimated that these people cannot understand it, and even if they understand it, what will happen

They don't care. If they compete with them, at a certain point, they won't want it anymore. Anyway, they are just here for fun, and they don't really make money from it.

The warehouse auction started soon. A warehouse manager randomly found a higher place and stood up. He just said a few words briefly. It was really simple and only two sentences.

"Is everyone optimistic?"

"Okay, now it's still auction."

"Warehouse No. 1!"



Zhang Ran felt more and more interesting as he looked at the price increase here and the small actions of some people in secret.